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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002162ESO SpolszczenieZadanie do tłumaczeniapublic2023-01-29 18:41 Assigned ToJakubson  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Target VersionClockwork CityFixed in Version4.040 
Summary0002162: Clockwork City - The Oscillating Son
DescriptionThe Oscillating Son
Zadanie posiada 3 części cz1 i 2 to są pliki w trakcie poszukiwać elementów mogą być mniej przydatne w 3 części jest całe zadanie + przypadkowe dialogi z miasta
TagsNo tags attached.


2021-04-30 19:59


The Oscillating Son cz1.lua (5,247 bytes)   
ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 =
    ["npc"] = 
        ["267200725-0-1313 Mechaniczne Miasto"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1348 Mosiężna Forteca"] = 
                ["8290981-0-79810 Asystentka Handlowa"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-1-8708 Do you need assistance leaving the premises?",
                        [2] = "149328292-2-8708 I will not harm you, citizen.",
                        [3] = "149328292-0-8708 How may I detain you today?",
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["149328292-2-8708 I will not harm you, citizen."] = 
                        ["149328292-0-8708 How may I detain you today?"] = 
                        ["149328292-1-8708 Do you need assistance leaving the premises?"] = 
                ["8290981-0-79809 Mordrold"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-2-8707 This useless pile of brass used to be a guard of some sort. Its harmless now, though. Well, mostly harmless.",
                        [2] = "149328292-0-8707 I feel like this factotum has cost me more gold than its saved, what with all the customers its run off.",
                        [3] = "149328292-1-8707 I know factotums can run a shop well enough, I've seen it. Perhaps you just can't teach an old machine new tricks.",
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["149328292-0-8707 I feel like this factotum has cost me more gold than its saved, what with all the customers its run off."] = 
                        ["149328292-1-8707 I know factotums can run a shop well enough, I've seen it. Perhaps you just can't teach an old machine new tricks."] = 
                        ["149328292-2-8707 This useless pile of brass used to be a guard of some sort. Its harmless now, though. Well, mostly harmless."] = 
        ["267200725-0-1060 Vvardenfell"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1287 Miasto Vivek"] = 
                ["8290981-0-63719 Drel Trandel"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-0-7402 Najlepsze wierzchowce na całym Vvardenfell, właśnie tu! Chodź i zobacz, co jest dziś dostępne!",
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["Zobacz stajnie"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["149328292-0-7402 Najlepsze wierzchowce na całym Vvardenfell, właśnie tu! Chodź i zobacz, co jest dziś dostępne!"] = 
                            ["Zobacz stajnie"] = "",
    ["subtitles"] = 
        ["267200725-0-1313 Mechaniczne Miasto"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1348 Mosiężna Forteca"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [4] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79809 Mordrold",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29325 Ain't ever a threat to begin with! Oh, you test my last nerve, you do.",
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79810 Asystentka Handlowa",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29322 Daedric threat no longer detected.",
                    [2] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79809 Mordrold",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29323 This again? I told you, ain't no Daedra in Clockwork!",
                    [3] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79810 Asystentka Handlowa",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29324 Correct. There is no longer a Daedric threat in Clockwork City.",
    ["books"] = 
        ["267200725-0-30 Pustynia Alik'r"] = 
            ["267200725-0-231 Aldunz"] = 
                [1398] = "51188213-0-1398 List od Quintusa",
The Oscillating Son cz1.lua (5,247 bytes)   
The Oscillating Son cz2.lua (12,833 bytes)   
ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 =
    ["npc"] = 
        ["267200725-0-1060 Vvardenfell"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1287 Miasto Vivek"] = 
                ["8290981-0-63719 Drel Trandel"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["Zobacz stajnie"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-1-7402 Wyglądasz, jakbyś wiedział, jak się ujeżdża bestię! Wypróbuj jednego w moich wspaniałych wierzchowców, a zgodzisz się ze mną — nie znajdziesz lepszych w całym Morrowind!",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["149328292-1-7402 Wyglądasz, jakbyś wiedział, jak się ujeżdża bestię! Wypróbuj jednego w moich wspaniałych wierzchowców, a zgodzisz się ze mną — nie znajdziesz lepszych w całym Morrowind!"] = 
                            ["Zobacz stajnie"] = "",
                ["8290981-0-63745 Jeeba-Noo"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["Sklep (99527054-0-63745 Kupiec)"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-1-7401 Jestem wolną siostrą z jaj z Czarnych Mokradeł, i przybyłam tu, by prowadzić interes i się bogacić.\n\nNikt jednak nie powiedział mi, że prowadzenie interesu będzie tak ciężkie.",
                        [2] = "149328292-0-7401 Mówili, że teraz mogę tu zarobić fortunę, skoro niewolnictwo zostało już zniesione. Nie spodziewałam się tylko, że będzie tu wszędzie tyle mrocznych elfów!",
                        [3] = "149328292-2-7401 Rabunki i morderstwa! To przydarza się ludziom częściej, niż myślisz. To dlatego mam przy sobie tylko ograniczoną ilość złota.\n\nTo jak, przyszedłeś tu dziś coś kupić, czy coś ukraść?",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["149328292-2-7401 Rabunki i morderstwa! To przydarza się ludziom częściej, niż myślisz. To dlatego mam przy sobie tylko ograniczoną ilość złota.\n\nTo jak, przyszedłeś tu dziś coś kupić, czy coś ukraść?"] = 
                            ["Sklep (99527054-0-63745 Kupiec)"] = "",
                        ["149328292-0-7401 Mówili, że teraz mogę tu zarobić fortunę, skoro niewolnictwo zostało już zniesione. Nie spodziewałam się tylko, że będzie tu wszędzie tyle mrocznych elfów!"] = 
                            ["Sklep (99527054-0-63745 Kupiec)"] = "",
                        ["149328292-1-7401 Jestem wolną siostrą z jaj z Czarnych Mokradeł, i przybyłam tu, by prowadzić interes i się bogacić.\n\nNikt jednak nie powiedział mi, że prowadzenie interesu będzie tak ciężkie."] = 
