The Tree-Minders Fate.lua (40,256 bytes)
ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 =
["quest"] =
["162658389-0-117 Shadowfen"] =
["52420949-0-3827 Los Opiekuna Drzew"] =
["info"] =
["description"] =
[1] = "265851556-0-3827 Mystery surrounds Forsaken Hamlet. An Argonian tree-minder lies murdered at the edge of her village.",
["involved"] =
[1] = "87370069-0-5904 Starożytna księga",
[2] = "87370069-0-5903 Trzonek kostura",
[3] = "87370069-0-5905 Zagubiony Klucz Opiekuna Drzew",
[4] = "8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa",
[5] = "8290981-0-22812 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa",
[6] = "8290981-0-26798 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa",
[7] = "8290981-0-24258 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa",
["finisher"] =
[1] = "8290981-0-22366 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa",
["starter"] =
[1] = "8290981-0-22792 Opiekunka Drzew",
["items"] =
[1] = "267697733-0-2752 Złamany trzonek",
[2] = "267697733-0-2753 Starożytna księga",
[3] = "267697733-0-2754 Zgubiony klucz",
[4] = "267697733-0-2755 Laska Opiekuna Drzew",
[5] = "267697733-0-3645 Laska Opiekuna Drzew",
["steps"] =
[1] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-14651 Zaginione rzeczy należące do opiekunki drzew mogą być pierwszym tropem na drodze do rozwikłania zagadki. Muszę znaleźć złamany kostur, strony z jej księgi oraz zgubiony klucz.\n\nPójdę przez tunel i poszukam przedmiotów w miejscu, do którego on prowadzi.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16212 Odzyskaj: 267697733-0-2752 Złamany trzonek",
[2] = "7949764-0-16213 Odzyskaj: 267697733-0-2753 Starożytna księga",
[3] = "7949764-0-16214 Odzyskaj: 267697733-0-2754 Zgubiony klucz",
[2] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-14653 Zjawił się duch opiekunki drzew, unoszący się nad ostatnim odnalezionym przeze mnie przedmiotem. Lepiej porozmawiam z duchem.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16216 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa",
[3] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-14858 Udało mi się przetrwać zagrożenie ze strony argoniańskich duchów uwięzionych w cierpieniu i dotrzeć do chaty, w której mieszka 8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa. Muszę pomówić z duchem, który ją teraz zamieszkuje.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16470 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa w jej chacie",
[4] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-14656 8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa wierzy, że możemy użyć duchów Argonian do ożywienia drzewa Histów. Muszę użyć głowicy jej laski do schwytania kilku. Schwytam kilka duchów i spotkam się z nią przy drzewie.",
["goals"] =
["hints"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16218 Użyj: 267697733-0-2755 Laska Opiekuna Drzew na pokonanych duchach",
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16264 Pokonaj duchy: 0 / 6",
[2] = "7949764-0-16264 Pokonaj duchy: 1 / 6",
[3] = "7949764-0-16264 Pokonaj duchy: 2 / 6",
[4] = "7949764-0-16264 Pokonaj duchy: 3 / 6",
[5] = "7949764-0-16264 Pokonaj duchy: 4 / 6",
[6] = "7949764-0-16264 Pokonaj duchy: 5 / 6",
[5] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-14659 Teraz, kiedy ujarzmiłem kilka udręczonych duchów z osady, 8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa przy drzewie Histów musi otrzymać ode mnie głowicę. Pomówię z nią, gdy tylko tam dotrę. Być może zbliżę się do rozwiązania zagadki i zakończenia cierpień duchów.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16219 Idź do drzewa Histu",
[6] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-14676 8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa wierzy, że możemy użyć duchów Argonian do ożywienia drzewa Histów. Muszę użyć głowicy jej laski do schwytania ich. Głowica pochodzi z drzewa.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16246 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-22366 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa przy drzewie Histu",
