ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 = { ["books"] = { ["267200725-0-10 Rozdarta Iglica"] = { ["267200725-0-151 Krypta Serc I"] = { [1270] = "51188213-0-1270 Katakumby Cath Bedraud", }, }, ["267200725-0-20 Bangkorai"] = { ["267200725-0-1436 Jama Kłów"] = { [4914] = "51188213-0-4914 Dziennik Orryna Czarnego", }, }, }, ["subtitles"] = { ["267200725-0-7 Kamienna Kaskada"] = { ["267200725-0-77 Grota Grzybicza I"] = { [1] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-10592 By the Ebony Blade, this is it. We've found the shrine!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-24759 Vila Theran", }, }, }, }, ["267200725-0-10 Rozdarta Iglica"] = { ["267200725-0-151 Krypta Serc I"] = { [1] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-19523 My minions will destroy you!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-31670 Arcymistrz Siniel", }, }, [2] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-12151 Now the dead will rise and consume you!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-31670 Arcymistrz Siniel", }, }, [3] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-19308 An intruder? So you're the one who's been undoing our work. We will feed you to the Master's Mace.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-9187 Ilambris-Athor", }, }, }, }, ["267200725-0-13 Deshaan"] = { ["267200725-0-118 Śniade Jaskinie I"] = { [1] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-3-805 Secure the mine and kill these interlopers!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27470 Zbir Kopalnianych Szczurów", }, }, [2] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11767 Sadri! You double-crosser.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27782 Gnębicielka Anaba", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-2-805 You'll never leave here alive!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27470 Zbir Kopalnianych Szczurów", }, }, [3] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-4-805 Kill them!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27469 Zbir Kopalnianych Szczurów", }, }, [4] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11769 Think you can make fools of us, Sadri? Get him!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27798 Gnębiciel Ninbael", }, }, [5] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11768 The gold, Tervur. Where's the gold?", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27813 Gnębicielka Elitai", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11448 Damn it! Broken!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27743 Tervur Sadri", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11461 Maybe those eggs down there are in better shape. Do me a favor and take care of the undesirables down there. I'll stay here and supervise.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27743 Tervur Sadri", }, }, [6] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-805 You'll never get these eggs!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27469 Zbir Kopalnianych Szczurów", }, }, [7] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-17959 Cowards, the lot of you! This mine belongs to House Selos. You are intruders, and will be disciplined as such!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27480 Sztygar Llothan", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11301 Good. But you're not done yet.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27743 Tervur Sadri", }, }, [8] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11476 Productive bugs, these kwama. They're practically laying money down here.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27743 Tervur Sadri", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11478 We'll have this place cleaned out in no time.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27743 Tervur Sadri", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11477 Oh, this is good stuff. Old Selos must have been raking in a fortune.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27743 Tervur Sadri", }, [4] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11479 So you believed there was gold in here. Fools.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27743 Tervur Sadri", }, [5] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11307 Tervur Sadri!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-28043 Nervyna Selos", }, [6] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11496 Drop those weapons, murderer!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-28043 Nervyna Selos", }, [7] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11498 Ah, Nervyna. I suspected you were smarter than your father.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27743 Tervur Sadri", }, [8] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11497 You'll pay for this, Sadri!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-28043 Nervyna Selos", }, [9] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11500 Well, well … you'll have to catch me first!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-27743 Tervur Sadri", }, [10] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11501 By Vivec, no!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-28043 Nervyna Selos", }, }, [9] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11541 You want me? Come and get me.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-28185 Tervur Sadri", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-11540 Come on! Open!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-28185 Tervur Sadri", }, }, }, }, ["267200725-0-20 Bangkorai"] = { ["267200725-0-1436 Jama Kłów"] = { [32] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29863 No! My beautiful masterpiece! How …?", ["name"] = "191999749-0-32286 Orryn Czarny", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29641 I think it's time we laid these old bones to rest for good.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79378 Yisareh", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29645 Caluurion, Ulfnor, Sabina, help me unravel the threads binding Orryn to your ancient foe.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79052 Yisareh", }, [4] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29693 Turnabout is fair play.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79763 Caluurion", }, [5] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30719 Oh, I'm going to enjoy this.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80418 Ulfnor", }, [6] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29694 Time for a taste of your own medicine, bastard.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80419 Sabina Cedus", }, [7] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29791 Where did I go wrong?", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82059 Orryn Czarny", }, [8] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30724 There'll be plenty of time for regrets where you're going.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80419 Sabina Cedus", }, [9] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30726 Now to ensure this Dragon stays buried for a very long time.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79052 Yisareh", }, [10] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29646 Breath of the Tricky God. Breeze of the Far Shores. Carry away the lingering life that clings as Sep's skin to this world.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79052 Yisareh", }, [11] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30727 May your elusive spirit be forever swallowed by the Void.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79763 Caluurion", }, }, [1] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30614 I don't see why we need to stand guard.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80670 Żniwiarka Czarnego Szpiku", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30619 With things so close to completion, Lizabet's expecting trouble.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82132 Prosektor Czarnego Szpiku", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "149328292-1-9010 Now I chop you up!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82132 Prosektor Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [2] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30684 This place is vast. Old too. How much death you think this place has seen over the years?", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80669 Żniwiarz Czarnego Szpiku", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-9011 Now I reap the harvest of the blade!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82137 Prosektorka Czarnego Szpiku", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-9020 Who could be foolish enough to cross our master?", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80732 Wskrzesiciel Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [3] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30688 How long does she intend to channel that barrier?", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82125 Napastniczka Czarnego Szpiku", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30689 Long as the master desires it, I imagine.