Long Lost Lore cz1.lua (74,001 bytes)
ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 =
["subtitles"] =
["267200725-0-27 Tamriel"] =
["267200725-0-105 Pieczara Znawcy Serów"] =
[8] =
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10191 I can't wait to see the look on his face! If it's precious enough, I might hang it on the wall.",
[2] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23463 Arcymag Shalidor",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10192 What's the meaning of this? Sheogorath!",
[3] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10193 You remembered!\n\nAh, Shalidor. You never write. You never visit.",
[4] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10195 Just now, I made a deal with your lackey here. How long have you wanted those books? Eternity?",
[5] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23463 Arcymag Shalidor",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10196 Your \"deals\" are hardly fair. What farce have you contrived this time?",
[6] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10197 Think of it as an adventure!\n\nAnd don't worry. I've got a surprise for you too.",
[7] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10194 I put a tiny curse on these books. Just a small one!\n\nLong story short, Shal: you can never read these books.",
[8] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23463 Arcymag Shalidor",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10198 Curse you, Mad God!",
[9] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10199 Boring! Be more imaginative, Shal. Like, \"Curse you, Mad God! May you become cheese eternally gnawed by skeevers!\"\n\nUnfortunately, I have no more time for constructive criticism. Do stay in touch!",
[1] =
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23461 Haskill",
["text"] = "115740052-0-14700 Oh how quaint. A mortal.",
[2] =
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23461 Haskill",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10359 Close the portal, if you can. Though you may want to deal with those scamps first.",
[3] =
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23461 Haskill",
["text"] = "115740052-0-15010 Right this way.",
[4] =
[2] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23461 Haskill",
["text"] = "115740052-0-15012 Happy adventuring.",
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23461 Haskill",
["text"] = "115740052-0-15011 And please, try not to make a mess of things.",
[5] =
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-36612 Sheogorath",
["text"] = "115740052-0-13317 Look, pup, someone to play with you!",
[6] =
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-36612 Sheogorath",
["text"] = "115740052-0-13318 Puppy doesn't like you, does he?",
[7] =
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10190 Well, well, well. What do we have here?",
["267200725-0-1 Glenumbra"] =
["267200725-0-63 Daggerfall"] =
[4] =
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10358 I knew it. I was right in choosing you.",
[1] =
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-79894 Vanus Galerion",
["text"] = "115740052-0-29401 Over here! We have much to discuss, you and I.",
[2] =
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-68884 Stuga",
["text"] = "115740052-0-24584 Czy wiesz, jak długo cię szukałam?",
[2] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-89944 Florentia Candidius",
["text"] = "115740052-0-34716 Can you believe it? Dragons! In your own homeland! What are you going to do?",
[3] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-89945 Zhiraz",
["text"] = "115740052-0-34717 This one does not know, but he hopes his family is safe in Riverhold.",
[3] =
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23464 Valaste",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10145 To the center.",
[2] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23464 Valaste",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10146 First, we attune your spirit to Shalidor's.",
[3] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-23464 Valaste",
["text"] = "115740052-0-10149 Ready. When you're set, use the orb before you.",
["267200725-0-111 Silumm"] =
[1] =
[2] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-29773 Arcymag Shalidor",
["text"] = "115740052-0-11728 Return that book to Valaste. Tell her fire will show her the words ….",
[1] =
["name"] = "8290981-0-29773 Arcymag Shalidor",
["text"] = "115740052-0-11729 Well done! I am Shalidor, young one. And I think you'll do nicely ….",
["quest"] =
[""] =
["52420949-0-3916 Dawno zaginiona wiedza"] =
["info"] =
["starter"] =
[1] = "8290981-0-23996 Adelle Montagne",
["finisher"] =
[1] = "8290981-0-23459 Valaste",
["items"] =
[1] = "267697733-0-2897 Zapomniany tom",
[2] = "267697733-0-4013 Wiatry zmian",
[3] = "267697733-0-4014 Nieopowiedziane legendy",
[4] = "267697733-0-4015 Ukryty Zmierzch",
[5] = "267697733-0-2934 Rytuały Przywołania Arcymaga",
[6] = "267697733-0-2891 Jak kwama zgubił swoje buty",
["involved"] =
[1] = "8290981-0-23459 Valaste",
[2] = "8290981-0-23464 Valaste",
[3] = "8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor",
[4] = "8290981-0-23461 Haskill",
[5] = "8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath",
[6] = "8290981-0-23463 Arcymag Shalidor",
["description"] =
[1] = "265851556-0-3916 A high-ranking member of the Mages Guild, 8290981-0-23459 Valaste wants me to perform a task for her.",
["steps"] =
[1] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15237 Muszę porozmawiać z 8290981-0-23459 Valaste, Mistrzynią Manuskryptów Gildii Magów.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16928 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-23459 Valaste",
