Of Ice and Death.lua (68,679 bytes)
ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 =
["books"] =
["267200725-0-1719 Zachodnie Skyrim"] =
["267200725-0-1810 Zlodowaciały Jar"] =
[5926] = "51188213-0-5926 Dla mojej miłości",
["267200725-0-1719 Zachodnie Skyrim"] =
[5768] = "51188213-0-5768 Dzisiejsze wskazówki",
["quest"] =
["162658389-0-1160 Zachodnie Skyrim"] =
["52420949-0-6460 Opowieść o lodzie i śmierci"] =
["info"] =
["items"] =
[1] = "267697733-0-7169 Surowe mięso",
[2] = "267697733-0-7242 Olbrzymi pazur",
[3] = "267697733-0-7243 Zepsute koło",
[4] = "267697733-0-7276 Dzisiejsze wskazówki",
[5] = "267697733-0-7222 Amulet Freiwen",
["involved"] =
[1] = "8290981-0-93109 Bosman Narz",
[2] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[3] = "8290981-0-93141 Kapitan Mavvok",
["finisher"] =
[1] = "8290981-0-93141 Kapitan Mavvok",
["starter"] =
[1] = "8290981-0-93107 Majtek Bazler",
[2] = "8290981-0-93109 Bosman Narz",
["description"] =
[1] = "265851556-0-6460 The Silver Cormorant was hit by a strange ice storm that seemed to come out of nowhere. The ship is locked in ice and unable to move. I offered to help the crew.",
["steps"] =
[1] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52430 The crew of The Silver Cormorant are close to starving to death. I should gather meat for them so they have something to eat.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-64745 Zbierz surowe mięso: 0 / 5",
[2] = "7949764-0-64745 Zbierz surowe mięso: 4 / 5",
[3] = "7949764-0-64745 Zbierz surowe mięso: 2 / 5",
[4] = "7949764-0-64745 Zbierz surowe mięso: 3 / 5",
[2] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52194 I need to get this meat to the surviving crew before they succumb to the cold.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-64743 Bring Meat to the Silver Cormorant",
[3] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52198 I should present the meat I gathered to Bosun Narz so he can give it to the crew.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-64744 Talk to Bosun Narz",
[4] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52200 Bosun Narz told me that a strange beast dragged some of the Silver Cormorant's crew away in the night. The captain and first mate left to track them down and haven't returned. I should see if I can find any sign of them.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65581 Search for Missing Crew",
[5] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52281 I found evidence that suggests there is some truth to the Cormorant's crew claims about a beast roaming this frozen tundra. Perhaps the captain and first mate are close by.",
["goals"] =
["hidden"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65599 Search for Missing Crew",
[6] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52282 I found evidence that suggests there is some truth to the Cormorant's crew claims about a beast roaming this frozen tundra. Perhaps the captain and first mate are close by.",
["goals"] =
["hidden"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65601 Search for Missing Crew",
[7] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52202 I found first mate Drigsen taking refuge in a shipwreck. I should talk to her.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-64752 Porozmawiaj z Drigsen",
[8] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52203 Drigsen says the beast that took her crew mates and captain is actually a large Khajiit. I should track down this Khajiit to find the captain.",
["goals"] =
["hidden"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65426 Camp Drigsen SAT1",
[2] = "7949764-0-66930 Camp Drigsen SAT2",
[3] = "7949764-0-65441 Camp Drigsen SAT3",
[4] = "7949764-0-65427 Dummy SA",
[5] = "7949764-0-66164 Zabij Zan'ikha",
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-64753 Find the Khajiit",
[9] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-53059 The captain doesn't seem to be at the Khajiit's camp. I should search the area for clues.",
["goals"] =
["hidden"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65426 Camp Drigsen SAT1",
[2] = "7949764-0-66930 Camp Drigsen SAT2",
[3] = "7949764-0-65441 Camp Drigsen SAT3",
[4] = "7949764-0-65427 Dummy SA",
[5] = "7949764-0-66164 Zabij Zan'ikha",
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65880 Przeszukaj obóz",
[10] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52204 The captain doesn't seem to be at the Khajiit's camp. I should search the areas for clues.",
["goals"] =
["hidden"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65605 Camp Drigsen SAT4",
[2] = "7949764-0-66201 Camp Drigsen SAT5",
[3] = "7949764-0-66460 Camp Drigsen SAT6",
[4] = "7949764-0-65978 Dummy SA",
[5] = "7949764-0-65426 Camp Drigsen SAT1",
[6] = "7949764-0-66930 Camp Drigsen SAT2",
[7] = "7949764-0-65441 Camp Drigsen SAT3",
[8] = "7949764-0-65427 Dummy SA",
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65464 Przeszukaj obóz",
[11] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52205 I found orders from Maxten Favrete. These instructions mention a stronghold and a place beneath called Verglas Hollow. I should see if the ruins up ahead lead to anything.",
["goals"] =
["hidden"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65605 Camp Drigsen SAT4",
[2] = "7949764-0-66201 Camp Drigsen SAT5",
[3] = "7949764-0-66460 Camp Drigsen SAT6",
[4] = "7949764-0-65978 Dummy SA",
