Retaking firebrand keep.lua (12,904 bytes)
ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 =
["quest"] =
["162658389-0-19 Burzowa Przystań"] =
["52420949-0-737 Odbicie Warowni Podżegaczy"] =
["info"] =
["starter"] =
[1] = "8290981-0-1953 Sir Edmund",
["description"] =
[1] = "265851556-0-737 Sir Edmund and the knights who have rallied to our cause are prepared to attack. We must retake Firebrand Keep and put an end to the plan that would threaten the Daggerfall Covenant.",
["finisher"] =
[1] = "8290981-0-3185 Sir Edmund",
["involved"] =
[1] = "8290981-0-3180 Sir Edmund",
["steps"] =
[1] =
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-2838 Zadmij w róg oblężniczy w wielkiej sali",
["description"] = "103224356-0-2717 Sir Edmund poprosił mnie, żebym wszedł do wieży w Wielkiej Sali w Warowni Podżegaczy i zadął tam w róg. Dźwięk rogu zasygnalizuje rycerzom rozpoczęcie ataku.",
[2] =
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-2839 Porozmawiaj z sir Edmundem",
["description"] = "103224356-0-2718 Zadąłem w róg w Wielkiej Sali Warowni Podżegaczy. Sir Edmund rozpoczął szturm. Muszę opuścić salę i znaleźć go.",
[3] =
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-44620 Zabij sir Croixa",
["description"] = "103224356-0-2719 Sir Edmund został ranny i nie miał siły, aby zająć się Sir Croixem. Powierzył mi to zadanie. Sir Croix jest w garnizonie po zachodniej stronie Warowni Podżegaczy. Muszę zadąć w róg oblężniczy w garnizonie, aby zakończyć bitwę... po tym, jak zabiję Sir Croixa.",
[4] =
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-2842 Zadmij w róg oblężniczy garnizonu",
["description"] = "103224356-0-2721 Sir Croix poległ, ale w Warowni Podżegaczy wciąż trwa bitwa. Muszę zadąć w róg oblężniczy w garnizonie. Będzie to sygnał dla Sir Edmunda, że Sir Croix nie żyje, a żołnierze będą mogli się wycofać.",
[5] =
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "121487972-0-970 Porozmawiaj z sir Edmundem",
["description"] = "103224356-0-2722 Zadąłem w garnizonowy róg, przejmując Warownię Podżegaczy dla Sir Edmunda i jego rycerzy. Bitwa się skończyła, ale Sir Edmund otrzymał straszliwe rany podczas szturmu. Należy odszukać go przy wejściu do Wielkiej Sali, żeby poznać jego los.",
["subtitles"] =
["267200725-0-12 Burzowa Przystań"] =
["267200725-0-12 Burzowa Przystań"] =
[1] =
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-3034 Sir Croix",
["text"] = "115740052-0-1908 At last, the outsider who rallies my knights to rebellion! I'm going to enjoy this!",
["npc"] =
["267200725-0-12 Burzowa Przystań"] =
["267200725-0-12 Burzowa Przystań"] =
["8290981-0-3185 Sir Edmund"] =
["topics"] =
["249936564-0-467 Poradzę sobie. Książę mnie tu wysłał, żebym go odnalazł."] =
["232026500-0-970 So the battle's over?"] =
["116521668-0-970 Indeed. With Sir Croix slain, I am assuming command of Firebrand Keep for now.\n\nNeedless to say, preparations to march to Alcaire Castle have been called off."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-0-877 I grieve for Sir Croix and all those who died fighting for him, but there was no other way to save the Knights of the Flame.\n\nThank you for doing what I could not.",
[2] = "55049764-3-877 Killing my fellow knights to restore order was hard enough, but this matter with Sir Hughes is unthinkable.\n\nHe's down in the infirmary. I'm told he was raving about killing the duchess before he fell unconscious. I-I don't know what to do.",
["links"] =
["55049764-3-877 Killing my fellow knights to restore order was hard enough, but this matter with Sir Hughes is unthinkable.\n\nHe's down in the infirmary. I'm told he was raving about killing the duchess before he fell unconscious. I-I don't know what to do."] =
["249936564-0-467 Poradzę sobie. Książę mnie tu wysłał, żebym go odnalazł."] = "",