[2] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15475 Muszę odnaleźć pobliskie ruiny, które według Valaste mogą kryć skład starożytnej wiedzy.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-17181 Wejdź do ruin",
[3] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15476 Udało mi się odnaleźć ruiny, o których mówiła 8290981-0-23459 Valaste. Teraz czas odnaleźć tomy.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[4] = "7949764-0-29155 Retrieve the Tomes: 3 / 4",
[1] = "7949764-0-29155 Retrieve the Tomes: 0 / 4",
[2] = "7949764-0-29155 Retrieve the Tomes: 1 / 4",
[3] = "7949764-0-29155 Retrieve the Tomes: 2 / 4",
["hidden"] =
[4] = "7949764-0-29296 Retrieve Tome",
[1] = "7949764-0-29293 Retrieve Tome",
[2] = "7949764-0-29294 Retrieve Tome",
[3] = "7949764-0-29295 Retrieve Tome",
[4] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15692 Teraz, kiedy mam już tomy, muszę wrócić do Gildii Magów i pomówić z Valaste.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-17429 Wróć do Gildii Magów",
[5] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15691 8290981-0-23459 Valaste w Gildii Magów i ja musimy porozmawiać.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-17428 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-23459 Valaste",
[6] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15477 8290981-0-23459 Valaste poprosiła mnie o umieszczenie tomu w płonącym kotlarzu.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-17215 Połóż tom na 87370069-0-6583 Tajemny koksownik",
[7] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15508 8290981-0-23459 Valaste powinien ode mnie usłyszeć, co było w księdze zaklęć.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-17205 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-23459 Valaste",
[8] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15238 8290981-0-23459 Valaste wierzy, że wie jak przywołać 8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16929 Przyzwij: 8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor",
[9] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15460 Lepiej pójdę tam, gdzie 8290981-0-23459 Valaste.",
["goals"] =
["hints"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-17165 Podążaj za: 8290981-0-23459 Valaste",
[10] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15461 Lepiej użyję kryształu dopasowania, którego przyzwał 8290981-0-23459 Valaste.",
["goals"] =
["hints"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-17166 Użyj: 87370069-0-6395 Rytualna Sfera",
[11] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15239 Przywołaliśmy 8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor. Powinienem z nim porozmawiać i zobaczyć czego ode mnie chce.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16930 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor",
[12] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15240 Powinienem wejść w portal prowadzący do Kapliczki Sheogorath.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16957 Wejdź do portalu, który zabierze cię do kapliczki Sheogoratha",
[13] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15244 Powinienem porozmawiać z 8290981-0-23461 Haskill o lokacjach ksiąg.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-22216 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-23461 Haskill",
[14] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15513 8290981-0-23461 Haskill powiedział, że nie przepuści mnie, dopóki nie przejdę testu. Mam zamknąć portal, aby udowodnić swoją wartość.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-22217 Zamknij portal",
[15] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15523 Teraz, kiedy już portal jest zamknięty, 8290981-0-23461 Haskill i ja musimy porozmawiać.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-22218 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-23461 Haskill",
[16] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-24860 I need to wait for Haskill to unlock the door before I can explore Cheesemonger's Hollow any further.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-29190 Wait for Haskill to Open the Door",
[17] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15245 8290981-0-23461 Haskill powiedziała by iść ścieżką prosto do Pieczary Znawcy Serów. Księgi, których potrzebuję są tam schowane.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-22219 Przeszukaj kotlinę",
[18] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-31402 I could speak to this Haskill person, ask about the place I've come to, before I move on.",
["goals"] =
["hints"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-37151 Porozmawiaj z Haskillem",
[19] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15246 Potwór blokuje mi drogę do ksiąg zaklęć.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-22220 Zabij: 8290981-0-23497 Rozbebeszacz",
[20] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15362 Udało mi się to zrobić. Muszę wziąć jedną z książek ustawionych na stojakach.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-22221 Weź tomy",
[21] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15247 Po tym jak wziąłem jedną z ksiąg, 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath sprawił, że reszta zniknęła. Powinienem porozmawiać z nim i dowiedzieć się czego chce.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-22222 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath",
[22] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15372 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath przywołał 8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor do Pieczary Znawcy Serów. To powinno się okazać interesujące.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-22223 Obserwuj konwersację",
