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0000393ESO SpolszczenieZadanie do tłumaczeniapublic2021-08-28 12:39 Assigned ToSiggyn  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Target VersionStormhavenFixed in Version4.021 
Summary0000393: Stormhaven - Pursuing the Shard
DescriptionPursuing the Shard
TagsNo tags attached.


2020-05-17 22:33


Pursuing the Shard.lua (22,583 bytes)   
ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 =
    ["subtitles"] = 
        ["267200725-0-12 Burzowa Przystań"] = 
            ["267200725-0-33 Wayrest"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "149328292-3-1152 The Guild requests your help!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-28505 Bera Moorsmith",
    ["quest"] = 
        ["162658389-0-19 Burzowa Przystań"] = 
            ["52420949-0-499 W pogoni za odłamkiem"] = 
                ["steps"] = 
                    [4] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "121487972-0-676 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-6321 Hrabia Hosni at-Tura",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-2054 Strażnik bramy powiedział, że Hrabia Hosni jest w swojej posiadłości z 8290981-0-6551 Lady Adima, jego narzeczoną. Powinienem z nim porozmawiać, zobaczyć, czy uda mi się zbliżyć do Odłamka Snu.",
                    [1] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-27932 Porozmawiaj z najwyższym królem Emerykiem",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-23870 I've been asked to inform King Emeric that, due to the Midnight Union's attack on Pariah Abbey and theft of the Dream Shard, the Spirit Wardens will no longer be able to supply him with protective dreamless potions.",
                    [2] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-9083 Porozmawiaj ze strażnikiem bramy w Posiadłości At-Tura",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-2055 Król Emeryk wręczył mi zaproszenie na zaręczyny Hrabiego Hosniego. Powinienem pokazać je strażnikowi, który pozwoli mi wejść do posiadłości at-Tura.",
                    [3] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-9081 Wejdź do Posiadłości At-Tura",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-8357 Strażnik bramy pozwolił mi wejść na teren posiadłości. Powinienem pójść do środka i znaleźć 8290981-0-6321 Hrabia Hosni at-Tura.",
                ["info"] = 
                    ["involved"] = 
                        [2] = "8290981-0-2048 Najemnik",
                        [1] = "8290981-0-6396 Najwyższy Król Emeryk",
                    ["items"] = 
                        [1] = "267697733-0-342 Zaproszenie do posiadłości At-Tura",
                    ["starter"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-6089 Opat Durak",
                    ["description"] = 
                        [1] = "265851556-0-499 King Emeric believes Count Hosni has the Dream Shard stolen from Pariah Abbey. He wants me to ingratiate myself with the count in hopes of retrieving the shard.",
                    ["finisher"] = 
                        [1] = "191999749-0-9106 Hosni at-Tura",
    ["npc"] = 
        ["267200725-0-12 Burzowa Przystań"] = 
            ["267200725-0-33 Wayrest"] = 
                ["8290981-0-14261 Królowa Maraya"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-8821 My husband and I must travel to Alik'r to speak to 8290981-0-10098 Król Fahara'jad, my father. We will return my sister to her birthplace: Sentinel.\n\nWe'll keep the Daggerfall Covenant strong. Lakana wouldn't want her death to imperil all we've worked for."] = 
                        ["55049764-3-3463 I was deeply saddened to hear of my sister's death. In Alik'r, her murderer would have been put to the sword immediately.\n\nI wonder, though, if the custom here is more civilized. If the man was insane, perhaps he does not deserve to die."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-8819 What happened to Lakana was a tragedy."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-8819 My sister was always headstrong. She chose 8290981-0-13310 Książę Nathaniel, and she wouldn't take no for an answer, They were on a state visit when we met the king and the duke.\n\nMy wedding was first, followed shortly by hers. Now Lakana is dead, and the Covenant is shaken."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-8819 Is there anything else that can be done?"] = "",
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-8819 Is there anything else that can be done?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-8821 My husband and I must travel to Alik'r to speak to 8290981-0-10098 Król Fahara'jad, my father. We will return my sister to her birthplace: Sentinel.\n\nWe'll keep the Daggerfall Covenant strong. Lakana wouldn't want her death to imperil all we've worked for."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-8819 What happened to Lakana was a tragedy."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-8819 My sister was always headstrong. She chose 8290981-0-13310 Książę Nathaniel, and she wouldn't take no for an answer, They were on a state visit when we met the king and the duke.\n\nMy wedding was first, followed shortly by hers. Now Lakana is dead, and the Covenant is shaken."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-3-3463 I was deeply saddened to hear of my sister's death. In Alik'r, her murderer would have been put to the sword immediately.\n\nI wonder, though, if the custom here is more civilized. If the man was insane, perhaps he does not deserve to die.",