                            ["Sklep (99527054-0-63745 Kupiec)"] = "",
                ["8290981-0-63751 Dayna Imayn"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["Bank gildii"] = 
                        ["Bank"] = 
                        ["Sklep gildii"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-3-7390 Wydajesz się odrobinę zagubiony. Oto depozytorium miasta Vivek, najlepszy bank w całym Vvardenfell. Czy chcesz, bym pokazała ci skarbiec?",
                        [2] = "149328292-2-7390 Czerwona Góra? Och, to tylko hałas i dym. Nie ma się czym martwić. Jestem niemal pewna, że nie wybuchnie w trakcie naszego życia. Lord Vivek i Trójca nigdy nie pozwoliliby na takie coś!",
                        [3] = "149328292-1-7390 Mogłabym ci zaśpiewać i zatańczyć, ale koniec końców, to tylko bank. Albo potrzebujesz naszych usług, albo nie. To proste.",
                        [4] = "149328292-0-7390 Och, nie zwracaj uwagi na ten wielki kawał skały wiszący nad miastem. Jest całkowicie bezpieczny. Lord Vivek zadbał o to!",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["149328292-0-7390 Och, nie zwracaj uwagi na ten wielki kawał skały wiszący nad miastem. Jest całkowicie bezpieczny. Lord Vivek zadbał o to!"] = 
                            ["Bank gildii"] = "",
                            ["Bank"] = "",
                            ["Sklep gildii"] = "",
                        ["149328292-1-7390 Mogłabym ci zaśpiewać i zatańczyć, ale koniec końców, to tylko bank. Albo potrzebujesz naszych usług, albo nie. To proste."] = 
                            ["Bank gildii"] = "",
                            ["Bank"] = "",
                            ["Sklep gildii"] = "",
                        ["149328292-2-7390 Czerwona Góra? Och, to tylko hałas i dym. Nie ma się czym martwić. Jestem niemal pewna, że nie wybuchnie w trakcie naszego życia. Lord Vivek i Trójca nigdy nie pozwoliliby na takie coś!"] = 
                            ["Bank gildii"] = "",
                            ["Bank"] = "",
                            ["Sklep gildii"] = "",
                        ["149328292-3-7390 Wydajesz się odrobinę zagubiony. Oto depozytorium miasta Vivek, najlepszy bank w całym Vvardenfell. Czy chcesz, bym pokazała ci skarbiec?"] = 
                            ["Bank gildii"] = "",
                            ["Bank"] = "",
                            ["Sklep gildii"] = "",
        ["267200725-0-1313 Mechaniczne Miasto"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1348 Mosiężna Forteca"] = 
                ["8290981-0-79161 Wspólnik Zanon"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-49542 Do you really think the Precursor is the first factotum Sotha Sil created?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49542 There's no way to be sure, short of asking Lord Seht, but many signs point that way. The Dwarven influences, the different coloring, the male voice. \n\nNot to mention he's more, shall we say, loquacious than your average factotum."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-49542 Loquacious?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49622 Factotums don't have emotions or individuality. They say whatever they're functioned to say, nothing more. But this one seems to have a personality of sorts.\n\nFor what reason though? We have to continue our research if we're to find that out."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-3-10676 Remember, the parts are most likely in the Clockwork City or in Dwemer ruins in Tamriel. \n\nI've heard of corrupted memory crystals firing at random, so you may want to return occasionally to see if the Precursor knows anything new.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-49542 There's no way to be sure, short of asking Lord Seht, but many signs point that way. The Dwarven influences, the different coloring, the male voice. \n\nNot to mention he's more, shall we say, loquacious than your average factotum."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-49542 Loquacious?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-49622 Factotums don't have emotions or individuality. They say whatever they're functioned to say, nothing more. But this one seems to have a personality of sorts.\n\nFor what reason though? We have to continue our research if we're to find that out."] = 
                        ["55049764-3-10676 Remember, the parts are most likely in the Clockwork City or in Dwemer ruins in Tamriel. \n\nI've heard of corrupted memory crystals firing at random, so you may want to return occasionally to see if the Precursor knows anything new."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-49542 Do you really think the Precursor is the first factotum Sotha Sil created?"] = "",
                ["87370069-0-23052 Prekursor"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-49908 Gustatory sensors … Lord Vivec …?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49911 I mean, of course I have no proof that he had a part in my creation, but I like to think so! My dramatic flair, my poetic soul. It helps set me apart from the rest of my siblings.\n\nTo sense, to touch, to feel. What gifts I have been given!"] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-49908 Your memories are quite vivid."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49908 Lord Sotha Sil deemed it uncouth to give my parts eyes, but each has a wide array of sensors. I can orient myself on Nirn by the air's smell and the earth's feel. Why, my pelvis even has gustatory sensors! I suspect that's Lord Vivec's contribution."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-0-8683 Tremendous! You've recovered all my parts. I cannot wait to be whole once more.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-49908 Lord Sotha Sil deemed it uncouth to give my parts eyes, but each has a wide array of sensors. I can orient myself on Nirn by the air's smell and the earth's feel. Why, my pelvis even has gustatory sensors! I suspect that's Lord Vivec's contribution."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-49908 Gustatory sensors … Lord Vivec …?"] = "",
                        ["149328292-0-8683 Tremendous! You've recovered all my parts. I cannot wait to be whole once more."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-49908 Your memories are quite vivid."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-49911 I mean, of course I have no proof that he had a part in my creation, but I like to think so! My dramatic flair, my poetic soul. It helps set me apart from the rest of my siblings.\n\nTo sense, to touch, to feel. What gifts I have been given!"] = 