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-64755 Investigate Verglas Hollow",
[12] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52207 Zan'ikh's orders detail the collection of frozen corpses. Maxten may have Captain Mavvok held in a lab somewhere beneath Verglas Hollow.",
["goals"] =
["hidden"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65467 Lab0 Drigsen SAT1",
[2] = "7949764-0-65632 Study Maxten SAT3",
[3] = "7949764-0-65977 Ruins Drigsen SAT3",
[4] = "7949764-0-65549 Dummy SA",
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65602 Find Captain Mavvok and the Missing Crew",
[13] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52784 I found the entrance to the stronghold and ventured inside. There is no sign of the captain or the Silver Comorant's crew. They must be held deeper within the ruins.",
["goals"] =
["hidden"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65084 Find Captain Mavvok and the Missing Crew",
[2] = "7949764-0-65606 Study Maxten SAT1",
[3] = "7949764-0-65607 Study Maxten SAT2",
[4] = "7949764-0-65893 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT1",
[5] = "7949764-0-65892 Dummy SA",
[6] = "7949764-0-65894 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT2",
[7] = "7949764-0-65895 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT3",
[8] = "7949764-0-65896 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT4",
[9] = "7949764-0-65897 Dummy SA",
[10] = "7949764-0-65467 Lab0 Drigsen SAT1",
[11] = "7949764-0-65632 Study Maxten SAT3",
[12] = "7949764-0-65977 Ruins Drigsen SAT3",
[13] = "7949764-0-65549 Dummy SA",
[14] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52206 A frozen door blocks our path. I must find a way to destroy the ice that prevents us from passing.",
["goals"] =
["hints"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-64756 Remove the Ice Barrier",
["hidden"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65606 Study Maxten SAT1",
[2] = "7949764-0-65607 Study Maxten SAT2",
[3] = "7949764-0-65893 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT1",
[4] = "7949764-0-65892 Dummy SA",
[5] = "7949764-0-65894 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT2",
[6] = "7949764-0-65895 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT3",
[7] = "7949764-0-65896 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT4",
[8] = "7949764-0-65897 Dummy SA",
[9] = "7949764-0-65467 Lab0 Drigsen SAT1",
[10] = "7949764-0-65632 Study Maxten SAT3",
[11] = "7949764-0-65977 Ruins Drigsen SAT3",
[12] = "7949764-0-65549 Dummy SA",
[15] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52871 We explored deeper into Verglas Hollow. I should keep investigating.",
["goals"] =
["hidden"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65608 Find Captain Mavvok and the Missing Crew",
[2] = "7949764-0-65606 Study Maxten SAT1",
[3] = "7949764-0-65607 Study Maxten SAT2",
[4] = "7949764-0-65893 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT1",
[5] = "7949764-0-65892 Dummy SA",
[6] = "7949764-0-65894 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT2",
[7] = "7949764-0-65895 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT3",
[8] = "7949764-0-65896 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT4",
[9] = "7949764-0-65897 Dummy SA",
[10] = "7949764-0-65467 Lab0 Drigsen SAT1",
[11] = "7949764-0-65632 Study Maxten SAT3",
[12] = "7949764-0-65977 Ruins Drigsen SAT3",
[13] = "7949764-0-65549 Dummy SA",
[16] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52208 I found the entrance that leads to Maxten's laboratory. I should explore further.",
["goals"] =
["hints"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-64758 Wejdź do laboratorium Maxten",
["hidden"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-65606 Study Maxten SAT1",
[2] = "7949764-0-65607 Study Maxten SAT2",
[3] = "7949764-0-65893 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT1",
[4] = "7949764-0-65892 Dummy SA",
[5] = "7949764-0-65894 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT2",
[6] = "7949764-0-65895 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT3",
[7] = "7949764-0-65896 StudyCrew Drigsen SAT4",
[8] = "7949764-0-65897 Dummy SA",
[9] = "7949764-0-65467 Lab0 Drigsen SAT1",
[10] = "7949764-0-65632 Study Maxten SAT3",
[11] = "7949764-0-65977 Ruins Drigsen SAT3",
[12] = "7949764-0-65549 Dummy SA",
[17] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52209 Maxten uses a strange Frost Focus to harness her magic. I need to destroy it in order to stop her.",
["goals"] =
["hidden"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-66136 Kill Boss Event",
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-64759 Destroy the Focus",
[18] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-53343 I destroyed Maxten Favrete's Frost Focus, releasing Captain Mavvok. I should meet him back at his ship, the Silver Cormorant.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-66197 Wróć do Srebrnego Kormorana",
[19] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52332 I freed Captain Mavvok from Maxten's clutches. I should talk to him and see how he and his crew are fairing.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-64912 Porozmawiaj z kapitanem Mavvokiem",
