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0001971ESO SpolszczenieZadanie do tłumaczeniapublic2023-07-19 21:16 Assigned ToJakubson  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Target VersionNorthern ElsweyrFixed in Version4.047 
Summary0001971: Northern Elsweyr - The Final Order
DescriptionThe Final Order
1 opcja dialogowa
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2021-04-04 21:50


The Final Order.lua (144,708 bytes)   
ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 =
    ["quest"] = 
        ["162658389-0-1086 Północne Elsweyr"] = 
            ["52420949-0-6297 Ostatni rozkaz"] = 
                ["steps"] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62561 Porozmawiaj z Abnurem Tharnem",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-50437 I should locate Abnur Tharn in the royal study and see if he's learned anything about Euraxia's final order.",
                    [2] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62562 Przeszukaj królewski gabinet",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "256430276-0-50439 Przeszukaj królewski gabinet",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-50438 I need to help Abnur Tharn search through the documents in the royal study to find out whatever we can concerning the Dragons, the necromancers, and the so-called final order issued by Euraxia just before she died.",
                    [3] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61173 Porozmawiaj z Abnurem Tharnem",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49215 After we found a number of intriguing clues among Euraxia's papers, Abnur Tharn appears to have uncovered something significant. I should talk to him.",
                    [4] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61176 Rendezvous at Sandswirl Manor",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49217 Euraxia's final order appears to concern an assassination squad and troops stationed at Sandswirl Manor to the west of the city. I should meet Abnur Tharn on the outskirts of the property.",
                    [5] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61223 Porozmawiaj z Abnurem Tharnem",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49249 I should talk to Abnur Tharn before we enter the grounds of the manor.",
                    [6] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61254 Find a Way Inside the Manor",
                            ["hints"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-63176 Get the Cellar Key from Lieutenant Talia",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49250 I need to find a way into the manor house and meet up with Abnur Tharn so we can learn more about Euraxia's final order regarding the Dragonguard.",
                    [7] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62582 Wejdź do piwnicy",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-50448 I should explore the cellar and find a way to reach the main floor of the manor house.",
                    [8] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62579 Porozmawiaj z Abnurem Tharnem",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-50447 Abnur Tharn appeared before me as a magical projection. I should speak with him.",
                    [9] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61252 Znajdź prefekta Calo",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-50446 Abnur Tharn wants me to look for Prefect Calo, who's being held somewhere in the manor house. The prefect should be able to tell us more about the Dragonguard and the final order issued by Euraxia.",
                    [10] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61253 Porozmawiaj z prefektem Calo",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49276 I located Prefect Calo. He's locked in a cell. I should talk to him and get him to tell me about the Dragonguard and Euraxia's final order.",
                    [11] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61260 Find the Dragonguard Report",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49278 As a sign of good faith, Prefect Calo told me I can find a copy of his report on the Dragonguard in his office upstairs. I should read it and learn what I can.",
                    [12] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62585 Znajdź Abnura Tharna",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-50453 The report indicates there might be a surviving member of the Dragonguard hiding in an Akaviri shrine in the Scar. I should find Abnur Tharn and tell him what I discovered.",
                    [13] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-63167 Porozmawiaj z prefektem Calo",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49279 It seems Prefect Calo was able to extract himself from his cell without my help after all. He wants to speak to me.",
                    [14] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62033 Idź do Spoiny",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49994 Abnur Tharn wants me to go to the Scar and find the hidden Akaviri shrine. He said that he'd send someone to meet me in the Stitches. Meanwhile, he's taking Prefect Calo to Rimmen to discuss the possibility of an alliance.",
                    [15] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61284 Porozmawiaj z Zamarakiem",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49302 It looks like Abnur Tharn sent Zamarak to the Stitches to assist me. I should talk to him.",
                    [16] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62034 Track Down the Assassination Squad",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62666 Track Down the Assassination Squad",
                                [2] = "7949764-0-62667 Track Down the Assassination Squad",
                                [3] = "7949764-0-62668 Track Down the Assassination Squad",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49995 We need to track the assassination squad through the Scar so that we can reach them before they can carry out their order to execute the supposed last surviving member of the Dragonguard.",
                    [17] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61285 Enter the Hidden Shrine",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49303 I tracked the assassination squad to a door to an ancient Akaviri shrine. I should enter the shrine and try to find the so-called last Dragonguard before they kill him.",
                    [18] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61337 Search the Hidden Shrine",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49349 I should search the ancient Akaviri shrine to find any sign of the Dragonguard or the assassination squad.",
                    [19] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62707 Examine the Stone Pedestal",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49354 An ancient structure hidden in this cave features a massive door, but it appears to be sealed by some sort of magical barrier. Zamarak thinks the stone pedestal in front of the door might provide a way to open it. I should examine the pedestal.",
                    [20] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["optional"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61343 Porozmawiaj z Zamarakiem",
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61344 Search the Underground Complex",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49355 We heard the assassination squad shouting from deeper within this underground complex. I should search the passages and try to find them.",
                    [21] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61345 Podążaj za kapitan Saulinią",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49358 I heard Captain Saulinia call out from nearby. I need to find her before she reaches the Dragonguard.",
                    [22] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62139 Zabij kapitan Saulinię",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49359 I finally caught up to Captain Saulinia, the leader of the Euraxian assassination squad. I need to stop her.",
                    [23] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["optional"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62701 Porozmawiaj z Zamarakiem",
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62690 Talk to Dragonguard Orland",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49362 The wounded Dragonguard ran off. I should follow him and find out if he's all right.",
                    [24] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["optional"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62710 Porozmawiaj z prefektem Calo",
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61350 Open the Dragonguard Sanctuary",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49363 Dragonguard Orland gave me his signet ring. He said it would open the Dragonguard Sanctuary. I need to enter the sanctuary and find the Dragonhorn.",
                    [25] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62708 Claim the Dragonhorn",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49364 Now that the barrier is down, I should enter the sanctuary and claim the Dragonhorn.",
                    [26] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61352 Wróć do pałacu w Rimmenie",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49365 Now that I have the Dragonhorn, I should return to Rimmen Palace and report to Khamira and Abnur Tharn.",
                    [27] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-62127 Porozmawiaj z Cadwellem",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-50083 I arrived at the doors to Rimmen Palace to find Abnur Tharn dealing with Cadwell. It appears Cadwell is having another one of his visions. Tharn asked me to check on him before joining him in the throne room for the war council.",
                    [28] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-61362 Attend the Meeting in the Throne Room",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49374 Now that I finished with Cadwell, I should head into the palace and go to the throne room to attend the meeting of the war council.",
                    [29] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "121487972-0-13625 Porozmawiaj z Khamirą",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-49214 The council meeting has ended and Khamira wants to talk to me. I should let her know what we found in the Dragonguard sanctuary.",
                ["info"] = 
                    ["items"] = 
                        [1] = "267697733-0-6968 Smoki: Raport dla królowej",
                        [2] = "267697733-0-6969 List od kapitana",
                        [3] = "267697733-0-6970 Osobisty dziennik Euraxii",
                        [4] = "267697733-0-6913 Klucz do piwnicy",
                        [5] = "267697733-0-6975 List do Vittorii",
                        [6] = "267697733-0-6977 Instrukcje kapitan Saulinii",
                        [7] = "267697733-0-6999 Klucz do piwnicy",
                        [8] = "267697733-0-6976 Raport o Smoczej Straży",
                        [9] = "267697733-0-6923 Sygnet Smoczej Straży",
                        [10] = "267697733-0-6990 Bojowy smoczy róg Aneqiuny",
                    ["description"] = 
                        [1] = "265851556-0-6297 Before we killed the Usurper Queen, Euraxia issued a final order. We need to ascertain what she ordered her soldiers to do and see how it connects to the plans of the Dragons and the necromancers.",
                    ["starter"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-87357 Lord Gharesh-ri",
                    ["finisher"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-87206 Khamira",
                    ["involved"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-88928 Abnur Tharn",
                        [2] = "8290981-0-87260 Abnur Tharn",
                        [3] = "8290981-0-87271 Prefekt Calo",
                        [4] = "8290981-0-89002 Prefekt Calo",
                        [5] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        [6] = "8290981-0-89170 Smoczy Strażnik Orland",
                        [7] = "8290981-0-87295 Cadwell",
    ["books"] = 
        ["267200725-0-1555 Północne Elsweyr"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1576 Rimmen"] = 
                [5608] = "51188213-0-5608 Kapliczka Tonenaka",
                [5405] = "51188213-0-5405 Khunzar-ri i demon: Część pierwsza",
                [5418] = "51188213-0-5418 Khunzar-ri i demon: Część druga",
                [1771] = "51188213-0-1771 Poszycie i wręgi",
                [5420] = "51188213-0-5420 Khunzar-ri i demon: Część trzecia",
                [5469] = "51188213-0-5469 Smoki: Raport dla królowej",
                [5470] = "51188213-0-5470 List od kapitana",
                [5471] = "51188213-0-5471 Osobisty dziennik Euraxii",
            ["267200725-0-1555 Północne Elsweyr"] = 
                [5628] = "51188213-0-5628 Mądrość Latających Bogów",
                [5421] = "51188213-0-5421 Instrukcje kapitan Saulinii",
                [5379] = "51188213-0-5379 Raport o Smoczej Straży",
    ["subtitles"] = 
        ["267200725-0-1555 Północne Elsweyr"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1576 Rimmen"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-88928 Abnur Tharn",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34169 Captain Saulinia. That must be Captain S. And the Cygnus Irregulars are Imperial troops under the command of Prefect Calo at Sandswirl Manor.",
                [2] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-88928 Abnur Tharn",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34167 Control Dragons? What folly! But what was that about killing the last Dragonguard?",
                [3] = 
                    [2] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-88928 Abnur Tharn",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34168 I think you found everything I need to fill in the blanks. Let's talk.",
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-88928 Abnur Tharn",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34170 Old Khajiiti legends and rumors of a last Dragonguard? Intriguing.",