    ["books"] = 
        ["267200725-0-61 Wschodnia Marchia"] = 
            ["267200725-0-159 Mzulft"] = 
                [423] = "51188213-0-423 Dziennik Kireth, strona 10",
        ["267200725-0-7 Kamienna Kaskada"] = 
            ["267200725-0-90 Armatura Morza Wewnętrznego"] = 
                [123] = "51188213-0-123 Obszarpana notatka",
    ["subtitles"] = 
        ["267200725-0-1313 Mechaniczne Miasto"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1335 Mechaniczny Fundament"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29549 You'll get yours for interfering, mortal.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79203 Kuvaduul",
The Oscillating Son cz2.lua (12,833 bytes)   
The Oscillating Son cz3.lua (51,452 bytes)   
ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 =
    ["subtitles"] = 
        ["267200725-0-1313 Mechaniczne Miasto"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1348 Mosiężna Forteca"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29306 Can you fix it?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79809 Mordrold",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29307 Well, I wouldn't say it's broke. It's performing as originally functioned.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79811 Wspólnik Zanon",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29308 I don't need a guard factotum, I need a shop assistant!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79809 Mordrold",
                    [4] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29309 There's not much I can do ….",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79811 Wspólnik Zanon",
                    [5] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29310 And if I could offer some funding for your research?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79809 Mordrold",
                    [6] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29311 Perhaps there's something I can do.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79811 Wspólnik Zanon",
                [2] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29300 Just do as I say, you skeever!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79809 Mordrold",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29301 Reflecting … reflecting ….",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79810 Asystentka Handlowa",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29302 Wait, what are you doing now?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79809 Mordrold",
                    [4] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29303 I am a factotum, not a large rodent, citizen.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79810 Asystentka Handlowa",
                    [5] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29304 Co?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79809 Mordrold",
                    [6] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29305 A skeever is a large rodent. I am not a large rodent.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79810 Asystentka Handlowa",
                [3] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29020 Lector Trivura! Thank you for coming. It's been too long.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79262 Wspólnik Zanon",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29021 Perhaps. This auxiliary tells me you've reconstructed a factotum?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79218 Lektorka Trivura",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29022 Yes, right here. It's almost emerged from liminality.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79262 Wspólnik Zanon",
                    [4] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29023 Fascinating. How did you manage to refactor the subjectivity lacework? Did you construct a locus amoenus to stabilize it?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79218 Lektorka Trivura",
                    [5] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29025 I, ah, the factotum has a record of all the operations I made. I'm afraid I was in something of a trance. Possibly divine inspiration!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79262 Wspólnik Zanon",
                    [6] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29026 Possibly.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79218 Lektorka Trivura",
                    [7] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29027 The reconditioning is complete. May I present my finest work, the Precursor!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79262 Wspólnik Zanon",
                    [8] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29028 What a relief to be in one piece again. And you've fixed my nagging elbow joint! Bravo, apostle, bravo.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79216 Prekursor",
                    [9] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29029 Oh Divine Metronome, why do you test me so?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79218 Lektorka Trivura",
                    [10] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29030 Why, an addition to our party! Forgive my rudeness, apostle. You may call me the Precursor.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79216 Prekursor",
                    [11] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29031 I know what you are, pendulate. The holy text calls you the Oscillating Son.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79218 Lektorka Trivura",
                    [12] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29032 I'm afraid the texts are a tad inaccurate then. Sotha Sil did not create me with a gender in mind.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79216 Prekursor",
                    [13] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29033 Silence, blasphemer! They speak of a fractured creation of Lord Seht, discarded in the First Era. Left with the knowledge to rebuild itself only to test his pupils.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79218 Lektorka Trivura",
                    [14] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29034 Fractured? Discarded? I'm just a tad old is all! I'm sure this is just a mistake.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79216 Prekursor",
                    [15] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29035 Your only purpose is to convince unworthy apostles to rebuild you. Any child could complete such a task.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79218 Lektorka Trivura",