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80767 Handlarz Śmierci Czarnego Szpiku", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-9009 Your new life is just beginning!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80767 Handlarz Śmierci Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [4] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29532 Damn! They're here sooner than expected.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80295 Lizabet Charnis", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29848 No matter. You will go no further and your bones will join this army!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80295 Lizabet Charnis", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-8883 The way is shut. Nothing you can do will change that.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79054 Lizabet Charnis", }, [4] = { ["text"] = "149328292-3-8882 How much longer do you intend to keep this up?", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79054 Lizabet Charnis", }, [5] = { ["text"] = "149328292-1-8882 The dead are tireless. Are you?", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82290 Lizabet Charnis", }, [6] = { ["text"] = "149328292-2-8882 Struggle all you like, death gets its way in the end.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82292 Lizabet Charnis", }, }, [5] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29849 No—no! I can't hold it! Ah!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82293 Lizabet Charnis", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29544 There! The barrier has been dispelled! Now to find out what they were so interested in protecting.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29738 I'll admit I didn't expect you to deliver yourself to me, Zaan—oh, what's this?", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82059 Orryn Czarny", }, [4] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29739 Delvers. How disappointing. Here I thought I might finally acquire the missing piece to the matching set.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82059 Orryn Czarny", }, [5] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29740 Kindly leave before I have to clutter the place up with your corpses. I have more pressing concerns.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82059 Orryn Czarny", }, [6] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29741 That's what I'm afraid of.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, [7] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29546 A group this large must have dedicated ritual areas. We should search for one. Their notes should tell us more about their intentions here.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, }, [6] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "149328292-1-9011 My blade has a soul. You will join it!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82137 Prosektorka Czarnego Szpiku", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30697 A little warning might have been nice.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80809 Ożywicielka Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [7] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-2-9006 You get to die! Exciting!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80808 Ożywiciel Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [8] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "149328292-2-9010 Making corpses is my favorite part!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82132 Prosektor Czarnego Szpiku", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30705 I've never seen this design before. What's its purpose?", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80806 Handlarka Śmierci Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [9] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30739 What is this contraption? It doesn't look Dwemer.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80809 Ożywicielka Czarnego Szpiku", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30740 I think the Akaviri Potentates invented it during the Reman purges.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80669 Żniwiarz Czarnego Szpiku", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-9007 You'll make a lovely corpse!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80809 Ożywicielka Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [10] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-1-9006 I wonder what we'll make from you.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80669 Żniwiarz Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [11] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "149328292-2-9013 Fang Lair belongs to the dead!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82136 Napastnik Czarnego Szpiku", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30709 Gads, the smell! I thought these were supposed to be for the food stores.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82136 Napastnik Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [12] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-9010 Cut here, cut there, and keep the good bits!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82132 Prosektor Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [13] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "149328292-1-9008 Let's hear your soul wail!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80806 Handlarka Śmierci Czarnego Szpiku", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30746 I have conjured up the spirits of countless beings. Some, truly ancient. Why is it the Dwemer never answer? Why can't I make them answer?", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80806 Handlarka Śmierci Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [14] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29743 You're still here? If you must admire my work, at least allow me to put my best fossil forward.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82059 Orryn Czarny", }, }, [15] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29742 I'm going to dig through the notes I've found so far, see what else you can discover deeper in.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29547 This is curious … I'd wager these bones weren't just lying around this cavern, but why put such a focus on reanimating simple beasts?", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, }, [16] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30731 They aren't ready. Not yet. We'll have to make do with what we have.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80808 Ożywiciel Czarnego Szpiku", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "149328292-3-9020 Enslaving a lich … think I'll cling to life a little longer.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80732 Wskrzesiciel Czarnego Szpiku", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "149328292-1-9013 Swift or lingering death? Choose quickly!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82136 Napastnik Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [17] = { [4] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-8884 I'll banish every last trace of you from this world.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79057 Caluurion", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29778 Not to be an ungracious host, but I've tired of entertaining.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82059 Orryn Czarny", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29781 Caluurion. See that our uninvited guests are made comfortable for a very long stay.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82059 Orryn Czarny", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29782 How much more of your company must I endure, Orryn? None of you are welcome here!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79057 Caluurion", }, }, [18] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-8888 From the wamasu, I claimed thunder. Feel it course through you.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79057 Caluurion", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-2-9020 It won't be long now. Power unseen for ages.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80732 Wskrzesiciel Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [19] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29877 Finally, a moment's peace!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79057 Caluurion", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29555 I'd have expected a lich of such power to be behind this cabal, but this one seemed to be an unwilling thrall. Frightening, but not all bad. His soul may be willing to answer my questions freely.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29556 Caluurion! By your true name spoken, I compel you to rise once more and tell us of your captors.