ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 = { ["npc"] = { ["267200725-0-12 Burzowa Przystań"] = { ["267200725-0-532 Wioska Koeglin"] = { ["8290981-0-13211 Bertran Oscent"] = { ["topics"] = { }, ["links"] = { ["55049764-0-3328 The boy's home and she's happy. Back to spoiling the poor kid.\n\nMaybe I can sneak away for a drink soon."] = { }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "55049764-0-3328 The boy's home and she's happy. Back to spoiling the poor kid.\n\nMaybe I can sneak away for a drink soon.", }, }, ["8290981-0-13203 Margot Oscent"] = { ["topics"] = { ["232026500-0-3176 Ciesze się, że mogłem pomóc."] = { ["116521668-0-3176 I'll never forget what you've done for us.\n\nI hope someday my little Lucas grows up to be like you."] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "55049764-1-3320 You did it. You even got him home in time for dinner.\n\nIt weighs heavily on a mother's heart to worry about her son. I can't thank you enough.", [2] = "55049764-0-3320 My family is whole again thanks to you.\n\nYou'll have to excuse me though. I need to go get Lucas ready for bed.", }, ["links"] = { ["55049764-1-3320 You did it. You even got him home in time for dinner.\n\nIt weighs heavily on a mother's heart to worry about her son. I can't thank you enough."] = { ["232026500-0-3176 Ciesze się, że mogłem pomóc."] = "", }, ["55049764-0-3320 My family is whole again thanks to you.\n\nYou'll have to excuse me though. I need to go get Lucas ready for bed."] = { }, }, }, ["8290981-0-13204 Lucas Oscent"] = { ["topics"] = { }, ["links"] = { ["55049764-0-3324 The lengths I go to for a free breakfast of biscuits and jam.\n\nMy mother can be a hassle sometimes, but it's a small price to pay to have someone else wash your smallclothes."] = { }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "55049764-0-3324 The lengths I go to for a free breakfast of biscuits and jam.\n\nMy mother can be a hassle sometimes, but it's a small price to pay to have someone else wash your smallclothes.", }, }, ["8290981-0-13134 Margot Oscent"] = { ["topics"] = { ["20958740-1-2622 Don't worry. I'll find him."] = { }, ["20958740-0-2622 Why won't the deputy help?"] = { ["3952276-1-2622 He says that securing the town comes first, but the town seems perfectly secure to me!\n\nSomeone has to help my baby!"] = "", }, ["249936564-0-2622 Kiedy ostatnim razem go widziałaś?"] = { ["3952276-0-2622 Breakfast. I made his favorite—biscuits and jam. Then he went out to play ….\n\nThat good-for-nothing deputy won't even go look for him, but the slavers could have shipped Lucas off to Morrowind by now!"] = "", }, ["228103012-0-8176 Any idea which way he went?"] = { ["200879108-0-8176 Sometimes he goes fishing on the beach just south of the village … he wears his little boots ….\n\nOh, my poor little boy. Please find him. You have to."] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [2] = "55049764-2-3320 If you find Lucas, I'll be eternally grateful. He's just an innocent boy.\n\nIn a minute, I'll have to go get dinner ready, but I'm going to keep his plate warm.", [1] = "55049764-4-3320 My poor little baby … all alone out there ….\n\nIf you're leaving the village, if you could please look out for my son. With these slavers about, I'm afraid something terrible has happened.", }, ["links"] = { ["55049764-4-3320 My poor little baby … all alone out there ….\n\nIf you're leaving the village, if you could please look out for my son. With these slavers about, I'm afraid something terrible has happened."] = { ["249936564-0-2622 Kiedy ostatnim razem go widziałaś?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-8176 Sometimes he goes fishing on the beach just south of the village … he wears his little boots ….\n\nOh, my poor little boy. Please find him. You have to."] = { }, ["55049764-2-3320 If you find Lucas, I'll be eternally grateful. He's just an innocent boy.\n\nIn a minute, I'll have to go get dinner ready, but I'm going to keep his plate warm."] = { ["228103012-0-8176 Any idea which way he went?"] = "", }, ["3952276-1-2622 He says that securing the town comes first, but the town seems perfectly secure to me!\n\nSomeone has to help my baby!"] = { ["20958740-1-2622 Don't worry. I'll find him."] = "", }, ["3952276-0-2622 Breakfast. I made his favorite—biscuits and jam. Then he went out to play ….