                    [16] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29036 But Lector, it's not as simple as you say! I learned much from working on this factotum. My research has been advanced tenfold.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79262 Wspólnik Zanon",
                    [17] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29037 If you developed the skill of contemplation instead of mere tinkering, perhaps you would know better, Zanon. Speak to me when you've done so. And dismantle that thing.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79218 Lektorka Trivura",
                    [18] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29038 Excuse me? Dismantle? Why I never!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79216 Prekursor",
                    [19] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29039 Lector, please don't go! I still don't understand what you want from me!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79262 Wspólnik Zanon",
                    [20] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29040 But apostle, what of me?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79216 Prekursor",
                    [21] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29041 You can go jump in a recycling furnace for all I care!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79262 Wspólnik Zanon",
                    [22] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-29042 How rude!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-79216 Prekursor",
        ["267200725-0-74 Wyspa Ponurej Skały"] = 
            ["267200725-0-8 Wioska Ponurej Skały"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [4] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-10376 Myślałam, że zarzynasz gęś.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-24343 Svilda Noellaume",
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-10373 \"Bohater, bohater nasz serce ma wojownika…\"",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-24345 Otroggar",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-10374 Och, na litość Kyne. Zaprzestań.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-24343 Svilda Noellaume",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-10375 Co? Jestem dobrym śpiewakiem!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-24345 Otroggar",
    ["npc"] = 
        ["267200725-0-26 Shadowfen"] = 
            ["267200725-0-217 Twierdza Burz"] = 
                ["8290981-0-75015 Falvis Raram"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-46911 Deshaan, kiedy będziesz gotowy."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-46911 Chciałbym udać się w podróż w obrębie Paktu Ebonheart."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-46911 Ruszajmy."] = "",
                        ["204987124-2-46911 Nieważne. Muszę udać się w podróż do innej frakcji."] = 
                        ["204987124-1-46926 Rozdarta Iglica w Przymierzu Daggerfall."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-46926 Zielona Polana w Aldmerskim Dominium."] = 
                        ["204987124-1-46911 Wschodnia Marchia, jeśli można."] = 
                        ["204987124-2-46926 Po zastanowieniu jednak chcę udać się w podróż w obrębie Paktu Ebonheart."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-46926 Czy możesz mnie zabrać do innej frakcji?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-46926 Idź z Trójcą."] = "",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-46911 Ruszajmy."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-46911 Deshaan, kiedy będziesz gotowy."] = "",
                            ["204987124-2-46911 Nieważne. Muszę udać się w podróż do innej frakcji."] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-46911 Wschodnia Marchia, jeśli można."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-46926 Idź z Trójcą."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-46926 Zielona Polana w Aldmerskim Dominium."] = "",
                            ["204987124-2-46926 Po zastanowieniu jednak chcę udać się w podróż w obrębie Paktu Ebonheart."] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-46926 Rozdarta Iglica w Przymierzu Daggerfall."] = "",
                        ["149328292-2-7545 Lista pasażerów jest pełna, ale znajdę miejsce."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-46926 Czy możesz mnie zabrać do innej frakcji?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-46911 Chciałbym udać się w podróż w obrębie Paktu Ebonheart."] = "",
                        ["149328292-0-7545 Nie obiecuję wygodnego zakwaterowania."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-46926 Czy możesz mnie zabrać do innej frakcji?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-46911 Chciałbym udać się w podróż w obrębie Paktu Ebonheart."] = "",
                        ["149328292-1-7545 Mogę cię umieścić. Mamy nawet wolny hamak!"] = 
                            ["228103012-0-46926 Czy możesz mnie zabrać do innej frakcji?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-46911 Chciałbym udać się w podróż w obrębie Paktu Ebonheart."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-1-7545 Mogę cię umieścić. Mamy nawet wolny hamak!",
                        [2] = "149328292-0-7545 Nie obiecuję wygodnego zakwaterowania.",
                        [3] = "149328292-2-7545 Lista pasażerów jest pełna, ale znajdę miejsce.",
                ["8290981-0-77518 Kapitan Jenassa"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-48478 Udajmy się więc do Seyda Neen!"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-48478 Czy możesz mnie zabrać do Seyda Neen?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-48478 Z pewnością! Takie urokliwe miasteczko portowe jak Seyda Neen będzie świetnym miejscem do rozpoczęcia podróży po tak rozległej wyspie."] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-48478 Po namyśle wolałbym jednak udać się do miasta Vivek."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-48479 Może miasto Vivek?"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-48478 Z pewnością! Takie urokliwe miasteczko portowe jak Seyda Neen będzie świetnym miejscem do rozpoczęcia podróży po tak rozległej wyspie."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-48478 Udajmy się więc do Seyda Neen!"] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-48478 Po namyśle wolałbym jednak udać się do miasta Vivek."] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-10461 Masz nastrój na małą wycieczkę? Mogę cię zabrać do Vvardenfell. Porty zawinięcia to Seyda Neen i miasto Vivek."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-48478 Czy możesz mnie zabrać do Seyda Neen?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-48479 Może miasto Vivek?"] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-0-10461 Masz nastrój na małą wycieczkę? Mogę cię zabrać do Vvardenfell. Porty zawinięcia to Seyda Neen i miasto Vivek.",
