ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 = { ["npc"] = { ["267200725-0-1654 Południowe Elsweyr"] = { ["267200725-0-1682 Sanktuarium Smoczej Straży"] = { ["8290981-0-91226 Dirge Truptor"] = { ["links"] = { ["149328292-1-11357 Finally. Hope you brought me some good news."] = { ["232026500-0-14107 I dealt with the New Moon's representative in the Bone Orchard."] = "", }, ["3952276-1-7860 Rumor is, Ethruin's been looking to raise an army of giant skeletons from under an even more giant tree called the Barrowbough. Head to the Barrowbough in the Bone Orchard of Grahtwood and break up their parley by killing the New Moon ambassador."] = { ["20958740-1-7860 I'll stop the New Moon's plans at Barrowbough."] = "", }, ["149328292-1-11360 You done good, which is more than I ever hear from Za'ji, but I've got nothing else for you today. Next time you want to look busy, drag it out longer."] = { ["228103012-0-59885 How long have you been with Za'ji's crew?"] = "", }, ["200879108-0-59887 If you want to kill him, nobody's gonna stop you. But kicking his Worm Cult out of the Bone Orchard is the least of our problems.\n\nI'm hoping that making an example of the New Moon's flunky will encourage Ethruin to stay out of our business."] = { }, ["3952276-0-7860 One of my snitches in Grahtwood told me the New Moon is looking for a necromancer named Ethruin. Stinks of an unholy scheme to me, and I know trouble when I smell it, always followed Za'ji like a bad cologne.\n\nNeed you to go break up their meeting."] = { ["20958740-0-7860 Is Ethruin that big a threat to us?"] = "", }, ["149328292-2-11358 And bring me some rum while you're out. I get bleary after a while and a tipple helps clear the fog."] = { ["228103012-0-59885 How long have you been with Za'ji's crew?"] = "", ["228103012-0-59887 What should I do about Ethruin?"] = "", }, ["149328292-1-11359 Still kicking, Dragonguard? Got another lead, if you're interested."] = { ["249936564-0-7860 Do czego mnie potrzebujesz?"] = "", }, }, ["topics"] = { ["228103012-0-59885 How long have you been with Za'ji's crew?"] = { }, ["249936564-0-7860 Do czego mnie potrzebujesz?"] = { ["3952276-0-7860 One of my snitches in Grahtwood told me the New Moon is looking for a necromancer named Ethruin. Stinks of an unholy scheme to me, and I know trouble when I smell it, always followed Za'ji like a bad cologne.\n\nNeed you to go break up their meeting."] = "", }, ["20958740-0-7860 Is Ethruin that big a threat to us?"] = { ["3952276-1-7860 Rumor is, Ethruin's been looking to raise an army of giant skeletons from under an even more giant tree called the Barrowbough. Head to the Barrowbough in the Bone Orchard of Grahtwood and break up their parley by killing the New Moon ambassador."] = "", }, ["232026500-0-14107 I dealt with the New Moon's representative in the Bone Orchard."] = { ["116521668-0-14107 Now we're talking. I mean, it's an expression. I'm not just narrating what's hap—forget it. If we're lucky, these papers will tell us what the New Moons are planning.\n\nI'm giving you this gold for a job well done. Dammit."] = "", }, ["20958740-1-7860 I'll stop the New Moon's plans at Barrowbough."] = { }, ["228103012-0-59887 What should I do about Ethruin?"] = { ["200879108-0-59887 If you want to kill him, nobody's gonna stop you. But kicking his Worm Cult out of the Bone Orchard is the least of our problems.\n\nI'm hoping that making an example of the New Moon's flunky will encourage Ethruin to stay out of our business."] = "", }, }, ["greetings"] = { [1] = "149328292-1-11359 Still kicking, Dragonguard? Got another lead, if you're interested.", [2] = "149328292-2-11358 And bring me some rum while you're out. I get bleary after a while and a tipple helps clear the fog.", [3] = "149328292-1-11357 Finally. Hope you brought me some good news.", [4] = "149328292-1-11360 You done good, which is more than I ever hear from Za'ji, but I've got nothing else for you today. Next time you want to look busy, drag it out longer.", }, }, }, }, }, ["quest"] = { ["162658389-0-1133 Południowe Elsweyr"] = { ["52420949-0-6428 Kije i kości"] = { ["steps"] = { [1] = { ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "7949764-0-64160 Zabij: 8290981-0-91940 Ambasadorka Nowego Księżyca", [2] = "7949764-0-64903 Poszukaj dokumentów", }, }, ["description"] = "103224356-0-51700 I need to head to the Barrowbough and kill the 8290981-0-91940 Ambasadorka Nowego Księżyca then take whatever documents he was carrying.", }, [2] = { ["goals"] = { ["main"] = { [1] = "121487972-0-14107 Porozmawiaj z: 8290981-0-91226 Dirge Truptor", }, }, ["description"] = "103224356-0-51702 I killed the New Moon's representative in the Bone Orchard. I should return to Dirge Truptor and give him the documents the representative was carrying.", }, }, ["info"] = { ["finisher"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-91226 Dirge Truptor", }, ["starter"] = { [1] = "8290981-0-91226 Dirge Truptor", }, ["items"] = { [1] = "267697733-0-7043 Dokumenty o porozumieniu", }, ["description"] = { [1] = "265851556-0-6428 Dirge Truptor said the New Moon are scheming with a necromancer in the Bone Orchard of Grahtwood.", }, }, }, }, }, }