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, [4] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29559 You are no friend to me, conjurer, but release those who walked with me in life and I will consider you an ally. Fail and we will have a very long time to become acquainted.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79763 Caluurion", }, [5] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30602 That's an acceptable bargain.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, [6] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30603 Then find Ulfnor and Sabina and dispatch them as you did me.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79763 Caluurion", }, [7] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29783 So many of the things you've broken I can easily replace, but Caluurion … he was a unique specimen. He'll never be the same.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82059 Orryn Czarny", }, [8] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29784 And what are these two without the third? Incomplete. Ancillary. Superfluous.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82059 Orryn Czarny", }, [9] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29785 Ulfnor. Sabina. Smash yourselves to dust against these vandals.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82059 Orryn Czarny", }, [10] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-8895 Sorry to have to kill you.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79056 Ulfnor", }, [11] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-8896 No you're not.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80218 Sabina Cedus", }, [12] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-8897 Has to be done. Might as well enjoy it.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79056 Ulfnor", }, [13] = { ["text"] = "149328292-2-8890 These are our chains now.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80653 Sabina Cedus", }, }, [20] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-3-8890 Don't struggle, it only draws out the suffering.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80653 Sabina Cedus", }, }, [21] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29882 Good … fight.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79056 Ulfnor", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29883 My chains are broken!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80653 Sabina Cedus", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29577 That's it, the necromantic energies are exhausted. They should be free now.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, [4] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29591 Caluurion, we've done as you asked. Tell us of Orryn's plans.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, [5] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29599 He seeks to take what we won at so steep a price, so long ago.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79763 Caluurion", }, [6] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29600 Thurvokun. The Dragon we hunted still lies dead in its roost.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80419 Sabina Cedus", }, [7] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29601 By my hand, you'll recall. Not that any songs'll be sung about it.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80418 Ulfnor", }, [8] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29607 Tell me he doesn't have the Dragon's soul.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, [9] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29603 Hmph, no. I was unable to capture the Dragon's soul when we slew it. It's corporeal form was all I was able to claim. And this ruin.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79763 Caluurion", }, [10] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29736 Small blessings … but even soulless Dragon bones pose a terrible threat in the hands of someone as powerful as Orryn. We have to stop his plans.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, }, [22] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "149328292-1-8858 The crystal! It's powering the summoning circle. We have to destroy it.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-1-9020 I can't wait until the master unveils his latest work.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80732 Wskrzesiciel Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [23] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30738 If I must.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82305 Caluurion", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30736 It's like it's drawing its power from beyond the veil. Caluurion, can you help?", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, }, [24] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-2-9009 See how I wield death!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80767 Handlarz Śmierci Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [25] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-9006 Oh, they hate it when you breathe.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80808 Ożywiciel Czarnego Szpiku", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30783 They'll be here any moment. They must not disturb the master! The punishment for our failure will be truly terrible.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80733 Wskrzesicielka Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [26] = { [4] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-8858 We'll need to destroy this crystal before I can dispel the barrier seal.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30743 Another crystal. Destroy it.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30754 Maintain the seal. Nothing to fear from death so long as you maintain the seal ….", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80732 Wskrzesiciel Czarnego Szpiku", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "149328292-2-9007 Such supple skin!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-80670 Żniwiarka Czarnego Szpiku", }, }, [27] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30745 This one's mine! Nothing can stop Ulfnor the Dragonslayer!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82309 Ulfnor", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-30744 This seal is like the last one. I'll need help to break it.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79053 Yisareh", }, }, [28] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29787 I'm so glad you could be here for my moment of triumph. I promise your interest in my work will be rewarded.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79235 Orryn Czarny", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29788 At last I can unveil the centerpiece of my collection: Thurvokun. Ah, how exquisite it turned out to be.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79235 Orryn Czarny", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-29789 And your shattered bodies will make the perfect set dressing.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79235 Orryn Czarny", }, [4] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-8627 I can't undo his spell. Not while he's fighting me. You have to be the ones to stop this!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79378 Yisareh", }, [5] = { ["text"] = "149328292-2-8633 I'll try not to break you too much.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79235 Orryn Czarny", }, }, [29] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "149328292-2-8626 These reanimations are trivial. Can you keep up?", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79235 Orryn Czarny", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-1-8626 The forgotten dead are eager to taste life.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79235 Orryn Czarny", }, }, [30] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-2-8632 These crystals are potent, help me break them!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79378 Yisareh", }, [2] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-9029 These weak-willed souls are no match for me.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-82305 Caluurion", }, [3] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-8634 So merely pulling the strings will not be enough. Then allow me to be more direct.", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79235 Orryn Czarny", }, [4] = { ["text"] = "149328292-1-8639 His control is too strong now! I can't stop his minions!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79378 Yisareh", }, [5] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-8635 Ah—haha! Now this is a vessel befitting my power. Observe.", ["name"] = "191999749-0-32286 Orryn Czarny", }, }, [31] = { [2] = { ["text"] = "149328292-1-8637 My barriers will stop the rot!