ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 = { ["npc"] = { ["267200725-0-16 Cyrodiil"] = { ["267200725-0-575 Południowa brama Hammerfell"] = { ["8290981-0-13231 Generał Am-Shadal"] = { ["links"] = { ["200879108-0-27625 To hear of Battle and Warfront missions, no doubt. These are under my care.\n\nWhich would you like to learn of?"] = { ["204987124-1-27625 Czym są zlecenia działań wojennych?"] = "", ["204987124-0-27625 Opowiedz mi o zleceniach bitewnych."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-27626 The enemy's resource sites—farms, mines, and lumbermills—support their forts, enhancing their strength. Battle missions send groups of soldiers to capture resources and greatly weaken those forts."] = { ["204987124-0-27626 Czym są zlecenia działań wojennych?"] = "", ["204987124-1-27626 What else is there to learn?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-27627 In Warfront missions, we bring the wrath of Diagna against our foes' forts. These attacks require large numbers of warriors. Prepare yourself for great deeds and grave danger when you embark on a Warfront quest!"] = { ["204987124-1-27627 What else is there to learn?"] = "", ["204987124-0-27627 Opowiedz mi o zleceniach bitewnych."] = "", }, ["165399380-0-13231 Honor and faith. These hold the Covenant together. Keep them always in your heart, warrior."] = { ["228103012-0-29671 Czy możesz mi opowiedzieć o twoich tablicach ze zleceniami?"] = "", ["228103012-0-27625 General Khamagash sent me to you."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-29672 The enemy's resource sites—farms, mines, and lumbermills—support their forts, enhancing their strength. Battle missions send groups of soldiers to capture resources and greatly weaken those forts."] = { ["204987124-1-29672 A co z innymi zleceniami?"] = "", ["204987124-0-29672 Czym są zlecenia działań wojennych?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-29671 O czym chciałabyś posłuchać?"] = { ["204987124-0-29671 Opowiedz mi o zleceniach bitewnych."] = "", ["204987124-1-29671 Czym są zlecenia działań wojennych?"] = "", ["204987124-2-29671 A co z innymi zleceniami?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-35626 The Bounty and Scouting missions are in the care of General Khamagash. That knowledge is his to impart."] = { ["204987124-1-29673 A co z innymi zleceniami?"] = "", ["204987124-0-35626 Czym są zlecenia działań wojennych?"] = "", ["204987124-1-35626 Opowiedz mi o zleceniach bitewnych."] = "", ["204987124-0-29673 Opowiedz mi o zleceniach bitewnych."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-29673 In Warfront missions, the wrath of Diagna descends upon our foes. These attacks on enemy forts require large numbers of warriors. Prepare for great deeds and grave danger when you embark on a Warfront quest!"] = { ["204987124-1-29673 A co z innymi zleceniami?"] = "", ["204987124-0-29673 Opowiedz mi o zleceniach bitewnych."] = "", }, }, ["topics"] = { ["204987124-0-27626 Czym są zlecenia działań wojennych?"] = { ["200879108-0-27627 In Warfront missions, we bring the wrath of Diagna against our foes' forts. These attacks require large numbers of warriors. Prepare yourself for great deeds and grave danger when you embark on a Warfront quest!"] = "", }, ["204987124-1-27625 Czym są zlecenia działań wojennych?"] = { }, ["204987124-0-27627 Opowiedz mi o zleceniach bitewnych."] = { }, ["228103012-0-29671 Czy możesz mi opowiedzieć o twoich tablicach ze zleceniami?"] = { ["200879108-0-29671 O czym chciałabyś posłuchać?"] = "", }, ["204987124-0-29672 Czym są zlecenia działań wojennych?"] = { ["200879108-0-35626 The Bounty and Scouting missions are in the care of General Khamagash. That knowledge is his to impart."] = "", ["200879108-0-29673 In Warfront missions, the wrath of Diagna descends upon our foes. These attacks on enemy forts require large numbers of warriors. Prepare for great deeds and grave danger when you embark on a Warfront quest!"] = "", }, ["204987124-1-29671 Czym są zlecenia działań wojennych?"] = { }, ["204987124-1-29673 A co z innymi zleceniami?"] = { }, ["204987124-1-27627 What else is there to learn?"] = { ["116521668-0-7938 Battle is the best teacher, warrior. Accept missions posted to the boards, experience the lands of Cyrodiil, and advance the Covenant cause. I suggest you start with a Scouting mission.\n\nHonor and faith be with you always!"] = "", }, ["204987124-0-27625 Opowiedz mi o zleceniach bitewnych."] = { ["200879108-0-27626 The enemy's resource sites—farms, mines, and lumbermills—support their forts, enhancing their strength. Battle missions send groups of soldiers to capture resources and greatly weaken those forts."] = "", }, ["204987124-2-29671 A co z innymi zleceniami?"] = { ["200879108-0-35626 The Bounty and Scouting missions are in the care of General Khamagash. That knowledge is his to impart."