        ["267200725-0-1313 Mechaniczne Miasto"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1362 Mechaniczny Fundament"] = 
                ["8290981-0-79218 Lektorka Trivura"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-49553 He's reconstructed an ancient factotum."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49555 Truly? Replicating the divine is no trivial claim. \n\nTo reproduce the work of the Mainspring Ever-Wound takes more than mere skill or knowledge. To create a factotum, where brass and soul have merged to one?  Inconceivable."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-49867 Co masz na myśli?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49868 That was both an answer and a dismissal. You may leave now, and reflect."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-49553 Associate Zanon wishes for you to evaluate him."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49553 Has my wayward pupil found something of worth? Zanon is an errant bearing in the system. He acts much but contributes nothing, trapped upon the Pendulum. \n\nI do not wish for my meditation to be interrupted by frivolity."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-49555 Come see for yourself."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49554 Your confidence intrigues me. \n\nVery well. After all, the Sermons tell us that knowledge is hidden only to be found, even the mysteries of the factotums. Meet me in Zanon's workshop. Let us see if he will disappoint me once again."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-49867 Why are you down here?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49867 Silence gives birth to the intrepid mind. Knowledge must be found—and to find a thing, it must be hidden. It is not enough to be told."] = "",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-0-10683 I will find my own way to Zanon's workshop. Go tell my student that I will arrive shortly."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-49867 Why are you down here?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-49555 Truly? Replicating the divine is no trivial claim. \n\nTo reproduce the work of the Mainspring Ever-Wound takes more than mere skill or knowledge. To create a factotum, where brass and soul have merged to one?  Inconceivable."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-49555 Come see for yourself."] = "",
                        ["55049764-1-10683 I hold in my head a globe. An intricate network of loops, gears, and strings. All interwoven in a delicate pattern which focuses the strength of all without tearing at the seams.\n\nWhere do you fit in this pattern?"] = 
                            ["228103012-0-49553 Associate Zanon wishes for you to evaluate him."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-49553 Has my wayward pupil found something of worth? Zanon is an errant bearing in the system. He acts much but contributes nothing, trapped upon the Pendulum. \n\nI do not wish for my meditation to be interrupted by frivolity."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-49553 He's reconstructed an ancient factotum."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-49554 Your confidence intrigues me. \n\nVery well. After all, the Sermons tell us that knowledge is hidden only to be found, even the mysteries of the factotums. Meet me in Zanon's workshop. Let us see if he will disappoint me once again."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-49867 Silence gives birth to the intrepid mind. Knowledge must be found—and to find a thing, it must be hidden. It is not enough to be told."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-49867 Co masz na myśli?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-49868 That was both an answer and a dismissal. You may leave now, and reflect."] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [2] = "55049764-0-10683 I will find my own way to Zanon's workshop. Go tell my student that I will arrive shortly.",
                        [1] = "55049764-1-10683 I hold in my head a globe. An intricate network of loops, gears, and strings. All interwoven in a delicate pattern which focuses the strength of all without tearing at the seams.\n\nWhere do you fit in this pattern?",
            ["267200725-0-1348 Mosiężna Forteca"] = 
                ["8290981-0-79810 Asystentka Handlowa"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["149328292-1-8708 Do you need assistance leaving the premises?"] = 
                        ["149328292-0-8708 How may I detain you today?"] = 
                        ["149328292-2-8708 I will not harm you, citizen."] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-1-8708 Do you need assistance leaving the premises?",
                        [2] = "149328292-0-8708 How may I detain you today?",
                        [3] = "149328292-2-8708 I will not harm you, citizen.",
                ["87370069-0-23048 Prekursor"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-49908 Gustatory sensors … Lord Vivec …?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49911 I mean, of course I have no proof that he had a part in my creation, but I like to think so! My dramatic flair, my poetic soul. It helps set me apart from the rest of my siblings.\n\nTo sense, to touch, to feel. What gifts I have been given!"] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-49908 Your memories are quite vivid."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49908 Lord Sotha Sil deemed it uncouth to give my parts eyes, but each has a wide array of sensors. I can orient myself on Nirn by the air's smell and the earth's feel. Why, my pelvis even has gustatory sensors! I suspect that's Lord Vivec's contribution."] = "",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-49908 Lord Sotha Sil deemed it uncouth to give my parts eyes, but each has a wide array of sensors. I can orient myself on Nirn by the air's smell and the earth's feel. Why, my pelvis even has gustatory sensors! I suspect that's Lord Vivec's contribution."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-49908 Gustatory sensors … Lord Vivec …?"] = "",