                ["8290981-0-6396 Najwyższy Król Emeryk"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-23736 Strangely enough, the man has apparently chosen this same time to have a betrothal celebration, and I happen to have an invitation I won't be using.\n\nGo in my stead and talk to Hosni. Find out if he knows anything about the Dream Shard."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-23734 Really? I heard rumors of chaos at the Abbey, but I had hoped they weren't true. \n\nThe Midnight Union's never really been a problem. I mean sure, they engage in a little smuggling and gambling, but this … it just doesn't make sense."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-23734 What do you think we should do?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-7-1886 Ah! You've come from Pariah Abbey, haven't you? \n\nDon't worry about giving me the bad news. I'm already expecting the worst."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-23734 The Dream Shard has been stolen by the Midnight Union."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-23735 Well. We need to go straight to the source. The Midnight Union does nothing without the approval of Count Hosni at-Tura. I can't imagine him being behind this, but one never knows.\n\nHosni has a walled estate on the shore to the west of here."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-23735 How do I get in?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-9-1886 Either Hosni's trying to ruin my reign, or there's something seriously wrong with the man.\n\nIf you'll snoop around his estate, we might just figure this thing out."] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-23734 The Dream Shard has been stolen by the Midnight Union."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-23734 Really? I heard rumors of chaos at the Abbey, but I had hoped they weren't true. \n\nThe Midnight Union's never really been a problem. I mean sure, they engage in a little smuggling and gambling, but this … it just doesn't make sense."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-23735 How do I get in?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-23736 Strangely enough, the man has apparently chosen this same time to have a betrothal celebration, and I happen to have an invitation I won't be using.\n\nGo in my stead and talk to Hosni. Find out if he knows anything about the Dream Shard."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-23734 What do you think we should do?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-23735 Well. We need to go straight to the source. The Midnight Union does nothing without the approval of Count Hosni at-Tura. I can't imagine him being behind this, but one never knows.\n\nHosni has a walled estate on the shore to the west of here."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [2] = "55049764-9-1886 Either Hosni's trying to ruin my reign, or there's something seriously wrong with the man.\n\nIf you'll snoop around his estate, we might just figure this thing out.",
                        [1] = "55049764-7-1886 Ah! You've come from Pariah Abbey, haven't you? \n\nDon't worry about giving me the bad news. I'm already expecting the worst.",
            ["267200725-0-12 Burzowa Przystań"] = 
                ["8290981-0-2048 Najemnik"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-1639 He's in the manor with his betrothed, 8290981-0-6551 Lady Adima.\n\nTonight's festivities have already resulted in four deaths. Better hurry."] = 
                        ["55049764-4-543 Go on inside.\n\nHer Ladyship wouldn't want you to miss any of the \"fun.\""] = 
                        ["200879108-0-1638 Let me see. Ah, this is a platinum-level invite. The count says you get to come and go as you please.\n\nThat's more leeway than he usually gives his guests these days."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-1638 Where can I find Count Hosni?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-1638 Co chcesz przez to powiedzieć?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-5-543 Count Hosni is in residence, but no one gets into the party without an invitation."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-1638 I have an invitation."] = "",
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-1638 Where can I find Count Hosni?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-1639 He's in the manor with his betrothed, 8290981-0-6551 Lady Adima.\n\nTonight's festivities have already resulted in four deaths. Better hurry."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-1638 I have an invitation."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-1638 Let me see. Ah, this is a platinum-level invite. The count says you get to come and go as you please.\n\nThat's more leeway than he usually gives his guests these days."] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-1638 Co chcesz przez to powiedzieć?"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [2] = "55049764-4-543 Go on inside.\n\nHer Ladyship wouldn't want you to miss any of the \"fun.\"",
                        [1] = "55049764-5-543 Count Hosni is in residence, but no one gets into the party without an invitation.",
                ["8290981-0-6551 Lady Adima"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["165399380-0-6551 I know you—you're the meddler from Pariah Abbey.\n\nI don't care, so long as you amuse us more than the other guests. Quite frankly, they're gutless and feeble."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-4964 I thought I was invited to help celebrate your betrothal."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-4964 And so we shall—in our own special way. \n\nBut first, I believe Count Hosni has some tasks for you."] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-4964 I thought I was invited to help celebrate your betrothal."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-4964 And so we shall—in our own special way. \n\nBut first, I believe Count Hosni has some tasks for you."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "165399380-0-6551 I know you—you're the meddler from Pariah Abbey.\n\nI don't care, so long as you amuse us more than the other guests. Quite frankly, they're gutless and feeble.",
                ["191999749-0-9106 Hosni at-Tura"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-6-1866 Well, an unfamiliar face. I'm certain I didn't invite you. What's your business here?"] = 
                            ["232026500-0-676 Count Hosni. We haven't met, but from what I hear, you could use someone like me at your side."] = "",