[7] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-14677 Głowica została zwrócona przeze mnie opiekunce drzew, muszę poczekać i zobaczyć, czy będzie w stanie odnowić drzewo Histów... albo przynajmniej odesłać duchy jej towarzyszy na spoczynek. Lepiej porozmawiam z nią, kiedy skończy.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16248 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-22366 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa",
[8] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-14678 Dominium gotuje skradziony sok Histów, dręcząc duchy. Muszę spalić należące do Dominium zbiorniki z sokiem Histów, aby pozbyć się zawartości.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[4] = "7949764-0-40115 Burn Hist Sap Containers: 3 / 4",
[1] = "7949764-0-40115 Burn Hist Sap Containers: 0 / 4",
[2] = "7949764-0-40115 Burn Hist Sap Containers: 1 / 4",
[3] = "7949764-0-40115 Burn Hist Sap Containers: 2 / 4",
["hidden"] =
[4] = "7949764-0-16491 Podpal: 87370069-0-6040 Pojemnik z Sokiem Histów",
[1] = "7949764-0-16251 Podpal: 87370069-0-5916 Pojemnik z Sokiem Histów",
[2] = "7949764-0-16489 Podpal: 87370069-0-6041 Pojemnik z Sokiem Histów",
[3] = "7949764-0-16490 Podpal: 87370069-0-6043 Pojemnik z Sokiem Histów",
[9] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-14686 Sok Histów został uwolniony ze zbiorników rafinacyjnych Dominium, więc duchy Argonian powinny już być spokojne, ale żołnierze Dominium wiedzą, skąd przybywam. Muszę wrócić do drzewa Histów, gdzie czeka na mnie 8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa, i się z nią naradzić.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16258 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-22366 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa",
[10] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-14688 Opiekunka drzew wierzy, że skoro sok Histów został uwolniony, może być w stanie przeprowadzić rytuał, który albo uleczy drzewo, albo stworzy nową sadzonkę w jego miejsce. Na jej prośbę zadbam, aby Dominium jej nie przeszkodziło.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16260 Powiedz 8290981-0-22366 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa, żeby zaczęła rytuał",
[11] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-14703 Muszę chronić duchy z osady przed siłami Dominium. Jeśli zniszczą duchy, rytuał, który wykonuje 8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa straci swą moc, a drzewo Histów nie zostanie uleczone. Jeśli nie uda mi się, osada pozostanie nawiedzona na zawsze.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "7949764-0-16278 Obroń duchy",
[12] =
["description"] = "103224356-0-14488 Siły Dominium zostały rozgromiony. Rytuał, który przeprowadzała 8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa, zakończył się powodzeniem. Argoniańskie duchy z zapomnianej wioski mogą teraz powrócić do odnowionego drzewa Histów. Mogą spocząć w pokoju.",
["goals"] =
["main"] =
[1] = "121487972-0-5069 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-22366 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa",
["subtitles"] =
["267200725-0-26 Shadowfen"] =
["267200725-0-26 Shadowfen"] =
[2] =
[2] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-9846 My blood boils inside me. How can this be?",
["name"] = "8290981-0-26798 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa",
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-9829 Spirit of the Hist, receive—Xuth!",
["name"] = "8290981-0-26798 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa",
[1] =
[1] =
["text"] = "115740052-0-9963 Who are you? What do you want?",
["name"] = "8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa",
["npc"] =
["267200725-0-26 Shadowfen"] =
["267200725-0-544 Alten Corimont"] =
["8290981-0-22792 Opiekunka Drzew"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "165399380-0-22792 <The corpse of an Argonian female lies in the dirt. Even though her body is slashed and burned, she appears to be dressed in the accoutrements of a tree-minder.>",
["links"] =
["3952276-0-4206 <One of the tree-minder's hands clutches a broken piece of wood. It resembles the headpiece of a staff.>\n\n<Beside her you see the torn cover of an ancient book. Its pages are missing.>"] =
["20958740-0-4206 <Kontynuuj badanie.>"] = "",