[20] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-52193 I rescued Captain Mavvok and put a stop to Maxten Favrete's plot. I should speak with the captain for a reward.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "121487972-0-14202 Porozmawiaj z kapitanem Mavvokiem",
["subtitles"] =
["267200725-0-1719 Zachodnie Skyrim"] =
["267200725-0-1810 Zlodowaciały Jar"] =
[1] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37086 Captain Mavvok and the crew have to be here somewhere!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[2] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37192 Mamdahan! What's become of you?",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[3] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37087 You are not Zan'ikh … should I assume that you are here to kill me?",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93383 Maxten Favrete",
[2] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37860 That voice … it sends a chill through me. That must be Favrete.",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[4] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37097 That ice doesn't look natural. Maybe the amulet could melt it?",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[2] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37367 You did it! The amulet destroyed the ice!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[5] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37815 Perhaps I deserve death. I destroy as easily as I create. I taint that which I love.",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93383 Maxten Favrete",
[6] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37193 Qasnareen! No! This must be Maxten's doing!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[2] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37816 But fret not, your people serve a higher purpose now. I have given them life anew.",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93383 Maxten Favrete",
[7] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37194 Terga! No!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[8] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37817 I will not let my shame snuff out the power I have wrought. I must finish my work.",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93383 Maxten Favrete",
[2] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-36931 We must be getting close.",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[3] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37195 Dringolir … Gods!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
["267200725-0-1836 Zlodowaciały Jar"] =
[1] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37342 Help me! Destroy the frozen dais, it's where she draws her power!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93141 Kapitan Mavvok",
[2] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37091 Behold the frost focus, the font of my creations!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93138 Maxten Favrete",
[2] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37552 Why do you refuse my gifts? Why does no one understand the beauty of what I offer?",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93138 Maxten Favrete",
[3] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-38192 Brave, are we?",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93138 Maxten Favrete",
[4] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37352 I'm not staying here a moment longer! I need to see the sky!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93141 Kapitan Mavvok",
[2] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37819 You did it, friend! Meet us back at the ship!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
["267200725-0-1719 Zachodnie Skyrim"] =
[1] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37332 We're hungry but peaceful, my friend. Be welcome.",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93109 Bosman Narz",
[2] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-36925 We have to find Captain Mavvok.",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[3] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-36926 The blizzard … it's getting worse!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[2] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37809 This must be the camp. Keep an eye out for the captain.",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[4] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37020 Collecting corpses? Gods. But that amulet … I wonder if it's around here somewhere.",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[5] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37085 That amulet! It almost seems like it's calming the blizzard!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[6] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-37810 Look up the hill! Those ruins were hidden by the storm … is that Verglas Hollow?",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[7] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-38114 After we resupply and get ourselves out of this ice, we can get underway again.",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen",
[2] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-38115 Fine work, Drigsen. I'm proud of this crew, as always.",
["name"] = "8290981-0-93141 Kapitan Mavvok",
["npc"] =
["267200725-0-1719 Zachodnie Skyrim"] =
["267200725-0-1810 Zlodowaciały Jar"] =