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-79378 Yisareh", }, [1] = { ["text"] = "149328292-0-8636 Feel the decay of life!", ["name"] = "191999749-0-32286 Orryn Czarny", }, }, }, }, }, ["npc"] = { ["267200725-0-7 Kamienna Kaskada"] = { ["267200725-0-77 Grota Grzybicza I"] = { ["8290981-0-70457 Nuzhimeh"] = { ["links"] = { ["149328292-2-7139 Czym mogę służyć?"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-70457 Kupiec)"] = "", }, ["149328292-5-7139 Tak?"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-70457 Kupiec)"] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "149328292-5-7139 Tak?", [2] = "149328292-2-7139 Czym mogę służyć?", }, ["topics"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-70457 Kupiec)"] = { }, }, }, }, }, ["267200725-0-10 Rozdarta Iglica"] = { ["267200725-0-151 Krypta Serc I"] = { ["87370069-0-21312 Zwój chwalebnej walki"] = { ["links"] = { ["55049764-0-10130 "] = { ["228103012-0-46032 Give me a foe worth bragging about!"] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "55049764-0-10130 ", }, ["topics"] = { ["228103012-0-46032 Give me a foe worth bragging about!"] = { }, }, }, }, }, ["267200725-0-13 Deshaan"] = { ["267200725-0-118 Śniade Jaskinie I"] = { ["87370069-0-21312 Zwój chwalebnej walki"] = { ["links"] = { ["55049764-0-10130 "] = { ["228103012-0-46032 Give me a foe worth bragging about!"] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "55049764-0-10130 ", }, ["topics"] = { ["228103012-0-46032 Give me a foe worth bragging about!"] = { }, }, }, ["8290981-0-28043 Nervyna Selos"] = { ["links"] = { ["55049764-3-5017 What a mess. We'll be eating omelets tonight, I can tell you."] = { ["228103012-0-17093 So you had no idea this Dwarven cave was here?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-17098 Just doing what comes naturally. And now their warriors are defending the hive."] = { ["204987124-0-17098 Dwarven mines are said to contain great treasures …."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-17097 Kwama eggs are treasure enough for me, thank you. That's what I know, and that's what we'll stick with."] = { }, ["200879108-0-17093 None whatsoever. And I wish the burrowers had never broken through. This is nothing but trouble.\n\nOh, I admit, it looks kind of pretty in there. But no miner's going to want to work in a pit that's infested by rolling buzzsaws."] = { ["204987124-0-17093 Burrowers? You mean the kwama opened up the Dwarven cave?"] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "55049764-3-5017 What a mess. We'll be eating omelets tonight, I can tell you.", }, ["topics"] = { ["228103012-0-17093 So you had no idea this Dwarven cave was here?"] = { ["200879108-0-17093 None whatsoever. And I wish the burrowers had never broken through. This is nothing but trouble.\n\nOh, I admit, it looks kind of pretty in there. But no miner's going to want to work in a pit that's infested by rolling buzzsaws."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-17093 Burrowers? You mean the kwama opened up the Dwarven cave?"] = { ["200879108-0-17098 Just doing what comes naturally. And now their warriors are defending the hive."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-17098 Dwarven mines are said to contain great treasures …."] = { ["200879108-0-17097 Kwama eggs are treasure enough for me, thank you. That's what I know, and that's what we'll stick with."] = "", }, }, }, }, ["267200725-0-205 Twierdza Smutku"] = { ["8290981-0-50861 Numyn"] = { ["links"] = { ["55049764-1-8231 Quite the tail, eh? Get it? Tail?\n\nSeeks-Her-Glory … has a tail!"] = { }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "55049764-1-8231 Quite the tail, eh? Get it? Tail?\n\nSeeks-Her-Glory … has a tail!", }, ["topics"] = { }, }, ["8290981-0-74695 Urgarlag Zguba-Wodzów"] = { ["links"] = { ["149328292-0-7488 Did you not want your reward? Or was this just an excuse to come see me?"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", ["232026500-0-13158 What's my reward for clearing Fang Lair?"] = "", }, ["149328292-5-7488 You're eager to celebrate, I know. Don't you want your reward to hold high?"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", ["232026500-0-13158 What's my reward for clearing Fang Lair?"] = "", }, ["149328292-0-7485 Show your teeth when you see me, Undaunted. You might not have them for long.\n\nCome, take your pledge with a smile!"] = { ["249936564-0-7487 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-4-7488 Don't want your reward? Might look good on you."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", ["232026500-0-13158 What's my reward for clearing Fang Lair?"] = "", }, ["3952276-0-7487 Some bony pit called Fang Lair. Got a ring to it. One of our Trailblazers, Yisareh, says the place has got a mess of necromancers stuck in its teeth.\n\nHow about you work out the unsightly bits with something pointy and show me a killer smile?"] = { ["20958740-0-7487 And if I can handle more than that?"] = "", }, ["149328292-5-7485 Everyday you come. Trying to get my attention?\n\nHah! Take the pledge and we'll talk!"] = { ["249936564-0-7487 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["55049764-5-10143 You smell like must and grave dust. Hope you showed those necromancers that death's not so pretty."] = { ["228103012-0-51489 Fang Lair is free of the necromancers and their undead."] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-3-7488 Got some nerve walking off in the middle of our conversation. Guess you didn't want your reward after all."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", ["232026500-0-13158 What's my reward for clearing Fang Lair?"] = "", }, ["149328292-1-7485 I've killed Hearth-wives with more spine. Take the pledge and prove otherwise."] = { ["249936564-0-7487 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-1-7488 Did I scare you off, or did you leave your reward to win my affection?"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", ["232026500-0-13158 What's my reward for clearing Fang Lair?"] = "", }, ["149328292-4-7485 I never put faith in an Undaunted with a straight nose. Take the pledge. Get bloody. Earn my trust."] = { ["249936564-0-7487 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["55049764-13-10143 Don't care much for undead. No joy in killing something with no will to live."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-3-7485 If you want to compare scars, I want to see new ones. Take the pledge."] = { ["249936564-0-7487 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["3952276-1-7487 Sounds like Orryn the Black is summoning something nasty. I say let him. Better yet, read his notes and help make it the meanest stack of bones to take up walking. Then grind them both to dust.\n\nThat'll prove who's the real Undaunted here."] = { ["20958740-1-7487 I pledge to seek out the Fang Lair and return Undaunted."] = "", }, ["149328292-2-7488 Take a few too many knocks on the head? Don't you want your reward?"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", ["232026500-0-13158 What's my reward for clearing Fang Lair?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-51489 So you say … but I don't think you're bluffing. Too much swagger in your strut. \n\nLooks good on you."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", ["204987124-2-51489 Hopefully, so will my reward."] = "", }, ["149328292-2-7485 I don't cavort with delicate flowers. Take the pledge."] = { ["249936564-0-7487 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "149328292-5-7485 Everyday you come. Trying to get my attention?\n\nHah! Take the pledge and we'll talk!", [2] = "149328292-4-7485 I never put faith in an Undaunted with a straight nose. Take the pledge. Get bloody. Earn my trust.", [3] = "149328292-3-7485 If you want to compare scars, I want to see new ones. Take the pledge.", [4] = "149328292-2-7485 I don't cavort with delicate flowers. Take the pledge.", [5] = "149328292-1-7485 I've killed Hearth-wives with more spine. Take the pledge and prove otherwise.", [6] = "149328292-0-7485 Show your teeth when you see me, Undaunted. You might not have them for long.\n\nCome, take your pledge with a smile!", [7] = "55049764-13-10143 Don't care much for undead. No joy in killing something with no will to live.", [8] = "55049764-5-10143 You smell like must and grave dust. Hope you showed those necromancers that death's not so pretty.", [9] = "149328292-3-7488 Got some nerve walking off in the middle of our conversation. Guess you didn't want your reward after all.", [10] = "149328292-0-7488 Did you not want your reward? Or was this just an excuse to come see me?", [11] = "149328292-5-7488 You're eager to celebrate, I know. Don't you want your reward to hold high?", [12] = "149328292-2-7488 Take a few too many knocks on the head? Don't you want your reward?", [13] = "149328292-4-7488 Don't want your reward? Might look good on you.", [14] = "149328292-1-7488 Did I scare you off, or did you leave your reward to win my affection?", }, ["topics"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-74695 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = { }, ["204987124-2-51489 Hopefully, so will my reward."] = { ["116521668-0-13158 I'll tell Yisareh she'll need to find more than brittle bones and pasty necromancers for future pledges. They don't put up enough of a fuss.