                [4] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87206 Khamira",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34445 Are the people of Rimmen cowards?",
                    [2] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87357 Lord Gharesh-ri",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34446 They're just afraid, Khamira. Remember, the Dragons still darken the skies overhead.",
                    [3] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87206 Khamira",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34447 But we need to replenish our forces. I fear there are more battles ahead.",
                    [4] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87357 Lord Gharesh-ri",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34448 You carry the weight of the kingdom, Khamira, but the crown is not yet yours.",
                    [5] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87206 Khamira",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34449 Yes, yes. I must be recognized by the Mane and Queen Ayrenn. Which reminds me, has the Dominion sent us any aid?",
                    [6] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87357 Lord Gharesh-ri",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34450 A few advisors, some gold. But no troops. We are on our own.",
                [5] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87295 Cadwell",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33046 It's happening again! I see … I see … a Dragon!",
                    [2] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87211 Abnur Tharn",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33048 Cadwell? Cadwell! What was that about a Dragon?",
                    [3] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87211 Abnur Tharn",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33732 Ah, there you are. See to Cadwell, if you would. Then join us in the throne room for the war council.",
                [6] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87260 Abnur Tharn",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33098 The archives were extremely helpful, once I found the appropriate documents.",
                    [2] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87206 Khamira",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33099 Our Moon-Singers and Moon-Priests have always paid particular attention to detail. What did you learn?",
                    [3] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87357 Lord Gharesh-ri",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33101 Tharn found documents regarding an ancient agreement with the Dragonguard. They apparently provided a weapon to use against the Dragons.",
                    [4] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87206 Khamira",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34411 This relates to the legends of Khunzar-ri and Queen Anequina, yes?",
                    [5] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87271 Prefekt Calo",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34415 Pardon the interruption, Queen Khamira, but that sounds like the Dragonhorn we found.",
                    [6] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87271 Prefekt Calo",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33100 That Dragonguard didn't survive, but he gave us the Anequina Dragonhorn.",
                    [7] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87206 Khamira",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33103 Hrrm. So this alliance I reluctantly agreed to has borne fruit?",
                    [8] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87271 Prefekt Calo",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34412 The Cygnus Irregulars assisted, but your agent did the important work.",
                    [9] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87206 Khamira",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34414 A weapon from the Dragonguard? Interesting. Come, five-claw. I want to hear your report.",
            ["267200725-0-1663 Spoina"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [4] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-90034 Naraku",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34802 Patience does not agree with you on most days, but it is well to see you continue your practice. As for Elsweyr, yes, much work remains, including these Dragons. This one does not envy our new queen.",
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-90032 Elazura",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34799 Oooh, my fur ripples in happiness. Euraxia, the horrid usurper, is deposed? There might not be enough moon-sugar in Tamriel to celebrate that.",
                    [2] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-90034 Naraku",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34800 Indeed! And an outsider stepped in to assist in that, which is a marvel. This one wishes all those involved in this change of circumstance well.",
                    [3] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-90032 Elazura",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34801 With our new queen, I hope to see great things. Though, of course, it can't happen overnight. I must remember my patience.",
            ["267200725-0-1587 Kapliczka Dov-Vahl"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33073 That door … not even all of Zamarak's strength and training can budge a magical barrier. Maybe the pedestal?",
                [2] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33077 The pedestal maintains the magical barrier, but Zamarak does not know how.",
                    [2] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87345 Kapitan Saulinia",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33078 Find the Dragonguard or his blood won't be the only thing that stains my blade this day!",
                    [3] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33079 The assassins! That came from the south. We must hurry, five-claw!",
                [3] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33721 Traps. They stopped some of the assassins, but not all of them. We must be wary.",
                [4] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87345 Kapitan Saulinia",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33081 You can't hide from us forever, Dragonguard!",
                    [2] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87351 Smoczy Strażnik Orland",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33082 You couldn't find an Alfiq in Alabaster, Euraxian dolt!",
                    [3] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33083 That was the Dragonguard! We're running out of time!",
                [5] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33722 Another maze! We must find a way to the other side.",
                [6] = 
                    [2] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87351 Smoczy Strażnik Orland",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33085 I trained to fight Dragons. This isn't going to end the way you expect.",
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87345 Kapitan Saulinia",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33084 Once I select a target, it always dies.",
                [7] = 
                    [4] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34391 Maybe now the royal family can rest in peace.",
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-88007 Kapitan Saulinia",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33723 Now Dragonguard, you and your order die!",
                    [2] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-88007 Kapitan Saulinia",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34389 Oh, good. More blood to spill.",
                    [3] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87353 Smoczy Strażnik Orland",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34388 I refuse to die … near that assassin ….",
                [8] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34397 May Khenarthi guide you to the Sands Behind the Stars.",
                [9] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34398 Below … that looks like Prefect Calo. What is he doing here?",
                [10] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33096 The barrier has fallen! Let us see what awaits within.",
                [11] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-89183 Prefekt Calo",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34401 Are these the remains of the Dragonguard?",
                [12] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-89183 Prefekt Calo",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34451 Books and scrolls! I knew it! Knowledge is power, my friend, you'll see!",
                [13] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34402 Such a small thing when compared to the Dragons. Still, we should take it to Rimmen, yes?",
                [14] = 
                    [2] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34406 Zamarak will linger as well … to make sure the Imperials find their way back.",
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-89183 Prefekt Calo",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34403 I want to take another look at these books. We'll meet you back in Rimmen.",
            ["267200725-0-1555 Północne Elsweyr"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87260 Abnur Tharn",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33009 An Imperial garrison housed in a Khajiiti estate. My half-sister spared no expense, I see.",
                [2] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-89464 Euraxiański Rycerz",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34223 One of Calo's pet cats? Time to make me a fur coat!",
                [3] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-88032 Porucznik Talia",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34234 What? Intruders!",
                [4] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87260 Abnur Tharn",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34243 How good of you to join me. Let's talk.",
                [5] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87271 Prefekt Calo",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33767 Interesting. You're not one of Euraxia's mercenaries.",
                [6] = 
                    [2] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87260 Abnur Tharn",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33035 Ah, there you are. And I see you've captured Prefect Calo. I presume he surrendered without a fight?",
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-89002 Prefekt Calo",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33025 I see you found the report. Now we can continue our conversation without being separated by those inconvenient bars.",
                [7] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-89002 Prefekt Calo",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33650 Grand Chancellor, I propose that you get Gharesh-ri to pardon the Cygnus Irregulars so we can form an alliance.",
                    [2] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87260 Abnur Tharn",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-33037 An alliance? Interesting. Comrades would be helpful in the battles to come.",
                    [3] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87260 Abnur Tharn",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34339 I'll return to Rimmen, plead Calo's case, and send someone to help you. Meanwhile, I suggest you start your search for the shrine at the Stitches.",
                [8] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34344 Wait. That body. It's one of the assassins. They must have passed this way.",
                [9] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34350 More bodies. The hired guides. Saulinia's work, Zamarak thinks.",
                [10] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34883 Look! There is a door behind these stones. Is this the place we seek?",
                [11] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-87340 Zamarak",
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-34477 You have something else to do? Very well. Zamarak will wait for you to return.",
    ["npc"] = 
        ["267200725-0-1555 Północne Elsweyr"] = 
            ["267200725-0-1576 Rimmen"] = 
                ["8290981-0-90784 Zamarak"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-58367 Can you remind me what we're doing here again?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-58367 Yes, this one remembers how confusing things can get after a heated battle.\n\nYou and Abnur Tharn came to Elsweyr to help us against the Dragons—Dragons that Tharn accidentally unleashed upon our land. Along the way, well, things became complicated."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-58368 What do they want a Moon Gate for?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-58373 Zamarak fears we do not know. Gharesh-ri is looking into the history of these ancient structures, especially the Moon Gate of Anequina, which lies in that direction.\n\nMeanwhile, Abnur Tharn seeks information concerning Euraxia's final order."] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-58370 Do we know what the Dragons are currently up to?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-58371 Do we know what the Dragons are currently up to?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-58368 No. Much concerning the Dragons remains a mystery. We know that Mulaamnir ended their alliance with Euraxia right before you killed her. And we know that Zumog Phoom and his necromancers now serve the Dragons. They seek a Moon Gate to the southwest."] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-58373 What about Zumog Phoom? What happened to him?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-58369 The necromancer Zumog Phoom is apparently close to restoring Cadwell the Betrayer—the evil person who Cadwell was in life. He and his cadre of dark mages have aligned themselves with the Dragons.\n\nSupposedly, they seek the Moon Gate together."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-58369 Remind me, why is Euraxia no longer a problem?"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-56973 What about you, Zamarak? What will you do now?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-58373 Remind me, why is Euraxia no longer a problem?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-58372 Captain Nala-do died?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-58371 The brave Nala-do died defending Queen Khamira. She saved her life. We will remember her forever for this. The Moon-Singers will tell her story for a thousand phases of the Moons and more."] = "",