                        ["55049764-5-1866 Now, let's see. I gather you want a piece of the Midnight Union's action. As for me, I have a family situation that needs to be sorted out.\n\nThat's where it might get ugly."] = 
                            ["249936564-0-2523 Do czego mnie potrzebujesz?"] = "",
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["249936564-0-2523 Do czego mnie potrzebujesz?"] = 
                        ["232026500-0-676 Count Hosni. We haven't met, but from what I hear, you could use someone like me at your side."] = 
                            ["116521668-0-676 Is that so? \n\nHunh. We'll see. Tell you what: I've got a task that needs doing, but it might get ugly. Take care of it for me, and you're in."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-6-1866 Well, an unfamiliar face. I'm certain I didn't invite you. What's your business here?",
                        [2] = "55049764-5-1866 Now, let's see. I gather you want a piece of the Midnight Union's action. As for me, I have a family situation that needs to be sorted out.\n\nThat's where it might get ugly.",
                ["8290981-0-6089 Opat Durak"] = 
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-8-1799 I don't look forward to informing the King about this, but we must let him know as soon as possible.\n\nHe will not be pleased."] = 
                            ["249936564-0-5290 Dlaczego król będzie smutny?"] = "",
                        ["3952276-0-5290 King Emeric must be informed that without the Dream Shard, we won't be able to supply him the dreamless potions that protect him from the Supernal Dreamers. \n\nHis Majesty might reward the one who brings him word of this. Would you do it?"] = 
                            ["20958740-0-5290 I'll give the king the news."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-20366 Mine was a nightmare of betrayal, and they are among my betrayers. Count Hosni was betrothed to our Sister Safia before he met Lady Adima. \n\nAnd there is another reason."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-20366 What is that?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-21163 I do. Which means those cultists are planning something—something big.\n\nKing Emeric must be warned. That is the highest priority."] = 
                        ["55049764-4-1799 Seek out the King in Wayrest and give him the news. He must know as soon as possible."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-20366 Why were Count Hosni and Lady Adima in your dream?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-20329 So, if the Midnight Union has the Dream Shard…."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-20367 It's an open secret that Count Hosni commands the Midnight Union. We thought him our friend."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-20329 …Then you need to find the Midnight Union. True. But not yet.\n\nThe entire purpose of the attack on the abbey was to acquire the Dream Shard—and its purpose is as a defense against the Supernal Dreamers."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-20329 So you think the Supernal Dreamers were behind the Midnight Union's attack?"] = "",
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-20329 So you think the Supernal Dreamers were behind the Midnight Union's attack?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-21163 I do. Which means those cultists are planning something—something big.\n\nKing Emeric must be warned. That is the highest priority."] = "",
                        ["20958740-0-5290 I'll give the king the news."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-20329 So, if the Midnight Union has the Dream Shard…."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-20329 …Then you need to find the Midnight Union. True. But not yet.\n\nThe entire purpose of the attack on the abbey was to acquire the Dream Shard—and its purpose is as a defense against the Supernal Dreamers."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-20366 Why were Count Hosni and Lady Adima in your dream?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-20366 Mine was a nightmare of betrayal, and they are among my betrayers. Count Hosni was betrothed to our Sister Safia before he met Lady Adima. \n\nAnd there is another reason."] = "",
                        ["249936564-0-5290 Dlaczego król będzie smutny?"] = 
                            ["3952276-0-5290 King Emeric must be informed that without the Dream Shard, we won't be able to supply him the dreamless potions that protect him from the Supernal Dreamers. \n\nHis Majesty might reward the one who brings him word of this. Would you do it?"] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-20366 What is that?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-20367 It's an open secret that Count Hosni commands the Midnight Union. We thought him our friend."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [2] = "55049764-4-1799 Seek out the King in Wayrest and give him the news. He must know as soon as possible.",
                        [1] = "55049764-8-1799 I don't look forward to informing the King about this, but we must let him know as soon as possible.\n\nHe will not be pleased.",
    ["books"] = 
        ["267200725-0-12 Burzowa Przystań"] = 
            ["267200725-0-12 Burzowa Przystań"] = 
                [30] = "51188213-0-30 Wieża z adamantu",
                [197] = "51188213-0-197 Starożytne zwoje Dwemerów V",
Pursuing the Shard.lua (22,583 bytes)   

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2020-05-17 22:33 New Issue
2020-05-17 22:33 File Added: Pursuing the Shard.lua
2020-11-23 12:20 tomkolp Status new => confirmed
2020-11-23 12:21 tomkolp Target Version => Stormhaven
2021-03-08 11:23 Mionsi Status confirmed => assigned
2021-03-08 11:23 Mionsi Assigned To => BdJqP
2021-04-08 06:09 tomkolp Category Quest (zadanie do przetłumaczenia) => Zadanie do tłumaczenia
2021-06-07 23:14 Mionsi Assigned To BdJqP => Siggyn
2021-08-28 12:39 Siggyn Status assigned => resolved
2021-08-28 12:39 Siggyn Resolution open => fixed
2021-08-28 12:39 Siggyn Fixed in Version => 4.021