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IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001789ESO SpolszczenieZadanie do tłumaczeniapublic2022-09-24 22:19 Assigned ToJakubson  
PrioritynormalSeverityminorReproducibilityhave not tried
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Target VersionThe RiftFixed in Version4.035 
Summary0001789: The Rift - Tomb Beneath the Mountain oraz Research Subject
Description2 zadania w jednym pliku Tomb Beneath the Mountain oraz Research Subject
TagsNo tags attached.


2021-02-26 22:19


Tomb Beneath the Mountain oraz Research Subject.lua (31,407 bytes)   
ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 =
    ["subtitles"] = 
        ["267200725-0-125 Rift"] = 
            ["267200725-0-218 Jaskinie Sosnowego Szczytu"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-11047 The dead rise within the caverns! They smell worse than you do.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-31439 Tępiciel Czerwia",
                [2] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-11730 Pomóż mi!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-27444 Charadin",
                [3] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-11731 Destroy that thing! Hurry!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-27444 Charadin",
                [4] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-11093 Thank you!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-27444 Charadin",
                [5] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-11048 The cultists are almost there. Move faster!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-31439 Tępiciel Czerwia",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-11652 The last urn's above us. Hurry! The Worm's binding me to his will.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-31439 Tępiciel Czerwia",
                [6] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-13244 I'm his now! Beware when next we meet!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-36393 Hakra",
                [7] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-12253 Finally! I need to get out of here. I'll see you outside.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-32431 Hakra",
    ["quest"] = 
        ["162658389-0-103 Rift"] = 
            ["52420949-0-3980 Przedmiot badań"] = 
                ["steps"] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-18810 I need to look for a researcher named Charadin and rescue him from the Worm Cult. Nila asked me collect equipment from the Worm Cultists as well.",
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-21383 Ocal Charadina",
                                [2] = "7949764-0-25529 Zbierz wyposażenie: 0 / 6",
                                [3] = "7949764-0-25529 Zbierz wyposażenie: 6 / 6",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-21390 Znajdź Charadina",
                                [2] = "7949764-0-21382 Zbierz wyposażenie: 0 / 6",
                                [3] = "7949764-0-21392 Znajdź Charadina",
                            ["hints"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-21391 Zniszcz kamień rytualny",
                    [2] = 
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-15686 Charadin został przeze mnie uratowany i uciekł. Muszę sprawdzić, czy Nila również zdołała wydostać się z jaskini.",
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "121487972-0-5392 Porozmawiaj z Nilą na zewnątrz jaskini",
                ["info"] = 
                    ["finisher"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-27432 Nila Belavel",
                    ["starter"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-27354 Nila Belavel",
                    ["involved"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-27354 Nila Belavel",
                    ["description"] = 
                        [1] = "265851556-0-3980 A researcher named Nila feels terrible about her colleague's capture. The Worm Cult was torturing him at the far end of the cavern.",
                    ["items"] = 
                        [1] = "267697733-0-3143 Narzędzia archeologiczne",
            ["52420949-0-3978 Grobowiec pod górą"] = 
                ["steps"] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-15675 Netapatuu dał mi odłamek kryształu zawierający fragment ducha Hakry. Muszę wbić odłamek w jedno z ciał kultystów Czerwia zaraz przy wejściu do jaskini. Duch Hakry powinien zawładnąć ciałem.",
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-21190 Use Hakra Shard on Cultist Corpse",
                    [2] = 
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-15676 Odłamek umożliwił Hakrze zawładnięcie ciałem kultysty! Teraz czas z nią porozmawiać.",
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-17412 Porozmawiaj z ożywionymi zwłokami",
                    [3] = 
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-15677 Muszę zniszczyć urnę z prochami Hakry. To uwolni jej ducha i pozwoli jej uciec z jaskini, uniemożliwiając kultystom spętanie jej.",
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [2] = "7949764-0-21144 Zniszcz urnę Stuhna",
                                [1] = "7949764-0-21143 Zniszcz urnę Kyne",
                    [4] = 
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-18779 Only the third of Hakra's burial urns remains. When I destroy that one, her spirit should finally be free of this cavern.",
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-21145 Zniszcz urnę Shora",
                    [5] = 
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-17162 I destroyed the burial urns chaining Hakra to the cavern. But the Worm Cultists already have her fully under their control. If I can defeat her ensorceled spirit, Hakra will finally be free of both the cultists and this cavern.",