                        ["204987124-2-58370 What about Zumog Phoom? What happened to him?"] = 
                        ["204987124-1-58371 What about Zumog Phoom? What happened to him?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-58370 Remind me, why is Euraxia no longer a problem?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-58372 Because you killed her, five-claw. You led our small strike force into this very palace. Fought through the Usurper Queen's defenses to confront her in the outer courtyard. After a heated battle, you defeated Euraxia.\n\nUnfortunately, we lost Nala-do."] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-58369 Do we know what the Dragons are currently up to?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-58367 Complicated in what way?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-58370 Well, we discovered that Euraxia the Usurper Queen had struck some sort of deal with the Dragon leaders, Mulaamnir and Kaalgrontiid. We also learned that she had an army of necromancers, led by Zumog Phoom.\n\nLuckily, Euraxia is no longer a problem."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-0-11700 Queen Khamira went through a difficult trial just now, but she will be stronger because of it.\n\nThank you for standing beside her, five-claw.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-58373 Zamarak fears we do not know. Gharesh-ri is looking into the history of these ancient structures, especially the Moon Gate of Anequina, which lies in that direction.\n\nMeanwhile, Abnur Tharn seeks information concerning Euraxia's final order."] = 
                            ["204987124-1-58373 What about Zumog Phoom? What happened to him?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-0-58373 Remind me, why is Euraxia no longer a problem?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-58368 No. Much concerning the Dragons remains a mystery. We know that Mulaamnir ended their alliance with Euraxia right before you killed her. And we know that Zumog Phoom and his necromancers now serve the Dragons. They seek a Moon Gate to the southwest."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-58368 What do they want a Moon Gate for?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-11700 Queen Khamira went through a difficult trial just now, but she will be stronger because of it.\n\nThank you for standing beside her, five-claw."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-58367 Can you remind me what we're doing here again?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-56973 What about you, Zamarak? What will you do now?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-58370 Well, we discovered that Euraxia the Usurper Queen had struck some sort of deal with the Dragon leaders, Mulaamnir and Kaalgrontiid. We also learned that she had an army of necromancers, led by Zumog Phoom.\n\nLuckily, Euraxia is no longer a problem."] = 
                            ["204987124-2-58370 What about Zumog Phoom? What happened to him?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-0-58370 Remind me, why is Euraxia no longer a problem?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-58370 Do we know what the Dragons are currently up to?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-58371 The brave Nala-do died defending Queen Khamira. She saved her life. We will remember her forever for this. The Moon-Singers will tell her story for a thousand phases of the Moons and more."] = 
                            ["204987124-1-58371 What about Zumog Phoom? What happened to him?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-0-58371 Do we know what the Dragons are currently up to?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-58367 Yes, this one remembers how confusing things can get after a heated battle.\n\nYou and Abnur Tharn came to Elsweyr to help us against the Dragons—Dragons that Tharn accidentally unleashed upon our land. Along the way, well, things became complicated."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-58367 Complicated in what way?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-58369 The necromancer Zumog Phoom is apparently close to restoring Cadwell the Betrayer—the evil person who Cadwell was in life. He and his cadre of dark mages have aligned themselves with the Dragons.\n\nSupposedly, they seek the Moon Gate together."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-58369 Remind me, why is Euraxia no longer a problem?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-58369 Do we know what the Dragons are currently up to?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-58372 Because you killed her, five-claw. You led our small strike force into this very palace. Fought through the Usurper Queen's defenses to confront her in the outer courtyard. After a heated battle, you defeated Euraxia.\n\nUnfortunately, we lost Nala-do."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-58372 Captain Nala-do died?"] = "",
                ["8290981-0-88928 Abnur Tharn"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-57316 I came to offer my help. Did you find out anything about Euraxia's final order?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57316 I found a letter, but it's not complete. Looks like a scribe's dictation. I've been searching for more, but I haven't made much progress through the royal stacks.\n\nWith your help, perhaps the search will go more quickly."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-55607 I'll head to Sandswirl Manor and find Prefect Calo as soon as I can."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-55604 So what was Euraxia's final order?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55604 Euraxia ordered Captain Saulinia to assassinate a Dragonguard in an effort to appease the Dragons.\n\nSaulinia plans to commandeer as many additional soldiers as necessary from Prefect Calo at Sandswirl Manor and retrieve a report."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-55606 The last Dragonguard?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55607 Don't ask me. The Dragonguard I knew failed to protect the Potentates and were disbanded in disgrace. They claimed to have descended from legendary Akaviri Dragon hunters, but that's all it was … a legend.\n\nWe need to get to Sandswirl Manor."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57316 Tell me about the dictated letter you found."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-58414 It alludes to an order Euraxia was preparing to deliver shortly before our assault on the palace. It mentions a Captain S, the Cygnus Irregulars, and a favor for the Dragons, but gives no indication as to who they are or what the favor might be."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-55611 Do you know anything about Captain Saulinia or Prefect Calo?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55611 Calo is mentioned in Gharesh-ri's intelligence reports. He commands a garrison of troops in an estate seized when they conquered the region.\n\nAs for Saulinia, I've never heard of her, but an assassination squad—they're never a good thing."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-55604 Dragonguard? I don't understand."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55606 Neither do I, at least not fully. The Dragonguard were the sworn protectors of the Imperial Emperor. At least they were, until they fell out of favor.\n\nEuraxia has ordered her assassins to murder what she claims to be the last Dragonguard."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57319 Zobaczę, co uda mi się znaleźć."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-57320 What should I be looking for, again?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57320 Anything pertaining to this so-called final order.\n\nWhile we're looking around, let's see if we can find anything that mentions the Dragons, the necromancers, or anything significant. Who knows? We might uncover something unexpectedly helpful."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-58414 About your half-sister …."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57319 We did what had to be done. Think no more about it. If you hadn't ended Euraxia, I certainly would have.\n\nNow, look around and see if you can find anything pertaining to this unfinished letter. I'm sure it refers to Euraxia's final order."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [4] = "55049764-0-11667 We can't take any chances. Euraxia's final order directs her assassins to murder the last Dragonguard. If the Dragons consider this threat real, we need it on our side. \n\nMeet me west of the city, on the outskirts of Sandswirl Manor.",
                        [1] = "55049764-3-11667 When you look at the world as lines on a map, it all seems so small and insignificant.\n\nI was trying to determine the meaning of this document, but so far the secret eludes me.",
                        [2] = "55049764-2-11667 This study contains documents from when the Khajiit ruled Rimmen, as well as papers that cover the span of Euraxia's rule. So many, many papers. She was a prolific writer, I'll give her that.\n\nAt least she didn't destroy her files before she died.",
                        [3] = "55049764-1-11667 The documents you uncovered allow me to make sense of this unfinished dictation.\n\nI believe I now know the contents of Euraxia's final order.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-58414 It alludes to an order Euraxia was preparing to deliver shortly before our assault on the palace. It mentions a Captain S, the Cygnus Irregulars, and a favor for the Dragons, but gives no indication as to who they are or what the favor might be."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-58414 About your half-sister …."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-55607 Don't ask me. The Dragonguard I knew failed to protect the Potentates and were disbanded in disgrace. They claimed to have descended from legendary Akaviri Dragon hunters, but that's all it was … a legend.\n\nWe need to get to Sandswirl Manor."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55607 I'll head to Sandswirl Manor and find Prefect Calo as soon as I can."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-55604 Euraxia ordered Captain Saulinia to assassinate a Dragonguard in an effort to appease the Dragons.\n\nSaulinia plans to commandeer as many additional soldiers as necessary from Prefect Calo at Sandswirl Manor and retrieve a report."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55604 Dragonguard? I don't understand."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57319 We did what had to be done. Think no more about it. If you hadn't ended Euraxia, I certainly would have.\n\nNow, look around and see if you can find anything pertaining to this unfinished letter. I'm sure it refers to Euraxia's final order."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57319 Zobaczę, co uda mi się znaleźć."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57320 Anything pertaining to this so-called final order.\n\nWhile we're looking around, let's see if we can find anything that mentions the Dragons, the necromancers, or anything significant. Who knows? We might uncover something unexpectedly helpful."] = 
                        ["55049764-1-11667 The documents you uncovered allow me to make sense of this unfinished dictation.\n\nI believe I now know the contents of Euraxia's final order."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-55604 So what was Euraxia's final order?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-11667 We can't take any chances. Euraxia's final order directs her assassins to murder the last Dragonguard. If the Dragons consider this threat real, we need it on our side. \n\nMeet me west of the city, on the outskirts of Sandswirl Manor."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-55611 Do you know anything about Captain Saulinia or Prefect Calo?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-3-11667 When you look at the world as lines on a map, it all seems so small and insignificant.\n\nI was trying to determine the meaning of this document, but so far the secret eludes me."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57316 I came to offer my help. Did you find out anything about Euraxia's final order?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-55606 Neither do I, at least not fully. The Dragonguard were the sworn protectors of the Imperial Emperor. At least they were, until they fell out of favor.\n\nEuraxia has ordered her assassins to murder what she claims to be the last Dragonguard."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55606 The last Dragonguard?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57316 I found a letter, but it's not complete. Looks like a scribe's dictation. I've been searching for more, but I haven't made much progress through the royal stacks.\n\nWith your help, perhaps the search will go more quickly."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57316 Tell me about the dictated letter you found."] = "",
                        ["55049764-2-11667 This study contains documents from when the Khajiit ruled Rimmen, as well as papers that cover the span of Euraxia's rule. So many, many papers. She was a prolific writer, I'll give her that.\n\nAt least she didn't destroy her files before she died."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57320 What should I be looking for, again?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-55611 Calo is mentioned in Gharesh-ri's intelligence reports. He commands a garrison of troops in an estate seized when they conquered the region.\n\nAs for Saulinia, I've never heard of her, but an assassination squad—they're never a good thing."] = 