[23] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15373 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath zniknął po rozmowie z 8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor. Muszę porozmawiać z Arcymagiem.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-22224 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor",
[24] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15242 Odzyskałem książkę. Powinienem wrócić do hali gildii i porozmawiać z 8290981-0-23459 Valaste.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16932 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-23459 Valaste w Gildii Magów",
[25] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-15243 Powinienem porozmawiać z 8290981-0-23459 Valaste.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "121487972-0-5257 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-23459 Valaste",
["npc"] =
["267200725-0-27 Tamriel"] =
["267200725-0-105 Pieczara Znawcy Serów"] =
["8290981-0-23461 Haskill"] =
["topics"] =
["204987124-0-21243 Right."] =
["204987124-0-14371 The Shivering Isles?"] =
["200879108-0-14370 Are you lost? Do you know nothing of the place you've come to?\n\nThe Shivering Isles are Lord Sheogorath's realm in Oblivion. To tell you more would, as my lord puts it, spoil all the fun."] = "",
["204987124-0-14368 Kim jesteś?"] =
["200879108-0-14371 I am Lord Sheogorath's chamberlain. I handle his affairs and look after the Shivering Isles while his lordship is away."] = "",
["228103012-0-14368 Co to za miejsce?"] =
["200879108-0-14368 Oh, just one of the many shrines to my lord. The common rabble know it as Cheesemonger's Hollow. \n\nSheogorath is fond of it, but rarely graces it with his presence."] = "",
["204987124-0-14154 Jestem gotowy."] =
["204987124-0-14149 After what?"] =
["200879108-0-14154 After a test of your resolve. This isn't a lending library. If you want the spellbooks, you'll have to earn them.\n\nA portal has been opened, just behind you. Close it, and I'll grant you passage."] = "",
["204987124-0-14370 Thanks."] =
["204987124-0-14418 Thank you, Haskill."] =
["200879108-0-21243 Just doing the Master's will. I will open the door for you.\n\nOh, and mind the scamps. The little imps adore fresh flesh. Such children."] = "",
["228103012-0-14418 No, thanks. I've only come for the books."] =
["200879108-0-14418 Pity. The tomes you seek are beyond the door at the top of the stair. Once you're outside, follow the path."] = "",
["228103012-0-14149 I'm here for 8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor. I've been sent to retrieve some books?"] =
["200879108-0-14149 Spellbooks? How pedestrian. \n\nAs it happens, I'm feeling particularly charitable at present. I'll allow you to enter. After."] = "",
["links"] =
["55049764-3-4565 I'm so glad we've had this time together. One must usually go to a public execution for conversation of this caliber."] =
["228103012-0-14368 Co to za miejsce?"] = "",
["200879108-0-14370 Are you lost? Do you know nothing of the place you've come to?\n\nThe Shivering Isles are Lord Sheogorath's realm in Oblivion. To tell you more would, as my lord puts it, spoil all the fun."] =
["204987124-0-14370 Thanks."] = "",
["200879108-0-14149 Spellbooks? How pedestrian. \n\nAs it happens, I'm feeling particularly charitable at present. I'll allow you to enter. After."] =
["204987124-0-14149 After what?"] = "",
["200879108-0-14368 Oh, just one of the many shrines to my lord. The common rabble know it as Cheesemonger's Hollow. \n\nSheogorath is fond of it, but rarely graces it with his presence."] =
["204987124-0-14368 Kim jesteś?"] = "",
["200879108-0-14154 After a test of your resolve. This isn't a lending library. If you want the spellbooks, you'll have to earn them.\n\nA portal has been opened, just behind you. Close it, and I'll grant you passage."] =
["204987124-0-14154 Jestem gotowy."] = "",
["55049764-2-4565 Well, what is it? Here for some noble purpose, no doubt."] =
["228103012-0-14149 I'm here for 8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor. I've been sent to retrieve some books?"] = "",
["200879108-0-21243 Just doing the Master's will. I will open the door for you.\n\nOh, and mind the scamps. The little imps adore fresh flesh. Such children."] =
["204987124-0-21243 Right."] = "",
["200879108-0-14418 Pity. The tomes you seek are beyond the door at the top of the stair. Once you're outside, follow the path."] =
["204987124-0-14418 Thank you, Haskill."] = "",
["200879108-0-14371 I am Lord Sheogorath's chamberlain. I handle his affairs and look after the Shivering Isles while his lordship is away."] =
["204987124-0-14371 The Shivering Isles?"] = "",
["55049764-0-4565 That was unexpectedly competent. You'd make an adequate house servant.\n\nI don't suppose you'd consider it? The pay is meager, but the fringe benefits are appalling."] =
["228103012-0-14418 No, thanks. I've only come for the books."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-2-4565 Well, what is it? Here for some noble purpose, no doubt.",
[2] = "55049764-0-4565 That was unexpectedly competent. You'd make an adequate house servant.\n\nI don't suppose you'd consider it? The pay is meager, but the fringe benefits are appalling.",
[3] = "55049764-3-4565 I'm so glad we've had this time together. One must usually go to a public execution for conversation of this caliber.",
["8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath"] =
["topics"] =
["204987124-0-14158 I suppose … it's a deal."] =
["200879108-0-14157 Excellent! Cheese and cabbage for everyone!\n\nBut wait! We should inform Shally-dorable of our deal. With any luck, he'll die of embarassment all over again!"] = "",
["204987124-0-14156 What kind of contest?"] =