                        ["149328292-0-8683 Tremendous! You've recovered all my parts. I cannot wait to be whole once more."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-49908 Your memories are quite vivid."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-49911 I mean, of course I have no proof that he had a part in my creation, but I like to think so! My dramatic flair, my poetic soul. It helps set me apart from the rest of my siblings.\n\nTo sense, to touch, to feel. What gifts I have been given!"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-0-8683 Tremendous! You've recovered all my parts. I cannot wait to be whole once more.",
                ["8290981-0-79216 Prekursor"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-0-10685 I've never seen such a farce. What has happened to the state in intellectual curiosity in Clockwork City? I'm simply beside myself."] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-0-10685 I've never seen such a farce. What has happened to the state in intellectual curiosity in Clockwork City? I'm simply beside myself.",
                ["8290981-0-79262 Wspólnik Zanon"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["232026500-0-12880 She should arrive soon."] = 
                            ["116521668-0-12880 Oh, what a relief. Not that she would refuse, of course.\n\nNow, for all that you've done, I feel it only proper that you should take ownership of the Precursor. I've learned all I can from it, and I'm sure you'll find it useful for … something."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-49862 So she's your teacher?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49864 Every apostle is expected to take upon a specific field of study. Lectors are assigned to help with the pursuit of that knowledge. \n\nSeht knows that it wasn't easy getting Lector Trivura to agree with my particular field."] = "",
                        ["20958740-0-7388 Gdzie ona jest?"] = 
                            ["3952276-1-7388 Unfortunately, she has ensconced herself deep in the Mechanical Fundament to meditate on the nature of the Sublime Piston. I haven't seen her in over a year, but I'm sure you'll have no trouble with the patrolling factotums."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-49862 Can you tell me more about Lector Trivura?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49862 Any apostle who gains the position of lector is worth admiration. To learn the will of Sotha Sil is a noble pursuit in itself, but to have the wisdom to teach that will? It is a goal that many of my order pursue but few obtain."] = "",
                        ["20958740-1-7388 Pójdę jej poszukać."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-49864 What's wrong with studying factotums?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49863 Our mentorship is … unusual. Her supposed incredulity is only meant to spur me on. Push me to do better, reach higher. Her dislike of my field is only a part of this. \n\nAnd now is finally the time to prove myself!"] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-49542 Loquacious?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49622 Factotums don't have emotions or individuality. They say whatever they're functioned to say, nothing more. But this one seems to have a personality of sorts.\n\nFor what reason though? We have to continue our research if we're to find that out."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-49542 Do you really think the Precursor is the first factotum Sotha Sil created?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-49542 There's no way to be sure, short of asking Lord Seht, but many signs point that way. The Dwarven influences, the different coloring, the male voice. \n\nNot to mention he's more, shall we say, loquacious than your average factotum."] = "",
                        ["249936564-0-7388 Co się teraz stanie?"] = 
                            ["3952276-0-7388 I must weave the fine threads of the tertiary connections between the Precursor's parts. That will allow it to remain stable while moving. Not an easy task, believe me.\n\nI need you to go alert my sponsor, Lector Trivura."] = "",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-0-10676 Were you successful in your endeavor? I know Lector Trivura isn't always the easiest apostle to convince."] = 
                            ["232026500-0-12880 She should arrive soon."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-49862 Any apostle who gains the position of lector is worth admiration. To learn the will of Sotha Sil is a noble pursuit in itself, but to have the wisdom to teach that will? It is a goal that many of my order pursue but few obtain."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-49862 So she's your teacher?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-1-10676 I hope you can get through to Lector Trivura. She's remarkably reticent when she's thinking deeply on the will of the Divine Metronome. Which is often."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-49542 Do you really think the Precursor is the first factotum Sotha Sil created?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-49862 Can you tell me more about Lector Trivura?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-49542 There's no way to be sure, short of asking Lord Seht, but many signs point that way. The Dwarven influences, the different coloring, the male voice. \n\nNot to mention he's more, shall we say, loquacious than your average factotum."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-49542 Loquacious?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-2-10676 We've finally done it! We gathered all the parts the Precursor needs to fully regain functionality. Oh, what a gleaming day for innovation."] = 
                            ["249936564-0-7388 Co się teraz stanie?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-49863 Our mentorship is … unusual. Her supposed incredulity is only meant to spur me on. Push me to do better, reach higher. Her dislike of my field is only a part of this. \n\nAnd now is finally the time to prove myself!"] = 
                        ["3952276-0-7388 I must weave the fine threads of the tertiary connections between the Precursor's parts. That will allow it to remain stable while moving. Not an easy task, believe me.\n\nI need you to go alert my sponsor, Lector Trivura."] = 
                            ["20958740-0-7388 Gdzie ona jest?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-49864 Every apostle is expected to take upon a specific field of study. Lectors are assigned to help with the pursuit of that knowledge. \n\nSeht knows that it wasn't easy getting Lector Trivura to agree with my particular field."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-49864 What's wrong with studying factotums?"] = "",