["3952276-1-4206 <You see a broken key-ring hanging from the tree-minder's belt.>\n\n<One of the slashes that killed her must have shattered the ring and cast the key to the ground somewhere.>"] =
["20958740-1-4206 <Look around for the missing items.>"] = "",
["165399380-0-22792 <The corpse of an Argonian female lies in the dirt. Even though her body is slashed and burned, she appears to be dressed in the accoutrements of a tree-minder.>"] =
["249936564-0-4206 <Zbadaj szczątki.>"] = "",
["topics"] =
["20958740-0-4206 <Kontynuuj badanie.>"] =
["3952276-1-4206 <You see a broken key-ring hanging from the tree-minder's belt.>\n\n<One of the slashes that killed her must have shattered the ring and cast the key to the ground somewhere.>"] = "",
["249936564-0-4206 <Zbadaj szczątki.>"] =
["3952276-0-4206 <One of the tree-minder's hands clutches a broken piece of wood. It resembles the headpiece of a staff.>\n\n<Beside her you see the torn cover of an ancient book. Its pages are missing.>"] = "",
["20958740-1-4206 <Look around for the missing items.>"] =
["267200725-0-26 Shadowfen"] =
["8290981-0-22366 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-9-4434 The ritual is complete. Are those mammal-lickers still attacking?",
[2] = "55049764-10-4434 The spirits are returning to the Hist tree. Soon, I will follow. Our bodies may be gone, but we have been saved.\n\nMay friendly branches shade your path.",
["links"] =
["55049764-9-4434 The ritual is complete. Are those mammal-lickers still attacking?"] =
["232026500-0-5069 I think that's the last of them."] = "",
["55049764-10-4434 The spirits are returning to the Hist tree. Soon, I will follow. Our bodies may be gone, but we have been saved.\n\nMay friendly branches shade your path."] =
["topics"] =
["232026500-0-5069 I think that's the last of them."] =
["116521668-0-5069 Our ritual was a success—a bitter one, to be sure. We died, but our Hist tree lives. As we return to the Hist, so will the tree heal. \n\nSomeday, there will be a new clutch hatched here. If ever you return, they will remember your courage."] = "",
["8290981-0-26798 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-3-4434 Fewer of my fellow spirits haunt the hamlet. Did it work?",
[2] = "55049764-4-4434 Xuth! No! The heat, the stench, the flames ….",
[3] = "55049764-5-4434 We must release the stolen sap and restore the Hist tree.",
["links"] =
["200879108-0-13292 It's more than sap, it is the Hist tree's soul.\n\nWhen an Argonian is created, it is said the sap becomes the Argonian's blood … its essence … its spirit."] =
["204987124-0-13292 The spirits are what, exactly?"] = "",
["55049764-3-4434 Fewer of my fellow spirits haunt the hamlet. Did it work?"] =
["228103012-0-13289 I've subdued several spirits. Is that enough?"] = "",
["55049764-5-4434 We must release the stolen sap and restore the Hist tree."] =
["228103012-0-13292 Why is the sap so important?"] = "",
["200879108-0-13294 They're boiling, distilling, and destroying what's left of our Hist tree's sap!\n\nQuickly, take my staff again. The Dominion's camps are near. Find them, and use what power is left. Destroy their vats, and the staff can call the Hist sap back to us."] =
["204987124-0-13294 Why is the sap so important?"] = "",
["200879108-0-13289 My staff can only hold so much. It's only a small branch of the Hist tree.\n\nIf they are not too mad, these spirits may have enough energy to restore the Hist tree. Then we can return to its warm embrace. Give me the staff."] =
["204987124-0-13289 Here you are."] = "",
["55049764-4-4434 Xuth! No! The heat, the stench, the flames …."] =
["228103012-0-13291 Co się stało?"] = "",
["200879108-0-13291 The Hist tree screams! It suffers, and spreads its torment to us! Can't you hear it?\n\nThose screams … they'll drive us mad!"] =
["204987124-0-13291 Screaming?"] = "",
["200879108-0-13293 … are made from the essence of this Hist tree. As long as the spirits remain outside the tree, its essence is fragmented.\n\nWhen the Dominion boils this essence to create their foul brew, the torment to the tree and the spirits will be unbearable."] =
["topics"] =
["204987124-0-13294 Why is the sap so important?"] =
["200879108-0-13292 It's more than sap, it is the Hist tree's soul.\n\nWhen an Argonian is created, it is said the sap becomes the Argonian's blood … its essence … its spirit."] = "",