["200879108-0-14158 A few tasks, the odd deathtrap. Nothing so difficult as, say, reassembling the Staff of Chaos or rebuilding the Numidium.\n\nTake the first book. Puppy-killer. And I'll give you an additional book for each test you pass. Are you game?"] = "",
["204987124-0-14155 Right. I'll just take them with me, then."] =
["200879108-0-14156 Where's the sport in that? Tell you what. I'll give you one book in exchange for your heart or lungs. Your choice.\n\nNo, wait. I have a better idea! Let's have a contest. A contest, wrapped in a mystery, with an enigma glaze! Oh, what fun we'll have!"] = "",
["204987124-0-14157 I'm not sure that's how it works."] =
["228103012-0-14155 I'm here to recover four tomes for Shalidor."] =
["200879108-0-14155 Shalidor! That pompous Nord and I go way back! \n\nI know what he wants, indeed I do. His island. He wants to steal it back. Oh, how I love a challenge."] = "",
["links"] =
["200879108-0-14155 Shalidor! That pompous Nord and I go way back! \n\nI know what he wants, indeed I do. His island. He wants to steal it back. Oh, how I love a challenge."] =
["204987124-0-14155 Right. I'll just take them with me, then."] = "",
["200879108-0-14157 Excellent! Cheese and cabbage for everyone!\n\nBut wait! We should inform Shally-dorable of our deal. With any luck, he'll die of embarassment all over again!"] =
["204987124-0-14157 I'm not sure that's how it works."] = "",
["200879108-0-14158 A few tasks, the odd deathtrap. Nothing so difficult as, say, reassembling the Staff of Chaos or rebuilding the Numidium.\n\nTake the first book. Puppy-killer. And I'll give you an additional book for each test you pass. Are you game?"] =
["204987124-0-14158 I suppose … it's a deal."] = "",
["200879108-0-14156 Where's the sport in that? Tell you what. I'll give you one book in exchange for your heart or lungs. Your choice.\n\nNo, wait. I have a better idea! Let's have a contest. A contest, wrapped in a mystery, with an enigma glaze! Oh, what fun we'll have!"] =
["204987124-0-14156 What kind of contest?"] = "",
["55049764-0-4566 Puppy-killer! Come to steal me books? Wha …? Who? Where? What? When? Sometimes why!\n\nSpeak up! Honesty is the best policy, as far as you know."] =
["228103012-0-14155 I'm here to recover four tomes for Shalidor."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-0-4566 Puppy-killer! Come to steal me books? Wha …? Who? Where? What? When? Sometimes why!\n\nSpeak up! Honesty is the best policy, as far as you know.",
["8290981-0-23463 Arcymag Shalidor"] =
["topics"] =
["204987124-0-14277 I'll tell her."] =
["200879108-0-14308 I'll send you back to Tamriel, then. Are you ready?"] = "",
["204987124-0-14308 Tak, jestem gotowy."] =
["228103012-0-14277 At least we have one tome."] =
["200879108-0-14277 That's true, though without my help, it will take Valaste considerably longer to translate it. \n\nI'd like you to return and let her know the bad news."] = "",
["links"] =
["200879108-0-14308 I'll send you back to Tamriel, then. Are you ready?"] =
["204987124-0-14308 Tak, jestem gotowy."] = "",
["55049764-0-4564 Curse the Mad God. I don't know what game he's playing with you. \n\nBut I do know the stakes."] =
["228103012-0-14277 At least we have one tome."] = "",
["200879108-0-14277 That's true, though without my help, it will take Valaste considerably longer to translate it. \n\nI'd like you to return and let her know the bad news."] =
["204987124-0-14277 I'll tell her."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-0-4564 Curse the Mad God. I don't know what game he's playing with you. \n\nBut I do know the stakes.",
["267200725-0-1 Glenumbra"] =
["267200725-0-541 Krzyżownica"] =
["8290981-0-23996 Adelle Montagne"] =
["topics"] =
["204987124-1-29386 Do you know what she wants?"] =
["20958740-0-5611 Where can I find her?"] =
["204987124-0-29578 Do you know what she wants?"] =
["200879108-0-29579 I don't, but she usually tries to offer new guildmates a chance to prove themselves. As you might imagine, she's keenly interested in acquiring new books for the lore library. Maybe she's got a lead on a trove of tomes?"] = "",
["249936564-0-5611 Wiadomość dla mnie?"] =
["3952276-0-5611 Indeed! She has a task for you. You'll want to speak with her as soon as you can."] = "",
["228103012-0-29386 Ask you a few questions?"] =
["200879108-0-29386 Of course! What can I tell you?"] = "",
["204987124-0-29386 Who is Valaste, again?"] =
["200879108-0-29578 The Mistress of Incunabula for the Guild, the Keeper of Tomes. She's the guild's most accomplished loremaster, second only really to Guildmaster Vanus himself."] = "",
["204987124-0-29579 Who is Valaste, again?"] =
["links"] =
["55049764-6-4641 Greetings! I have a message for you from Valaste, Mistress of Incunabula."] =
["249936564-0-5611 Wiadomość dla mnie?"] = "",
["200879108-0-29579 I don't, but she usually tries to offer new guildmates a chance to prove themselves. As you might imagine, she's keenly interested in acquiring new books for the lore library. Maybe she's got a lead on a trove of tomes?"] =
["204987124-0-29579 Who is Valaste, again?"] = "",
["200879108-0-29386 Of course! What can I tell you?"] =
["204987124-1-29386 Do you know what she wants?"] = "",
["204987124-0-29386 Who is Valaste, again?"] = "",
["55049764-2-4641 Valaste awaits you at the Guildhall in Daggerfall, along the southern coast of Glenumbra."] =
["228103012-0-29386 Ask you a few questions?"] = "",
["3952276-0-5611 Indeed! She has a task for you. You'll want to speak with her as soon as you can."] =
["20958740-0-5611 Where can I find her?"] = "",
["200879108-0-29578 The Mistress of Incunabula for the Guild, the Keeper of Tomes. She's the guild's most accomplished loremaster, second only really to Guildmaster Vanus himself."] =
["204987124-0-29578 Do you know what she wants?"] = "",
["greetings"] =
[2] = "55049764-2-4641 Valaste awaits you at the Guildhall in Daggerfall, along the southern coast of Glenumbra.",
