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0002855ESO SpolszczenieZadanie do tłumaczeniapublic2025-01-18 14:53
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Status confirmedResolutionopen 
Target VersionWorld Quest/Inne 
Summary0002855: Inne - Towarzysz - Tanlorin - Of Crown and Flowers
DescriptionInne - Towarzysz - Tanlorin - Of Crown and Flowers
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2024-11-25 15:53


Inne - Towarzysz - Tanlorin - Of Crown and Flowers.lua (124,328 bytes)   
ConversationsQQ_SavedVariables_v15 =
    ["books"] = 
        ["267200725-0-27 Tamriel"] = 
            ["267200725-0-387 Marbruk"] = 
                [8204] = "51188213-0-8204 Snapdragon's Research Journal",
            ["267200725-0-2581 Twierdza Zmierzchu"] = 
                [8070] = "51188213-0-8070 The Strike on Alinor",
            ["267200725-0-300 Zielona Polana"] = 
                [8046] = "51188213-0-8046 Ceythalmor Relocation Orders",
                [8220] = "51188213-0-8220 Torn Out Journal Entry",
    ["quest"] = 
        ["162658389-0-381 Auridon"] = 
            ["52420949-0-7189 Of Crown and Flowers"] = 
                ["info"] = 
                    ["starter"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    ["finisher"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    ["involved"] = 
                        [1] = "8290981-0-123202 Lahathril",
                        [2] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                        [3] = "8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik",
                        [4] = "8290981-0-121389 Alwinarwe Królowa-Pośredniczka",
                    ["items"] = 
                        [1] = "267697733-0-8898 Snapdragon's Research Journal",
                        [2] = "267697733-0-8751 Safebox Key",
                        [3] = "267697733-0-8767 Torn Out Journal Entry",
                        [4] = "267697733-0-8776 Snapdragon's Revealed Letter",
                        [5] = "267697733-0-8795 Bouquet of Ceremonial Flowers",
                    ["description"] = 
                        [1] = "265851556-0-7189 Tanlorin was shaken by the revelation that Wisteria betrayed the Garland Ring. They want to uncover the truth of the Ceythalmor plan and put a stop to this threat once and for all.",
                ["steps"] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-66320 Tanlorin received a letter from a bank clerk in Marbruk. Snapdragon apparently left a locked coffer behind in their name. We should go to the bank and see what's inside the coffer.",
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83929 Go to the Foundation of Trust Bank in Marbruk",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-82981 Porozmawiaj z Tanlorin",
                    [2] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83930 Porozmawiaj z Lahathril",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-66321 I should speak with the bank clerk about the letter Tanlorin received, and the coffer Snapdragon left to them.",
                    [3] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-82995 Open Snapdragon's Coffer",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-66322 The clerk gave us a key to Snapdragon's coffer. I should open it and see what she left for Tanlorin.",
                    [4] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-82985 Porozmawiaj z Tanlorin",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-66323 Snapdragon made a copy of her research journal, a thorough investigation into the Garland Ring's own members. Included are notes about places in Greenshade Wisteria frequented. I should talk to Tanlorin about this.",
                    [5] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83010 Investigate Southwest of Seaside Sanctuary",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83015 Porozmawiaj z Tanlorin",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-64307 Tanlorin wants to use Snapdragon's journal to retrace Wisteria's steps. They want to start with a location along the coast, southwest of Seaside Sanctuary in Greenshade.",
                    [6] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81260 Search the Ceythalmor Encampment",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81205 Defeat Ceythalmor",
                                [2] = "7949764-0-83934 Wine Bottle",
                                [3] = "7949764-0-84887 Read Ceythalmor Orders",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-64993 We found a Ceythalmor encampment at the location described in Snapdragon's journal. We should search the area for anything that could shed light on Wisteria's plan.",
                    [7] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83933 Wait for Tanlorin",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-64946 Tanlorin appears to be doing something unusual. I should wait to see what happens.",
                    [8] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83932 Porozmawiaj z Tanlorin",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-67067 As we were searching the camp, Tanlorin was able to manifest a memory of Wisteria, giving us a glimpse of her time at this camp. I should talk to Tan about what this means.",
                    [9] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "104324948-0-81137 Zbadaj labirynt",
                                [2] = "7949764-0-81137 Search for Signs of Wisteria",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83944 Labyrinth Search Area",
                                [2] = "7949764-0-83950 See the Bottle",
                                [3] = "7949764-0-84896 Examine the Wine Bottle",
                                [4] = "7949764-0-83074 Porozmawiaj z Tanlorin",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-64949 Tanlorin thinks that if we can find another object connected to Wisteria, they may be able to learn more about the Ceythalmor's plans. We should head to the Labyrinth, the next location mentioned in Snapdragon's journal.",
                    [10] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83035 Wait for Tanlorin",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-66364 We found another bottle of Shimmerene Rose near the Labyrinth. We should see if Tanlorin can conjure a glimpse of another one of Wisteria's memories.",
                    [11] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81163 Porozmawiaj z Tanlorin",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-64950 Tanlorin was able to manifest a glimpse of Wisteria's time here. I should see what Tanlorin thinks about what we heard.",
                    [12] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "104324948-0-83079 Zbadaj Sadzawkę Echo",
                                [2] = "7949764-0-83079 Look for Signs of Wisteria",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83076 Porozmawiaj z Tanlorin",
                                [2] = "7949764-0-84897 Find Echo Pond Area",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-64951 We learned the name of the Ceythalmor mustering point: Dusk Keep. We have one more lead to follow at Echo Pond in Greenshade. We should head there to see what else we can learn.",