["204987124-0-13289 Here you are."] =
["228103012-0-13289 I've subdued several spirits. Is that enough?"] =
["200879108-0-13289 My staff can only hold so much. It's only a small branch of the Hist tree.\n\nIf they are not too mad, these spirits may have enough energy to restore the Hist tree. Then we can return to its warm embrace. Give me the staff."] = "",
["228103012-0-13292 Why is the sap so important?"] =
["204987124-0-13291 Screaming?"] =
["200879108-0-13294 They're boiling, distilling, and destroying what's left of our Hist tree's sap!\n\nQuickly, take my staff again. The Dominion's camps are near. Find them, and use what power is left. Destroy their vats, and the staff can call the Hist sap back to us."] = "",
["228103012-0-13291 Co się stało?"] =
["200879108-0-13291 The Hist tree screams! It suffers, and spreads its torment to us! Can't you hear it?\n\nThose screams … they'll drive us mad!"] = "",
["204987124-0-13292 The spirits are what, exactly?"] =
["200879108-0-13293 … are made from the essence of this Hist tree. As long as the spirits remain outside the tree, its essence is fragmented.\n\nWhen the Dominion boils this essence to create their foul brew, the torment to the tree and the spirits will be unbearable."] = "",
["8290981-0-24258 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa"] =
["greetings"] =
[2] = "55049764-11-4434 I 'm ready to start. Just give the word.",
[1] = "55049764-6-4434 The madness fades, but so do we. Did anything go wrong?",
["links"] =
["200879108-0-13305 Good, it's quieter now as the madness fades. With the aid of my egg-kin, I can restore the Hist tree, but it must be done quickly. \n\nWe're fading. I don't know why, but our essence, our very being, drifts away on the breeze."] =
["204987124-0-13305 Co mogę zrobić?"] = "",
["200879108-0-13307 If they interfere, our essence will fade before the Hist tree is restored.\n\nDon't expect help from my fellow spirits. I will draw on what little power they have left to strengthen my prayers. The rest of the burden is on you."] =
["204987124-0-13307 I'm ready to protect you. Start the ritual."] = "",
["200879108-0-13311 Very well. Last time, the Dominion came from the north, driving toward the Hist Tree. They are not the most cunning creatures, so I would expect the same this time.\n\nYou must protect the spirits!"] =
["204987124-1-13311 Wait. I need a moment to prepare."] = "",
["204987124-0-13311 I'm ready. Begin the ritual."] = "",
["55049764-6-4434 The madness fades, but so do we. Did anything go wrong?"] =
["228103012-0-13305 No. I destroyed their containers of Hist sap."] = "",
["200879108-0-13309 I don't think the Dominion will give up so easily. My guess is that they'll come back. If they do, you'll have to protect the ritual.\n\nSee to your needs. Then let me know when I should begin."] =
["204987124-0-13309 What can the Dominion do?"] = "",
["55049764-11-4434 I 'm ready to start. Just give the word."] =
["228103012-0-13311 I'm ready to protect the spirits."] = "",
["topics"] =
["228103012-0-13311 I'm ready to protect the spirits."] =
["200879108-0-13311 Very well. Last time, the Dominion came from the north, driving toward the Hist Tree. They are not the most cunning creatures, so I would expect the same this time.\n\nYou must protect the spirits!"] = "",
["204987124-1-13311 Wait. I need a moment to prepare."] =
["228103012-0-13305 No. I destroyed their containers of Hist sap."] =
["200879108-0-13305 Good, it's quieter now as the madness fades. With the aid of my egg-kin, I can restore the Hist tree, but it must be done quickly. \n\nWe're fading. I don't know why, but our essence, our very being, drifts away on the breeze."] = "",
["204987124-0-13305 Co mogę zrobić?"] =
["200879108-0-13309 I don't think the Dominion will give up so easily. My guess is that they'll come back. If they do, you'll have to protect the ritual.\n\nSee to your needs. Then let me know when I should begin."] = "",
["204987124-0-13309 What can the Dominion do?"] =
["200879108-0-13307 If they interfere, our essence will fade before the Hist tree is restored.\n\nDon't expect help from my fellow spirits. I will draw on what little power they have left to strengthen my prayers. The rest of the burden is on you."] = "",
