A Winner for Onwyn.lua (34,122 bytes)
ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 =
["npc"] =
["267200725-0-30 Pustynia Alik'r"] =
["267200725-0-30 Pustynia Alik'r"] =
["8290981-0-16575 Rena"] =
["topics"] =
["204987124-0-28710 Can I try the race again?"] =
["200879108-0-28711 Of course! You just need your lizard back ….\n\nAnd here he comes now. They can't resist that musk, I tell you! Good luck with your next race!"] = "",
["204987124-0-28680 All right. I'll buy some."] =
["200879108-0-28682 I'll feed it to your lizard before you go. It can get a little messy.\n\nThere, all done! He's bright-eyed and ready to run!"] = "",
["204987124-2-10302 No thanks. I'll go buy a lizard in Sentinel or Bergama then."] =
["228103012-0-28710 Why didn't I win?"] =
["200879108-0-28710 Don't feel bad! Could have been the sand's too hot, or too cold.\n\nIf you've done everything right, best just to try again."] = "",
["204987124-1-28680 Why don't you enter your own lizards in the race?"] =
["200879108-0-29340 To teach 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn a lesson! He claims to know all about lizards and running a race track.\n\nHe knows no more about either than I do about flying! But together, we could make this the best track around, if he cuts me a deal."] = "",
["228103012-0-28681 Where else can I find racing lizards?"] =
["200879108-0-28681 You could start with 8290981-0-10228 Neeneban in Sentinel, or 8290981-0-45247 Hatiha near Bergama. They've both sold racers.\n\nThey'll trade you for one of mine, too, if you ask nicely."] = "",
["204987124-0-10301 I'll take a 267697733-0-2297 Scynk trójpalczasty."] =
["228103012-0-10299 I'm looking for a racing lizard."] =
["200879108-0-10299 8290981-0-10228 Neeneban in Sentinel sells good lizards. And 8290981-0-45247 Hatiha near Bergama has sold a few good racers.\n\nUnfortunately, I only carry one lizard suited for racing - a 267697733-0-2297 Scynk trójpalczasty. He's not fast enough to be a winner, but you never know!"] = "",
["204987124-0-10300 What makes a good racing lizard?"] =
["200879108-0-10302 A lizard needs to be light, but muscular. Their shape can affect their speed, as can their diet.\n\nI've got something for the latter, if you're interested."] = "",
["204987124-1-10299 I think I'll go buy a lizard in Sentinel or Bergama then."] =
["204987124-1-28710 Where else can I find a racing lizard?"] =
["200879108-0-28716 You'll find few collectors around Alik'r. It's just not the sport it used to be.\n\n8290981-0-10228 Neeneban in Sentinel, and 8290981-0-45247 Hatiha in Bergama both sell a few good racers."] = "",
["204987124-0-29340 Well, I'll buy that lizard snack for my racer."] =
["204987124-3-10302 So you don't want the track to succeed?"] =
["200879108-0-10301 I do want this track to succeed, but 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn has to admit I know what I'm doing, too."] = "",
["204987124-1-10300 Why don't you allow your other lizards to race?"] =
["200879108-0-29339 To teach 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn a lesson! He claims to know all about lizards and running a race track.\n\nHe knows no more about either than I do about flying! But together, we could make this the best track around, if he cuts me a deal."] = "",
["204987124-0-28711 Do you have anything that could help my lizard?"] =
["204987124-1-29339 So you don't want this track to succeed?"] =
["200879108-0-10301 I do want this track to succeed, but 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn has to admit I know what I'm doing, too."] = "",
["204987124-0-10302 How much does it cost?"] =
["200879108-0-28680 I offer a nutritious snack that gives any lizard more energy for their upcoming race.\n\nIt's no guarantee, but it'll increase your chances of being a winner!"] = "",
["228103012-0-28680 Do you have anything that could help my lizard?"] =
["200879108-0-28680 I offer a nutritious snack that gives any lizard more energy for their upcoming race.\n\nIt's no guarantee, but it'll increase your chances of being a winner!"] = "",
["204987124-1-10302 I'll take a 267697733-0-2297 Scynk trójpalczasty."] =
["204987124-0-29339 What makes a good racing lizard?"] =
["200879108-0-10302 A lizard needs to be light, but muscular. Their shape can affect their speed, as can their diet.\n\nI've got something for the latter, if you're interested."] = "",
["204987124-0-10299 I'll take a 267697733-0-2297 Scynk trójpalczasty."] =