                    [13] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81387 Wait for Tanlorin",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-64971 We found another bottle of Shimmerene Rose near the Echo Pond. We should see if Tanlorin can conjure a glimpse of Wisteria's time here.",
                    [14] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83038 Porozmawiaj z Tanlorin",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-66366 The memory Tanlorin manifested at Echo Pond revealed the Ceythalmor's true goal—they plan to assassinate the Proxy Queen of Alinor. I should talk to Tanlorin.",
                    [15] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83039 Go to Hyacinth's Greenhouse in Greenshade",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-84921 Porozmawiaj z Tanlorin",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-66371 Tanlorin believes that through their connection to Wisteria, they may be able to open a portal directly to her location at Dusk Keep. We should head to the Hyacinth's greenhouse. Tanlorin will need Hyacinth and the Gardener's help to do this.",
                    [16] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81414 Porozmawiaj z Ogrodnikiem",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-65151 I should talk to the Gardener about Tanlorin's plan and inform him about the plot against the Proxy Queen.",
                    [17] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83040 Wait for Tanlorin",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81400 Porozmawiaj z Hiacyntem",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-65161 With the aid of the Gardener and Hyacinth, Tanlorin is building a connection with Wisteria strong enough to bring push us to her side.",
                    [18] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83049 Reach Out with Tanlorin's Magic",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-65191 Tanlorin's connection to Wisteria is as strong as it will ever be. I should tap into Tanlorin's magic to hopefully draw us to Dusk Keep.",
                    [19] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-84781 Search for Wisteria",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83935 Interrogator SOD",
                                [2] = "7949764-0-84684 Search for Wisteria",
                                [3] = "7949764-0-84872 Read Assassination Plans",
                                [4] = "7949764-0-84788 Search for Wisteria",
                                [5] = "7949764-0-84685 Search for Wisteria",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-65178 It worked, Tanlorin was able to teleport us into Dusk Keep. We should search the keep for Wisteria so we can  put a stop to the Ceythalmor plan to assassinate the Proxy Queen.",
                    [20] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83050 Confront Wisteria",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-66375 We found Wisteria behind a magic barrier, preparing a ritual to teleport herself and her agents to the Alinor Royal Palace.",
                    [21] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81402 Empower the Ceythalmor Ritual",
                            ["hints"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-84192 Wait for Tanlorin to Remove the Barrier",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81422 Activate the North Ritual Foci",
                                [2] = "7949764-0-81423 Activate the East Ritual Foci",
                                [3] = "7949764-0-81424 Activate the South Ritual Foci",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-65179 Wisteria and her agents have teleported away. We may be able to empower the ritual site to follow them. We should try to reactive it.",
                    [22] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81426 Activate the Primary Ritual Foci",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-65180 I reactivated the Ceythalmor ritual. I should use it to follow Wisteria and stop the assassination of the Proxy Queen.",
                    [23] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83052 Stop the Assassination",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-84900 Alinor Throne Room",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-65197 We arrived in the Alinor throne room just after Wisteria. Unless Tanlorin can convince her to surrender, we'll have to end her to stop the assassination.",
                    [24] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-84696 Porozmawiaj z Tanlorin",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-65184 Wisteria is dead and the Ceythalmor attempt on the Proxy Queen's life has ended. I should talk to Tanlorin and see how they're handling this victory.",
                    [25] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83958 Wait for the Proxy Queen",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-67085 The Proxy Queen seems to have some specific thoughts about the attack. I should listen to what she has to say.",
                    [26] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-83054 Return to the Gardener's Greenhouse",
                            ["optional"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81405 Porozmawiaj z królową-pośredniczką",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-66373 The Gardener arrived, revealing that he is the Proxy Queen's uncle. He assured her that he can explain everything, but that first we must return to the Gardener's greenhouse. We can use his portal to get there.",
                    [27] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81407 Porozmawiaj z Ogrodnikiem",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-65185 We stopped the Ceythalmor attack on the Proxy Queen and killed Wisteria. Now that we're in the safety of the Gardener's greenhouse, I should talk with him.",
                    [28] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-84039 Take the Bouquet",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-67132 The Gardener asked me to burn a bouquet of flowers as part of a ceremony. I should grab the bouquet he prepared.",
                    [29] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81488 Burn the Bouquet",
                            ["hidden"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81409 Burn the Memorial Flowers",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-65186 The Gardener asked me to burn a bouquet of flowers as part of a ceremony. I should place them in the brazier.",
                    [30] = 
                        ["goals"] = 
                            ["main"] = 
                                [1] = "7949764-0-81408 Porozmawiaj z Tanlorin",
                        ["description"] = "103224356-0-65187 The Gardener has decided to disband the Garland Ring, hoping to integrate it into the Proxy Queen's court. I should speak with Tanlorin and see how they feel about this development.",