                ["8290981-0-87206 Khamira"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["249936564-0-7697 It makes noise, like any other horn, right?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-55602 I heard you talking. The Aldmeri Dominion really isn't sending any troops?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55603 Unfortunately, we are only a small part of Queen Ayrenn's domain. She sent us advisors and gold to purchase weapons and mercenaries, but her troops are committed to the Alliance War.\n\nI will convince my people to join the militia. I have to."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-55602 Euraxia's final order, she sent an assassination squad to kill the last Dragonguard."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55602 Dragonguard? Hrrm. I leave this investigation to you and Tharn.\n\nGharesh-ri and I need to figure out how to bolster our defenses and prepare our forces. He even wants to send troops to defend the Moon Gate of Anequina."] = "",
                        ["232026500-0-13625 The assassin killed the Dragonguard, but we did acquire the Anequina Dragonhorn."] = 
                            ["116521668-0-13625 So that is the Dragonhorn? It is much smaller than I thought it would be, and it looks fragile. Sound it once and it will probably crumble to dust. What are we supposed to do with such a thing?\n\nAs always, you have my thanks, five-claw."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-4-11666 Give me good news, five-claw. I could use some right about now.",
                        [2] = "55049764-3-11666 Agreeing to an alliance with Imperials! At least it appears this Prefect Calo assisted you.\n\nTell me what happened out there, five-claw. I want to hear it from you.",
                        [3] = "55049764-2-11666 Euraxia hoped to appease the Dragons by assassinating the last Dragonguard of Elsweyr. He died, but at least you acquired the Anequina Dragonhorn and avenged his death.\n\nNow if we only knew what to do with the damn thing!",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-55603 Unfortunately, we are only a small part of Queen Ayrenn's domain. She sent us advisors and gold to purchase weapons and mercenaries, but her troops are committed to the Alliance War.\n\nI will convince my people to join the militia. I have to."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-55602 Dragonguard? Hrrm. I leave this investigation to you and Tharn.\n\nGharesh-ri and I need to figure out how to bolster our defenses and prepare our forces. He even wants to send troops to defend the Moon Gate of Anequina."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55602 I heard you talking. The Aldmeri Dominion really isn't sending any troops?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-3-11666 Agreeing to an alliance with Imperials! At least it appears this Prefect Calo assisted you.\n\nTell me what happened out there, five-claw. I want to hear it from you."] = 
                            ["232026500-0-13625 The assassin killed the Dragonguard, but we did acquire the Anequina Dragonhorn."] = "",
                        ["55049764-4-11666 Give me good news, five-claw. I could use some right about now."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-55602 Euraxia's final order, she sent an assassination squad to kill the last Dragonguard."] = "",
                        ["55049764-2-11666 Euraxia hoped to appease the Dragons by assassinating the last Dragonguard of Elsweyr. He died, but at least you acquired the Anequina Dragonhorn and avenged his death.\n\nNow if we only knew what to do with the damn thing!"] = 
                            ["249936564-0-7697 It makes noise, like any other horn, right?"] = "",
                ["8290981-0-87296 Zamarak"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-16-11682 This one will watch over Queen Khamira. She may not have agreed to let Zamarak resume his post as the King's Claw yet, but she will come around in time.\n\nUntil then, no harm will befall the queen. This Zamarak so swears.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-16-11682 This one will watch over Queen Khamira. She may not have agreed to let Zamarak resume his post as the King's Claw yet, but she will come around in time.\n\nUntil then, no harm will befall the queen. This Zamarak so swears."] = 
                ["8290981-0-87357 Lord Gharesh-ri"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["249936564-0-7686 We killed Euraxia, but Nala-do died, and the Dragons and necromancers are still working together."] = 
                            ["3952276-0-7686 You bring news both welcome and grim, but we can neither celebrate the victory nor mourn the good captain until later, I fear.\n\nWe need to determine why the Dragons are willing to associate with wielders of dark magic."] = "",
                        ["20958740-1-7686 I'll help Abnur Tharn determine the significance of Euraxia's final order."] = 
                        ["20958740-0-7686 I heard them mention a Moon Gate to the southwest. Kaalgrontiid seems interested in the place."] = 
                            ["3952276-1-7686 Could they be interested in the Moon Gate of Anequina? It lies in that direction.\n\nI wonder if this pertains to Euraxia's final order? A soldier mentioned it after we captured her, but she refused to elaborate. Maybe you can help Tharn find out more."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-58366 You're worried about Abnur Tharn?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-58366 Worried? No, that would imply I had any feelings toward the man whatsoever.\n\nI'd say I'm more concerned that his nonchalant attitude toward his sister's death might be hiding his true emotions. I trust that he's here to help, but he's still a Tharn."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-4-11691 Khamira's parents would be proud of how she has stepped forward in these dark times. Moons, I am proud of her!\n\nWhile Khamira gathers her thoughts, the rest of us have work to do. Tell me, what happened in the palace?",
                        [2] = "55049764-1-11691 Even now, Abnur Tharn searches through the documents in the royal study, seeking information concerning this final order.\n\nDespite his show of indifference, Euraxia was his half-sister. Her death is bound to affect him. I suggest you tread warily.",
                        [3] = "55049764-0-11691 Khamira and I must work to win the hearts and minds of the people of Rimmen. And I still need to discover the significance of the Moon Gate of Anequina. Perhaps I'll send some troops to defend the place.\n\nJust in case.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-4-11691 Khamira's parents would be proud of how she has stepped forward in these dark times. Moons, I am proud of her!\n\nWhile Khamira gathers her thoughts, the rest of us have work to do. Tell me, what happened in the palace?"] = 
                            ["249936564-0-7686 We killed Euraxia, but Nala-do died, and the Dragons and necromancers are still working together."] = "",
                        ["55049764-1-11691 Even now, Abnur Tharn searches through the documents in the royal study, seeking information concerning this final order.\n\nDespite his show of indifference, Euraxia was his half-sister. Her death is bound to affect him. I suggest you tread warily."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-58366 You're worried about Abnur Tharn?"] = "",
                        ["3952276-1-7686 Could they be interested in the Moon Gate of Anequina? It lies in that direction.\n\nI wonder if this pertains to Euraxia's final order? A soldier mentioned it after we captured her, but she refused to elaborate. Maybe you can help Tharn find out more."] = 
                            ["20958740-1-7686 I'll help Abnur Tharn determine the significance of Euraxia's final order."] = "",
                        ["3952276-0-7686 You bring news both welcome and grim, but we can neither celebrate the victory nor mourn the good captain until later, I fear.\n\nWe need to determine why the Dragons are willing to associate with wielders of dark magic."] = 
                            ["20958740-0-7686 I heard them mention a Moon Gate to the southwest. Kaalgrontiid seems interested in the place."] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-11691 Khamira and I must work to win the hearts and minds of the people of Rimmen. And I still need to discover the significance of the Moon Gate of Anequina. Perhaps I'll send some troops to defend the place.\n\nJust in case."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-58366 Worried? No, that would imply I had any feelings toward the man whatsoever.\n\nI'd say I'm more concerned that his nonchalant attitude toward his sister's death might be hiding his true emotions. I trust that he's here to help, but he's still a Tharn."] = 
                ["8290981-0-87386 Cadwell"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-3-11707 Zumog Phoom has been collecting my original body parts. He tried to steal my essence and stick it back in my old noggin. I think … I think he's trying to put me back together!\n\nWell, not me. The other me. The Betrayer.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-3-11707 Zumog Phoom has been collecting my original body parts. He tried to steal my essence and stick it back in my old noggin. I think … I think he's trying to put me back together!\n\nWell, not me. The other me. The Betrayer."] = 
                ["8290981-0-87295 Cadwell"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-55681 Cadwell, what did you see?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55681 I saw that nasty Orc necromancer, Zumog Phoom. He really is a despicable fellow! And there was a Dragon! A huge, powerful, eyes-as-big-as-a-house Dragon! They called it Kaalgrontiid. Means champion of the bound time.\n\nHow do I know these things?"] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-56548 Do you know what the war council is meeting about?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-56548 Not a clue! But I know one way to find out.\n\nHead inside and see what the cat queen has to say!"] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-55685 Your memories of your life are returning?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-55681 Did you see or hear anything else?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55685 Well, yes, I did! Seems the ears are as connected as the eyes.\n\nThey talked about the moons. Something about an eclipse and the perfect time to use the gate. I remember something about that from when I was the Betrayer, but the details are hazy."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-2-11675 I found a set of round, orb-like objects sitting on a forgotten shelf here in the palace. They're the perfect shape for juggling! Turns out I'm good at juggling. Who knew?\n\nAnd I find it strangely soothing, after all that mayhem and fisticuffs.",
                        [2] = "55049764-1-11675 Hello? Is someone there? I appear to be back in my head. Well, my other head. The other head. This is so confusing!\n\nAh, wait, wait. Things are becoming clearer now. Ah, yes, well there you are! So good to see you again, my friend!",
                        [3] = "55049764-0-11675 My memory returns in dribs and drabs, but I'm not sure that's a good thing. If I remember anything helpful, though, I'll let you know.\n\nWhere are my manners? They're waiting for you. Queen Khamira has called another war council in the throne room.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-55685 Well, yes, I did! Seems the ears are as connected as the eyes.\n\nThey talked about the moons. Something about an eclipse and the perfect time to use the gate. I remember something about that from when I was the Betrayer, but the details are hazy."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55685 Your memories of your life are returning?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-55681 I saw that nasty Orc necromancer, Zumog Phoom. He really is a despicable fellow! And there was a Dragon! A huge, powerful, eyes-as-big-as-a-house Dragon! They called it Kaalgrontiid. Means champion of the bound time.\n\nHow do I know these things?"] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55681 Did you see or hear anything else?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-11675 My memory returns in dribs and drabs, but I'm not sure that's a good thing. If I remember anything helpful, though, I'll let you know.\n\nWhere are my manners? They're waiting for you. Queen Khamira has called another war council in the throne room."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-56548 Do you know what the war council is meeting about?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-56548 Not a clue! But I know one way to find out.\n\nHead inside and see what the cat queen has to say!"] = 
                        ["55049764-1-11675 Hello? Is someone there? I appear to be back in my head. Well, my other head. The other head. This is so confusing!\n\nAh, wait, wait. Things are becoming clearer now. Ah, yes, well there you are! So good to see you again, my friend!"] = 
                            ["228103012-0-55681 Cadwell, what did you see?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-2-11675 I found a set of round, orb-like objects sitting on a forgotten shelf here in the palace. They're the perfect shape for juggling! Turns out I'm good at juggling. Who knew?\n\nAnd I find it strangely soothing, after all that mayhem and fisticuffs."] = 
                ["8290981-0-87414 Khamira"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-57616 So, why do you hesitate?"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-1-11699 Go, my friend. Help Abnur Tharn determine the significance of Euraxia's final order. He searches the royal study. I must consult with Gharesh-ri about Rimmen's defenses.\n\nHrrm. I dreamed about reclaiming my father's throne for so long, but now ….",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-1-11699 Go, my friend. Help Abnur Tharn determine the significance of Euraxia's final order. He searches the royal study. I must consult with Gharesh-ri about Rimmen's defenses.\n\nHrrm. I dreamed about reclaiming my father's throne for so long, but now …."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57616 So, why do you hesitate?"] = "",