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-19205 Pokonaj Hakrę",
                    [6] = 
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-17166 Hakra's spirit is no longer bound to her tomb or to the Worm Cult. She is free, after all these years. I must talk to her, outside the cavern.",
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "121487972-0-5748 Porozmawiaj z Hakrą na zewnątrz",
                ["info"] = 
                    ["finisher"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-31498 Hakra",
                    ["starter"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-24224 Netapatuu",
                    ["involved"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-31439 Tępiciel Czerwia",
                    ["description"] = 
                        [1] = "265851556-0-3978 Netapatuu and his colleagues came to Pinepeak Caverns to consult with the spirit of Hakra, one of Ysgramor's Companions. Worm Cultists attacked and drove them out. The cultists cannot be allowed to gain control of Hakra's spirit.",
                    ["items"] = 
                        [1] = "267697733-0-2947 Odłamek Hakry",
                        [2] = "267697733-0-2945 Grobowy kamień",
                        [3] = "267697733-0-3338 Fragment Hakry",
    ["npc"] = 
        ["267200725-0-125 Rift"] = 
            ["267200725-0-125 Rift"] = 
                ["8290981-0-31812 Badacz"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "165399380-0-31812 We're just researchers. We don't stand a chance. The others are dead, or worse.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["165399380-0-31812 We're just researchers. We don't stand a chance. The others are dead, or worse."] = 
                ["8290981-0-24224 Netapatuu"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-20985 Where did you find the shard?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-20984 We found it embedded in a pillar inside the cavern. We suspected its existence from lore that Aronel had come across, so we searched for it once inside."] = "",
                        ["20958740-1-4385 Sounds gross, but I'll do it."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-20962 You have questions? The waters of knowledge flow stronger through Aronel, but I will answer what I can."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-20983 How does this shard work?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-20985 It contains a tiny portion of Hakra's essence, her soul. Stabbing a newly dead corpse with it should enable Hakra to take possession of the body, perhaps for only a limited time though."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-20962 Why were you in the cavern?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-20983 We were sent here by the Pact leadership. They believe the Worm Cult wants to enslave the spirits of ancient Companions. Something about strengthening the newly raised Sinmur. That is all I was told."] = "",
                        ["20958740-0-4385 Co Kult Czerwia robi tutaj?"] = 
                            ["3952276-1-4385 I fear their intention may be to enslave Hakra's spirit.\n\nThere is still time though. Will you help? If you jab this shard into one of the cultists' corpses in the cave, Hakra can possess the body and then she can tell us what to do to stop them."] = "",
                        ["204987124-2-20962 How does this shard work?"] = 
                        ["204987124-1-20985 Why were you in the cavern?"] = 
                        ["204987124-1-20983 Where did you find the shard?"] = 
                        ["204987124-1-20962 Where did you find the shard?"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-20984 How does this shard work?"] = 
                        ["204987124-1-20984 Why were you in the cavern?"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-20962 I need some answers."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-20962 You have questions? The waters of knowledge flow stronger through Aronel, but I will answer what I can."] = "",
                        ["249936564-0-4385 What did you come here to do?"] = 
                            ["3952276-0-4385 Do you know what this place is? Pinepeak Caverns? This is where one of Ysagramor's Companions was buried. Hakra was her name.\n\nWe came to ensure that her tomb was safe, but the Worms were already here. They ambushed us inside, and we barely escaped."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "165399380-0-24224 I am doing what I can, but the weapons wielded by the Worm Cult have a cruel bite. \n\nWe should have been more careful. Considering what we came here to do, we should have known there would be danger.",
                        [2] = "55049764-2-4936 My colleagues killed or wounded, our work destroyed. This affront must be avenged.",
                        [3] = "55049764-0-4936 Brilliantly done. Your waters flow swiftly now, touching many shores.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-20984 We found it embedded in a pillar inside the cavern. We suspected its existence from lore that Aronel had come across, so we searched for it once inside."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-20984 How does this shard work?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-20984 Why were you in the cavern?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-2-4936 My colleagues killed or wounded, our work destroyed. This affront must be avenged."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-20962 I need some answers."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-20962 You have questions? The waters of knowledge flow stronger through Aronel, but I will answer what I can."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-20962 Why were you in the cavern?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-20962 Where did you find the shard?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-2-20962 How does this shard work?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-20983 We were sent here by the Pact leadership. They believe the Worm Cult wants to enslave the spirits of ancient Companions. Something about strengthening the newly raised Sinmur. That is all I was told."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-20983 How does this shard work?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-20983 Where did you find the shard?"] = "",