[1] = "55049764-6-4641 Greetings! I have a message for you from Valaste, Mistress of Incunabula.",
["267200725-0-63 Daggerfall"] =
["8290981-0-23459 Valaste"] =
["topics"] =
["228103012-0-21251 Valaste, about Sheogorath …."] =
["204987124-1-24779 I thought the Guild was neutral in the war?"] =
["200879108-0-29573 We are neutral in the war for Cyrodiil. And proud of it. That doesn't mean we don't take an interest when the Ring of Daggers notices something."] = "",
["204987124-1-29576 What's in these books?"] =
["200879108-0-24781 I don't know. It's always a delicious mystery, cracking open a book for the first time.\n\nThey could be anything from ancient recipes for stew to high arcana. Even racy journals penned by Elven poets!"] = "",
["228103012-0-29580 Co mogę dla ciebie zrobić?"] =
["200879108-0-29580 New members are the lifeblood of the Mages Guild. Especially for retrieval missions. \n\nI've received word about a possible store of ancient knowledge in a ruin nearby. I'd like you to retrieve it for me."] = "",
["204987124-0-14278 Sheogorath summoned him."] =
["200879108-0-14304 Not good. Not good. \n\nI'll start translating this right away, but I hope Shalidor returns to help."] = "",
["204987124-2-29580 Where is this?"] =
["200879108-0-29583 Along the coast to the north lies the Ayleid ruin known as 10860933-0-346 Silumm.\n\nIf you please, investigate the ruin and bring back any interesting books you can find."] = "",
["232026500-0-5257 Tak zrobię."] =
["116521668-0-5257 In the meantime, keep an eye out during your travels. There are many lost tomes scattered throughout Tamriel.\n\nWho knows? Any one of these books may help us restore Shalidor's lost island haven."] = "",
["204987124-0-14304 Sheogorath cursed the tome. Shalidor can't read it."] =
["200879108-0-14306 Xarxes' backside! Then this is going to take a while.\n\nCheck in at a guild hall from time to time. I'll leave word for you when I've finished."] = "",
["228103012-0-14278 Only one. 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath is going to make us pass tests to earn the others."] =
["200879108-0-14278 Tests. Well, that's a start. I suppose.\n\nWhat of Shalidor? He was drawn away from here in a burst of light."] = "",
["204987124-0-24781 How did you learn about these books?"] =
["204987124-0-29583 I'll return as soon as I can."] =
["204987124-0-29576 What is your role in the Mages Guild?"] =
["228103012-0-14530 What is your role in the Mages Guild?"] =
["200879108-0-14530 I am the Master of Incunabula, the keeper of tomes. \n\nI've come here to inspect the local Arcanaeum, the guild's library. I've dedicated my life to expanding our guild's knowledge. Standards must be kept."] = "",
["204987124-0-14530 How did you learn about these books?"] =
["200879108-0-24779 We have ears everywhere, Adept. An intelligence report fell into my hands that mentioned these tomes."] = "",
["204987124-1-24781 What is your role in the Mages Guild?"] =
["228103012-0-24781 What's in these books?"] =
["204987124-1-14530 What's in these books?"] =
["228103012-0-24779 How did you learn about these books?"] =
["204987124-0-14306 Tak zrobię."] =
["116521668-0-5257 In the meantime, keep an eye out during your travels. There are many lost tomes scattered throughout Tamriel.\n\nWho knows? Any one of these books may help us restore Shalidor's lost island haven."] = "",
["204987124-0-29573 Ring of Daggers?"] =
["200879108-0-29576 The intelligence arm of the Daggerfall Covenant. They enforce economic and political issues for King Emeric. My understanding is that the leader, a woman named Copper, got the position when she called in some kind of marker from His Majesty."] = "",
["links"] =
["55049764-2-4563 You radiate an aura of power. Does this mean you have the books?"] =
["228103012-0-14278 Only one. 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath is going to make us pass tests to earn the others."] = "",
["55049764-0-4563 Pardon me. I must begin this translation. These runes … fascinating."] =
["228103012-0-21251 Valaste, about Sheogorath …."] = "",
["200879108-0-29580 New members are the lifeblood of the Mages Guild. Especially for retrieval missions. \n\nI've received word about a possible store of ancient knowledge in a ruin nearby. I'd like you to retrieve it for me."] =
["204987124-2-29580 Where is this?"] = "",
["55049764-15-4563 You received my message! Excellent. I appreciate your prompt attention."] =
["228103012-0-29580 Co mogę dla ciebie zrobić?"] = "",
["55049764-1-4563 Check in at a guild hall from time to time. I'll do my best to contact you when I've finished."] =
["232026500-0-5257 Tak zrobię."] = "",
["55049764-14-4563 The ruins of 10860933-0-346 Silumm are a dark and dangerous place. Tread carefully, Adept."] =
["228103012-0-14530 What is your role in the Mages Guild?"] = "",
["228103012-0-24779 How did you learn about these books?"] = "",
["228103012-0-24781 What's in these books?"] = "",
["200879108-0-14278 Tests. Well, that's a start. I suppose.\n\nWhat of Shalidor? He was drawn away from here in a burst of light."] =
["204987124-0-14278 Sheogorath summoned him."] = "",
["200879108-0-14304 Not good. Not good. \n\nI'll start translating this right away, but I hope Shalidor returns to help."] =
["204987124-0-14304 Sheogorath cursed the tome. Shalidor can't read it."] = "",
["200879108-0-14306 Xarxes' backside! Then this is going to take a while.\n\nCheck in at a guild hall from time to time. I'll leave word for you when I've finished."] =
["204987124-0-14306 Tak zrobię."] = "",
["200879108-0-14530 I am the Master of Incunabula, the keeper of tomes. \n\nI've come here to inspect the local Arcanaeum, the guild's library. I've dedicated my life to expanding our guild's knowledge. Standards must be kept."] =
["204987124-1-14530 What's in these books?"] = "",