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-29673 Opowiedz mi o zleceniach bitewnych."] = { ["200879108-0-35626 The Bounty and Scouting missions are in the care of General Khamagash. That knowledge is his to impart."] = "", ["200879108-0-29672 The enemy's resource sites—farms, mines, and lumbermills—support their forts, enhancing their strength. Battle missions send groups of soldiers to capture resources and greatly weaken those forts."] = "", }, ["204987124-1-35626 Opowiedz mi o zleceniach bitewnych."] = { ["200879108-0-29672 The enemy's resource sites—farms, mines, and lumbermills—support their forts, enhancing their strength. Battle missions send groups of soldiers to capture resources and greatly weaken those forts."] = "", }, ["204987124-1-27626 What else is there to learn?"] = { }, ["204987124-0-29671 Opowiedz mi o zleceniach bitewnych."] = { }, ["204987124-0-35626 Czym są zlecenia działań wojennych?"] = { }, ["204987124-1-29672 A co z innymi zleceniami?"] = { ["200879108-0-29673 In Warfront missions, the wrath of Diagna descends upon our foes. These attacks on enemy forts require large numbers of warriors. Prepare for great deeds and grave danger when you embark on a Warfront quest!"] = "", }, ["228103012-0-27625 General Khamagash sent me to you."] = { ["200879108-0-27625 To hear of Battle and Warfront missions, no doubt. These are under my care.\n\nWhich would you like to learn of?"] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "165399380-0-13231 Honor and faith. These hold the Covenant together. Keep them always in your heart, warrior.", }, }, ["8290981-0-15178 Starsza Gubernator Wojskowa Dortene"] = { ["links"] = { ["55049764-0-7503 Your training nears its end. Now to tell you how we capture the enemy's forts and resources."] = { ["228103012-0-27677 Słucham uważnie."] = "", }, ["165399380-0-15178 See someone else if you need orders, soldier."] = { }, ["200879108-0-27682 Every conquest weakens our enemies and brings the Covenant closer to control of Cyrodiil. \n\nYour participation in these actions enables you to acquire equipment and weapons from Covenant siege merchants."] = { ["204987124-0-27682 Anything else I need to know?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-35164 Grulzul carries my orders to Generals Khamagash and Am-Shadal. These are posted in the mission boards for all to see.\n\nSpeak with General Khamagash to learn more."] = { ["204987124-0-35164 Dziękuję."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-27677 Our foes' forts and resources must be taken. Fort walls or gates must be smashed down for us to reach the heart of the enemy stronghold. The defenders must be defeated and our banner raised on the flagpole. \n\nEasy to say, harder to do."] = { ["204987124-0-27677 What do we get from doing this?"] = "", }, }, ["topics"] = { ["228103012-0-27677 Słucham uważnie."] = { ["200879108-0-27677 Our foes' forts and resources must be taken. Fort walls or gates must be smashed down for us to reach the heart of the enemy stronghold. The defenders must be defeated and our banner raised on the flagpole. \n\nEasy to say, harder to do."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-27682 Anything else I need to know?"] = { ["200879108-0-35164 Grulzul carries my orders to Generals Khamagash and Am-Shadal. These are posted in the mission boards for all to see.\n\nSpeak with General Khamagash to learn more."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-27677 What do we get from doing this?"] = { ["200879108-0-27682 Every conquest weakens our enemies and brings the Covenant closer to control of Cyrodiil. \n\nYour participation in these actions enables you to acquire equipment and weapons from Covenant siege merchants."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-35164 Dziękuję."] = { }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "55049764-0-7503 Your training nears its end. Now to tell you how we capture the enemy's forts and resources.", [2] = "165399380-0-15178 See someone else if you need orders, soldier.", }, }, ["8290981-0-15179 Generał Khamagash"] = { ["links"] = { ["165399380-0-15179 Yeah, what is it?"] = { ["228103012-0-27614 Grand Warlord Dortene sent me to talk to you."] = "", ["228103012-0-29660 Czy możesz mi opowiedzieć o twoich tablicach ze zleceniami?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-29661 Grand Warlord Dortene needs information to plan our strategy. A Scouting mission sends you deep into enemy territory. Find your target, scout around, then report back here."] = { ["204987124-1-29661 What about other missions?"] = "", ["204987124-0-29661 Opowiedz mi o płatnych zleceniach."