["8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen"] =
["topics"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-10-12401 What kind of horrible place is this?",
[2] = "55049764-9-12401 Mamdahan was our cook … what did that monster do to him?",
[3] = "55049764-11-12401 That looks like an entrance, but it's all iced over. What about the amulet? Can you use it on the door?",
[4] = "55049764-12-12401 Gods … these frozen corpses, they were people once. What are they now?\n\nWe need to be careful.",
[5] = "55049764-13-12401 I'm scared, but I'm not leaving. I need to know if Mavvok survived this.",
["links"] =
["55049764-9-12401 Mamdahan was our cook … what did that monster do to him?"] =
["55049764-10-12401 What kind of horrible place is this?"] =
["55049764-13-12401 I'm scared, but I'm not leaving. I need to know if Mavvok survived this."] =
["55049764-12-12401 Gods … these frozen corpses, they were people once. What are they now?\n\nWe need to be careful."] =
["55049764-11-12401 That looks like an entrance, but it's all iced over. What about the amulet? Can you use it on the door?"] =
["267200725-0-1836 Zlodowaciały Jar"] =
["8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen"] =
["topics"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-14-12401 The captain said that dais is how she amplifies her power! You must do something to disrupt it!",
["links"] =
["55049764-14-12401 The captain said that dais is how she amplifies her power! You must do something to disrupt it!"] =
["267200725-0-1719 Zachodnie Skyrim"] =
["8290981-0-93120 Pierwsza Oficer Drigsen"] =
["topics"] =
["204987124-0-62478 Can you tell me more about the Khajiit?"] =
["200879108-0-62477 It didn't talk, I remember thinking that was strange. Maybe it's mute? \n\nThere wasn't a lot of time to get a good look, but I remember there was something … off about it. The eyes were all wrong, like there was nothing going on behind them."] = "",
["228103012-0-62544 What do you think is actually going on here?"] =
["200879108-0-62544 Nothing good. Strange weather is one thing. A giant Khajiit collecting corpses is another. I don't like any part of it. I just hope the captain and the others are safe. \n\nWe need to look into that Verglas Hollow mentioned in the note."] = "",
["204987124-0-62477 Why did you go with Captain Mavvok?"] =
["200879108-0-62478 The crew of the Cormorant is like family. I care about our missing people just as much as the captain does. \n\nBesides, even if I didn't, no way I'd let him go after that beast on his own. I'm the first mate, it's my duty."] = "",
["204987124-0-62543 What do you think is really going on here?"] =
["200879108-0-62544 Nothing good. Strange weather is one thing. A giant Khajiit collecting corpses is another. I don't like any part of it. I just hope the captain and the others are safe. \n\nWe need to look into that Verglas Hollow mentioned in the note."] = "",
["228103012-0-62543 Do you think this amulet really calmed the storm?"] =
["200879108-0-62543 Well, it got a little clearer as soon as you picked it up. Must be some kind of magic at work. \n\nThat note did say it would protect from the storm. You should keep it on you, it might come in handy."] = "",
["228103012-0-62478 Why did you go with Captain Mavvok?"] =
["204987124-0-62544 Do you think this amulet really calmed the storm?"] =
["200879108-0-62543 Well, it got a little clearer as soon as you picked it up. Must be some kind of magic at work. \n\nThat note did say it would protect from the storm. You should keep it on you, it might come in handy."] = "",
["204987124-0-60698 Let's go find your captain and crew."] =
["204987124-0-60640 Did you confront this Khajiit?"] =
["200879108-0-60698 Tried to. The thing tossed me like a ragdoll and knocked the captain out cold. Threw him on the cart and hauled him straight into the blizzard.\n\nI'm too weak to fight, but I can still accompany you to find my people. I saw which way the beast went."] = "",
["228103012-0-62477 Can you tell me more about this Khajiit?"] =
["200879108-0-62478 The crew of the Cormorant is like family. I care about our missing people just as much as the captain does. \n\nBesides, even if I didn't, no way I'd let him go after that beast on his own. I'm the first mate, it's my duty."] = "",
["200879108-0-62477 It didn't talk, I remember thinking that was strange. Maybe it's mute? \n\nThere wasn't a lot of time to get a good look, but I remember there was something … off about it. The eyes were all wrong, like there was nothing going on behind them."] = "",
["228103012-0-60640 Narz sent me to look for you and the captain."] =
["200879108-0-60640 Captain Mavvok and I left the Cormorant together, tracking a monstrous beast. It was pulling a cart stacked with corpses … and some of our crew, I fear.\n\nOnce we got close, we realized it wasn't some horrifying monster. Just a Khajiit. A big one."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-1-12401 I didn't think anyone would ever find me out here. If not for you, I'd be a frozen corpse in a few hours.",
[2] = "55049764-4-12401 The Khajiit that took the captain has to be close.",
[3] = "55049764-6-12401 Let's look around. There has to be something here that will help us find Captain Mavvok.",
[4] = "55049764-7-12401 That note troubles me. If that Khajiit really was collecting corpses … what's become of the captain? And the rest of the crew? \n\nLet's keep looking.",