["204987124-0-14530 How did you learn about these books?"] = "",
["200879108-0-29576 The intelligence arm of the Daggerfall Covenant. They enforce economic and political issues for King Emeric. My understanding is that the leader, a woman named Copper, got the position when she called in some kind of marker from His Majesty."] =
["204987124-0-29576 What is your role in the Mages Guild?"] = "",
["204987124-1-29576 What's in these books?"] = "",
["200879108-0-29583 Along the coast to the north lies the Ayleid ruin known as 10860933-0-346 Silumm.\n\nIf you please, investigate the ruin and bring back any interesting books you can find."] =
["204987124-0-29583 I'll return as soon as I can."] = "",
["200879108-0-29573 We are neutral in the war for Cyrodiil. And proud of it. That doesn't mean we don't take an interest when the Ring of Daggers notices something."] =
["204987124-0-29573 Ring of Daggers?"] = "",
["200879108-0-24781 I don't know. It's always a delicious mystery, cracking open a book for the first time.\n\nThey could be anything from ancient recipes for stew to high arcana. Even racy journals penned by Elven poets!"] =
["204987124-0-24781 How did you learn about these books?"] = "",
["204987124-1-24781 What is your role in the Mages Guild?"] = "",
["200879108-0-24779 We have ears everywhere, Adept. An intelligence report fell into my hands that mentioned these tomes."] =
["204987124-1-24779 I thought the Guild was neutral in the war?"] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-15-4563 You received my message! Excellent. I appreciate your prompt attention.",
[2] = "55049764-14-4563 The ruins of 10860933-0-346 Silumm are a dark and dangerous place. Tread carefully, Adept.",
[3] = "55049764-2-4563 You radiate an aura of power. Does this mean you have the books?",
[4] = "55049764-1-4563 Check in at a guild hall from time to time. I'll do my best to contact you when I've finished.",
[5] = "55049764-0-4563 Pardon me. I must begin this translation. These runes … fascinating.",
["8290981-0-23464 Valaste"] =
["topics"] =
["204987124-0-14533 Co to znaczy?"] =
["200879108-0-14534 It means that the arch-mage will be able to guide you, and speak to you whenever he chooses. \n\nAre you ready to begin?"] = "",
["228103012-0-14529 Yes, I have them right here. And something strange happened."] =
["200879108-0-14529 Well done! You're already proving your worth to the guild. \n\nSorry, did you say strange? What happened?"] = "",
["204987124-0-14534 Yes. Let's begin."] =
["204987124-0-29585 I'll give it a try."] =
["228103012-0-14347 Can you tell me more of Shalidor?"] =
["200879108-0-14347 Shalidor was the most famous arch-mage of the First Era. His dedication to spellcraft and his commitment to research were unmatched by any before or since.\n\nMost mages revere him, though he does have his critics."] = "",
["204987124-0-14529 An old man in robes appeared to me. He said his name was Shalidor?"] =
["200879108-0-24820 Shalidor! Labyrinthian's father, the Spellmirror's forger. Are you speaking truly?\n\nAnd uh … this book's pages are blank. Why is it glowing?"] = "",
["204987124-0-14347 Why would he be criticized?"] =
["200879108-0-14357 Shalidor felt that one should earn the right to be called \"mage.\" He created many trials to test the spellcasting mettle of men and mer.\n\nHis loudest detractors were those who failed those tests."] = "",
["204987124-0-14379 What do these orbs do?"] =
["200879108-0-14533 They'll focus your Magicka, attune your life energies, and draw him to this place.\n\nThe ritual will apparently also link your mind with his."] = "",
["228103012-0-14379 I can't understand the words here. They must be very complex spells."] =
["200879108-0-14379 Complex indeed. Much of this is beyond my understanding, but … here. This one is an attunement spell.\n\nWe can summon 8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor himself! We'll need some ritual orbs …."] = "",
["204987124-0-24820 Shalidor appeared right after I picked up that book. He said fire would show you the words."] =
["200879108-0-29585 The spellwrights of the First Era used a special ink that would remain invisible until immersed in arcane fire. Perhaps that's what he meant?\n\nWe have a brazier nearby burning with such a fire. Let's see what the flames reveal."] = "",
["links"] =
["55049764-7-4563 What has the fire revealed?"] =
["228103012-0-14379 I can't understand the words here. They must be very complex spells."] = "",
["55049764-9-4563 Were you successful? Do you have the tomes?"] =
["228103012-0-14529 Yes, I have them right here. And something strange happened."] = "",
["200879108-0-14529 Well done! You're already proving your worth to the guild. \n\nSorry, did you say strange? What happened?"] =
["204987124-0-14529 An old man in robes appeared to me. He said his name was Shalidor?"] = "",
["200879108-0-14534 It means that the arch-mage will be able to guide you, and speak to you whenever he chooses. \n\nAre you ready to begin?"] =
["204987124-0-14534 Yes. Let's begin."] = "",
["200879108-0-29585 The spellwrights of the First Era used a special ink that would remain invisible until immersed in arcane fire. Perhaps that's what he meant?\n\nWe have a brazier nearby burning with such a fire. Let's see what the flames reveal."] =
["204987124-0-29585 I'll give it a try."] = "",
["200879108-0-14357 Shalidor felt that one should earn the right to be called \"mage.\" He created many trials to test the spellcasting mettle of men and mer.\n\nHis loudest detractors were those who failed those tests."] =
["200879108-0-14347 Shalidor was the most famous arch-mage of the First Era. His dedication to spellcraft and his commitment to research were unmatched by any before or since.\n\nMost mages revere him, though he does have his critics."] =