    ["subtitles"] = 
        ["267200725-0-27 Tamriel"] = 
            ["267200725-0-2581 Twierdza Zmierzchu"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50216 We're running out of time. We have to hurry!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                [2] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52990 No! Not when we're so close! We march forward toward perfection!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-123165 Przesłuchiwacz Anorel",
                [3] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50893 Tanlorin? I knew you'd find me. But you're too late.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120448 Wisteria",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50894 Just stand back, spitfire. Let me change the world. For us.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120448 Wisteria",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50895 This isn't what I want, Wisteria. If you go after the Proxy Queen, I'm coming after you.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [4] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50896 There's that spark! Do what you must, Tan.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120448 Wisteria",
                    [5] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50897 We're ready. On your order.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-121371 Kapitan Ceythalmoru",
                    [6] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50898 Go! If you oppose me, Tan, I won't hold back.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120448 Wisteria",
                    [7] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52849 I think I can bring this barrier down.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [8] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52850 Focus, Tan. Just like before. Reach out.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                [4] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52851 Their ritual, it's still active!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50899 Just use the ritual foci to get the magic flowing again.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                [5] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50909 No turning back, friend. Let's go cause some trouble.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
            ["267200725-0-2578 Szklarnia Hiacynta"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52262 Gardener! Hyacinth! We know Wisteria's plan! And I know how to get to her. But we need your help!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52263 Bogcup? Calm yourself and start from the beginning.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120266 Hiacynt",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52266 No time! I need to focus. My friend can explain everything.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                [2] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52871 All right, Bogcup. What would you have us do?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52270 Everyone think about Wisteria. Strengthen my connection. I'll push out and bridge the space between us.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52271 It's working! Friend, reach out with us. Dusk Keep, here we come!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
            ["267200725-0-2574 Szklarnia Ogrodnika"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52717 Hyacinth! Look, we're alive!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52993 Yes. I can see that. I presume everything turned out well?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120266 Hiacynt",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50945 Most extraordinary! Bogcup and their friend stopped Wisteria and saved the Proxy Queen.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik",
                    [4] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50946 After everything we've been through, can we stop with the flower names. Why am I a Bogcup, anyway?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [5] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50947 Oh, Bog—Tanlorin. The name was never meant as an insult. The bogcup blossom flourishes in the harshest of environments. Just like you.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik",
                    [6] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50948 Oh, that's … that's sweet, actually. Thank you.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                [2] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50950 I've asked our friend to burn this bouquet. A reminder of all we've lost. A farewell to who we were.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50951 I began the Garland Ring with a hope to change the Dominion for the better. I believe we did, though it tested us greatly.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50952 The Garland Ring is no more. But perhaps something new shall grow from the ashes. To a brighter future, for all of us, one and all.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik",
                [3] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52676 Gardener, I understand what you're doing. But I think my time with the Garland Ring has come to an end. It's been an honor.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52677 Tanlorin, the honor was all mine. Of course, you should do what you think is right for you. I wish you only the best.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52678 Do not forget us, Tanlorin. Though I suppose that is highly unlikely. I am quite memorable. Do come visit when you can.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120266 Hiacynt",
                    [4] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52679 Oh I will. I'll still drag you out to get drinks every now and then, Hyacinth. Thank you. Both of you.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
            ["267200725-0-387 Marbruk"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-18376 Podobno ktoś przepędził leśnych orków z dala od Ciernistego Wyłomu.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-45396 Giralon",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-18377 Ten Khajiit również o tym słyszał. Mówią, że uciekli jak tchórze.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-48452 Kunerr-jo",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-18378 Wszyscy, oprócz ich herszta. On został i walczył.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-45396 Giralon",
                    [4] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-18379 To dobrze dla Ciernistego Wyłomu, ale ten Khajiit zastanawia się, ile jeszcze mogą się izolować. Leśni orkowie to nie jedyne zagrożenie w Puszczy Valen.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-48452 Kunerr-jo",
                [2] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52640 Thank you for banking with the Foundation of Trust. Have a good day.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-123202 Lahathril",