["55049764-0-877 I grieve for Sir Croix and all those who died fighting for him, but there was no other way to save the Knights of the Flame.\n\nThank you for doing what I could not."] =
["232026500-0-970 So the battle's over?"] = "",
["8290981-0-36337 Raphael Artan"] =
["topics"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "165399380-0-36337 If you were wounded in the battle, go see Odette in the infirmary downstairs. She will see that your wounds are treated.",
["links"] =
["165399380-0-36337 If you were wounded in the battle, go see Odette in the infirmary downstairs. She will see that your wounds are treated."] =
["8290981-0-3180 Sir Edmund"] =
["topics"] =
["228103012-0-2395 You've done enough already."] =
["200879108-0-2395 I've done what I could, but I failed to find Sir Croix. Now I fear he would best me quite easily.\n\nI need you to do this. I believe the other knights will stand down if we can defeat Sir Croix. Will you face him for me?"] = "",
["204987124-0-2395 Where do I find him?"] =
["200879108-0-4649 He's in the eastern garrison. Kill him. Put an end to this.\n\nThere's another siege horn on top of the garrison. When Croix is killed, blow that horn. The knights will pause, and I'll use that moment to call for an end to the fighting."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[2] = "55049764-1-876 You must kill Sir Croix, or all of this bloodshed will have been in vain.",
[1] = "55049764-2-876 We caught them by surprise and I think we have the upper hand. \n\nI've been wounded, though. I don't think I'd be of any more use in the battle.",
["links"] =
["55049764-2-876 We caught them by surprise and I think we have the upper hand. \n\nI've been wounded, though. I don't think I'd be of any more use in the battle."] =
["228103012-0-2395 You've done enough already."] = "",
["200879108-0-4649 He's in the eastern garrison. Kill him. Put an end to this.\n\nThere's another siege horn on top of the garrison. When Croix is killed, blow that horn. The knights will pause, and I'll use that moment to call for an end to the fighting."] =
["55049764-1-876 You must kill Sir Croix, or all of this bloodshed will have been in vain."] =
["200879108-0-2395 I've done what I could, but I failed to find Sir Croix. Now I fear he would best me quite easily.\n\nI need you to do this. I believe the other knights will stand down if we can defeat Sir Croix. Will you face him for me?"] =
["204987124-0-2395 Where do I find him?"] = "",
["8290981-0-1953 Sir Edmund"] =
["topics"] =
["20958740-0-737 I'll blow the horn. Be ready."] =
["249936564-0-737 What part would you have me play?"] =
["3952276-0-737 Powiedziałem naszym rycerzom wokół zamku, aby zaatakowali na nasz sygnał.\n\n Na szczycie głównej sali Warowni Podżegaczy znajduje się róg oblężniczy. Jeśli jesteś gotowy, chciałbym, abyś tam poszedł i zadął w róg. To da wszystkich sygnał do ataku."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[2] = "55049764-0-519 We'll be ready to attack on your signal.",
[1] = "55049764-3-519 I dread the prospect of having to do battle with my fellow knights. \n\nNonetheless, it must be done. I've ordered the knights who have joined our cause to take up strategic positions around the keep.",
["links"] =
["3952276-0-737 Powiedziałem naszym rycerzom wokół zamku, aby zaatakowali na nasz sygnał.\n\n Na szczycie głównej sali Warowni Podżegaczy znajduje się róg oblężniczy. Jeśli jesteś gotowy, chciałbym, abyś tam poszedł i zadął w róg. To da wszystkich sygnał do ataku."] =
["20958740-0-737 I'll blow the horn. Be ready."] = "",
["55049764-0-519 We'll be ready to attack on your signal."] =
["55049764-3-519 I dread the prospect of having to do battle with my fellow knights. \n\nNonetheless, it must be done. I've ordered the knights who have joined our cause to take up strategic positions around the keep."] =
["249936564-0-737 What part would you have me play?"] = "",