                        ["3952276-1-7388 Unfortunately, she has ensconced herself deep in the Mechanical Fundament to meditate on the nature of the Sublime Piston. I haven't seen her in over a year, but I'm sure you'll have no trouble with the patrolling factotums."] = 
                            ["20958740-1-7388 Pójdę jej poszukać."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-49622 Factotums don't have emotions or individuality. They say whatever they're functioned to say, nothing more. But this one seems to have a personality of sorts.\n\nFor what reason though? We have to continue our research if we're to find that out."] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-2-10676 We've finally done it! We gathered all the parts the Precursor needs to fully regain functionality. Oh, what a gleaming day for innovation.",
                        [2] = "55049764-1-10676 I hope you can get through to Lector Trivura. She's remarkably reticent when she's thinking deeply on the will of the Divine Metronome. Which is often.",
                        [3] = "55049764-0-10676 Were you successful in your endeavor? I know Lector Trivura isn't always the easiest apostle to convince.",
                ["8290981-0-79809 Mordrold"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["149328292-0-8707 I feel like this factotum has cost me more gold than its saved, what with all the customers its run off."] = 
                        ["149328292-1-8707 I know factotums can run a shop well enough, I've seen it. Perhaps you just can't teach an old machine new tricks."] = 
                        ["149328292-2-8707 This useless pile of brass used to be a guard of some sort. Its harmless now, though. Well, mostly harmless."] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-1-8707 I know factotums can run a shop well enough, I've seen it. Perhaps you just can't teach an old machine new tricks.",
                        [2] = "149328292-0-8707 I feel like this factotum has cost me more gold than its saved, what with all the customers its run off.",
                        [3] = "149328292-2-8707 This useless pile of brass used to be a guard of some sort. Its harmless now, though. Well, mostly harmless.",
        ["267200725-0-13 Deshaan"] = 
            ["267200725-0-205 Twierdza Smutku"] = 
                ["8290981-0-75015 Falvis Raram"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-46908 Shadowfen, kiedy będziesz gotowy."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-46923 Czy możesz mnie zabrać do innej frakcji?"] = 
                        ["204987124-1-46908 Kamienna Kaskada, jeśli można."] = 
                        ["204987124-2-46908 Nieważne. Muszę udać się w podróż do innej frakcji."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-46908 Chciałbym udać się w podróż w obrębie Paktu Ebonheart."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-46908 Ruszajmy."] = "",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-46908 Ruszajmy."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-46908 Shadowfen, kiedy będziesz gotowy."] = "",
                            ["204987124-2-46908 Nieważne. Muszę udać się w podróż do innej frakcji."] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-46908 Kamienna Kaskada, jeśli można."] = "",
                        ["149328292-1-7545 Mogę cię umieścić. Mamy nawet wolny hamak!"] = 
                            ["228103012-0-46923 Czy możesz mnie zabrać do innej frakcji?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-46908 Chciałbym udać się w podróż w obrębie Paktu Ebonheart."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-1-7545 Mogę cię umieścić. Mamy nawet wolny hamak!",
                ["8290981-0-32958 Naddu Indoril"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["149328292-0-692 I overheard an Ordinator. She said that Magistrix Vox was behind our recent troubles."] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-0-692 I overheard an Ordinator. She said that Magistrix Vox was behind our recent troubles.",
        ["267200725-0-74 Wyspa Ponurej Skały"] = 
            ["267200725-0-8 Wioska Ponurej Skały"] = 
                ["8290981-0-56526 Liezl"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-2-38292 Chciałbym udać się do Bal Foyen."] = 
                        ["204987124-1-38292 Chciałbym udać się do Strażnicy Davona."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-38292 Muszę zorganizować transport."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-38292 Naprawdę? Dołącz do mnie w mojej łódce, jeśli chcesz, choć zależy, gdzie chcesz się dostać."] = "",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-3-8751 Tak?"] = 
                            ["228103012-0-38292 Muszę zorganizować transport."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-38292 Naprawdę? Dołącz do mnie w mojej łódce, jeśli chcesz, choć zależy, gdzie chcesz się dostać."] = 
                            ["204987124-1-38292 Chciałbym udać się do Strażnicy Davona."] = "",
                            ["204987124-2-38292 Chciałbym udać się do Bal Foyen."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-3-8751 Tak?",
        ["267200725-0-7 Kamienna Kaskada"] = 
            ["267200725-0-24 Strażnica Davona"] = 
                ["8290981-0-56526 Liezl"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-2-38292 Chciałbym udać się do Bal Foyen."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-38292 Muszę zorganizować transport."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-38292 Naprawdę? Dołącz do mnie w mojej łódce, jeśli chcesz, choć zależy, gdzie chcesz się dostać."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-38292 Chciałbym udać się do Ponurej Skały."] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-3-8751 Tak?"] = 
                            ["228103012-0-38292 Muszę zorganizować transport."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-38292 Naprawdę? Dołącz do mnie w mojej łódce, jeśli chcesz, choć zależy, gdzie chcesz się dostać."] = 
                            ["204987124-2-38292 Chciałbym udać się do Bal Foyen."] = "",
                            ["204987124-0-38292 Chciałbym udać się do Ponurej Skały."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-3-8751 Tak?",
                ["8290981-0-75015 Falvis Raram"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-46920 Auridon w Aldmerskim Dominium."] = 