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-29662 Bounty missions are simple: Kill enemy soldiers."] = { ["204987124-0-29662 Chciałabym usłyszeć o zleceniach zwiadu."] = "", ["204987124-1-29662 What about other missions?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-29658 Bounty missions are simple: Kill enemy soldiers."] = { ["204987124-1-29658 Are there other types of missions?"] = "", ["204987124-0-29658 Chciałabym usłyszeć o zleceniach zwiadu."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-30658 General Am-Shadal supervises the other mission boards. Go talk to him."] = { ["204987124-0-30658 I'll go speak with him."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-27614 New recruit, eh? Hope you're better than the last few who've come through here.\n\nSee the Bounty and Scouting boards on either side of me? Those are the missions I'm in charge of."] = { ["204987124-1-27614 Chciałabym usłyszeć o zleceniach zwiadu."] = "", ["204987124-0-27614 Opowiedz mi o płatnych zleceniach."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-29660 Which one?"] = { ["204987124-1-29660 Chciałabym usłyszeć o zleceniach zwiadu."] = "", ["204987124-0-29660 Opowiedz mi o płatnych zleceniach."] = "", ["204987124-2-29660 What about other missions?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-35625 General Am-Shadal's in charge of the Battle and Warfront missions. Talk to him about them."] = { ["204987124-0-35625 Opowiedz mi o płatnych zleceniach."] = "", ["204987124-1-35625 Chciałabym usłyszeć o zleceniach zwiadu."] = "", }, }, ["topics"] = { ["228103012-0-27614 Grand Warlord Dortene sent me to talk to you."] = { ["200879108-0-27614 New recruit, eh? Hope you're better than the last few who've come through here.\n\nSee the Bounty and Scouting boards on either side of me? Those are the missions I'm in charge of."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-30658 I'll go speak with him."] = { }, ["204987124-0-29662 Chciałabym usłyszeć o zleceniach zwiadu."] = { ["200879108-0-29661 Grand Warlord Dortene needs information to plan our strategy. A Scouting mission sends you deep into enemy territory. Find your target, scout around, then report back here."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-29660 Opowiedz mi o płatnych zleceniach."] = { ["200879108-0-29662 Bounty missions are simple: Kill enemy soldiers."] = "", }, ["228103012-0-29660 Czy możesz mi opowiedzieć o twoich tablicach ze zleceniami?"] = { ["200879108-0-29660 Which one?"] = "", }, ["204987124-0-27614 Opowiedz mi o płatnych zleceniach."] = { ["200879108-0-29658 Bounty missions are simple: Kill enemy soldiers."] = "", }, ["204987124-1-29658 Are there other types of missions?"] = { ["200879108-0-30658 General Am-Shadal supervises the other mission boards. Go talk to him."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-35625 Opowiedz mi o płatnych zleceniach."] = { ["200879108-0-29662 Bounty missions are simple: Kill enemy soldiers."] = "", }, ["204987124-1-29661 What about other missions?"] = { ["200879108-0-35625 General Am-Shadal's in charge of the Battle and Warfront missions. Talk to him about them."] = "", ["200879108-0-29662 Bounty missions are simple: Kill enemy soldiers."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-29661 Opowiedz mi o płatnych zleceniach."] = { ["200879108-0-29662 Bounty missions are simple: Kill enemy soldiers."] = "", }, ["204987124-1-29662 What about other missions?"] = { }, ["204987124-0-29658 Chciałabym usłyszeć o zleceniach zwiadu."] = { }, ["204987124-1-29660 Chciałabym usłyszeć o zleceniach zwiadu."] = { ["200879108-0-29661 Grand Warlord Dortene needs information to plan our strategy. A Scouting mission sends you deep into enemy territory. Find your target, scout around, then report back here."] = "", }, ["204987124-1-27614 Chciałabym usłyszeć o zleceniach zwiadu."] = { }, ["204987124-1-35625 Chciałabym usłyszeć o zleceniach zwiadu."] = { }, ["204987124-2-29660 What about other missions?"] = { }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "165399380-0-15179 Yeah, what is it?", }, }, }, ["267200725-0-16 Cyrodiil"] = { ["8290981-0-45641 Aurorelle Varin"] = { ["links"] = { ["3952276-0-5501 Go to the Elder Scroll temple of Alma Ruma and speak with Protector Yseline. She plays a vital part in the Covenant's mission to conquer Cyrodiil."] = { ["20958740-0-5501 I'll go speak with her."] = "", }, ["55049764-1-7416 You are always welcome here, warrior."] = { ["249936564-0-5501 Gdzie powinnam się udać?"] = "", }, }, ["topics"] = { ["20958740-0-5501 I'll go speak with her."] = { }, ["249936564-0-5501 Gdzie powinnam się udać?"] = { ["3952276-0-5501 Go to the Elder Scroll temple of Alma Ruma and speak with Protector Yseline. She plays a vital part in the Covenant's mission to conquer Cyrodiil."] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "55049764-1-7416 You are always welcome here, warrior.", }, }, ["8290981-0-43757 Protektorka Yseline"] = { ["links"] = { ["200879108-0-29724 To Grand Warlord Dortene, the Elder Scrolls matter only because they bestow blessings upon all the soldiers of our alliance. But to me, the Elder Scrolls are sacred relics of value beyond measure."] = { ["204987124-1-29724 How do we capture the enemy's Elder Scrolls?"] = "", ["204987124-2-29724 I think that's all I need to know about the Elder Scrolls."] = "", ["204987124-0-29724 What can you tell me about the Elder Scrolls themselves?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-29726 Books in this temple contain information about the scrolls, if you wish to know more.\n\nWhen you are done here, go speak with Grand Warlord Dortene. Anything else you need to know about the war, she can tell you."] = { ["204987124-0-29726 I'll go speak with her."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-29720 The temples were made to honor the scrolls. We built them upon the soil of Cyrodiil, close enough to the battlefields to bestow their blessings upon our troops.\n\nAll members of the Covenant are welcome here."] = { ["204987124-0-29720 How do we capture the enemy's Elder Scrolls?"] = "", ["204987124-1-29720 Why are the Elder Scrolls important to the Covenant?"] = "", ["204987124-2-29720 I think that's all I need to know about the Elder Scrolls."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-29725 The Elder Scroll has to be brought to one of our six original forts. Once there, it must be placed upon a scroll pedestal before it is truly ours. Needless to say, many warriors must work together to capture an Elder Scroll."] = { ["204987124-1-29725 Why are the Elder Scrolls important to the Covenant?"] = "", ["204987124-2-29725 I think that's all I need to know about the Elder Scrolls."] = "", ["204987124-0-29725 What can you tell me about the Elder Scrolls themselves?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-29723 The scrolls record all past and future events, but reading them causes blindness, madness, perhaps even death.\n\nWe do not know when they were created. Many believe they were crafted by the Aedra, for reasons unknown."] = { ["204987124-0-29723 Why are the Elder Scrolls kept in temples?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-29722 The Grand Warlord orders these attacks. Access to each Elder Scroll is blocked by a gate. To unlock the gate, both forts protecting it must be taken from the alliance that holds the scroll. Once the forts are captured, the path to the temple is open."] = { ["204987124-0-29722 Co wtedy?"] = "", }, ["165399380-0-43757 Hail, warrior. Have you come to gaze upon the Elder Scroll of Alma Ruma?"] = { ["228103012-0-27668 I'd like to learn more about the Elder Scrolls."] = "", }, ["200879108-0-27668 To most Covenant soldiers, the Elder Scrolls are means to an end, weapons that will help us conquer Cyrodiil. \n\nBut they are far more than that."] = { ["204987124-2-27668 Why are the Elder Scrolls important to the Covenant?"] = "", ["204987124-0-27668 What can you tell me about the Elder Scrolls themselves?"] = "", ["204987124-1-27668 How do we capture the enemy's Elder Scrolls?"] = "", }, }, ["topics"] = { ["204987124-1-29724 How do we capture the enemy's Elder Scrolls?"] = { ["200879108-0-29722 The Grand Warlord orders these attacks. Access to each Elder Scroll is blocked by a gate. To unlock the gate, both forts protecting it must be taken from the alliance that holds the scroll. Once the forts are captured, the path to the temple is open."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-29726 I'll go speak with her."] = { }, ["204987124-2-29724 I think that's all I need to know about the Elder Scrolls."] = { }, ["204987124-2-29720 I think that's all I need to know about the Elder Scrolls."] = { ["200879108-0-29726 Books in this temple contain information about the scrolls, if you wish to know more.\n\nWhen you are done here, go speak with Grand Warlord Dortene. Anything else you need to know about the war, she can tell you."] = "", }, ["204987124-1-29720 Why are the Elder Scrolls important to the Covenant?"] = { }, ["204987124-0-29720 How do we capture the enemy's Elder Scrolls?"] = { }, ["204987124-2-29725 I think that's all I need to know about the Elder Scrolls."] = { }, ["204987124-0-29725 What can you tell me about the Elder Scrolls themselves?"] = { ["200879108-0-29723 The scrolls record all past and future events, but reading them causes blindness, madness, perhaps even death.