\n\nFor turning Fang Lair back into a plain old graveyard. You've earned your key and your cut."] = "", }, ["20958740-0-7487 And if I can handle more than that?"] = { ["3952276-1-7487 Sounds like Orryn the Black is summoning something nasty. I say let him. Better yet, read his notes and help make it the meanest stack of bones to take up walking. Then grind them both to dust.\n\nThat'll prove who's the real Undaunted here."] = "", }, ["20958740-1-7487 I pledge to seek out the Fang Lair and return Undaunted."] = { }, ["232026500-0-13158 What's my reward for clearing Fang Lair?"] = { ["116521668-0-13158 I'll tell Yisareh she'll need to find more than brittle bones and pasty necromancers for future pledges. They don't put up enough of a fuss.\n\nFor turning Fang Lair back into a plain old graveyard. You've earned your key and your cut."] = "", }, ["249936564-0-7487 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = { ["3952276-0-7487 Some bony pit called Fang Lair. Got a ring to it. One of our Trailblazers, Yisareh, says the place has got a mess of necromancers stuck in its teeth.\n\nHow about you work out the unsightly bits with something pointy and show me a killer smile?"] = "", }, ["228103012-0-51489 Fang Lair is free of the necromancers and their undead."] = { ["200879108-0-51489 So you say … but I don't think you're bluffing. Too much swagger in your strut. \n\nLooks good on you."] = "", }, }, }, ["8290981-0-58841 Glirion Czerwonobrody"] = { ["links"] = { ["149328292-0-2354 You have done well today, Undaunted. You have let death pass you by for another turning of the sun. Return tomorrow … and we shall see if you can do it again."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-39286 Death is a barrier. A veil. A journey that should be respected. The undead disturb that natural order. They must all be destroyed."] = { ["204987124-0-39286 What is my reward for restoring that order?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["55049764-1-8949 Your soul is not free of your body just yet. What of the spirits of the crypt?"] = { ["228103012-0-39286 The dead rest at last within the Crypt of Hearts."] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-1-2339 Turuk Redclaws implied you were a wet piece of bread, used to sop milk off a plate. I would not let this stand. Take the pledge."] = { ["249936564-0-6317 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["3952276-0-6317 The Crypt of Hearts. A place of love and hope twisted by jealousy and hatred into a perverse dungeon of eternal torment. The dead cry out for rest. Deliver it to them."] = { ["20958740-0-6317 And if I can handle more?"] = "", }, ["149328292-5-2354 Undaunted, I have no further adventures or rewards to offer you today. Depart, so I may contemplate the fragility of my existance until tomorrow."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-0-2339 Death has not yet claimed you. That is good. Take the pledge, and we will see how the day ends."] = { ["249936564-0-6317 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-5-7487 Is there a reason for your hesitation? Take your reward. From the look of your armor, I'd say you earned it."] = { ["232026500-0-12168 What have I earned for bringing the dead peace?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-7-7487 Trees grow rings as you wait, Undaunted. Don't you want your reward?"] = { ["232026500-0-12168 What have I earned for bringing the dead peace?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-2-2339 My comrades are louts. Pompous, undisciplined, just waiting for death to take them. Show me you are not like they are. Take the pledge."] = { ["249936564-0-6317 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-6-7487 Has steeping in death for so long dulled your appetite for life? Claim your reward and see if that thrills you into action once more."] = { ["232026500-0-12168 What have I earned for bringing the dead peace?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-1-2354 I do not know if you have a soul. I hear much discussion of such things. If you value yours, pray this evening. Tomorrow may bring Oblivion."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-4-7487 Do you not want your reward? If nothing else, you could use a new tunic."] = { ["232026500-0-12168 What have I earned for bringing the dead peace?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-2-2354 Is the Undaunted obsession with robbing the dead a reflection of some kind of inner darkness? Return to me tomorrow, and we will ponder this further."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-4-2339 Look me in the eye. I can see it. You do not fear death. Take the pledge. And we shall make death fear you."] = { ["249936564-0-6317 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-0-7487 You can study my countenance as much as you like. Wouldn't you rather have a reward?"] = { ["232026500-0-12168 What have I earned for bringing the dead peace?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-3-2354 The next time you walk through a tomb, pause. Pick up a skull, and consider the extinguished hopes and dreams. Then come see me tomorrow."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-2-7487 I can feel time passing us by. We will never see this moment again. Claim your reward."] = { ["232026500-0-12168 What have I earned for bringing the dead peace?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["3952276-1-6317 Before you raise your hand to the twin wardens of the crypt, invoke the Scroll of Glorious Battle. If you are not made their eternal slave, you may claim yourself Undaunted."] = { ["20958740-1-6317 I pledge to explore the Crypt of Hearts and return Undaunted."] = "", }, ["55049764-13-8949 Do the cries of eternal damnation root you to this place? Who but the Undaunted can break the chains of undeath? Go and do your duty!"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-3-7487 On reflection, your animate carcass is a welcome sight in the camp. Would you like your reward now?"] = { ["232026500-0-12168 What have I earned for bringing the dead peace?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-3-2339 Your gear has suffered from the passage of time. Stem the tide. Take the pledge and earn yourself new blades to replace the old."] = { ["249936564-0-6317 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-4-2354 I live by a simple code: no debts. Makes for pleasant bartenders and ensures my death will pass unremarked. Talk to me tomorrow, and we will contemplate death again."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-1-7487 Have your experiences with the dark magics of the Daedra warped your perception of time? Do you not want your reward?"] = { ["232026500-0-12168 What have I earned for bringing the dead peace?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-6-2339 Kailstig the Axe plumbs the deepest dungeons, and throws fists of gold to tavern wenches. Show him you are greater than he. Take the pledge."] = { ["249936564-0-6317 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "149328292-6-2339 Kailstig the Axe plumbs the deepest dungeons, and throws fists of gold to tavern wenches. Show him you are greater than he. Take the pledge.", [2] = "149328292-4-2339 Look me in the eye. I can see it. You do not fear death. Take the pledge. And we shall make death fear you.", [3] = "149328292-0-2339 Death has not yet claimed you. That is good. Take the pledge, and we will see how the day ends.", [4] = "149328292-1-2339 Turuk Redclaws implied you were a wet piece of bread, used to sop milk off a plate. I would not let this stand. Take the pledge.", [5] = "149328292-3-2339 Your gear has suffered from the passage of time. Stem the tide. Take the pledge and earn yourself new blades to replace the old.", [6] = "149328292-2-2339 My comrades are louts. Pompous, undisciplined, just waiting for death to take them. Show me you are not like they are. Take the pledge.", [7] = "55049764-13-8949 Do the cries of eternal damnation root you to this place? Who but the Undaunted can break the chains of undeath? Go and do your duty!", [8] = "55049764-1-8949 Your soul is not free of your body just yet. What of the spirits of the crypt?", [9] = "149328292-5-7487 Is there a reason for your hesitation? Take your reward. From the look of your armor, I'd say you earned it.", [10] = "149328292-6-7487 Has steeping in death for so long dulled your appetite for life? Claim your reward and see if that thrills you into action once more.", [11] = "149328292-1-7487 Have your experiences with the dark magics of the Daedra warped your perception of time? Do you not want your reward?", [12] = "149328292-3-7487 On reflection, your animate carcass is a welcome sight in the camp. Would you like your reward now?", [13] = "149328292-4-7487 Do you not want your reward? If nothing else, you could use a new tunic.", [14] = "149328292-7-7487 Trees grow rings as you wait, Undaunted. Don't you want your