[5] = "55049764-8-12401 That amulet seemed to calm the storm … how is that possible? \n\nAnd that note, that list of corpses. What kind of monster is this Maxten Favrete?",
[6] = "55049764-2-12401 I hate that the bodies of those we lost won't be committed to the sea. But I know they would want us to carry on, know that we have a fighting chance. \n\nThank you, wayfarer. This ship and crew owe you their lives.",
["links"] =
["200879108-0-62478 The crew of the Cormorant is like family. I care about our missing people just as much as the captain does. \n\nBesides, even if I didn't, no way I'd let him go after that beast on his own. I'm the first mate, it's my duty."] =
["204987124-0-62478 Can you tell me more about the Khajiit?"] = "",
["200879108-0-62477 It didn't talk, I remember thinking that was strange. Maybe it's mute? \n\nThere wasn't a lot of time to get a good look, but I remember there was something … off about it. The eyes were all wrong, like there was nothing going on behind them."] =
["204987124-0-62477 Why did you go with Captain Mavvok?"] = "",
["55049764-4-12401 The Khajiit that took the captain has to be close."] =
["228103012-0-62477 Can you tell me more about this Khajiit?"] = "",
["228103012-0-62478 Why did you go with Captain Mavvok?"] = "",
["55049764-1-12401 I didn't think anyone would ever find me out here. If not for you, I'd be a frozen corpse in a few hours."] =
["228103012-0-60640 Narz sent me to look for you and the captain."] = "",
["55049764-8-12401 That amulet seemed to calm the storm … how is that possible? \n\nAnd that note, that list of corpses. What kind of monster is this Maxten Favrete?"] =
["228103012-0-62543 Do you think this amulet really calmed the storm?"] = "",
["228103012-0-62544 What do you think is actually going on here?"] = "",
["55049764-2-12401 I hate that the bodies of those we lost won't be committed to the sea. But I know they would want us to carry on, know that we have a fighting chance. \n\nThank you, wayfarer. This ship and crew owe you their lives."] =
["200879108-0-62544 Nothing good. Strange weather is one thing. A giant Khajiit collecting corpses is another. I don't like any part of it. I just hope the captain and the others are safe. \n\nWe need to look into that Verglas Hollow mentioned in the note."] =
["204987124-0-62544 Do you think this amulet really calmed the storm?"] = "",
["55049764-6-12401 Let's look around. There has to be something here that will help us find Captain Mavvok."] =
["200879108-0-62543 Well, it got a little clearer as soon as you picked it up. Must be some kind of magic at work. \n\nThat note did say it would protect from the storm. You should keep it on you, it might come in handy."] =
["204987124-0-62543 What do you think is really going on here?"] = "",
["200879108-0-60640 Captain Mavvok and I left the Cormorant together, tracking a monstrous beast. It was pulling a cart stacked with corpses … and some of our crew, I fear.\n\nOnce we got close, we realized it wasn't some horrifying monster. Just a Khajiit. A big one."] =
["204987124-0-60640 Did you confront this Khajiit?"] = "",
["200879108-0-60698 Tried to. The thing tossed me like a ragdoll and knocked the captain out cold. Threw him on the cart and hauled him straight into the blizzard.\n\nI'm too weak to fight, but I can still accompany you to find my people. I saw which way the beast went."] =
["204987124-0-60698 Let's go find your captain and crew."] = "",
["55049764-7-12401 That note troubles me. If that Khajiit really was collecting corpses … what's become of the captain? And the rest of the crew? \n\nLet's keep looking."] =
["8290981-0-93843 Kushalia"] =
["topics"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-0-12528 I couldn't believe my own eyes. Blizzard seemed to come right up out of the ground. Just like that, we were on the ice.\n\nNow we're losing people faster than we're losing feeling in our limbs.",
["links"] =
["55049764-0-12528 I couldn't believe my own eyes. Blizzard seemed to come right up out of the ground. Just like that, we were on the ice.\n\nNow we're losing people faster than we're losing feeling in our limbs."] =
["8290981-0-93845 Brugothmag"] =
["topics"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-1-12527 It's been many years since I lived in Wrothgar. I never thought I'd adapt to the deserts of Hammerfell when I started sailing with Mavvok and his crew, but here I am, shivering with the rest of them.\n\nDoesn't feel right.",
[2] = "55049764-0-12527 We'll have the Cormorant cut out before you know it. I'm happy for the work. Gets the blood pumping again.",
["links"] =
["55049764-1-12527 It's been many years since I lived in Wrothgar. I never thought I'd adapt to the deserts of Hammerfell when I started sailing with Mavvok and his crew, but here I am, shivering with the rest of them.\n\nDoesn't feel right."] =
["55049764-0-12527 We'll have the Cormorant cut out before you know it. I'm happy for the work. Gets the blood pumping again."] =
["8290981-0-93208 Szczurek"] =
["topics"] =
["204987124-0-60779 Przykro mi."] =
["228103012-0-60779 Who are you talking to?"] =
["200879108-0-60779 My rat. Her name is … was Dapper. She was my best friend.\n\nI knew this was a cursed voyage. The cold got her. That, and the terrible hunger. \n\nDamn this frozen ground! I'll keep her with me. See that she gets a proper burial."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-1-12412 Oh, my sweet baby girl. What will I do without you?",