\n\nWe do not know when they were created. Many believe they were crafted by the Aedra, for reasons unknown."] = "", }, ["228103012-0-27668 I'd like to learn more about the Elder Scrolls."] = { ["200879108-0-27668 To most Covenant soldiers, the Elder Scrolls are means to an end, weapons that will help us conquer Cyrodiil. \n\nBut they are far more than that."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-29723 Why are the Elder Scrolls kept in temples?"] = { ["200879108-0-29720 The temples were made to honor the scrolls. We built them upon the soil of Cyrodiil, close enough to the battlefields to bestow their blessings upon our troops.\n\nAll members of the Covenant are welcome here."] = "", }, ["204987124-1-27668 How do we capture the enemy's Elder Scrolls?"] = { }, ["204987124-1-29725 Why are the Elder Scrolls important to the Covenant?"] = { }, ["204987124-0-29722 Co wtedy?"] = { ["200879108-0-29725 The Elder Scroll has to be brought to one of our six original forts. Once there, it must be placed upon a scroll pedestal before it is truly ours. Needless to say, many warriors must work together to capture an Elder Scroll."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-27668 What can you tell me about the Elder Scrolls themselves?"] = { }, ["204987124-2-27668 Why are the Elder Scrolls important to the Covenant?"] = { ["200879108-0-29724 To Grand Warlord Dortene, the Elder Scrolls matter only because they bestow blessings upon all the soldiers of our alliance. But to me, the Elder Scrolls are sacred relics of value beyond measure."] = "", ["200879108-0-29723 The scrolls record all past and future events, but reading them causes blindness, madness, perhaps even death.\n\nWe do not know when they were created. Many believe they were crafted by the Aedra, for reasons unknown."] = "", }, ["204987124-0-29724 What can you tell me about the Elder Scrolls themselves?"] = { }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "165399380-0-43757 Hail, warrior. Have you come to gaze upon the Elder Scroll of Alma Ruma?", }, }, }, }, }, ["quest"] = { ["162658389-0-181 Cyrodiil"] = { ["52420949-0-4727 Zgłoszenie do służby"] = { ["steps"] = { [1] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-27066 I should go talk to Yseline at the Elder Scroll temple of Alma Ruma.", ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-31915 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-43757 Protektorka Yseline", }, }, }, [2] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-27067 Yseline advised me to speak with 8290981-0-15178 Starsza Gubernator Wojskowa Dortene to learn more.", ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-31916 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-15178 Starsza Gubernator Wojskowa Dortene", }, }, }, [3] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-28304 I should use a door to get back into the Southern High Rock gate.", ["goals"] = { ["hints"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-33379 Użyj drzwi", }, }, }, [4] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-28963 8290981-0-15178 Starsza Gubernator Wojskowa Dortene told me to talk to 8290981-0-15179 Generał Khamagash to learn about missions vital to the Covenant.", ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-34161 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-15179 Generał Khamagash", }, }, }, [5] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-28964 I should speak with 8290981-0-13231 Generał Am-Shadal to learn about his missions.", ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-34162 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-13231 Generał Am-Shadal", }, }, }, [6] = { ["description"] = "103224356-0-26208 I should talk to 8290981-0-13231 Generał Am-Shadal to complete my training.", ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "121487972-0-7938 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-13231 Generał Am-Shadal", }, }, }, }, ["info"] = { ["description"] = { [1] = "265851556-0-4727 Aurorelle Varin says there is much more for me to learn about the war in Cyrodiil.", }, ["starter"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-45641 Aurorelle Varin", }, ["finisher"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-13231 Generał Am-Shadal", }, ["involved"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-43757 Protektorka Yseline", [2] = "8290981-0-15178 Starsza Gubernator Wojskowa Dortene", [3] = "8290981-0-15179 Generał Khamagash", [4] = "8290981-0-13231 Generał Am-Shadal", }, }, }, }, }, }