            ["267200725-0-1663 Spoina"] = 
                ["8290981-0-87340 Zamarak"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-57525 At least you were able to get Khamira to safety."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57526 A small success in an avalanche of failure.\n\nGuilt consumed Zamarak because he lived and the royal family died. So this one exiled himself from the land he loved and traveled the world. This one sought … what? Peace? Forgiveness? Something."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-55711 Did you face Captain Saulinia back then?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-56507 No. Zamarak was guarding Khamira that day. We were far from the palace.\n\nAnyway, this one learned that the local crime lord provided Saulinia with guides who know the Scar well. We must hurry if we hope to catch them."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-57521 What should I know before we enter the Scar?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-57522 Did Abnur Tharn present Prefect Calo to Khamira?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57528 Yes, but Zamarak isn't sure if anything good will come of their meeting. When this one departed, Queen Khamira and Lord Gharesh-ri were engaged in a heated discussion with Tharn over the risks and benefits of trusting an Imperial."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57521 Tell me about you time as the King's Claw."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-57526 What should I know before we enter the Scar?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57521 The Scar was carved across the face of Anequina in the ancient past. Some say Khunzar-ri is responsible. Others that Alkosh himself marked the land with his claws.\n\nThings live in the deepest cracks and crevices that we would do well to avoid."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-57520 Tell me about your time as the King's Claw."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57520 King Hemakar saw something in Zamarak. He specifically requested this one during a visit to the Desert Wind.\n\nZamarak set aside his studies and devotions to become the King's Claw. I pledged my life to keep the royal family safe."] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-57528 What should I know before we enter the Scar?"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-55711 Saulinia has orders to kill someone they believe is the last Dragonguard."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55711 Saulinia! The assassin who murdered King Hemakar and Queen Numara. Zamarak heard that name often on the day of Euraxia's coup.\n\nPerhaps this one can finally get justice for the royal family."] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-57526 Why did Abnur Tharn send you to help me?"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-57522 Why did Abnur Tharn send you to help me?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-57520 But you weren't able to stop Euraxia from killing the royal family."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57525 No. Khamira wanted to visit the Desert Wind Adeptorium. This one was tasked to guard her.\n\nSo, Zamarak was not in the palace when Euraxia and her troops arrived. They were welcomed as emissaries of the Emperor, but they were lions about to pounce."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57528 Tell me about your time as the King's Claw."] = 
                        ["204987124-1-57521 Why did Abnur Tharn send you to help me?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57522 Truthfully, Zamarak almost refused when Tharn gave the order. This one has only just reclaimed the mantle of King's Claw and was reluctant to leave Queen Khamira's side.\n\nBut you needed help and Zamarak was best suited to aid you in this endeavor."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-56507 Let's go stop the assassination squad."] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [2] = "55049764-14-11682 The Scar can be a treacherous place, five-claw, even without the addition of a Nibenese assassination squad.\n\nWe need to hurry, but we should also proceed with caution.",
                        [1] = "55049764-15-11682 Tharn sent Zamarak to assist you against the Euraxian officer, Saulinia, and her assassins. The locals say that a group matching their description passed through here a short time ago.\n\nTharn explained that we seek a hidden Akaviri shrine.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-57526 A small success in an avalanche of failure.\n\nGuilt consumed Zamarak because he lived and the royal family died. So this one exiled himself from the land he loved and traveled the world. This one sought … what? Peace? Forgiveness? Something."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57526 What should I know before we enter the Scar?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-57526 Why did Abnur Tharn send you to help me?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-56507 No. Zamarak was guarding Khamira that day. We were far from the palace.\n\nAnyway, this one learned that the local crime lord provided Saulinia with guides who know the Scar well. We must hurry if we hope to catch them."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-56507 Let's go stop the assassination squad."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57520 King Hemakar saw something in Zamarak. He specifically requested this one during a visit to the Desert Wind.\n\nZamarak set aside his studies and devotions to become the King's Claw. I pledged my life to keep the royal family safe."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57520 But you weren't able to stop Euraxia from killing the royal family."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57521 The Scar was carved across the face of Anequina in the ancient past. Some say Khunzar-ri is responsible. Others that Alkosh himself marked the land with his claws.\n\nThings live in the deepest cracks and crevices that we would do well to avoid."] = 
                            ["204987124-1-57521 Why did Abnur Tharn send you to help me?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-0-57521 Tell me about you time as the King's Claw."] = "",
                        ["55049764-15-11682 Tharn sent Zamarak to assist you against the Euraxian officer, Saulinia, and her assassins. The locals say that a group matching their description passed through here a short time ago.\n\nTharn explained that we seek a hidden Akaviri shrine."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-55711 Saulinia has orders to kill someone they believe is the last Dragonguard."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57525 No. Khamira wanted to visit the Desert Wind Adeptorium. This one was tasked to guard her.\n\nSo, Zamarak was not in the palace when Euraxia and her troops arrived. They were welcomed as emissaries of the Emperor, but they were lions about to pounce."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57525 At least you were able to get Khamira to safety."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57522 Truthfully, Zamarak almost refused when Tharn gave the order. This one has only just reclaimed the mantle of King's Claw and was reluctant to leave Queen Khamira's side.\n\nBut you needed help and Zamarak was best suited to aid you in this endeavor."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57522 Did Abnur Tharn present Prefect Calo to Khamira?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57528 Yes, but Zamarak isn't sure if anything good will come of their meeting. When this one departed, Queen Khamira and Lord Gharesh-ri were engaged in a heated discussion with Tharn over the risks and benefits of trusting an Imperial."] = 
                            ["204987124-1-57528 What should I know before we enter the Scar?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-0-57528 Tell me about your time as the King's Claw."] = "",
                        ["55049764-14-11682 The Scar can be a treacherous place, five-claw, even without the addition of a Nibenese assassination squad.\n\nWe need to hurry, but we should also proceed with caution."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57522 Why did Abnur Tharn send you to help me?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-57520 Tell me about your time as the King's Claw."] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-57521 What should I know before we enter the Scar?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-55711 Saulinia! The assassin who murdered King Hemakar and Queen Numara. Zamarak heard that name often on the day of Euraxia's coup.\n\nPerhaps this one can finally get justice for the royal family."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55711 Did you face Captain Saulinia back then?"] = "",
            ["267200725-0-1587 Kapliczka Dov-Vahl"] = 
                ["8290981-0-89170 Smoczy Strażnik Orland"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-55760 Dragons have returned. Euraxia sent the assassin because she thought you knew how to stop them."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55760 I know … about the Dragons. I sent word … to the other sanctuaries."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-55767 Dragonguard Orland?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-55766 Is there really a way to stop the Dragons?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55767 Take my ring. It will … open the sanctuary.\n\nFind the Dragonhorn. You have to … have to …."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-55760 Other sanctuaries? I thought you were the last of the Dragonguard."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55766 The last? I didn't … think so. But no one else … has responded. Maybe ….\n\nNo, I know at least … one other … is still out there. He'll come …. He has to …."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-0-11687 Damn assassin … she knew her stuff. I saw her fall, though. Thanks … for that.\n\nAfter all these years … why do I suddenly have … so much company?",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-55767 Take my ring. It will … open the sanctuary.\n\nFind the Dragonhorn. You have to … have to …."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55767 Dragonguard Orland?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-55760 I know … about the Dragons. I sent word … to the other sanctuaries."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55760 Other sanctuaries? I thought you were the last of the Dragonguard."] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-11687 Damn assassin … she knew her stuff. I saw her fall, though. Thanks … for that.\n\nAfter all these years … why do I suddenly have … so much company?"] = 
                            ["228103012-0-55760 Dragons have returned. Euraxia sent the assassin because she thought you knew how to stop them."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-55766 The last? I didn't … think so. But no one else … has responded. Maybe ….\n\nNo, I know at least … one other … is still out there. He'll come …. He has to …."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55766 Is there really a way to stop the Dragons?"] = "",
                ["8290981-0-89183 Prefekt Calo"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-57583 What are you really doing here, Calo?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57583 We're in a Dragonguard sanctuary! Old relics like this Dragonhorn are all well and good, but I want to see if we can find any books or scrolls that can tell us something about how to fight the Dragons.\n\nWe need every advantage we can get!"] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57583 So you believe the Dragonguard once fought Dragons?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57584 Dragonguard, Akaviri, ancient Nord warriors … someone battled the Dragons successfully in the past. Who's to say we won't find a record of their tactics and techniques here?\n\nIt certainly won't hurt to look around."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [2] = "55049764-0-11673 Well, now that you have the Dragonhorn, I suppose we should get back to Rimmen and see what Queen Khamira and Chancellor Tharn want us to do next.\n\nYou know, it feels good to be doing something other than trying to rein in Euraxia for a change.",
                        [1] = "55049764-1-11673 Well, let's get on with it. That old relic isn't going to collect itself.\n\nMy Irregulars will stand guard in case any more of Saulinia's Euraxians still want a fight.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-57584 Dragonguard, Akaviri, ancient Nord warriors … someone battled the Dragons successfully in the past. Who's to say we won't find a record of their tactics and techniques here?\n\nIt certainly won't hurt to look around."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-57583 We're in a Dragonguard sanctuary! Old relics like this Dragonhorn are all well and good, but I want to see if we can find any books or scrolls that can tell us something about how to fight the Dragons.\n\nWe need every advantage we can get!"] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57583 So you believe the Dragonguard once fought Dragons?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-1-11673 Well, let's get on with it. That old relic isn't going to collect itself.\n\nMy Irregulars will stand guard in case any more of Saulinia's Euraxians still want a fight."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57583 What are you really doing here, Calo?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-11673 Well, now that you have the Dragonhorn, I suppose we should get back to Rimmen and see what Queen Khamira and Chancellor Tharn want us to do next.\n\nYou know, it feels good to be doing something other than trying to rein in Euraxia for a change."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57583 What are you really doing here, Calo?"] = "",