["links"] =
["200879108-0-60779 My rat. Her name is … was Dapper. She was my best friend.\n\nI knew this was a cursed voyage. The cold got her. That, and the terrible hunger. \n\nDamn this frozen ground! I'll keep her with me. See that she gets a proper burial."] =
["204987124-0-60779 Przykro mi."] = "",
["55049764-1-12412 Oh, my sweet baby girl. What will I do without you?"] =
["228103012-0-60779 Who are you talking to?"] = "",
["8290981-0-93109 Bosman Narz"] =
["topics"] =
["204987124-0-62479 Could it have been a bear?"] =
["200879108-0-62481 No, it was larger than that. Smarter, too. No bear could have gotten up onto the deck and stolen our people from their cots like that."] = "",
["204987124-0-62481 What's your business in Solitude?"] =
["200879108-0-62480 Just trading. We came from Rihad, in Hammerfell. \n\nIt's too bad we weren't bringing food. I would have gladly paid for the lost merchandise if it kept my people alive for a little while longer."] = "",
["228103012-0-62480 What's your business in Solitude?"] =
["200879108-0-62480 Just trading. We came from Rihad, in Hammerfell. \n\nIt's too bad we weren't bringing food. I would have gladly paid for the lost merchandise if it kept my people alive for a little while longer."] = "",
["249936564-0-7912 How did you get stranded here?"] =
["3952276-0-7912 We were bound for Solitude when this ice storm came out of nowhere. The Silver Cormorant was ice locked before we knew what was happening. \n\nTrip was supposed to be easy. We weren't prepared for a delay. We're completely out of food."] = "",
["20958740-1-7912 I'll find some meat for your crew."] =
["228103012-0-62479 Do you have any idea what took your crew members?"] =
["200879108-0-62479 Not really. Most everyone on the ship has a different opinion. Only thing we can agree on is that it was big. Real big. \n\nBut it was dark, none of us could get a good look. I know I heard snarling, but that's about it."] = "",
["204987124-0-60632 What do you think happened to them?"] =
["200879108-0-61364 I fear the beast got to them. Or worse, they're lost in this damned storm and slowly freezing to death.\n\nYou've helped us once already … do you think you could search for them? I still have injured people to take care of aboard the ship."] = "",
["228103012-0-60632 Who's missing?"] =
["200879108-0-60632 Four of our crew were taken from the ship in the night by some kind of … beast. All fur and fangs. It hit us after dark, so none of us got a good look.\n\nThe captain and first mate went to look for them earlier this morning and never returned."] = "",
["204987124-0-61364 I'll see if I can find your captain and crew."] =
["20958740-0-7912 Jak mogę pomóc?"] =
["3952276-1-7912 We're desert folk out of our element. Even worse, I've got missing crew, and injured people from running up against the ice.\n\nWe need meat. Anything would do. If we had someone who could brave the cold and hunt for us, we just might survive this."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-3-12400 Blade's edge, this is incredible! This meat will see us through the next few days. Longer, if we're careful. Thank you, friend.\n\nNow that we're not in danger of starving, we need to find our missing crew members.",
[2] = "55049764-4-12400 Last we saw the captain and Drigsen, they were following tracks due east.",
[3] = "55049764-0-12400 You don't seem bothered by the cold, stranger. Perhaps you can help us.\n\nWe've been marooned out here in this gods-forsaken place for three days. Our food's run dry and I fear we won't last the night.",
[4] = "55049764-1-12400 We've already chopped up all the non-essential wood on the ship … chairs, benches, small crates.",
[5] = "55049764-8-12400 We're all humbled by your help, stranger. It's good to know there's still good people in this accursed world.",
["links"] =
["200879108-0-62481 No, it was larger than that. Smarter, too. No bear could have gotten up onto the deck and stolen our people from their cots like that."] =
["204987124-0-62481 What's your business in Solitude?"] = "",
["200879108-0-60632 Four of our crew were taken from the ship in the night by some kind of … beast. All fur and fangs. It hit us after dark, so none of us got a good look.\n\nThe captain and first mate went to look for them earlier this morning and never returned."] =
["204987124-0-60632 What do you think happened to them?"] = "",
["55049764-3-12400 Blade's edge, this is incredible! This meat will see us through the next few days. Longer, if we're careful. Thank you, friend.\n\nNow that we're not in danger of starving, we need to find our missing crew members."] =
["228103012-0-60632 Who's missing?"] = "",
["3952276-0-7912 We were bound for Solitude when this ice storm came out of nowhere. The Silver Cormorant was ice locked before we knew what was happening. \n\nTrip was supposed to be easy. We weren't prepared for a delay. We're completely out of food."] =
["20958740-0-7912 Jak mogę pomóc?"] = "",
["200879108-0-62479 Not really. Most everyone on the ship has a different opinion. Only thing we can agree on is that it was big. Real big. \n\nBut it was dark, none of us could get a good look. I know I heard snarling, but that's about it."] =
["204987124-0-62479 Could it have been a bear?"] = "",
["55049764-4-12400 Last we saw the captain and Drigsen, they were following tracks due east."] =