                        ["3952276-0-4385 Do you know what this place is? Pinepeak Caverns? This is where one of Ysagramor's Companions was buried. Hakra was her name.\n\nWe came to ensure that her tomb was safe, but the Worms were already here. They ambushed us inside, and we barely escaped."] = 
                            ["20958740-0-4385 Co Kult Czerwia robi tutaj?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-20985 It contains a tiny portion of Hakra's essence, her soul. Stabbing a newly dead corpse with it should enable Hakra to take possession of the body, perhaps for only a limited time though."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-20985 Where did you find the shard?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-20985 Why were you in the cavern?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-4936 Brilliantly done. Your waters flow swiftly now, touching many shores."] = 
                        ["3952276-1-4385 I fear their intention may be to enslave Hakra's spirit.\n\nThere is still time though. Will you help? If you jab this shard into one of the cultists' corpses in the cave, Hakra can possess the body and then she can tell us what to do to stop them."] = 
                            ["20958740-1-4385 Sounds gross, but I'll do it."] = "",
                        ["165399380-0-24224 I am doing what I can, but the weapons wielded by the Worm Cult have a cruel bite. \n\nWe should have been more careful. Considering what we came here to do, we should have known there would be danger."] = 
                            ["249936564-0-4385 What did you come here to do?"] = "",
                ["8290981-0-29781 Charadin"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "165399380-0-29781 I feel … I'll never leave that cavern, no matter how far away I travel.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["165399380-0-29781 I feel … I'll never leave that cavern, no matter how far away I travel."] = 
                ["8290981-0-27353 Aronel Fanim"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "165399380-0-27353 If I live through this, I'm never leaving the library again.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["165399380-0-27353 If I live through this, I'm never leaving the library again."] = 
                ["8290981-0-31498 Hakra"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["232026500-0-5748 What did the cult want with you?"] = 
                            ["116521668-0-5748 Those Worms! Trying to enslave my spirit, then sacrifice me to enhance Sinmur's powers. A foolish plan, attempted by idiots. Even you were able to defeat them!\n\nThat shard is mine, by the way."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-2-4933 My bonds are broken! I'm free of that vermin-infested cave. Now to hunt down more of those damned cultists.",
                        [2] = "55049764-3-4933 Free of this accursed tomb and those thrice-damned cultists! I owe you a debt. Perhaps someday I'll repay it.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-2-4933 My bonds are broken! I'm free of that vermin-infested cave. Now to hunt down more of those damned cultists."] = 
                            ["232026500-0-5748 What did the cult want with you?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-3-4933 Free of this accursed tomb and those thrice-damned cultists! I owe you a debt. Perhaps someday I'll repay it."] = 
                ["8290981-0-27434 Aronel Fanim"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-2-4953 I'm sure I don't have long to live. Netapatuu tells me my wounds are minor, but I know better. oh, death would be better than this agony!",
                        [2] = "55049764-1-4953 This disaster has convinced me—never leave my library again. Fieldwork is for the young and foolish.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-1-4953 This disaster has convinced me—never leave my library again. Fieldwork is for the young and foolish."] = 
                        ["55049764-2-4953 I'm sure I don't have long to live. Netapatuu tells me my wounds are minor, but I know better. oh, death would be better than this agony!"] = 
                ["8290981-0-27432 Nila Belavel"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["232026500-0-5392 Glad you both made it."] = 
                            ["116521668-0-5392 You've been a lifesaver, literally. Charadin and I are going to publish a report about our adventures here. Your heroism will figure prominently!"] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-1-4947 You saved Charadin. Bless you!",
                        [2] = "55049764-2-4947 Thank you again. You'll receive a glowing mention in my report on our ill-fated expedition.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-2-4947 Thank you again. You'll receive a glowing mention in my report on our ill-fated expedition."] = 
                        ["55049764-1-4947 You saved Charadin. Bless you!"] = 
                            ["232026500-0-5392 Glad you both made it."] = "",