["204987124-0-14347 Why would he be criticized?"] = "",
["200879108-0-24820 Shalidor! Labyrinthian's father, the Spellmirror's forger. Are you speaking truly?\n\nAnd uh … this book's pages are blank. Why is it glowing?"] =
["204987124-0-24820 Shalidor appeared right after I picked up that book. He said fire would show you the words."] = "",
["200879108-0-14379 Complex indeed. Much of this is beyond my understanding, but … here. This one is an attunement spell.\n\nWe can summon 8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor himself! We'll need some ritual orbs …."] =
["204987124-0-14379 What do these orbs do?"] = "",
["55049764-8-4563 Cast the book into the arcane fire. Fear not. The pages will not burn."] =
["228103012-0-14347 Can you tell me more of Shalidor?"] = "",
["200879108-0-14533 They'll focus your Magicka, attune your life energies, and draw him to this place.\n\nThe ritual will apparently also link your mind with his."] =
["204987124-0-14533 Co to znaczy?"] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-9-4563 Were you successful? Do you have the tomes?",
[2] = "55049764-8-4563 Cast the book into the arcane fire. Fear not. The pages will not burn.",
[3] = "55049764-7-4563 What has the fire revealed?",
["8290981-0-23460 Arcymag Shalidor"] =
["topics"] =
["204987124-2-24854 Is he really a threat? He sounds like a joke."] =
["228103012-0-24836 Kim jest 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath?"] =
["204987124-0-21225 And you think the war could undo that?"] =
["200879108-0-21229 I know it. I laid powerful enchantments on my final resting place. When my legacy is threatened, I'm drawn back from Aetherius.\n\nMy presence here is proof enough: the Three Banners war is a threat to every Mage in Tamriel."] = "",
["228103012-0-21230 \"Nimble tongue?\""] =
["204987124-1-24854 How did you lose the sanctuary?"] =
["204987124-1-21230 Kim jest 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath?"] =
["200879108-0-24836 He's known as the Daedric Prince of Madness: the Mad God. \n\nThe Dunmer call him one of their Four Corners of the House of Troubles. And he's earned the title a thousand-fold."] = "",
["204987124-0-24854 Why have you returned?"] =
["204987124-0-14739 I'll stand with you, Shalidor."] =
["204987124-1-24853 How did you lose the sanctuary?"] =
["204987124-0-21230 Why have you returned?"] =
["204987124-1-21229 Kim jest 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath?"] =
["204987124-0-14145 How do we create this sanctuary?"] =
["200879108-0-14147 I created that sanctuary, centuries ago! It was stolen from me by an agent of chaos, and magically transported to the Shivering Isles. \n\nTo recover the island we must locate four hidden tomes. This is the task of which I speak."] = "",
["228103012-0-14144 Dlaczego ja?"] =
["200879108-0-14144 What I hope to accomplish is difficult. Perhaps impossible. It will require great strength of spirit! \n\nI sense this strength in you. That is what drew us together in the ruins."] = "",
["228103012-0-21225 Shalidor, why have you returned?"] =
["200879108-0-21225 To protect my legacy. While this Guild was … after my time, I accomplished much in Tamriel. I founded schools of magic, oversaw the construction of the Great Maze, and bore my Spellmirror into battle."] = "",
["204987124-0-14144 What is this task?"] =
["200879108-0-14145 A storm rages towards us, Adept. War has come to Tamriel, and the Mages of this great guild must have quarter.\n\nI intend to offer them a safe haven. A sanctuary where they may study in peace."] = "",
["204987124-1-24836 Am I really going to a place called Cheesemonger's Hollow?"] =
["204987124-0-14147 Where are these tomes?"] =
["200879108-0-14739 They're being held in a place known as … Cheesemonger's Hollow. It is a realm of the Mad God, 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath. Stand by my side, and I will open a portal."] = "",
["204987124-0-24836 Is he really a threat? He sounds like a joke."] =
["200879108-0-24853 Don't take him too lightly. Madness comes in many forms. Sheogorath encompasses them all.\n\nHe rules the Shivering Isles, but often takes an active interest in our world. That … usually doesn't end well."] = "",
["204987124-2-24853 Am I really going to a place called Cheesemonger's Hollow?"] =
["200879108-0-24854 Yes. An example of Sheogorath's \"humor.\" There are those that find his madness amusing. I am not one of those people.\n\nThe Mad God would just as soon serve you an aged cheddar as he would flay the skin from your bones. Remember that."] = "",
["204987124-0-21229 How did you lose this sanctuary?"] =
["200879108-0-21230 I won't waste my time recounting his antics. Suffice it to say, he got the better of me. Bets were made, wagers were lost. \n\nAnd my sanctuary, Eyevea, was pulled into his realm … my apprentices screaming all the while."] = "",
["204987124-0-24853 Why have you returned?"] =
["links"] =
["200879108-0-14739 They're being held in a place known as … Cheesemonger's Hollow. It is a realm of the Mad God, 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath. Stand by my side, and I will open a portal."] =
["204987124-0-14739 I'll stand with you, Shalidor."] = "",
["55049764-3-4564 I can sense … yes. The aura around you glows with good fortune. You will be the one to help me complete my final task."] =
["228103012-0-14144 Dlaczego ja?"] = "",
["200879108-0-14145 A storm rages towards us, Adept. War has come to Tamriel, and the Mages of this great guild must have quarter.\n\nI intend to offer them a safe haven. A sanctuary where they may study in peace."] =
["204987124-0-14145 How do we create this sanctuary?"] = "",
["200879108-0-14144 What I hope to accomplish is difficult. Perhaps impossible. It will require great strength of spirit! \n\nI sense this strength in you. That is what drew us together in the ruins."] =