["228103012-0-62480 What's your business in Solitude?"] = "",
["228103012-0-62479 Do you have any idea what took your crew members?"] = "",
["55049764-8-12400 We're all humbled by your help, stranger. It's good to know there's still good people in this accursed world."] =
["55049764-1-12400 We've already chopped up all the non-essential wood on the ship … chairs, benches, small crates."] =
["55049764-0-12400 You don't seem bothered by the cold, stranger. Perhaps you can help us.\n\nWe've been marooned out here in this gods-forsaken place for three days. Our food's run dry and I fear we won't last the night."] =
["249936564-0-7912 How did you get stranded here?"] = "",
["3952276-1-7912 We're desert folk out of our element. Even worse, I've got missing crew, and injured people from running up against the ice.\n\nWe need meat. Anything would do. If we had someone who could brave the cold and hunt for us, we just might survive this."] =
["20958740-1-7912 I'll find some meat for your crew."] = "",
["200879108-0-61364 I fear the beast got to them. Or worse, they're lost in this damned storm and slowly freezing to death.\n\nYou've helped us once already … do you think you could search for them? I still have injured people to take care of aboard the ship."] =
["204987124-0-61364 I'll see if I can find your captain and crew."] = "",
["200879108-0-62480 Just trading. We came from Rihad, in Hammerfell. \n\nIt's too bad we weren't bringing food. I would have gladly paid for the lost merchandise if it kept my people alive for a little while longer."] =
["8290981-0-93141 Kapitan Mavvok"] =
["topics"] =
["228103012-0-61399 Co teraz zrobisz?"] =
["204987124-0-61401 How do you feel?"] =
["200879108-0-61394 Better, now that I'm not in danger of turning into one of those frozen thralls. I was halfway there when you and Drigsen showed up, thought I was done for. \n\nThat woman was a terror."] = "",
["204987124-0-61399 Will you be able to survive in the meantime?"] =
["200879108-0-61401 Now that the storm has settled, and my crew heartened, we're much better equipped to handle the delay. Supplies from Morthal will help, too. \n\nWe've gotten through the worst of it. Now, the only way to move is forward."] = "",
["204987124-0-60794 The storm has stopped. You should be safe now."] =
["116521668-0-14202 Looks that way, thanks to you. With any luck we might even be able to salvage the Cormorant. She's a fine ship.\n\nPlease, take this. I wish I had more to give."] = "",
["204987124-0-61394 You mean Maxten?"] =
["200879108-0-61398 Was that her name? Doesn't matter, I'm just glad she's gone. \n\nThere was such darkness in her eyes. Pain, too. Bone-deep pain. It was eating her up, I could feel it even as I stood there freezing to death."] = "",
["204987124-0-61398 Co teraz zrobisz?"] =
["200879108-0-61399 Free the Silver Cormorant from the ice and assess her damage. It'll take some doing to get her free, but this crew isn't averse to hard work.\n\nIn the meantime, I sent a few of them to Morthal to gather supplies."] = "",
["228103012-0-60794 How is everyone handling the loss of your crew members?"] =
["200879108-0-60794 Our dead will be missed dearly. We'll make sure they have a proper funeral after all is said and done.\n\nThis crew is family. We mourn together, but we endure together too. You've given us the luxury to do both."] = "",
["228103012-0-61394 How do you feel?"] =
["200879108-0-61394 Better, now that I'm not in danger of turning into one of those frozen thralls. I was halfway there when you and Drigsen showed up, thought I was done for. \n\nThat woman was a terror."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-1-12413 Ah, my savior! I apologize for running off like that, but I had to ensure my crew was safe.\n\nI'm glad you're here now. The Silver Cormorant owes you a great debt, stranger.",
[2] = "55049764-3-12413 When the last of my blood thaws, I'll start chipping away at the ice myself. I'm sure the Cormorant is as eager to be free as her crew is.",
["links"] =
["200879108-0-61394 Better, now that I'm not in danger of turning into one of those frozen thralls. I was halfway there when you and Drigsen showed up, thought I was done for. \n\nThat woman was a terror."] =
["204987124-0-61394 You mean Maxten?"] = "",
["200879108-0-61398 Was that her name? Doesn't matter, I'm just glad she's gone. \n\nThere was such darkness in her eyes. Pain, too. Bone-deep pain. It was eating her up, I could feel it even as I stood there freezing to death."] =
["204987124-0-61398 Co teraz zrobisz?"] = "",
["200879108-0-61401 Now that the storm has settled, and my crew heartened, we're much better equipped to handle the delay. Supplies from Morthal will help, too. \n\nWe've gotten through the worst of it. Now, the only way to move is forward."] =
["204987124-0-61401 How do you feel?"] = "",
["55049764-3-12413 When the last of my blood thaws, I'll start chipping away at the ice myself. I'm sure the Cormorant is as eager to be free as her crew is."] =
["228103012-0-61399 Co teraz zrobisz?"] = "",
["228103012-0-61394 How do you feel?"] = "",
["200879108-0-60794 Our dead will be missed dearly. We'll make sure they have a proper funeral after all is said and done.\n\nThis crew is family. We mourn together, but we endure together too. You've given us the luxury to do both."] =
["204987124-0-60794 The storm has stopped. You should be safe now."] = "",