                        ["204987124-2-46920 Po zastanowieniu jednak chcę udać się w podróż w obrębie Paktu Ebonheart."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-46905 Deshaan, kiedy będziesz gotowy."] = 
                        ["204987124-1-46920 Glenumbra w Przymierzu Daggerfall."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-46905 Chciałbym udać się w podróż w obrębie Paktu Ebonheart."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-46905 Ruszajmy."] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-46905 Rift, jeśli można."] = 
                        ["204987124-2-46905 Nieważne. Muszę udać się w podróż do innej frakcji."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-46920 Czy możesz mnie zabrać do innej frakcji?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-46920 Idź z Trójcą."] = "",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-46920 Idź z Trójcą."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-46920 Auridon w Aldmerskim Dominium."] = "",
                            ["204987124-2-46920 Po zastanowieniu jednak chcę udać się w podróż w obrębie Paktu Ebonheart."] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-46920 Glenumbra w Przymierzu Daggerfall."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-46905 Ruszajmy."] = 
                            ["204987124-2-46905 Nieważne. Muszę udać się w podróż do innej frakcji."] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-46905 Rift, jeśli można."] = "",
                            ["204987124-0-46905 Deshaan, kiedy będziesz gotowy."] = "",
                        ["149328292-0-7545 Nie obiecuję wygodnego zakwaterowania."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-46905 Chciałbym udać się w podróż w obrębie Paktu Ebonheart."] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-46920 Czy możesz mnie zabrać do innej frakcji?"] = "",
                        ["149328292-2-7545 Lista pasażerów jest pełna, ale znajdę miejsce."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-46905 Chciałbym udać się w podróż w obrębie Paktu Ebonheart."] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-46920 Czy możesz mnie zabrać do innej frakcji?"] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [2] = "149328292-2-7545 Lista pasażerów jest pełna, ale znajdę miejsce.",
                        [1] = "149328292-0-7545 Nie obiecuję wygodnego zakwaterowania.",
                ["8290981-0-83923 Ciryelda"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-53134 Tak. Chcę udać się do Summerset."] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-0-11128 Wkrótce będę wracała do mojej ojczyzny Summerset. Jesteś zainteresowany przeprawą? Mamy miejsce."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-53134 Tak. Chcę udać się do Summerset."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-0-11128 Wkrótce będę wracała do mojej ojczyzny Summerset. Jesteś zainteresowany przeprawą? Mamy miejsce.",
                ["8290981-0-77518 Kapitan Jenassa"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-48478 Czy możesz mnie zabrać do Seyda Neen?"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-48479 Może miasto Vivek?"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-0-10461 Masz nastrój na małą wycieczkę? Mogę cię zabrać do Vvardenfell. Porty zawinięcia to Seyda Neen i miasto Vivek."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-48478 Czy możesz mnie zabrać do Seyda Neen?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-48479 Może miasto Vivek?"] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-0-10461 Masz nastrój na małą wycieczkę? Mogę cię zabrać do Vvardenfell. Porty zawinięcia to Seyda Neen i miasto Vivek.",
        ["267200725-0-1060 Vvardenfell"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1290 Balmora"] = 
                ["8290981-0-63454 Vilyn Veleth"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["149328292-0-7606 Zawsze miło zobaczyć kolegę adepta wracającą do naszych sal! Ufam, że twoje poszukiwania wiedzy postępują pomyślnie?"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "149328292-0-7606 Zawsze miło zobaczyć kolegę adepta wracającą do naszych sal! Ufam, że twoje poszukiwania wiedzy postępują pomyślnie?",
    ["quest"] = 
        ["162658389-0-980 Mechaniczne Miasto"] = 
            ["52420949-0-6075 Wahający się syn"] = 
                ["info"] = 
                    ["finisher"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-79262 Wspólnik Zanon",
                    ["involved"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-79218 Lektorka Trivura",
                    ["description"] = 
                        [1] = "265851556-0-6075 Now that I found all of the Precursor's parts, Associate Zanon wishes to present the factotum to his mentor.",
                    ["starter"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-79262 Wspólnik Zanon",
                ["steps"] = 
                    [2] = 
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-45611 Lector Trivura has agreed to evaluate the Precursor. I should speak to Associate Zanon and let him know.",
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "121487972-0-12880 Porozmawiaj ze wspólnikiem Zanonem",
                    [1] = 
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-45608 I should seek out Lector Trivura in the Mechanical Fundament and convince her to come evaluate the Precursor.",
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-56764 Porozmawiaj z lektorką Trivurą",
    ["books"] = 
        ["267200725-0-1313 Mechaniczne Miasto"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1348 Mosiężna Forteca"] = 
                [4612] = "51188213-0-4612 Potrzebna pomoc do eksperymentu z faktotami!",
        ["267200725-0-1060 Vvardenfell"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1060 Vvardenfell"] = 
                [4004] = "51188213-0-4004 Zrozumieć Żywych Bogów",
The Oscillating Son cz3.lua (51,452 bytes)   


2022-10-03 09:56

administrator   ~0000702

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Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-04-30 19:59 New Issue
2021-04-30 19:59 File Added: The Oscillating Son cz1.lua
2021-04-30 19:59 File Added: The Oscillating Son cz2.lua
2021-04-30 19:59 File Added: The Oscillating Son cz3.lua
2021-04-30 20:27 general Target Version => Clockwork City
2021-04-30 20:27 general Description Updated
2022-10-03 09:56 tomkolp Status new => confirmed
2022-10-03 09:56 tomkolp Note Added: 0000702
2022-11-25 19:43 Mionsi Status confirmed => assigned
2022-11-25 19:43 Mionsi Assigned To => Jakubson
2023-01-29 18:41 Jakubson Status assigned => resolved
2023-01-29 18:41 Jakubson Resolution open => fixed
2023-01-29 18:41 Jakubson Fixed in Version => 4.040