ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 = { ["npc"] = { ["267200725-0-7 Kamienna Kaskada"] = { ["267200725-0-7 Kamienna Kaskada"] = { ["8290981-0-52105 Hjagir"] = { ["greetings"] = { [4] = "55049764-0-8398 Any knowledge of enemy tactics is a good thing. Perhaps we can use their little trick against the Covenant. Or get the Goblins to attack their camps. \n\nI'll leave that to Holgunn. Me, I don't want to ever see another spider again.", [1] = "55049764-3-8398 Ah! Oh! Oh … you're … not who I thought you were.\n\nI'd clear out, stranger. Spiders in this cave. Lots and lots of spiders!", [2] = "55049764-2-8398 Good, good. I think I'll have a sit down out here. The wind seems very gooey, doesn't it? Very squishy. Ugh.", [3] = "55049764-1-8398 Ahh, you're back. Sorry about earlier. I'm feeling better already.\n\nWhat news from the spider hole?", }, ["topics"] = { ["204987124-0-36194 What did the Goblins do that sent you out here?"] = { ["200879108-0-36193 Oh, they managed to take some of their spiders and attack a hold here in Stonefalls. One of the only proud Nord households in the Ashlands, and it comes under attack from beasts! Bah!"] = "", }, ["232026500-0-9411 I found this journal. There was a Covenant mage controlling the spiders."] = { ["116521668-0-9411 Those crafty bastards. Use the beastmen's own bugs to drive them out of the caves. Then the beasties raise havoc with the civilians. Crafted milk-drinking sots, they are.\n\nGood work. I'll be sure the General sees this."] = "", }, ["249936564-0-5991 Wydajesz się trochę nerwowy. Wszystko w porządku?"] = { ["3952276-0-5991 I'll live. One of the spiders got a piece of me, and the venom's doing some strange … wow, my blood tastes really green right now. \n\nAnyway, we had reports of Goblins attacking the locals out here. They normally live in this filthy hole."] = "", }, ["228103012-0-36193 What did the Goblins do that sent you out here?"] = { }, ["20958740-0-5991 Did you see any Goblins in there?"] = { ["3952276-1-5991 Only dead ones. It's strange. The little bastards normally have their bugs on a short leash. Something's happened to them. I … probably shouldn't go back in there. Will you look around inside? Find what I couldn't?"] = "", }, ["228103012-0-36194 Are you sure you're all right?"] = { ["200879108-0-36194 Oh yes, yes. Uh … I think so. Is it normal for your guts to move when you're standing still? Or your eyeballs to crawl up inside your head? \n\nRight, I'm fine. Fine!"] = "", }, ["204987124-0-36193 Are you sure you're all right?"] = { }, ["20958740-1-5991 Sprawdzę to."] = { }, }, ["links"] = { ["200879108-0-36194 Oh yes, yes. Uh … I think so. Is it normal for your guts to move when you're standing still? Or your eyeballs to crawl up inside your head? \n\nRight, I'm fine. Fine!"] = { ["204987124-0-36194 What did the Goblins do that sent you out here?"] = "", }, ["55049764-3-8398 Ah! Oh! Oh … you're … not who I thought you were.\n\nI'd clear out, stranger. Spiders in this cave. Lots and lots of spiders!"] = { ["249936564-0-5991 Wydajesz się trochę nerwowy. Wszystko w porządku?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-36193 Oh, they managed to take some of their spiders and attack a hold here in Stonefalls. One of the only proud Nord households in the Ashlands, and it comes under attack from beasts! Bah!"] = { ["204987124-0-36193 Are you sure you're all right?"] = "", }, ["55049764-1-8398 Ahh, you're back. Sorry about earlier. I'm feeling better already.\n\nWhat news from the spider hole?"] = { ["232026500-0-9411 I found this journal. There was a Covenant mage controlling the spiders."] = "", }, ["55049764-2-8398 Good, good. I think I'll have a sit down out here. The wind seems very gooey, doesn't it? Very squishy. Ugh."] = { ["228103012-0-36193 What did the Goblins do that sent you out here?"] = "", ["228103012-0-36194 Are you sure you're all right?"] = "", }, ["3952276-0-5991 I'll live. One of the spiders got a piece of me, and the venom's doing some strange … wow, my blood tastes really green right now. \n\nAnyway, we had reports of Goblins attacking the locals out here. They normally live in this filthy hole."] = { ["20958740-0-5991 Did you see any Goblins in there?"] = "", }, ["3952276-1-5991 Only dead ones. It's strange. The little bastards normally have their bugs on a short leash. Something's happened to them. I … probably shouldn't go back in there. Will you look around inside? Find what I couldn't?"] = { ["20958740-1-5991 Sprawdzę to."] = "", }, ["55049764-0-8398 Any knowledge of enemy tactics is a good thing. Perhaps we can use their little trick against the Covenant. Or get the Goblins to attack their camps. \n\nI'll leave that to Holgunn. Me, I don't want to ever see another spider again."] = { }, }, }, }, }, }, ["quest"] = { ["162658389-0-41 Kamienna Kaskada"] = { ["52420949-0-5038 Prawda o pająkach"] = { ["steps"] = { [2] = { ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "121487972-0-9411 Wróć do Hjagir", }, }, ["description"] = "103224356-0-32439 A set of orders from the Daggers were deep inside Hightide Hollow. They should allow the Pact soldiers to stop the Covenant's plan. I should take these orders to Hjagir.", }, [1] = { ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-38646 Search the Hollow", }, }, ["description"] = "103224356-0-32438 Hjagir asked me to help her find information about the Goblin retreat from their caverns. I should search Hightide Hollow for information on what drove the beastmen out.", }, }, ["info"] = { ["starter"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-52105 Hjagir", }, ["items"] = { [1] = "267697733-0-4708 Niestandardowe techniki", }, ["description"] = { [1] = "265851556-0-5038 I found a soldier outside a spider cave in Stonefalls. She's suffering from a spider bite she received while trying to search the Hollow.", }, ["finisher"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-52105 Hjagir", }, }, }, }, }, ["books"] = { ["267200725-0-7 Kamienna Kaskada"] = { ["267200725-0-97 Jaskinia Wysokiej Fali"] = { [2938] = "51188213-0-2938 Raport zwiadowczyni Meery", [126] = "51188213-0-126 Wiadomość od Jeegren", [2211] = "51188213-0-2211 Niestandardowe techniki", }, }, }, }