reward?", [15] = "149328292-2-7487 I can feel time passing us by. We will never see this moment again. Claim your reward.", [16] = "149328292-0-7487 You can study my countenance as much as you like. Wouldn't you rather have a reward?", [17] = "149328292-3-2354 The next time you walk through a tomb, pause. Pick up a skull, and consider the extinguished hopes and dreams. Then come see me tomorrow.", [18] = "149328292-2-2354 Is the Undaunted obsession with robbing the dead a reflection of some kind of inner darkness? Return to me tomorrow, and we will ponder this further.", [19] = "149328292-0-2354 You have done well today, Undaunted. You have let death pass you by for another turning of the sun. Return tomorrow … and we shall see if you can do it again.", [20] = "149328292-1-2354 I do not know if you have a soul. I hear much discussion of such things. If you value yours, pray this evening. Tomorrow may bring Oblivion.", [21] = "149328292-4-2354 I live by a simple code: no debts. Makes for pleasant bartenders and ensures my death will pass unremarked. Talk to me tomorrow, and we will contemplate death again.", [22] = "149328292-5-2354 Undaunted, I have no further adventures or rewards to offer you today. Depart, so I may contemplate the fragility of my existance until tomorrow.", }, ["topics"] = { ["20958740-0-6317 And if I can handle more?"] = { ["3952276-1-6317 Before you raise your hand to the twin wardens of the crypt, invoke the Scroll of Glorious Battle. If you are not made their eternal slave, you may claim yourself Undaunted."] = "", }, ["Sklep (99527054-0-58841 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = { }, ["232026500-0-12168 What have I earned for bringing the dead peace?"] = { ["116521668-0-12168 You have sundered the twins and the chains they held upon the dead. What reward can compare to the world set right? I do not know. Perhaps this will suffice.\n\nTake what's yours and return to me tomorrow to set right the world again."] = "", }, ["249936564-0-6317 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = { ["3952276-0-6317 The Crypt of Hearts. A place of love and hope twisted by jealousy and hatred into a perverse dungeon of eternal torment. The dead cry out for rest. Deliver it to them."] = "", }, ["20958740-1-6317 I pledge to explore the Crypt of Hearts and return Undaunted."] = { }, ["228103012-0-39286 The dead rest at last within the Crypt of Hearts."] = { ["200879108-0-39286 Death is a barrier. A veil. A journey that should be respected. The undead disturb that natural order. They must all be destroyed."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-39286 What is my reward for restoring that order?"] = { ["116521668-0-12168 You have sundered the twins and the chains they held upon the dead. What reward can compare to the world set right? I do not know. Perhaps this will suffice.\n\nTake what's yours and return to me tomorrow to set right the world again."] = "", }, }, }, ["8290981-0-58826 Maj al-Ragath"] = { ["links"] = { ["55049764-18-8947 Don't tell me a few disorganized thugs are putting you off? Get out there and fight! Win!"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-1-2337 Last time we spoke, Turuk Redclaws called you a milksop! Don't let him get away with that! Take the Undaunted pledge."] = { ["249936564-0-6307 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-2-2349 There's nothing better than ripping victory out of its tomb and clubbing it over the head. Nice work today. Make sure to see me tomorrow, eh?"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-3-2337 Armor dented? Blade dull, staff sputtering? Earn some new kit by taking the Undaunted pledge!"] = { ["249936564-0-6307 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["3952276-0-6307 Darkshade Caverns! Pretty straightforward sweep and clear, really. Local thugs have claimed a kwama mine. Go knock their heads in and move on."] = { ["20958740-0-6307 Doesn't sound very challenging."] = "", }, ["149328292-2-2337 My comrades look worse than they smell, don't they? Don't let these bastards intimidate you. Take the Undaunted pledge!"] = { ["249936564-0-6307 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-5-2382 You have skeevers in your ears? Don't you want your reward?"] = { ["232026500-0-12177 I do. Where's my reward?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["55049764-6-8947 You're back! So, which got the better of you: the simple thugs or the crumbling Dwarven junk?"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", ["228103012-0-39233 Very funny. Darkshade Caverns has been cleared."] = "", }, ["149328292-1-2349 A hard fought victory. Toast the Eight tonight, Undaunted. For tomorrow, you may beg their mercy. Hah!"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-4-2337 You look like you could take on a duneripper. Prove me right, take the Undaunted pledge!"] = { ["249936564-0-6307 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-3-2382 Did you get your helm caved in? Don't you want your cut?"] = { ["232026500-0-12177 I do. Where's my reward?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["3952276-1-6307 Oh ho! Well, if a gang of vicious cutthroats pose no challenge … why don't you delve into the dwemer ruins beneath and invoke the Scroll of Glorious Battle on the nastiest piece of Dwarven cogwork you can find?"] = { ["20958740-1-6307 I pledge to explore Darkshade Caverns and return Undaunted."] = "", }, ["149328292-4-2349 Make sure you pay your bar tab tonight, Undaunted. Who knows what will happen after we speak tomorrow?"] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-0-2337 Ahhh, just who I wanted to see. We must speak. Will you take the pledge of the Undaunted?"] = { ["249936564-0-6307 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-4-2382 I know you want your reward! You've carved your way through an entire dungeon to get it!"] = { ["232026500-0-12177 I do. Where's my reward?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-3-2349 Most see the glint of gold and get a shovel. Undaunted? We draw steel. That stuff is always guarded. Come talk to me tomorrow, and we'll see what else we can find."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-5-2349 You made us proud today. Now get out of here. You have drinking to do, and I need to get ready for tomorrow."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-1-2382 Daedra got your tongue? Hah! Want your reward?"] = { ["232026500-0-12177 I do. Where's my reward?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-2-2382 Did you get poisoned? Are you slow-witted now? Don't you want your reward?"] = { ["232026500-0-12177 I do. Where's my reward?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-0-2382 What's the holdup? Don't you want your reward?"] = { ["232026500-0-12177 I do. Where's my reward?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-6-2337 Kailstig the Axe is one of our bravest members. And you can take him down a peg if you take the Undaunted pledge!"] = { ["249936564-0-6307 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = "", ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["149328292-0-2349 Nice work today! Get out there, have a drink, and toast the evening stars! Tomorrow brings a new chance to stain the ground with blood."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-39233 All right, all right. Dwemer constructs are a little more dangerous than your average city thug. But you're here, you're alive! Let's look at the mug as half full."] = { ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = "", ["204987124-2-39233 Sounds good. Where's my reward?"] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "149328292-6-2337 Kailstig the Axe is one of our bravest members. And you can take him down a peg if you take the Undaunted pledge!", [2] = "149328292-2-2337 My comrades look worse than they smell, don't they? Don't let these bastards intimidate you. Take the Undaunted pledge!", [3] = "149328292-0-2337 Ahhh, just who I wanted to see. We must speak. Will you take the pledge of the Undaunted?", [4] = "149328292-3-2337 Armor dented? Blade dull, staff sputtering? Earn some new kit by taking the Undaunted pledge!", [5] = "149328292-4-2337 You look like you could take on a duneripper. Prove me right, take the Undaunted pledge!", [6] = "149328292-1-2337 Last time we spoke, Turuk Redclaws called you a milksop! Don't let him get away with that! Take the Undaunted pledge.", [7] = "55049764-18-8947 Don't tell me a few disorganized thugs are putting you off? Get out there and fight! Win!", [8] = "55049764-6-8947 You're back! So, which got the better of you: the simple thugs or the crumbling Dwarven junk?", [9] = "149328292-1-2382 Daedra got your tongue? Hah! Want your reward?", [10] = "149328292-3-2382 Did you get your helm caved in? Don't you want your cut?", [11] = "149328292-0-2382 What's the holdup? Don't you want your reward?", [12] = "149328292-2-2382 Did you get poisoned? Are you slow-witted now? Don't you want your reward?", [13] = "149328292-4-2382 I know you want your reward! You've carved your way through an entire dungeon to