\n\nThat good-for-nothing deputy won't even go look for him, but the slavers could have shipped Lucas off to Morrowind by now!"] = { ["20958740-0-2622 Why won't the deputy help?"] = "", }, }, }, }, ["267200725-0-12 Burzowa Przystań"] = { ["8290981-0-13135 Lucas Oscent"] = { ["topics"] = { ["204987124-0-8178 What were you hoping to learn?"] = { ["200879108-0-8184 Anything and everything. With Constable Pascal acting strange, Deputy Luric and I took the initiative. \n\nI may not have heard where their base of operations is, but there are plans for some other attack floating around the camp."] = "", }, ["204987124-1-8178 You look like more of a captive than a spy."] = { }, ["204987124-0-20428 Here. I'll untie you."] = { }, ["228103012-0-8178 You're Margot's \"little boy\"?"] = { ["200879108-0-8178 Exactly. My mother's a little … overprotective. She still tries to tuck me into bed at night. It's embarrassing.\n\nAnd now she's messed up the whole plan! I actually came here to spy on the slavers!"] = "", }, ["204987124-1-8184 I found those plans already."] = { ["200879108-0-20428 You did? Well, then I guess we can consider this operation a success!\n\nIf you haven't already, we just need to get those plans to Deputy Luric in the village.\n\nI guess I should go reassure my mother."] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [2] = "55049764-1-3324 As embarassing as my mother may be, it breaks my heart that she worries so much.\n\nIt's good that we've put her mind at ease. You should talk to her.", [1] = "55049764-2-3324 Gods strike you! Couldn't you have just waited five more minutes?\n\nThe slavers outside the tent were talking about where their base of operations is … then they got interrupted. I'm guessing they saw you.\n\nMy mom sent you, didn't she?", }, ["links"] = { ["55049764-2-3324 Gods strike you! Couldn't you have just waited five more minutes?\n\nThe slavers outside the tent were talking about where their base of operations is … then they got interrupted. I'm guessing they saw you.\n\nMy mom sent you, didn't she?"] = { ["228103012-0-8178 You're Margot's \"little boy\"?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-8178 Exactly. My mother's a little … overprotective. She still tries to tuck me into bed at night. It's embarrassing.\n\nAnd now she's messed up the whole plan! I actually came here to spy on the slavers!"] = { ["204987124-0-8178 What were you hoping to learn?"] = "", ["204987124-1-8178 You look like more of a captive than a spy."] = "", }, ["55049764-1-3324 As embarassing as my mother may be, it breaks my heart that she worries so much.\n\nIt's good that we've put her mind at ease. You should talk to her."] = { }, ["200879108-0-20428 You did? Well, then I guess we can consider this operation a success!\n\nIf you haven't already, we just need to get those plans to Deputy Luric in the village.\n\nI guess I should go reassure my mother."] = { ["204987124-0-20428 Here. I'll untie you."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-8184 Anything and everything. With Constable Pascal acting strange, Deputy Luric and I took the initiative. \n\nI may not have heard where their base of operations is, but there are plans for some other attack floating around the camp."] = { ["204987124-1-8184 I found those plans already."] = "", }, }, }, }, }, }, ["subtitles"] = { ["267200725-0-12 Burzowa Przystań"] = { ["267200725-0-12 Burzowa Przystań"] = { [2] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-6280 Get those plans back as fast you can! May the Eight protect you!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-13135 Lucas Oscent", }, }, [1] = { [1] = { ["text"] = "115740052-0-6315 Ooh! Here's one that'll fetch a high price!", ["name"] = "8290981-0-34784 Żarooki Łucznik", }, }, }, }, }, ["quest"] = { ["162658389-0-19 Burzowa Przystań"] = { ["52420949-0-2558 Niewolnicy"] = { ["info"] = { ["starter"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-13134 Margot Oscent", }, ["finisher"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-13203 Margot Oscent", }, ["description"] = { [1] = "265851556-0-2558 Margot Oscent has a son named Lucas who's missing, and she's worried he may have been taken by the slavers.", }, ["involved"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-13135 Lucas Oscent", }, }, ["steps"] = { [2] = { ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "121487972-0-3176 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-13134 Margot Oscent", }, }, ["description"] = "103224356-0-8644 Pomówię z 8290981-0-13134 Margot Oscent i upewnię się, że jej syn szczęśliwie powrócił do domu.", }, [1] = { ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-9421 Znajdź: 8290981-0-13135 Lucas Oscent", }, }, ["description"] = "103224356-0-8642 Poszukam Lucasa Oscenta na plaży na południe od wioski Koeglin. Matka chłopca powiedziała mi, że często chodził tam wędkować.", }, }, }, }, }, }