["200879108-0-10300 Excellent! Remember, he's not the fastest of the bunch. But maybe in the right hands he'll do well."] = "",
["204987124-2-10300 Maybe I can trade him for a lizard in Sentinel or Bergama then."] =
["204987124-2-10301 What makes a good racing lizard?"] =
["200879108-0-10302 A lizard needs to be light, but muscular. Their shape can affect their speed, as can their diet.\n\nI've got something for the latter, if you're interested."] = "",
["204987124-1-10301 I think I'll go buy a lizard in Sentinel or Bergama then."] =
["204987124-2-10299 Why don't you allow your other lizards to race?"] =
["200879108-0-29339 To teach 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn a lesson! He claims to know all about lizards and running a race track.\n\nHe knows no more about either than I do about flying! But together, we could make this the best track around, if he cuts me a deal."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "165399380-0-16575 Come to admire my lizards?\n\nAll my little babies are highly trained. You should see Hiram do a trick!",
[2] = "55049764-2-3795 If you plan to enter your lizard in a race, you'll need to put it in a starting cage.",
[3] = "55049764-1-3795 Back so soon? \n\nI still have many terrific lizards to choose from. Were you looking for something specific?",
[4] = "55049764-0-3795 I have many wonderful lizards to choose from.\n\nWere you looking for something particular?",
[5] = "55049764-4-3795 Was your lizard the fast one?\n\nI've never seen a lizard move that quickly!",
[6] = "55049764-5-3795 I trust your lizard is still well. Please let it know I asked after it!",
["links"] =
["200879108-0-28682 I'll feed it to your lizard before you go. It can get a little messy.\n\nThere, all done! He's bright-eyed and ready to run!"] =
["200879108-0-10301 I do want this track to succeed, but 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn has to admit I know what I'm doing, too."] =
["204987124-2-10301 What makes a good racing lizard?"] = "",
["204987124-0-10301 I'll take a 267697733-0-2297 Scynk trójpalczasty."] = "",
["204987124-1-10301 I think I'll go buy a lizard in Sentinel or Bergama then."] = "",
["200879108-0-28710 Don't feel bad! Could have been the sand's too hot, or too cold.\n\nIf you've done everything right, best just to try again."] =
["204987124-1-28710 Where else can I find a racing lizard?"] = "",
["204987124-0-28710 Can I try the race again?"] = "",
["55049764-5-3795 I trust your lizard is still well. Please let it know I asked after it!"] =
["55049764-4-3795 Was your lizard the fast one?\n\nI've never seen a lizard move that quickly!"] =
["200879108-0-28681 You could start with 8290981-0-10228 Neeneban in Sentinel, or 8290981-0-45247 Hatiha near Bergama. They've both sold racers.\n\nThey'll trade you for one of mine, too, if you ask nicely."] =
["200879108-0-29340 To teach 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn a lesson! He claims to know all about lizards and running a race track.\n\nHe knows no more about either than I do about flying! But together, we could make this the best track around, if he cuts me a deal."] =
["204987124-0-29340 Well, I'll buy that lizard snack for my racer."] = "",
["200879108-0-28716 You'll find few collectors around Alik'r. It's just not the sport it used to be.\n\n8290981-0-10228 Neeneban in Sentinel, and 8290981-0-45247 Hatiha in Bergama both sell a few good racers."] =
["200879108-0-10302 A lizard needs to be light, but muscular. Their shape can affect their speed, as can their diet.\n\nI've got something for the latter, if you're interested."] =
["204987124-2-10302 No thanks. I'll go buy a lizard in Sentinel or Bergama then."] = "",
["204987124-0-10302 How much does it cost?"] = "",
["204987124-3-10302 So you don't want the track to succeed?"] = "",
["204987124-1-10302 I'll take a 267697733-0-2297 Scynk trójpalczasty."] = "",
["55049764-1-3795 Back so soon? \n\nI still have many terrific lizards to choose from. Were you looking for something specific?"] =
["228103012-0-28710 Why didn't I win?"] = "",
["200879108-0-28680 I offer a nutritious snack that gives any lizard more energy for their upcoming race.\n\nIt's no guarantee, but it'll increase your chances of being a winner!"] =
["204987124-1-28680 Why don't you enter your own lizards in the race?"] = "",
["204987124-0-28680 All right. I'll buy some."] = "",