get it!", [14] = "149328292-5-2382 You have skeevers in your ears? Don't you want your reward?", [15] = "149328292-3-2349 Most see the glint of gold and get a shovel. Undaunted? We draw steel. That stuff is always guarded. Come talk to me tomorrow, and we'll see what else we can find.", [16] = "149328292-5-2349 You made us proud today. Now get out of here. You have drinking to do, and I need to get ready for tomorrow.", [17] = "149328292-2-2349 There's nothing better than ripping victory out of its tomb and clubbing it over the head. Nice work today. Make sure to see me tomorrow, eh?", [18] = "149328292-4-2349 Make sure you pay your bar tab tonight, Undaunted. Who knows what will happen after we speak tomorrow?", [19] = "149328292-0-2349 Nice work today! Get out there, have a drink, and toast the evening stars! Tomorrow brings a new chance to stain the ground with blood.", [20] = "149328292-1-2349 A hard fought victory. Toast the Eight tonight, Undaunted. For tomorrow, you may beg their mercy. Hah!", }, ["topics"] = { ["20958740-0-6307 Doesn't sound very challenging."] = { ["3952276-1-6307 Oh ho! Well, if a gang of vicious cutthroats pose no challenge … why don't you delve into the dwemer ruins beneath and invoke the Scroll of Glorious Battle on the nastiest piece of Dwarven cogwork you can find?"] = "", }, ["228103012-0-39233 Very funny. Darkshade Caverns has been cleared."] = { ["200879108-0-39233 All right, all right. Dwemer constructs are a little more dangerous than your average city thug. But you're here, you're alive! Let's look at the mug as half full."] = "", }, ["Sklep (99527054-0-58826 Mistrz Przysięgi)"] = { }, ["20958740-1-6307 I pledge to explore Darkshade Caverns and return Undaunted."] = { }, ["249936564-0-6307 Jakie zobowiązanie mogę dziś podjąć?"] = { ["3952276-0-6307 Darkshade Caverns! Pretty straightforward sweep and clear, really. Local thugs have claimed a kwama mine. Go knock their heads in and move on."] = "", }, ["232026500-0-12177 I do. Where's my reward?"] = { ["116521668-0-12177 Right here, as always. You didn't think that I doubted you could best an empowered dwarven construct, did you? \n\nHave a seat at the fire and regale us with the tale of how you felled it, then tomorrow we'll find a new story to tell!"] = "", }, ["204987124-2-39233 Sounds good. Where's my reward?"] = { ["116521668-0-12177 Right here, as always. You didn't think that I doubted you could best an empowered dwarven construct, did you? \n\nHave a seat at the fire and regale us with the tale of how you felled it, then tomorrow we'll find a new story to tell!"] = "", }, }, }, }, }, ["267200725-0-20 Bangkorai"] = { ["267200725-0-1436 Jama Kłów"] = { ["8290981-0-80419 Sabina Cedus"] = { ["links"] = { ["55049764-0-10823 Rancid bastard. One death is too kind for him. If I had any descendants, I'd haunt them until they emptied their coffers on resurrections and assassinations."] = { ["228103012-0-50594 I'm confident Orryn's getting his comeuppance in the hereafter."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-50597 I left no children to carry on my name or tomb for my memory. Absent my revenge, what is there to cling to? Best to end the story here, where it was meant to."] = { ["204987124-0-50597 I won't forget what you did here. Thank you."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-50594 When I was wronged in life, I made sure the slight was appropriately repaid. I don't like having to leave it to the gods to mete out the punishment … but I don't suppose I'm left with any other choice this time."] = { ["204987124-0-50594 So you're ready to move on from this life?"] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "55049764-0-10823 Rancid bastard. One death is too kind for him. If I had any descendants, I'd haunt them until they emptied their coffers on resurrections and assassinations.", }, ["topics"] = { ["228103012-0-50594 I'm confident Orryn's getting his comeuppance in the hereafter."] = { ["200879108-0-50594 When I was wronged in life, I made sure the slight was appropriately repaid. I don't like having to leave it to the gods to mete out the punishment … but I don't suppose I'm left with any other choice this time."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-50594 So you're ready to move on from this life?"] = { ["200879108-0-50597 I left no children to carry on my name or tomb for my memory. Absent my revenge, what is there to cling to? Best to end the story here, where it was meant to."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-50597 I won't forget what you did here. Thank you."] = { }, }, }, ["8290981-0-79052 Yisareh"] = { ["links"] = { ["200879108-0-50562 A little bit of purification I learned from my homeland. It should be safe from any other ambitious necromancers now.\n\nI don't usually speak ill of the dead, but I hope Tu'whacca is dunking Orryn's profane head in some sanctified latrine as we speak."] = { ["204987124-0-50562 Holy rituals?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-50563 I never said I only study necromancy. When you dabble with the dead, it pays to be well-versed in the field."] = { ["204987124-0-50563 What's next for you?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-51675 Guess it wasn't a coincidence to find you here, but I'm glad you showed up when you did.\n\nShame you keep beating me to these unique finds. Dragon Priest would have made for a great pledge."] = { ["204987124-0-51675 What did you do to the Dragon bones?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-50565 So you can clear them out before I get there?\n\nI'd like to know more about this Scalecaller character Orryn was at odds with, but aside from that … not really."] = { ["204987124-0-50565 What did you do to the Dragon bones?"] = "", ["204987124-1-50565 It was Thurvokun's old Dragon Priest. I've already dealt with her."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-50564 Well, now that this place is clear of danger I don't have much to report to the enclave. Think I'll make sure nothing dangerous gets left behind and start sniffing out another pledge candidate."] = { ["204987124-0-50564 Got any leads?"] = "", }, ["55049764-1-10662 You know, this has only been mildly terrifying and I've enjoyed our time together. Maybe I should start taking pledges again myself."] = { ["228103012-0-50562 What did you do to the Dragon bones?"] = "", ["228103012-0-50564 What's next for you?"] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "55049764-1-10662 You know, this has only been mildly terrifying and I've enjoyed our time together. Maybe I should start taking pledges again myself.", }, ["topics"] = { ["204987124-0-50563 What's next for you?"] = { ["200879108-0-50564 Well, now that this place is clear of danger I don't have much to report to the enclave. Think I'll make sure nothing dangerous gets left behind and start sniffing out another pledge candidate."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-50565 What did you do to the Dragon bones?"] = { }, ["204987124-1-50565 It was Thurvokun's old Dragon Priest. I've already dealt with her."] = { ["200879108-0-51675 Guess it wasn't a coincidence to find you here, but I'm glad you showed up when you did.\n\nShame you keep beating me to these unique finds. Dragon Priest would have made for a great pledge."] = "", }, ["228103012-0-50564 What's next for you?"] = { }, ["204987124-0-50562 Holy rituals?"] = { ["200879108-0-50563 I never said I only study necromancy. When you dabble with the dead, it pays to be well-versed in the field."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-51675 What did you do to the Dragon bones?"] = { }, ["228103012-0-50562 What did you do to the Dragon bones?"] = { ["200879108-0-50562 A little bit of purification I learned from my homeland. It should be safe from any other ambitious necromancers now.\n\nI don't usually speak ill of the dead, but I hope Tu'whacca is dunking Orryn's profane head in some sanctified latrine as we speak."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-50564 Got any leads?"] = { ["200879108-0-50565 So you can clear them out before I get there?\n\nI'd like to know more about this Scalecaller character Orryn was at odds with, but aside from that … not really."] = "", }, }, }, ["8290981-0-80418 Ulfnor"] = { ["links"] = { ["55049764-0-10822 Not bad. Not so impressive as killing it the first time, but not bad. I'll make a toast to you when I tell my tale in the Hall of Valor."] = { ["228103012-0-50589 Were Dragons really so fearsome?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-51883 Hah! No. This reclusive lizard's hideaway kept it safe through that and all the hunts to come. Didn't find Fang Lair until well after Emperor Reman stopped making sport of their kind, but never forget it was Nords that started the tradition!"] = { ["204987124-0-51883 I'm sure you did your ancestors proud. I'll raise a glass to your memory."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-50589 Vain and terrible monsters who only stayed their wrath in exchange for total obedience and devotion. Not unlike a Daedric Prince, come to think, but in the flesh.