                ["8290981-0-55054 Deekonus"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-0-8636 Don't just stand there. I know there is some way you can make yourself useful. If nothing else, just go and kill some of those damn Worms.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-0-8636 Don't just stand there. I know there is some way you can make yourself useful. If nothing else, just go and kill some of those damn Worms."] = 
                ["8290981-0-31810 Dagbara"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "165399380-0-31810 The Cultists came out of nowhere. It was chaos. Netapatuu fought back. We all would have died if not for him.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["165399380-0-31810 The Cultists came out of nowhere. It was chaos. Netapatuu fought back. We all would have died if not for him."] = 
            ["267200725-0-218 Jaskinie Sosnowego Szczytu"] = 
                ["8290981-0-31439 Tępiciel Czerwia"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-14583 Never mind that. Why's the Worm Cult here?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-14583 They're after me. Once they breach my tomb's defenses, their magic can bind me to their will.\n\nIf you're the best this time has to offer, I see why they're looking to the past for heroes."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-14583 How can I stop them?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-16210 Three burial urns chain my spirit to this cavern. I cannot leave while they remain. Destroy them and I can escape before the cultists bind me.\n\nTwo urns rest in the lower reaches of the cave. Destroy those first."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-0-5226 Whose body was this? The flesh reeks. You placed me in one of those Cultists, damn you!",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-16210 Three burial urns chain my spirit to this cavern. I cannot leave while they remain. Destroy them and I can escape before the cultists bind me.\n\nTwo urns rest in the lower reaches of the cave. Destroy those first."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-14583 They're after me. Once they breach my tomb's defenses, their magic can bind me to their will.\n\nIf you're the best this time has to offer, I see why they're looking to the past for heroes."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-14583 How can I stop them?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-5226 Whose body was this? The flesh reeks. You placed me in one of those Cultists, damn you!"] = 
                            ["228103012-0-14583 Never mind that. Why's the Worm Cult here?"] = "",
                ["8290981-0-27354 Nila Belavel"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["20958740-0-4387 They would have just captured you too."] = 
                            ["3952276-1-4387 I don't even know if he's alive. And they stole all our equipment too. I know it sounds dumb, caring about that stuff.\n\nPlease find him! And grab our equipment, if you see any of it."] = "",
                        ["249936564-0-4387 Kto jest z góry skazany na zagładę?"] = 
                            ["3952276-0-4387 Charadin. When the cultists attacked, everyone ran. Charadin and I were alone, lost in the caverns. They captured him, there was a ritual. Oh, what they did to him!\n\nI should have tried to rescue him. But I didn't, I just ran."] = "",
                        ["20958740-1-4387 I'll do it. You just get out of here."] = 
                        ["[Przekonaj] 228103012-0-21148 Isn't it more important to save your friend than find your gear?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-21148 Yes, of course. Forget the gear, just save Charadin!"] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [2] = "55049764-0-4947 Charadin might still be alive. Oh, why did I run and leave him?",
                        [1] = "165399380-0-27354 He's doomed and it's all my fault. I ran like a coward and left him there.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-0-4947 Charadin might still be alive. Oh, why did I run and leave him?"] = 
                            ["[Przekonaj] 228103012-0-21148 Isn't it more important to save your friend than find your gear?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-21148 Yes, of course. Forget the gear, just save Charadin!"] = 
                        ["3952276-1-4387 I don't even know if he's alive. And they stole all our equipment too. I know it sounds dumb, caring about that stuff.\n\nPlease find him! And grab our equipment, if you see any of it."] = 
                            ["20958740-1-4387 I'll do it. You just get out of here."] = "",
                        ["165399380-0-27354 He's doomed and it's all my fault. I ran like a coward and left him there."] = 
                            ["249936564-0-4387 Kto jest z góry skazany na zagładę?"] = "",
                        ["3952276-0-4387 Charadin. When the cultists attacked, everyone ran. Charadin and I were alone, lost in the caverns. They captured him, there was a ritual. Oh, what they did to him!\n\nI should have tried to rescue him. But I didn't, I just ran."] = 
                            ["20958740-0-4387 They would have just captured you too."] = "",

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2021-02-26 22:19 New Issue
2021-02-26 22:19 File Added: Tomb Beneath the Mountain oraz Research Subject.lua
2021-02-27 01:48 general Target Version => The Rift
2021-04-08 06:09 tomkolp Category Quest (zadanie do przetłumaczenia) => Zadanie do tłumaczenia
2022-02-08 11:56 tomkolp Status new => confirmed
2022-09-21 15:53 Jakubson Assigned To => Jakubson
2022-09-21 15:53 Jakubson Status confirmed => assigned
2022-09-24 22:19 Jakubson Status assigned => resolved
2022-09-24 22:19 Jakubson Resolution open => fixed
2022-09-24 22:19 Jakubson Fixed in Version => 4.035