["200879108-0-10300 Excellent! Remember, he's not the fastest of the bunch. But maybe in the right hands he'll do well."] =
["204987124-1-10300 Why don't you allow your other lizards to race?"] = "",
["204987124-0-10300 What makes a good racing lizard?"] = "",
["204987124-2-10300 Maybe I can trade him for a lizard in Sentinel or Bergama then."] = "",
["55049764-0-3795 I have many wonderful lizards to choose from.\n\nWere you looking for something particular?"] =
["228103012-0-10299 I'm looking for a racing lizard."] = "",
["228103012-0-28681 Where else can I find racing lizards?"] = "",
["200879108-0-28711 Of course! You just need your lizard back ….\n\nAnd here he comes now. They can't resist that musk, I tell you! Good luck with your next race!"] =
["204987124-0-28711 Do you have anything that could help my lizard?"] = "",
["200879108-0-10299 8290981-0-10228 Neeneban in Sentinel sells good lizards. And 8290981-0-45247 Hatiha near Bergama has sold a few good racers.\n\nUnfortunately, I only carry one lizard suited for racing - a 267697733-0-2297 Scynk trójpalczasty. He's not fast enough to be a winner, but you never know!"] =
["204987124-1-10299 I think I'll go buy a lizard in Sentinel or Bergama then."] = "",
["204987124-0-10299 I'll take a 267697733-0-2297 Scynk trójpalczasty."] = "",
["204987124-2-10299 Why don't you allow your other lizards to race?"] = "",
["55049764-2-3795 If you plan to enter your lizard in a race, you'll need to put it in a starting cage."] =
["228103012-0-28680 Do you have anything that could help my lizard?"] = "",
["200879108-0-29339 To teach 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn a lesson! He claims to know all about lizards and running a race track.\n\nHe knows no more about either than I do about flying! But together, we could make this the best track around, if he cuts me a deal."] =
["204987124-1-29339 So you don't want this track to succeed?"] = "",
["204987124-0-29339 What makes a good racing lizard?"] = "",
["165399380-0-16575 Come to admire my lizards?\n\nAll my little babies are highly trained. You should see Hiram do a trick!"] =
["228103012-0-10299 I'm looking for a racing lizard."] = "",
["8290981-0-16722 Adrazan af-Mahala"] =
["topics"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "165399380-0-16722 Do not distract me from the races … I am on a winning streak.",
["links"] =
["165399380-0-16722 Do not distract me from the races … I am on a winning streak."] =
["8290981-0-44912 Stephile Gelves"] =
["topics"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "165399380-0-44912 Not going to make the same mistake this time. I've got a system.",
["links"] =
["165399380-0-44912 Not going to make the same mistake this time. I've got a system."] =
["8290981-0-44888 Zeta"] =
["topics"] =
["204987124-0-29347 How long has 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn owned this track?"] =
["200879108-0-29348 Since Second Seed. The races were interesting when he first started, but the best lizard died, and without 8290981-0-16575 Rena's help, no one will sell 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn good stock.\n\nStill, I've made a lot of money. I lose sometimes, but I win more than I lose."] = "",
["204987124-0-29348 Are they feuding?"] =
["204987124-1-29348 So you enjoy the spectacle?"] =
["200879108-0-29346 It's better than wasting away inside some town's walls. I've a taste for adventure, and this is as close as I'll get to any."] = "",
["228103012-0-29342 Do you always bet on the lizard races?"] =
["200879108-0-29342 Not always. They used to race dunerippers here, but that proved too dangerous. 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn bought the place when the last owner died.\n\n8290981-0-16575 Rena was none too pleased by that."] = "",
["204987124-1-29342 How long has 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn owned this track?"] =
["204987124-1-29347 So you enjoy the spectacle?"] =
["204987124-0-29342 Are they feuding?"] =
["200879108-0-29347 Not openly, no. But 8290981-0-16575 Rena refuses to race her own lizards, which makes 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn angry, and that in turn makes her less likely to do so.\n\nFire and ice, they are. They ought to get married."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-2-7365 Here—try your luck with the lizards.",
["links"] =
["200879108-0-29346 It's better than wasting away inside some town's walls. I've a taste for adventure, and this is as close as I'll get to any."] =