                ["8290981-0-89002 Prefekt Calo"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-57580 The Dragonguard gave me a key to his sanctuary. We were on our way to retrieve a Dragonhorn."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57579 A Dragonhorn? Like the one at Star Haven Adeptorium? Hmm. \n\nWell, if you think this old relic can help, lead the way!"] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57575 Provisionally?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57580 The Cygnus Irregulars are on probation. For now. Once Queen Khamira sees us in action, I'm sure she'll come around.\n\nUntil then, I wanted to make sure you were all right. Beating Saulinia is no small feat! I'm sorry we lost the Dragonguard, though."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-57575 Saulinia is dead, but so is the Dragonguard. Did Khamira accept your terms of alliance?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57575 Both dead? Saulinia deserved it. A shame about the Dragonguard, though.\n\nAnd, yes. It took some convincing and Tharn's most diplomatic negotiation tactics, but Queen Khamira has accepted our help. Provisionally."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-2-11673 Ah, there you are. We came as soon as we could. Were you able to stop Captain Saulinia and her assassins?",
                        [2] = "55049764-3-11673 You said the Dragonguard gave you a key to the door? Well, open it and let's see what's inside!",
                        [3] = "55049764-1-11673 Well, let's get on with it. That old relic isn't going to collect itself.\n\nMy Irregulars will stand guard in case any more of Saulinia's Euraxians still want a fight.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-1-11673 Well, let's get on with it. That old relic isn't going to collect itself.\n\nMy Irregulars will stand guard in case any more of Saulinia's Euraxians still want a fight."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-57575 Both dead? Saulinia deserved it. A shame about the Dragonguard, though.\n\nAnd, yes. It took some convincing and Tharn's most diplomatic negotiation tactics, but Queen Khamira has accepted our help. Provisionally."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57575 Provisionally?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57580 The Cygnus Irregulars are on probation. For now. Once Queen Khamira sees us in action, I'm sure she'll come around.\n\nUntil then, I wanted to make sure you were all right. Beating Saulinia is no small feat! I'm sorry we lost the Dragonguard, though."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57580 The Dragonguard gave me a key to his sanctuary. We were on our way to retrieve a Dragonhorn."] = "",
                        ["55049764-2-11673 Ah, there you are. We came as soon as we could. Were you able to stop Captain Saulinia and her assassins?"] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57575 Saulinia is dead, but so is the Dragonguard. Did Khamira accept your terms of alliance?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-3-11673 You said the Dragonguard gave you a key to the door? Well, open it and let's see what's inside!"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-57579 A Dragonhorn? Like the one at Star Haven Adeptorium? Hmm. \n\nWell, if you think this old relic can help, lead the way!"] = 
                ["8290981-0-87340 Zamarak"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-57648 Star Haven?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57648 An adeptorium. Zamarak stayed there after he returned to Anequina. It was attacked by a Dragon.\n\nOne of the old treasures of Star Haven was a Dragonhorn. When sounded, the Dragon cried in pain. The horn faded to dust after it was used."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-57568 Are you all right, Zamarak?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57568 Zamarak … there was a heaviness on Zamarak's soul. Now it disperses like sand in the wind.\n\nStill, this one promised to find a new path, but these events just returned him to the same one he walked before."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57569 Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, Zamarak."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57573 You are right, five-claw. Violence ended the life Zamarak knew, and violence has given Zamarak a new life to lead. As the adepts say, some things are worth fighting for.\n\nThese musings distract from the mission. Let us check on the Dragonguard."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-55737 Shouldn't we try to open this door?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55737 Whatever has been hiding behind that door for all these years can wait a little longer. We need to deal with the assassins. They are the most pressing threat.\n\nThat shout we heard. Saulinia and her killers must be close."] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-57569 Stick to your teachings, Zamarak. Violence shouldn't be the answer."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-57648 And this Dragonhorn is different?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57650 Zamarak cannot explain it. I do not remember the large horn having a detachable small horn, but I did not examine it too closely.\n\nWhen this one approached the Star Haven Dragonhorn, it was like being near a great heartbeat. This horn is … quiet."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57568 You helped bring the killer of the royal family of Anequina to justice."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57569 Yes, but Zamarak believed his previous life of violence caused those deaths. His studies and meditations told him this was so.\n\nNow with Saulinia's death, Zamarak feels … lighter? It feels good, but it also feels like a betrayal of the Desert Wind."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-10-11682 Zamarak smells freshly polished armor among the lingering scents of dust and decay. Saulinia and her soldiers are here.\n\nIf we hunt in silence, we may take them by surprise.",
                        [2] = "55049764-9-11682 It is a very big door. Perhaps the shrine and the Dragonguard wait on the other side, yes?\n\nExamine the stone pedestal and see if you can determine how to lower the barrier.",
                        [3] = "55049764-8-11682 The assassins! They stalk the southern passages. We must hurry. There may be another way past this door deeper in the complex.",
                        [4] = "55049764-7-11682 That was the Dragonguard. Captain Saulinia must be closing in.",
                        [5] = "55049764-4-11682 Thank you, five-claw. With Saulinia dead, maybe the royal family can finally rest in peace.\n\nThe Dragonguard ran through that door, but he was wounded. We should help him.",
                        [6] = "55049764-5-11682 The Dragonguard was gravely wounded. We must follow him.",
                        [7] = "55049764-3-11682 The Dragonguard is gone. We need to enter the sanctuary and find this Dragonhorn he speaks of. It may be the answer we seek.",
                        [8] = "55049764-2-11682 That is Prefect Calo. Abnur Tharn brought him to Rimmen to meet with Queen Khamira.\n\nWhy is he here, Zamarak wonders?",
                        [9] = "55049764-1-11682 Do not hesitate, my friend. Let us collect the Dragonhorn and be done with this place.",
                        [10] = "55049764-0-11682 This Dragonhorn, it is different from the one at Star Haven. It has no light, no energy.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-5-11682 The Dragonguard was gravely wounded. We must follow him."] = 
                        ["55049764-4-11682 Thank you, five-claw. With Saulinia dead, maybe the royal family can finally rest in peace.\n\nThe Dragonguard ran through that door, but he was wounded. We should help him."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57568 Are you all right, Zamarak?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57569 Yes, but Zamarak believed his previous life of violence caused those deaths. His studies and meditations told him this was so.\n\nNow with Saulinia's death, Zamarak feels … lighter? It feels good, but it also feels like a betrayal of the Desert Wind."] = 
                            ["204987124-1-57569 Stick to your teachings, Zamarak. Violence shouldn't be the answer."] = "",
                            ["204987124-0-57569 Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire, Zamarak."] = "",
                        ["55049764-3-11682 The Dragonguard is gone. We need to enter the sanctuary and find this Dragonhorn he speaks of. It may be the answer we seek."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-57568 Zamarak … there was a heaviness on Zamarak's soul. Now it disperses like sand in the wind.\n\nStill, this one promised to find a new path, but these events just returned him to the same one he walked before."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57568 You helped bring the killer of the royal family of Anequina to justice."] = "",
                        ["55049764-7-11682 That was the Dragonguard. Captain Saulinia must be closing in."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-57650 Zamarak cannot explain it. I do not remember the large horn having a detachable small horn, but I did not examine it too closely.\n\nWhen this one approached the Star Haven Dragonhorn, it was like being near a great heartbeat. This horn is … quiet."] = 
                        ["55049764-2-11682 That is Prefect Calo. Abnur Tharn brought him to Rimmen to meet with Queen Khamira.\n\nWhy is he here, Zamarak wonders?"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-57573 You are right, five-claw. Violence ended the life Zamarak knew, and violence has given Zamarak a new life to lead. As the adepts say, some things are worth fighting for.\n\nThese musings distract from the mission. Let us check on the Dragonguard."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-57648 An adeptorium. Zamarak stayed there after he returned to Anequina. It was attacked by a Dragon.\n\nOne of the old treasures of Star Haven was a Dragonhorn. When sounded, the Dragon cried in pain. The horn faded to dust after it was used."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57648 And this Dragonhorn is different?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-10-11682 Zamarak smells freshly polished armor among the lingering scents of dust and decay. Saulinia and her soldiers are here.\n\nIf we hunt in silence, we may take them by surprise."] = 
                        ["55049764-9-11682 It is a very big door. Perhaps the shrine and the Dragonguard wait on the other side, yes?\n\nExamine the stone pedestal and see if you can determine how to lower the barrier."] = 
                        ["55049764-0-11682 This Dragonhorn, it is different from the one at Star Haven. It has no light, no energy."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57648 Star Haven?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-8-11682 The assassins! They stalk the southern passages. We must hurry. There may be another way past this door deeper in the complex."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-55737 Shouldn't we try to open this door?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-1-11682 Do not hesitate, my friend. Let us collect the Dragonhorn and be done with this place."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-55737 Whatever has been hiding behind that door for all these years can wait a little longer. We need to deal with the assassins. They are the most pressing threat.\n\nThat shout we heard. Saulinia and her killers must be close."] = 
            ["267200725-0-1555 Północne Elsweyr"] = 
                ["8290981-0-87271 Prefekt Calo"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-56693 Tell me about Captain Saulinia."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-56692 So Euraxia wasn't sent to conquer Rimmen?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57351 Conquer Rimmen? Euraxia was sent on Imperial business to a province that owed us fealty. There was no reason to conquer a place we historically controlled.\n\nNo, she decided to make her own play for power while Emperor Varen was otherwise engaged."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-55663 First, tell me why they locked you in that cell."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55664 I'm an Imperial without an Emperor. My cohort was assigned to accompany Euraxia on a fact-finding mission. She turned it into a conquest. I've tried to temper her more violent tendencies, but her mercenaries outnumber my legionaries by a wide margin."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-56690 What's an assassination squad?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-58520 An elite unit of mercenaries. They're rabid dogs that Euraxia points at her enemies. They like to kill and they're extremely good at it.\n\nWith the urging of the Dragons, she pointed them at their current target—the so-called last Dragonguard."] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-56692 What can you tell me about the Dragonguard?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-57351 And you went along with that?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57354 It was … complicated.\n\nLook, our quick visit turned into an invasion. Euraxia contracted an army of Nibenese mercenaries to back her up. And then the Emperor disappeared and his Empire collapsed. We were stuck here without orders or assistance."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-55663 How do you know who I am?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55663 It's elementary. I pay attention to every significant event that occurs in the region. Comes with my job description. I have agents, spies, and informers from Riverhold to Rimmen. The dossier on you could choke a wamasu.\n\nNow about this door …."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-56693 What can you tell me about the Dragonguard?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-57354 Tell me about Captain Saulinia."] = 