["204987124-0-14144 What is this task?"] = "",
["55049764-2-4564 Be careful. 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath is not to be taken lightly. I lost the sanctuary because of his nimble tongue and mad stare."] =
["228103012-0-21225 Shalidor, why have you returned?"] = "",
["228103012-0-21230 \"Nimble tongue?\""] = "",
["228103012-0-24836 Kim jest 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath?"] = "",
["200879108-0-14147 I created that sanctuary, centuries ago! It was stolen from me by an agent of chaos, and magically transported to the Shivering Isles. \n\nTo recover the island we must locate four hidden tomes. This is the task of which I speak."] =
["204987124-0-14147 Where are these tomes?"] = "",
["200879108-0-21230 I won't waste my time recounting his antics. Suffice it to say, he got the better of me. Bets were made, wagers were lost. \n\nAnd my sanctuary, Eyevea, was pulled into his realm … my apprentices screaming all the while."] =
["204987124-0-21230 Why have you returned?"] = "",
["204987124-1-21230 Kim jest 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath?"] = "",
["200879108-0-21229 I know it. I laid powerful enchantments on my final resting place. When my legacy is threatened, I'm drawn back from Aetherius.\n\nMy presence here is proof enough: the Three Banners war is a threat to every Mage in Tamriel."] =
["204987124-0-21229 How did you lose this sanctuary?"] = "",
["204987124-1-21229 Kim jest 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath?"] = "",
["200879108-0-24836 He's known as the Daedric Prince of Madness: the Mad God. \n\nThe Dunmer call him one of their Four Corners of the House of Troubles. And he's earned the title a thousand-fold."] =
["204987124-1-24836 Am I really going to a place called Cheesemonger's Hollow?"] = "",
["204987124-0-24836 Is he really a threat? He sounds like a joke."] = "",
["200879108-0-21225 To protect my legacy. While this Guild was … after my time, I accomplished much in Tamriel. I founded schools of magic, oversaw the construction of the Great Maze, and bore my Spellmirror into battle."] =
["204987124-0-21225 And you think the war could undo that?"] = "",
["200879108-0-24853 Don't take him too lightly. Madness comes in many forms. Sheogorath encompasses them all.\n\nHe rules the Shivering Isles, but often takes an active interest in our world. That … usually doesn't end well."] =
["204987124-0-24853 Why have you returned?"] = "",
["204987124-2-24853 Am I really going to a place called Cheesemonger's Hollow?"] = "",
["204987124-1-24853 How did you lose the sanctuary?"] = "",
["200879108-0-24854 Yes. An example of Sheogorath's \"humor.\" There are those that find his madness amusing. I am not one of those people.\n\nThe Mad God would just as soon serve you an aged cheddar as he would flay the skin from your bones. Remember that."] =
["204987124-0-24854 Why have you returned?"] = "",
["204987124-1-24854 How did you lose the sanctuary?"] = "",
["204987124-2-24854 Is he really a threat? He sounds like a joke."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[2] = "55049764-2-4564 Be careful. 8290981-0-23462 Sheogorath is not to be taken lightly. I lost the sanctuary because of his nimble tongue and mad stare.",
[1] = "55049764-3-4564 I can sense … yes. The aura around you glows with good fortune. You will be the one to help me complete my final task.",
["books"] =
["267200725-0-27 Tamriel"] =
["267200725-0-105 Pieczara Znawcy Serów"] =
[1888] = "51188213-0-1888 Duchy Starej Wieży",
[1124] = "51188213-0-1124 Poradnik dobrego złodzieja Wulfmara",
[1484] = "51188213-0-1484 Leśne elfy z Puszczy Valen",
[136] = "51188213-0-136 Jak kwama zgubił swoje buty",
[2224] = "51188213-0-2224 Tłumaczenie Ceryolminwe",
[2404] = "51188213-0-2404 Przykazania Stendarra",
["267200725-0-1 Glenumbra"] =
["267200725-0-63 Daggerfall"] =
[121] = "51188213-0-121 Rytuały przywołania (czytelne)",
["267200725-0-111 Silumm"] =
[800] = "51188213-0-800 Kiedy przyjdę na zaloty",
[1121] = "51188213-0-1121 Exiled from Exile, Volume 7",
[83] = "51188213-0-83 Rozkazy Dominium",
[2420] = "51188213-0-2420 Alchemia: Odkrywanie cech",
[2149] = "51188213-0-2149 Fauna Morrowind, część pierwsza",
[1370] = "51188213-0-1370 Wiatry zmian",
[1371] = "51188213-0-1371 Nieopowiedziane legendy",
[828] = "51188213-0-828 Hipotetyczna zdrada, część 1",
[1373] = "51188213-0-1373 Rytuały przywołania arcymaga",
[795] = "51188213-0-795 O Smoczych Ogniach (fragment)",
[1372] = "51188213-0-1372 Ukryty zmierzch",
Long Lost Lore cz2.lua (2,115 bytes)
ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 =
["npc"] =
["267200725-0-1 Glenumbra"] =
["267200725-0-63 Daggerfall"] =
["8290981-0-23459 Valaste"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-0-4563 Pardon me. I must begin this translation. These runes … fascinating.",
["links"] =
["55049764-0-4563 Pardon me. I must begin this translation. These runes … fascinating."] =
["228103012-0-21251 Valaste, about Sheogorath …."] = "",
["200879108-0-21251 Terrifying isn't he? The will and attention of a child, with the power of a Daedric Prince."] =
["204987124-0-21251 Is he always like that?"] = "",
["200879108-0-21254 Well, look on the bright side. You're still upright on two legs. You're not inside-out, or bright purple, or afflicted with new, angry limbs.\n\nIt could be worse."] =
["topics"] =
["228103012-0-21251 Valaste, about Sheogorath …."] =
["200879108-0-21251 Terrifying isn't he? The will and attention of a child, with the power of a Daedric Prince."] = "",
["204987124-0-21251 Is he always like that?"] =
["200879108-0-21254 Well, look on the bright side. You're still upright on two legs. You're not inside-out, or bright purple, or afflicted with new, angry limbs.\n\nIt could be worse."] = "",