["55049764-2-7365 Here—try your luck with the lizards."] =
["228103012-0-29342 Do you always bet on the lizard races?"] = "",
["200879108-0-29342 Not always. They used to race dunerippers here, but that proved too dangerous. 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn bought the place when the last owner died.\n\n8290981-0-16575 Rena was none too pleased by that."] =
["204987124-1-29342 How long has 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn owned this track?"] = "",
["204987124-0-29342 Are they feuding?"] = "",
["200879108-0-29348 Since Second Seed. The races were interesting when he first started, but the best lizard died, and without 8290981-0-16575 Rena's help, no one will sell 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn good stock.\n\nStill, I've made a lot of money. I lose sometimes, but I win more than I lose."] =
["204987124-0-29348 Are they feuding?"] = "",
["204987124-1-29348 So you enjoy the spectacle?"] = "",
["200879108-0-29347 Not openly, no. But 8290981-0-16575 Rena refuses to race her own lizards, which makes 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn angry, and that in turn makes her less likely to do so.\n\nFire and ice, they are. They ought to get married."] =
["204987124-1-29347 So you enjoy the spectacle?"] = "",
["204987124-0-29347 How long has 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn owned this track?"] = "",
["8290981-0-45247 Hatiha"] =
["topics"] =
["228103012-0-28688 I'm looking for a racing lizard."] =
["200879108-0-28688 Are you, then? And you believe I have your lucky lizard?\n\nThat I may, that I may. I do have a rather speedy 267697733-0-2299 Jaszczurka kolczasta. What will you give me for him?"] = "",
["204987124-0-28688 Perhaps I can buy the 267697733-0-2299 Jaszczurka kolczasta from you?"] =
["200879108-0-28689 Then here you are. Good luck to you."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "165399380-0-45247 When you hunt lizards on the sands, you must know their favorite basking spots.\n\nI make sure the softest and warmest pits are clear of debris. Then, the lizards come to me.",
["links"] =
["165399380-0-45247 When you hunt lizards on the sands, you must know their favorite basking spots.\n\nI make sure the softest and warmest pits are clear of debris. Then, the lizards come to me."] =
["228103012-0-28688 I'm looking for a racing lizard."] = "",
["200879108-0-28688 Are you, then? And you believe I have your lucky lizard?\n\nThat I may, that I may. I do have a rather speedy 267697733-0-2299 Jaszczurka kolczasta. What will you give me for him?"] =
["204987124-0-28688 Perhaps I can buy the 267697733-0-2299 Jaszczurka kolczasta from you?"] = "",
["200879108-0-28689 Then here you are. Good luck to you."] =
["8290981-0-16574 Onwyn"] =
["topics"] =
["232026500-0-4115 As promised, I found a winner."] =
["116521668-0-4115 The new lizard is just the draw this track needs. And, I spoke with 8290981-0-16575 Rena as well. She'll help me with the track for a small investment.\n\nMeeting you turned my life around! May Tall Papa guide your steps!"] = "",
["249936564-0-3535 Why don't you get some new lizards?"] =
["3952276-0-3535 8290981-0-16575 Rena breeds racing lizards, but won't enter them in my races. She wants me to fail so she can take over.\n\nMaybe you can convince her to give you a winning lizard."] = "",
["20958740-0-3535 Why would she want you to fail?"] =
["3952276-1-3535 She wanted to buy this track, but I outbid her. 8290981-0-16575 Rena's over there with her lizards, waiting for the track to fail so she can buy it cheap.\n\nIf you can bring me a fast lizard, though, the track can stay in business. What do you say?"] = "",
["20958740-1-3535 I'll go get a lizard."] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-6-3788 You're not here for the lizard races, are you? I thought not.\n\nLizard racing doesn't draw the crowd it used to. They've seen the same lizards race time and time again. To stay in business, I need something to spice things up!",
[2] = "55049764-0-3788 Speak to 8290981-0-16575 Rena, the lizard breeder. Pick me a winner!",
[3] = "55049764-1-3788 Well, that last lizard didn't race so well.\n\nSpeak to 8290981-0-16575 Rena again. She might know how to help your lizard.",
[4] = "55049764-4-3788 You sure found me a fast lizard! \n\nDid you hear the crowd? They loved it!",