["200879108-0-61399 Free the Silver Cormorant from the ice and assess her damage. It'll take some doing to get her free, but this crew isn't averse to hard work.\n\nIn the meantime, I sent a few of them to Morthal to gather supplies."] =
["204987124-0-61399 Will you be able to survive in the meantime?"] = "",
["55049764-1-12413 Ah, my savior! I apologize for running off like that, but I had to ensure my crew was safe.\n\nI'm glad you're here now. The Silver Cormorant owes you a great debt, stranger."] =
["228103012-0-60794 How is everyone handling the loss of your crew members?"] = "",
["8290981-0-93844 Qadsh"] =
["topics"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-0-12529 We lost a few good sailors, it's true. Drigsen says she will honor them with a plaque.\n\nBut we all knew the risks when we signed on. Once we get the Cormorant back in the water, we'll make it back to port and carry on.",
["links"] =
["55049764-0-12529 We lost a few good sailors, it's true. Drigsen says she will honor them with a plaque.\n\nBut we all knew the risks when we signed on. Once we get the Cormorant back in the water, we'll make it back to port and carry on."] =
["8290981-0-93107 Majtek Bazler"] =
["topics"] =
["228103012-0-61360 Where will I find your ship?"] =
["200879108-0-61360 Not far. She's still afloat but she's trapped in the ice. \n\nIt was a nightmare. Clear one moment, then the sky grew dark. The snow howled like a beast. And the ice … black ice … I didn't know water could freeze up that fast."] = "",
["20958740-0-7904 Jak mogę pomóc?"] =
["3952276-1-7904 If we just had some meat, we could last a few more days, I'm sure. I tried to kill a horker earlier but my hands were frozen and I dropped my hunting knife. \n\nPlease, my crew mates will starve to death if help doesn't come soon."] = "",
["204987124-0-61362 Where will I find your ship?"] =
["200879108-0-61360 Not far. She's still afloat but she's trapped in the ice. \n\nIt was a nightmare. Clear one moment, then the sky grew dark. The snow howled like a beast. And the ice … black ice … I didn't know water could freeze up that fast."] = "",
["20958740-1-7904 I'll find some meat for your crew."] =
["204987124-0-61360 Why did your crew send you out here?"] =
["200879108-0-61362 It was a last resort. It was either send someone out into the cold, or just sit there and accept our fate. Someone had to try. \n\nNot that I've done anything out here other than freeze my arse off."] = "",
["228103012-0-61362 Why did they send you out here?"] =
["249936564-0-7904 What are you doing out here by yourself?"] =
["3952276-0-7904 I'm part of the crew from the merchant ship Silver Cormorant. The snows … overtook us. Trapped us in the ice. Now, our shipmates are missing, and we're out of food. I went looking for both.\n\nPlease. I can't go on. The frost will take my toes soon."] = "",
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-0-12399 I didn't think I'd find anyone out here in this frozen wasteland. You, my friend, are a glorious sight.",
[2] = "55049764-1-12399 I'll head back to the ship. I'm no good to anyone if I lose my toes. \n\nGlad you came along when you did. Hopefully you can help get us out of this mess.",
["links"] =
["3952276-0-7904 I'm part of the crew from the merchant ship Silver Cormorant. The snows … overtook us. Trapped us in the ice. Now, our shipmates are missing, and we're out of food. I went looking for both.\n\nPlease. I can't go on. The frost will take my toes soon."] =
["20958740-0-7904 Jak mogę pomóc?"] = "",
["200879108-0-61362 It was a last resort. It was either send someone out into the cold, or just sit there and accept our fate. Someone had to try. \n\nNot that I've done anything out here other than freeze my arse off."] =
["204987124-0-61362 Where will I find your ship?"] = "",
["55049764-1-12399 I'll head back to the ship. I'm no good to anyone if I lose my toes. \n\nGlad you came along when you did. Hopefully you can help get us out of this mess."] =
["228103012-0-61360 Where will I find your ship?"] = "",
["228103012-0-61362 Why did they send you out here?"] = "",
["200879108-0-61360 Not far. She's still afloat but she's trapped in the ice. \n\nIt was a nightmare. Clear one moment, then the sky grew dark. The snow howled like a beast. And the ice … black ice … I didn't know water could freeze up that fast."] =
["204987124-0-61360 Why did your crew send you out here?"] = "",
["3952276-1-7904 If we just had some meat, we could last a few more days, I'm sure. I tried to kill a horker earlier but my hands were frozen and I dropped my hunting knife. \n\nPlease, my crew mates will starve to death if help doesn't come soon."] =
["20958740-1-7904 I'll find some meat for your crew."] = "",
["55049764-0-12399 I didn't think I'd find anyone out here in this frozen wasteland. You, my friend, are a glorious sight."] =
["249936564-0-7904 What are you doing out here by yourself?"] = "",
["8290981-0-93428 Bramula"] =
["topics"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-0-12437 Terga never hurt no one. She was a good sailor, and my best friend.\n\nI'll miss her, but at least now we know what became of her. Thanks for seeing this through.",
["links"] =
["55049764-0-12437 Terga never hurt no one. She was a good sailor, and my best friend.\n\nI'll miss her, but at least now we know what became of her. Thanks for seeing this through."] =