["204987124-0-13307 I'm ready to protect you. Start the ritual."] =
["200879108-0-13311 Very well. Last time, the Dominion came from the north, driving toward the Hist Tree. They are not the most cunning creatures, so I would expect the same this time.\n\nYou must protect the spirits!"] = "",
["204987124-0-13311 I'm ready. Begin the ritual."] =
["8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "55049764-0-4434 So, scavenger, have you enjoyed picking through the hamlet's bones? Have you found all the treasures you desire?",
["links"] =
["200879108-0-13270 They did not tell us their plans!\n\nNow the Hist tree has been drained and my people have nowhere to go when they die. They linger, trapped in madness."] =
["204987124-0-13270 Jest coś, co mogę zrobić?"] = "",
["55049764-0-4434 So, scavenger, have you enjoyed picking through the hamlet's bones? Have you found all the treasures you desire?"] =
["228103012-0-13268 I saw a tree-minder's body at the village's edge. I wanted to find out what happened."] = "",
["200879108-0-13613 You wish to atone for your looting? Good.\n\nThis existence is unnatural for us. Our spirits must return to the Hist. Take what you've pilfered to my hut. I'll meet you there."] =
["204987124-0-13613 Tak zrobię."] = "",
["200879108-0-13268 Now you want to tell stories! Very well, I will tell you one of my own.\n\nThe Dominion came. They coveted our Hist tree. When we would not allow them to tap it, they slaughtered everyone and drained the tree of its sap."] =
["204987124-0-13268 Why would they do that?"] = "",
["topics"] =
["204987124-0-13613 Tak zrobię."] =
["228103012-0-13268 I saw a tree-minder's body at the village's edge. I wanted to find out what happened."] =
["200879108-0-13268 Now you want to tell stories! Very well, I will tell you one of my own.\n\nThe Dominion came. They coveted our Hist tree. When we would not allow them to tap it, they slaughtered everyone and drained the tree of its sap."] = "",
["204987124-0-13268 Why would they do that?"] =
["200879108-0-13270 They did not tell us their plans!\n\nNow the Hist tree has been drained and my people have nowhere to go when they die. They linger, trapped in madness."] = "",
["204987124-0-13270 Jest coś, co mogę zrobić?"] =
["200879108-0-13613 You wish to atone for your looting? Good.\n\nThis existence is unnatural for us. Our spirits must return to the Hist. Take what you've pilfered to my hut. I'll meet you there."] = "",
["8290981-0-22812 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa"] =
["greetings"] =
[2] = "55049764-2-4434 You can't fight all the spirits here. Subdue a few. The rest may follow.",
[1] = "55049764-1-4434 Have you seen our agony? We're not like this. It's torment to endure this way.",
["links"] =
["200879108-0-13313 Undead aren't part of the proper world. \n\nWe normally return to our Hist tree when we die, but if that's prevented or if our tree is suffering, we remain. Then we go mad. Is that considered natural?"] =
["204987124-0-13313 How can the staff restore the spirits?"] = "",
["200879108-0-13625 I have a little power left. You have the staff piece. Together they become a tool.\n\nSubdue spirits by force. Then use the staff to absorb their energy. We'll meet at the tree for the next step."] =
["204987124-0-13625 How can the staff restore the spirits?"] = "",
["204987124-1-13625 You said Argonian ghosts are unnatural?"] = "",
["200879108-0-13624 They killed us! How else? They demanded the Hist tree's sap, as though it was ours to give.\n\nThis existence is an abomination. We must do something. More specifically, I need you to do something."] =
["204987124-0-13624 Czego potrzebujesz?"] = "",
["200879108-0-13269 You know nothing of my village. Argonians are bound to their Hist tree. My staff came from ours. Long ago, it was a gift from the Hist tree to us.\n\nMy people will feel and know the connection, but in madness they will resist."] =
["204987124-0-13269 You said Argonian ghosts are unnatural?"] = "",
["55049764-2-4434 You can't fight all the spirits here. Subdue a few. The rest may follow."] =
["228103012-0-13269 How can the staff restore the spirits?"] = "",