                        ["204987124-1-56693 So Euraxia wasn't sent to conquer Rimmen?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-55665 You seem unusually willing to cooperate with an ally of the rightful Khajiiti queen."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-56690 Tell me about Captain Saulinia."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-56690 She burst into my office with orders from Euraxia. Demanded I provide soldiers to support her assassination squad. Then commanded that I turn over my file on this so-called last Dragonguard.\n\nI politely refused both requests and she had me arrested."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-55664 So why lock you up now?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55665 I refused a direct order. Wouldn't give Saulinia my soldiers or my file on the last Dragonguard. So here I am.\n\nHow about this? You can find a copy of the report in my office. If the information it contains helps you, then come back and set me free."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-57351 So Euraxia wasn't sent to conquer Rimmen?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-58520 That was Euraxia's final order. She issued it right before I killed her."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-56692 Well, that puts a new spin on the situation.\n\nSaulinia took my file. Then she and her soldiers went to assassinate this supposed last Dragonguard to appease Euraxia's Dragon allies. There's a copy of the file in my office, but I suggest you hurry."] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-57354 What can you tell me about the Dragonguard?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-56693 Not much. I never got around to reviewing the report. You can read it yourself, in my office.\n\nFor some reason, this rumor of a last Dragonguard inspired Euraxia's ire. Maybe because the legends say they were once renowned Dragon hunters?"] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [2] = "55049764-6-11673 I'm a reasonable man. I have no great love for this land, but neither do I want to see it destroyed. Dragons were the last straw. In other words, this is me making a stand.\n\nYou can find a copy of the Dragonguard report in my office upstairs.",
                        [1] = "55049764-7-11673 I'm Prefect Calo, commander of the Cygnus Irregulars. And you're that outsider working with the Khajiiti militia. I expected you hours ago.\n\nWell, let's not dawdle. You have an assassination squad to stop, I assume, so if you'd open my cell .…",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-55664 I'm an Imperial without an Emperor. My cohort was assigned to accompany Euraxia on a fact-finding mission. She turned it into a conquest. I've tried to temper her more violent tendencies, but her mercenaries outnumber my legionaries by a wide margin."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55664 So why lock you up now?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-6-11673 I'm a reasonable man. I have no great love for this land, but neither do I want to see it destroyed. Dragons were the last straw. In other words, this is me making a stand.\n\nYou can find a copy of the Dragonguard report in my office upstairs."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57351 So Euraxia wasn't sent to conquer Rimmen?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-56690 Tell me about Captain Saulinia."] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-56693 What can you tell me about the Dragonguard?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-58520 An elite unit of mercenaries. They're rabid dogs that Euraxia points at her enemies. They like to kill and they're extremely good at it.\n\nWith the urging of the Dragons, she pointed them at their current target—the so-called last Dragonguard."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-58520 That was Euraxia's final order. She issued it right before I killed her."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-56690 She burst into my office with orders from Euraxia. Demanded I provide soldiers to support her assassination squad. Then commanded that I turn over my file on this so-called last Dragonguard.\n\nI politely refused both requests and she had me arrested."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-56690 What's an assassination squad?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-56692 Well, that puts a new spin on the situation.\n\nSaulinia took my file. Then she and her soldiers went to assassinate this supposed last Dragonguard to appease Euraxia's Dragon allies. There's a copy of the file in my office, but I suggest you hurry."] = 
                            ["204987124-1-56692 What can you tell me about the Dragonguard?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-0-56692 So Euraxia wasn't sent to conquer Rimmen?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-55665 I refused a direct order. Wouldn't give Saulinia my soldiers or my file on the last Dragonguard. So here I am.\n\nHow about this? You can find a copy of the report in my office. If the information it contains helps you, then come back and set me free."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55665 You seem unusually willing to cooperate with an ally of the rightful Khajiiti queen."] = "",
                        ["55049764-7-11673 I'm Prefect Calo, commander of the Cygnus Irregulars. And you're that outsider working with the Khajiiti militia. I expected you hours ago.\n\nWell, let's not dawdle. You have an assassination squad to stop, I assume, so if you'd open my cell .…"] = 
                            ["228103012-0-55663 How do you know who I am?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57351 Conquer Rimmen? Euraxia was sent on Imperial business to a province that owed us fealty. There was no reason to conquer a place we historically controlled.\n\nNo, she decided to make her own play for power while Emperor Varen was otherwise engaged."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57351 And you went along with that?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57354 It was … complicated.\n\nLook, our quick visit turned into an invasion. Euraxia contracted an army of Nibenese mercenaries to back her up. And then the Emperor disappeared and his Empire collapsed. We were stuck here without orders or assistance."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57354 Tell me about Captain Saulinia."] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-57354 What can you tell me about the Dragonguard?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-56693 Not much. I never got around to reviewing the report. You can read it yourself, in my office.\n\nFor some reason, this rumor of a last Dragonguard inspired Euraxia's ire. Maybe because the legends say they were once renowned Dragon hunters?"] = 
                            ["204987124-0-56693 Tell me about Captain Saulinia."] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-56693 So Euraxia wasn't sent to conquer Rimmen?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-55663 It's elementary. I pay attention to every significant event that occurs in the region. Comes with my job description. I have agents, spies, and informers from Riverhold to Rimmen. The dossier on you could choke a wamasu.\n\nNow about this door …."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55663 First, tell me why they locked you in that cell."] = "",
                ["8290981-0-87260 Abnur Tharn"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-55632 You think we'll have to fight our way in?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-55632 I prefer to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, of course, but these are enemy forces. We must do what we must to complete our mission.\n\nI'll work my way down from the upper levels of the house. You find your own entrance and we'll meet somewhere inside."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57404 Did you find anything while searching the manor?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-56425 Your age? Is that what's bothering you?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-56428 I feel the weight of my years, and it gets worse the longer this goes on. In my younger days, I would have already corralled the Dragons and banished the necromancers to a forgotten plane of Oblivion.\n\nEnough of this. I'll meet you inside."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57345 Where are they holding Prefect Calo?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57347 Calo's probably being held on one of the lower levels. See if you can find him. He should be able to tell us more about the Dragonguard and Saulinia's orders.\n\nWait a moment. I'm about to have company. I'll find my way to you as soon as I can."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-57399 Do you think we can trust Prefect Calo?"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-57398 Did you learn anything important here in the manor?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57398 Well, news of Euraxia's death has reached her mercenaries. For the most part, they've decided that Zumog Phoom is their new leader. And they're willing to do whatever the Dragons say.\n\nI suppose they think that's better than being eaten."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-57344 You really like to show off your magic, don't you?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57344 This projection? A simple spell. Nothing to it, really. But that's not what I want to discuss.\n\nI'm hiding in an empty servant's quarters at the moment. I discovered that Prefect Calo is no longer in charge here. In fact, he's been arrested."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57344 Why would the Euraxians arrest one of their own officers?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57345 That's the thing. Prefect Calo isn't really one of the Euraxians. His cohort of Imperials accompanied my half-sister into Rimmen, but he's been a vocal opponent of her coup and subsequent claim of rulership.\n\nApparently, he refused another order."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-55632 All right, I'll meet you inside the manor house."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-57398 Do you think we can trust Prefect Calo?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57399 Trust? We'll have to see. From what I've learned here in the manor, though, it's evident that Calo and his Irregulars have no love or respect for Euraxia's mercenaries. That counts for something."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57399 I hope we're not making a mistake here."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57404 Mistakes happen. They're a fact of life. But Prefect Calo is a trained Imperial soldier. I know his type well. Unlike the Euraxian mercenaries, he'll be as good as his word.\n\nAnd if not, I'll turn him into a mudcrab."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57347 All right. I'll try to find Prefect Calo."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-56425 Tell me more about the Dragonguard."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-56425 As I said, the Dragonguard I knew were the Emperor's protectors. I suspect this has more to do with legends that speak of their role as Dragon hunters of old.\n\nBah! Idle speculation isn't going to accomplish anything. If I were younger—"] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [4] = "55049764-0-11670 I'll take the prefect to Rimmen and see if I can negotiate an alliance between him and Khamira. We could use the help, but I'm not sure our young queen will agree.\n\nMeanwhile, you need to go to the Scar and find that shrine before the assassins do.",
                        [1] = "55049764-3-11670 Prefect Calo commands a full complement of soldiers, mostly seasoned Imperials and not the Nibenese mercenaries that make up Euraxia's main forces.\n\nIt's probable that Saulinia and her assassination squad is here as well, so I advise caution.",
                        [2] = "55049764-2-11670 Try not to alert the entire garrison to our presence. And keep an eye out for Captain Saulinia or anything related to Euraxia's final order. We need to determine where the assassination squad plans to strike if we're going to save the Dragonguard.",
                        [3] = "55049764-1-11670 We need to speak quickly. I doubt I'll remain undiscovered for very long.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-56425 As I said, the Dragonguard I knew were the Emperor's protectors. I suspect this has more to do with legends that speak of their role as Dragon hunters of old.\n\nBah! Idle speculation isn't going to accomplish anything. If I were younger—"] = 
                            ["204987124-0-56425 Your age? Is that what's bothering you?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57344 This projection? A simple spell. Nothing to it, really. But that's not what I want to discuss.\n\nI'm hiding in an empty servant's quarters at the moment. I discovered that Prefect Calo is no longer in charge here. In fact, he's been arrested."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57344 Why would the Euraxians arrest one of their own officers?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-2-11670 Try not to alert the entire garrison to our presence. And keep an eye out for Captain Saulinia or anything related to Euraxia's final order. We need to determine where the assassination squad plans to strike if we're going to save the Dragonguard."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-56425 Tell me more about the Dragonguard."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57399 Trust? We'll have to see. From what I've learned here in the manor, though, it's evident that Calo and his Irregulars have no love or respect for Euraxia's mercenaries. That counts for something."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57399 I hope we're not making a mistake here."] = "",