\n\nI can almost forgive the Dragon Priests for bending knee. Almost."] = { ["204987124-1-50589 Fate didn't smile on them. I saw what happened to Thurvokun's Dragon Priest at Scalecaller Peak."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-51882 Good. My kin have tales of their lives under the Dragon Priest's rule going back generations. The only ones that will rouse your spirits are the ones about when we finally dragged the scaled tyrants from the sky and buried them in the Dragon War."] = { ["204987124-0-51882 Was the Dragon War when you slew Thurvokun?"] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "55049764-0-10822 Not bad. Not so impressive as killing it the first time, but not bad. I'll make a toast to you when I tell my tale in the Hall of Valor.", }, ["topics"] = { ["204987124-1-50589 Fate didn't smile on them. I saw what happened to Thurvokun's Dragon Priest at Scalecaller Peak."] = { ["200879108-0-51882 Good. My kin have tales of their lives under the Dragon Priest's rule going back generations. The only ones that will rouse your spirits are the ones about when we finally dragged the scaled tyrants from the sky and buried them in the Dragon War."] = "", }, ["228103012-0-50589 Were Dragons really so fearsome?"] = { ["200879108-0-50589 Vain and terrible monsters who only stayed their wrath in exchange for total obedience and devotion. Not unlike a Daedric Prince, come to think, but in the flesh.\n\nI can almost forgive the Dragon Priests for bending knee. Almost."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-51883 I'm sure you did your ancestors proud. I'll raise a glass to your memory."] = { }, ["204987124-0-51882 Was the Dragon War when you slew Thurvokun?"] = { ["200879108-0-51883 Hah! No. This reclusive lizard's hideaway kept it safe through that and all the hunts to come. Didn't find Fang Lair until well after Emperor Reman stopped making sport of their kind, but never forget it was Nords that started the tradition!"] = "", }, }, }, ["8290981-0-79763 Caluurion"] = { ["links"] = { ["55049764-0-10821 All my works and accomplishments finally reduced to dust and lost to time. I hope whatever comes after this life is not so pointless."] = { ["228103012-0-50581 I hope you can find rest now."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-50581 Is that to be my reward for accepting the inevitability of fate and surrendering to futility? Insipid and eternal languor? Save your pity and your dreams of idyllic repose for your own pointless existence."] = { ["204987124-0-50581 Have it your way."] = "", ["204987124-1-50581 I'll take comfort in the fact that wherever you end up, you'll be miserable."] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "55049764-0-10821 All my works and accomplishments finally reduced to dust and lost to time. I hope whatever comes after this life is not so pointless.", }, ["topics"] = { ["204987124-0-50581 Have it your way."] = { }, ["204987124-1-50581 I'll take comfort in the fact that wherever you end up, you'll be miserable."] = { }, ["228103012-0-50581 I hope you can find rest now."] = { ["200879108-0-50581 Is that to be my reward for accepting the inevitability of fate and surrendering to futility? Insipid and eternal languor? Save your pity and your dreams of idyllic repose for your own pointless existence."] = "", }, }, }, }, }, }, ["quest"] = { ["162658389-0-92 Bangkorai"] = { ["52420949-0-6155 Zobowiązanie: Jama Kłów"] = { ["steps"] = { [1] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-46954 I have agreed to do battle in Fang Lair. To be truly Undaunted I must destroy Orryn the Black and his minions.", ["goals"] = { ["hidden"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-58292 Wejdź do Jamy Kłów w trybie weterana", }, ["main"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-58288 Defeat Orryn the Black in Fang Lair", }, }, }, [2] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-46955 I defeated the Orryn the Black and the necromancers who occupied Fang Lair. I should find 8290981-0-74695 Urgarlag Zguba-Wodzów in my alliance's capital city.", ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "256430276-0-46955 Wróć do: 8290981-0-74695 Urgarlag Zguba-Wodzów", }, }, }, [3] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-46958 8290981-0-74695 Urgarlag Zguba-Wodzów czeka, aż porozmawiam z nimw stolicy mojej Frakcji.", ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "121487972-0-13158 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-74695 Urgarlag Zguba-Wodzów", }, }, }, }, ["info"] = { ["description"] = { [1] = "265851556-0-6155 8290981-0-74695 Urgarlag Zguba-Wodzów of the Undaunted has challenged me to explore Fang Lair.", }, ["starter"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-74695 Urgarlag Zguba-Wodzów", }, ["finisher"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-74695 Urgarlag Zguba-Wodzów", }, ["involved"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-74695 Urgarlag Zguba-Wodzów", }, }, }, }, ["162658389-0-20 Rozdarta Iglica"] = { ["52420949-0-5283 Zobowiązanie: Krypta Serc I"] = { ["steps"] = { [4] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-42742 Glirion Czerwonobrody czeka, aż porozmawiam z nim w stolicy mojej Frakcji.", ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "121487972-0-12168 Porozmawiaj z Glirionem Czerwonobrodym", }, }, }, [1] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-35175 To be truly Undaunted, I must enter the Crypt and destroy Death's Leviathan, Archmaster Siniel, and the Ilambris Twins.", ["goals"] = { ["hidden"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-53396 Wejdź do Krypty Serc w trybie weterana", }, ["main"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-43366 Zabij arcymistrza Siniela", [2] = "7949764-0-43365 Zabij Molocha Śmierci", [3] = "7949764-0-43367 Zabij bliźniaków Ilambris", }, }, }, [2] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-35174 Glirion presented me with another challenge: invoke the Scroll of Glorious Battle and slay the Ilambris Twins in their empowered state.", ["goals"] = { ["optional"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-53411 Read the 87370069-0-21312 Zwój chwalebnej walki and then Kill the Twins", }, }, }, [3] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-35177 I've cleared the Crypt of Hearts. I should find Glirion the Redbeard in my alliance's capital city.", ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "256430276-0-35177 Return to Glirion the Redbeard", }, }, }, }, ["info"] = { ["description"] = { [1] = "265851556-0-5283 Glirion the Redbeard of the Undaunted has challenged me to explore the ruined halls of the Crypt of Hearts. It lies beneath the stones of Rivenspire, a former school for might and magic.", }, ["starter"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-58841 Glirion Czerwonobrody", }, ["finisher"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-58841 Glirion Czerwonobrody", }, ["involved"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-58841 Glirion Czerwonobrody", }, }, }, }, ["162658389-0-57 Deshaan"] = { ["52420949-0-5274 Zobowiązanie: Śniade Jaskinie I"] = { ["steps"] = { [4] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-42756 Maj al-Ragath czeka, aż porozmawiam z nią w stolicy mojej frakcji.", ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "121487972-0-12177 Porozmawiaj z Maj al-Ragath", }, }, }, [1] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-35126 I must enter the dungeon, which lies in the swampy south of Deshaan. To be truly Undaunted, I must brave the mines and slay Foreman Llothan, the Hive Lord, and the Sentinel of Rkugamz.", ["goals"] = { ["hidden"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-53428 Wejdź do: 162658389-0-63 Śniade Jaskinie I w trybie weterana", }, ["main"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-43330 Zabij sztygara Llothana", [2] = "7949764-0-43327 Zabij Władcę Roju", [3] = "7949764-0-47718 Kill the Sentinel", }, }, }, [2] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-42758 Maj al-Ragath challenged me to use the 87370069-0-21312 Zwój chwalebnej walki before facing 8290981-0-26417 Wysoki Kinlord Rilis if I want to prove I am truly Undaunted.", ["goals"] = { ["optional"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-53425 Use the Scroll Before Killing the Sentinel", }, }, }, [3] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-35127 I've cleared Darkshade Caverns. I should find Maj al-Ragath in my alliance's capital city.", ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "256430276-0-35127 Return to Maj al-Ragath", }, }, }, }, ["info"] = { ["description"] = { [1] = "265851556-0-5274 Maj al-Ragath of the Undaunted has challenged me to explore the kwama mine called Darkshade Caverns, which lies beneath Deshaan.", }, ["starter"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-58826 Maj al-Ragath", }, ["finisher"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-58826 Maj al-Ragath", }, ["involved"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-58826 Maj al-Ragath", }, }, }, }, }, }