["55049764-1-4434 Have you seen our agony? We're not like this. It's torment to endure this way."] =
["228103012-0-13624 How did the Dominion cause this?"] = "",
["topics"] =
["204987124-0-13269 You said Argonian ghosts are unnatural?"] =
["200879108-0-13313 Undead aren't part of the proper world. \n\nWe normally return to our Hist tree when we die, but if that's prevented or if our tree is suffering, we remain. Then we go mad. Is that considered natural?"] = "",
["228103012-0-13269 How can the staff restore the spirits?"] =
["204987124-0-13313 How can the staff restore the spirits?"] =
["204987124-1-13625 You said Argonian ghosts are unnatural?"] =
["204987124-0-13625 How can the staff restore the spirits?"] =
["200879108-0-13269 You know nothing of my village. Argonians are bound to their Hist tree. My staff came from ours. Long ago, it was a gift from the Hist tree to us.\n\nMy people will feel and know the connection, but in madness they will resist."] = "",
["228103012-0-13624 How did the Dominion cause this?"] =
["200879108-0-13624 They killed us! How else? They demanded the Hist tree's sap, as though it was ours to give.\n\nThis existence is an abomination. We must do something. More specifically, I need you to do something."] = "",
["204987124-0-13624 Czego potrzebujesz?"] =
["200879108-0-13625 I have a little power left. You have the staff piece. Together they become a tool.\n\nSubdue spirits by force. Then use the staff to absorb their energy. We'll meet at the tree for the next step."] = "",
["87370069-0-5904 Starożytna księga"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "211899940-0-5904 <Though charred and ragged, these pages match the size of the cover found on the tree-minder's corpse.>",
["links"] =
["211899940-0-5904 <Though charred and ragged, these pages match the size of the cover found on the tree-minder's corpse.>"] =
["228103012-0-13611 <Closely examine the book.>"] = "",
["200879108-0-13611 <Most of these pages are too charred to read, but the rest reveal day-to-day snippets of a peaceful hamlet untouched by war or tragedy.>\n\n<Though diverse hands penned this book, the most recent entries were written by 8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa.>"] =
["topics"] =
["228103012-0-13611 <Closely examine the book.>"] =
["200879108-0-13611 <Most of these pages are too charred to read, but the rest reveal day-to-day snippets of a peaceful hamlet untouched by war or tragedy.>\n\n<Though diverse hands penned this book, the most recent entries were written by 8290981-0-22219 Opiekunka Drzew Deyapa.>"] = "",
["87370069-0-5903 Trzonek kostura"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "211899940-0-5903 <At first glance, this haft appears to be an ornately-carved piece of wood. Its headpiece is missing.>",
["links"] =
["200879108-0-13594 <The staff was organically formed, not carved.>\n\n<It was evidently shaped by magic, nature, or some other unnamed force.>"] =
["211899940-0-5903 <At first glance, this haft appears to be an ornately-carved piece of wood. Its headpiece is missing.>"] =
["228103012-0-13594 <Closely examine the staff.>"] = "",
["topics"] =
["228103012-0-13594 <Closely examine the staff.>"] =
["200879108-0-13594 <The staff was organically formed, not carved.>\n\n<It was evidently shaped by magic, nature, or some other unnamed force.>"] = "",
["87370069-0-5905 Zagubiony Klucz Opiekuna Drzew"] =
["greetings"] =
[1] = "211899940-0-5905 <This old bag holds a large iron key.>",
["links"] =
["211899940-0-5905 <This old bag holds a large iron key.>"] =
["228103012-0-13612 <Closely examine the key.>"] = "",
["200879108-0-13612 <This key obviously unlocks something large, judging from its size.>\n\n<Several of the Argonian huts scattered throughout the village have heavy doors. This key probably works with one of them.>"] =
["topics"] =
["228103012-0-13612 <Closely examine the key.>"] =
["200879108-0-13612 <This key obviously unlocks something large, judging from its size.>\n\n<Several of the Argonian huts scattered throughout the village have heavy doors. This key probably works with one of them.>"] = "",
["books"] =
["267200725-0-26 Shadowfen"] =
["267200725-0-26 Shadowfen"] =
[674] = "51188213-0-674 Grabieżcy Histów",