[5] = "55049764-5-3788 I can't wait to enter my new lizard! Thank you again!",
["links"] =
["55049764-4-3788 You sure found me a fast lizard! \n\nDid you hear the crowd? They loved it!"] =
["232026500-0-4115 As promised, I found a winner."] = "",
["55049764-5-3788 I can't wait to enter my new lizard! Thank you again!"] =
["55049764-6-3788 You're not here for the lizard races, are you? I thought not.\n\nLizard racing doesn't draw the crowd it used to. They've seen the same lizards race time and time again. To stay in business, I need something to spice things up!"] =
["249936564-0-3535 Why don't you get some new lizards?"] = "",
["3952276-0-3535 8290981-0-16575 Rena breeds racing lizards, but won't enter them in my races. She wants me to fail so she can take over.\n\nMaybe you can convince her to give you a winning lizard."] =
["20958740-0-3535 Why would she want you to fail?"] = "",
["55049764-0-3788 Speak to 8290981-0-16575 Rena, the lizard breeder. Pick me a winner!"] =
["3952276-1-3535 She wanted to buy this track, but I outbid her. 8290981-0-16575 Rena's over there with her lizards, waiting for the track to fail so she can buy it cheap.\n\nIf you can bring me a fast lizard, though, the track can stay in business. What do you say?"] =
["20958740-1-3535 I'll go get a lizard."] = "",
["55049764-1-3788 Well, that last lizard didn't race so well.\n\nSpeak to 8290981-0-16575 Rena again. She might know how to help your lizard."] =
["quest"] =
["162658389-0-104 Pustynia Alik'r"] =
["52420949-0-3381 Zwyciężca Onwyna"] =
["steps"] =
[1] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-27760 I can obtain a racing lizard from 8290981-0-16575 Rena near the race track outside Bergama.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-32727 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-16575 Rena",
[2] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-27761 In order to enter the lizard races, I need to get a lizard from 8290981-0-16575 Rena, 8290981-0-10228 Neeneban in Sentinel, or 8290981-0-45247 Hatiha in Bergama.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "256430276-0-27761 Obtain a Racing Lizard",
[3] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-11447 Mam już jaszczurkę wyścigową, powinienem umieścić ją w klatce startowej na torze wyścigowym przy Bergamie.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-32732 Put the Lizard in the 87370069-0-4176 Jaskinia Początkowa",
[4] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-11446 Położyłem moją jaszczurkę na torze wyścigowym przy Bergamie. Moja jaszczurka pobiegnie, gdy tylko zacznie się następny wyścig.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-12451 Wygraj wyścig",
[5] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-27779 I should ask 8290981-0-16575 Rena about my racing lizard, who lost at the race track outside Bergama.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-32754 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-16575 Rena",
[6] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-11443 Teraz, gdy moja jaszczurka wygrała wyścig, mogę wrócić do miejsca, w którym czeka na mnie 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "121487972-0-4115 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn",
["info"] =
["finisher"] =
[1] = "8290981-0-16574 Onwyn",
["starter"] =
[1] = "8290981-0-16574 Onwyn",
["description"] =
[1] = "265851556-0-3381 I've decided to help 8290981-0-16574 Onwyn find a lizard who can win in the local lizard races. Breeders specialize in providing varieties of racing reptiles.",
["involved"] =
[2] = "8290981-0-45247 Hatiha",
[1] = "8290981-0-16575 Rena",
["items"] =
[4] = "267697733-0-2300 Bergamska jaszczurka zielona",
[1] = "267697733-0-2297 Scynk trójpalczasty",
[2] = "267697733-0-2298 Jaszczurka rogata",
[3] = "267697733-0-2299 Jaszczurka kolczasta",
["subtitles"] =
["267200725-0-30 Pustynia Alik'r"] =
["267200725-0-30 Pustynia Alik'r"] =
[2] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-16913 A magnificent upset! The newcomer wins!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-16625 Konferansjer",
[1] =
[2] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-16910 And here's the release! Look at them go!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-16625 Konferansjer",
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-16909 We have a new contender!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-16625 Konferansjer",