                        ["55049764-1-11670 We need to speak quickly. I doubt I'll remain undiscovered for very long."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57344 You really like to show off your magic, don't you?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57398 Well, news of Euraxia's death has reached her mercenaries. For the most part, they've decided that Zumog Phoom is their new leader. And they're willing to do whatever the Dragons say.\n\nI suppose they think that's better than being eaten."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57398 Do you think we can trust Prefect Calo?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-11670 I'll take the prefect to Rimmen and see if I can negotiate an alliance between him and Khamira. We could use the help, but I'm not sure our young queen will agree.\n\nMeanwhile, you need to go to the Scar and find that shrine before the assassins do."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57398 Did you learn anything important here in the manor?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-57399 Do you think we can trust Prefect Calo?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-55632 I prefer to avoid unnecessary bloodshed, of course, but these are enemy forces. We must do what we must to complete our mission.\n\nI'll work my way down from the upper levels of the house. You find your own entrance and we'll meet somewhere inside."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-55632 All right, I'll meet you inside the manor house."] = "",
                        ["55049764-3-11670 Prefect Calo commands a full complement of soldiers, mostly seasoned Imperials and not the Nibenese mercenaries that make up Euraxia's main forces.\n\nIt's probable that Saulinia and her assassination squad is here as well, so I advise caution."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-55632 You think we'll have to fight our way in?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57345 That's the thing. Prefect Calo isn't really one of the Euraxians. His cohort of Imperials accompanied my half-sister into Rimmen, but he's been a vocal opponent of her coup and subsequent claim of rulership.\n\nApparently, he refused another order."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57345 Where are they holding Prefect Calo?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57347 Calo's probably being held on one of the lower levels. See if you can find him. He should be able to tell us more about the Dragonguard and Saulinia's orders.\n\nWait a moment. I'm about to have company. I'll find my way to you as soon as I can."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57347 All right. I'll try to find Prefect Calo."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57404 Mistakes happen. They're a fact of life. But Prefect Calo is a trained Imperial soldier. I know his type well. Unlike the Euraxian mercenaries, he'll be as good as his word.\n\nAnd if not, I'll turn him into a mudcrab."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57404 Did you find anything while searching the manor?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-56428 I feel the weight of my years, and it gets worse the longer this goes on. In my younger days, I would have already corralled the Dragons and banished the necromancers to a forgotten plane of Oblivion.\n\nEnough of this. I'll meet you inside."] = 
                ["8290981-0-89002 Prefekt Calo"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-57370 The report suggests the last Dragonguard is hiding in an Akaviri shrine in the Scar."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-57364 Us? Why would you want to help stop the assassination of the Dragonguard?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57364 As I said, we were never willing participants in Euraxia's conquest of Northern Elsweyr. My Irregulars did as little as possible to advance her agenda, and we worked to sabotage it as often as not.\n\nBesides, have you forgotten about the Dragons?"] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57377 You must have some idea where this hidden Akaviri shrine is located."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-56447 Just what was in the report. No, wait a moment. There was something else. I didn't connect the two until just now.\n\nA merchant in the Stitches was selling actual Akaviri relics. Claimed to have found them in a cave in the western section of the Scar."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-56447 You must have some idea where this hidden Akaviri shrine is located."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-57373 And then what happens?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57377 Then? I haven't given it much thought. To tell you the truth, I don't expect us to survive whatever it is the Dragons are up to.\n\nIf we happen to find a way to win the day, I'll extend my offer of an alliance for as long as the queen will have us."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-56447 Do you know how Euraxia and the Dragons wound up working together?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-56448 As you can probably guess, Euraxia didn't go out of her way to consult with me. Especially after I refused to turn over command of the Irregulars.\n\nFrom what I gathered, she and her necromancer, Zumog Phoom, had or knew something the Dragons wanted."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-57373 How do I know we can trust you?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57373 I've been nothing but helpful since you met me. Besides, I give you my word as an Imperial officer. I pledge myself and the Cygnus Irregulars to the service of the new Khajiiti queen for the duration of the Dragon infestation."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-56448 Any idea what that might have been?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57381 Most likely something that Zumog Phoom has promised to deliver, seeing as he's still in league with the Dragons.\n\nI couldn't figure out what it was, but it must have something to do with the creepy floating head that follows the necromancer around."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57364 What about the Dragons?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-57370 The Dragons won't stop after they kill or subjugate the Khajiit. We're in as much danger as everyone else! If Lord Gharesh-ri pardons my soldiers, we'll help fight the Dragons.\n\nBut we're going to need the Dragonguard. Do you know where he is?"] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-57381 How do I know I can trust you?"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [2] = "55049764-4-11673 Captain Saulinia and her assassins left the estate shortly before you arrived. If you're going to catch them before they find and kill the last Dragonguard, you really ought to get a move on.",
                        [1] = "55049764-5-11673 Don't look so shocked. My Irregulars are very good at what they do. It was simple enough for them to sneak in and set me free.\n\nNow, what did you learn from the report? Anything that will help us stop Captain Saulinia and her assassination squad?",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-57381 Most likely something that Zumog Phoom has promised to deliver, seeing as he's still in league with the Dragons.\n\nI couldn't figure out what it was, but it must have something to do with the creepy floating head that follows the necromancer around."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57381 How do I know I can trust you?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57373 I've been nothing but helpful since you met me. Besides, I give you my word as an Imperial officer. I pledge myself and the Cygnus Irregulars to the service of the new Khajiiti queen for the duration of the Dragon infestation."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57373 And then what happens?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-4-11673 Captain Saulinia and her assassins left the estate shortly before you arrived. If you're going to catch them before they find and kill the last Dragonguard, you really ought to get a move on."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-56447 You must have some idea where this hidden Akaviri shrine is located."] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-57373 How do I know we can trust you?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57364 As I said, we were never willing participants in Euraxia's conquest of Northern Elsweyr. My Irregulars did as little as possible to advance her agenda, and we worked to sabotage it as often as not.\n\nBesides, have you forgotten about the Dragons?"] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57364 What about the Dragons?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-56448 As you can probably guess, Euraxia didn't go out of her way to consult with me. Especially after I refused to turn over command of the Irregulars.\n\nFrom what I gathered, she and her necromancer, Zumog Phoom, had or knew something the Dragons wanted."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-56448 Any idea what that might have been?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57370 The Dragons won't stop after they kill or subjugate the Khajiit. We're in as much danger as everyone else! If Lord Gharesh-ri pardons my soldiers, we'll help fight the Dragons.\n\nBut we're going to need the Dragonguard. Do you know where he is?"] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57370 The report suggests the last Dragonguard is hiding in an Akaviri shrine in the Scar."] = "",
                        ["55049764-5-11673 Don't look so shocked. My Irregulars are very good at what they do. It was simple enough for them to sneak in and set me free.\n\nNow, what did you learn from the report? Anything that will help us stop Captain Saulinia and her assassination squad?"] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57364 Us? Why would you want to help stop the assassination of the Dragonguard?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-56447 Just what was in the report. No, wait a moment. There was something else. I didn't connect the two until just now.\n\nA merchant in the Stitches was selling actual Akaviri relics. Claimed to have found them in a cave in the western section of the Scar."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-56447 Do you know how Euraxia and the Dragons wound up working together?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-57377 Then? I haven't given it much thought. To tell you the truth, I don't expect us to survive whatever it is the Dragons are up to.\n\nIf we happen to find a way to win the day, I'll extend my offer of an alliance for as long as the queen will have us."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-57377 You must have some idea where this hidden Akaviri shrine is located."] = "",
                ["8290981-0-87340 Zamarak"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-57522 Why did Abnur Tharn send you to help me?"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-57520 Tell me about your time as the King's Claw."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-57521 What should I know before we enter the Scar?"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [4] = "55049764-11-11682 This place … this must be the entrance to the hidden Akaviri shrine. Zamarak just hopes we have arrived in time to save the Dragonguard from the assassins' blades.",
                        [1] = "55049764-14-11682 The Scar can be a treacherous place, five-claw, even without the addition of a Nibenese assassination squad.\n\nWe need to hurry, but we should also proceed with caution.",
                        [2] = "55049764-13-11682 The dead Euraxian wears the insignia of Saulinia's assassination squad. Whatever creature brought the soldier down, they obviously decided to leave him where he fell.\n\nCaptain Saulinia must be in a great hurry to find and kill her target.",
                        [3] = "55049764-12-11682 The guides from the Stitches. We must be close. Saulinia had them killed because she no longer needed them and she wanted to keep whatever secrets they learned along the way.\n\nThe hidden Akaviri shrine must be nearby. Hurry, but be cautious.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-14-11682 The Scar can be a treacherous place, five-claw, even without the addition of a Nibenese assassination squad.\n\nWe need to hurry, but we should also proceed with caution."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57522 Why did Abnur Tharn send you to help me?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-57520 Tell me about your time as the King's Claw."] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-57521 What should I know before we enter the Scar?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-13-11682 The dead Euraxian wears the insignia of Saulinia's assassination squad. Whatever creature brought the soldier down, they obviously decided to leave him where he fell.\n\nCaptain Saulinia must be in a great hurry to find and kill her target."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57522 Why did Abnur Tharn send you to help me?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-57520 Tell me about your time as the King's Claw."] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-57521 What should I know before we enter the Scar?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-12-11682 The guides from the Stitches. We must be close. Saulinia had them killed because she no longer needed them and she wanted to keep whatever secrets they learned along the way.\n\nThe hidden Akaviri shrine must be nearby. Hurry, but be cautious."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-57522 Why did Abnur Tharn send you to help me?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-57520 Tell me about your time as the King's Claw."] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-57521 What should I know before we enter the Scar?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-11-11682 This place … this must be the entrance to the hidden Akaviri shrine. Zamarak just hopes we have arrived in time to save the Dragonguard from the assassins' blades."] = 
The Final Order.lua (144,708 bytes)   


2022-10-06 12:01

administrator   ~0000879

Northern Elsweyr na weblate

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-04-04 21:50 New Issue
2021-04-04 21:50 File Added: The Final Order.lua
2021-04-04 21:55 general Target Version => Northern Elsweyr
2021-04-04 21:55 general Description Updated
2021-04-08 06:09 tomkolp Category Quest (zadanie do przetłumaczenia) => Zadanie do tłumaczenia
2022-10-06 12:01 tomkolp Status new => confirmed
2022-10-06 12:01 tomkolp Note Added: 0000879
2023-03-17 11:49 Mionsi Status confirmed => assigned
2023-03-17 11:49 Mionsi Assigned To => Jakubson
2023-07-19 21:16 Jakubson Status assigned => resolved
2023-07-19 21:16 Jakubson Resolution open => fixed
2023-07-19 21:16 Jakubson Fixed in Version => 4.047