                [3] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52250 That's a journal! Let me take a look.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
            ["267200725-0-2683 Królewski pałac w Alinorze"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50912 Wisteria! It's over. Give this up. Please.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52417 Never. It's you and me, Tanlorin. To the very end.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-121716 Wisteria",
                [2] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52418 Agents to me! The Proxy Queen must die!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-121716 Wisteria",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52419 Agents, attack! The Dominion must be perfect. Perfect!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-121716 Wisteria",
                [3] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52420 I can never stop. Tanlorin!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-121716 Wisteria",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52672 It's over. She's dead.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52992 We appreciate your aid, but will someone please tell us what in Oblivion is going on?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-121389 Alwinarwe Królowa-Pośredniczka",
                [4] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50917 What a terrible occurrence. How shall we explain this to the court?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-121389 Alwinarwe Królowa-Pośredniczka",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50918 Your majesty. Hello. I'm an admirer. Sorry about the mess.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50920 I see I'm just in time. Bogcup, well done. Hello, my dear niece. Don't I always say that your uncle has your best interests at heart?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik",
                    [4] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50921 Uncle? We should have known you had a hand in this.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-121389 Alwinarwe Królowa-Pośredniczka",
                    [5] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50922 I'll answer all your questions, I promise. But first I must tend to my associates.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik",
                    [6] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50923 We shall allow it. But we insist you return as soon as possible.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-121389 Alwinarwe Królowa-Pośredniczka",
                    [7] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50924 Of course. Bogcup, would you and your friend care to accompany me back to the greenhouse?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik",
                    [8] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50949 You don't have to tell me twice. Let's go.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
            ["267200725-0-300 Zielona Polana"] = 
                [1] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50711 That's all of them. Let's look around.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                [2] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50726 Plans for Alinor? That doesn't sound good.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                [3] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52274 That bottle looks familiar.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52110 Shimmerene Rose. Wisteria's favorite. Wait, I can feel her.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                [4] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52648 It's like with the boat and the disk. It's like she's right here. If I just ….",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52275 I must return to Alinor soon. I had hoped Tan would have come to their senses and joined me ….",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-122734 Wisteria",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52276 Auri-El! How did I do that? You saw that, too, right?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                [5] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-50828 Hang on, I sense something. Let's check out that pavilion.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                [6] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52662 Another bottle of Shimmerene Rose. Wisteria was here.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                [7] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52257 All right, Tan. You can do this. Focus. Think of Wisteria. Reach out.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52255 This is it. Our forces are gathering at Dusk Keep. It's all moving so quickly.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-122734 Wisteria",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52256 Breathe, woman. You are in control. No one can stop you. Not even Tan and that thorn.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-122734 Wisteria",
                    [4] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52258 I did it again! That was incredible!",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                [8] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52659 That's Wisteria's handwriting. Hang on to that.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                [9] = 
                    [1] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52280 All right, reach out. Let's see what Wisteria was up to.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
                    [2] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52260 This is it. There's no going back. Once we make our move, we succeed or die trying.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-122734 Wisteria",
                    [3] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52261 I promised the world for you, Tanlorin. That starts today with the head of the Proxy Queen.",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-122734 Wisteria",
                    [4] = 
                        ["text"] = "115740052-0-52267 Auri-El! Did she just say they're going to kill the Proxy Queen of Alinor?",
                        ["name"] = "8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin",
    ["npc"] = 
        ["267200725-0-27 Tamriel"] = 
            ["267200725-0-2581 Twierdza Zmierzchu"] = 
                ["8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["Menu towarzysza"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-10-16356 I feel like I got hit by a speeding carriage. But it worked. This must be Dusk Keep. I can sense Wisteria, somewhere nearby. Too bad there wasn't enough energy to bring Hyacinth and the Garderner with us.\n\nAre you ready to cut down some Ceythalmor?",
                        [2] = "149328292-2-19271 I'm here for whatever you need.",
                        [3] = "149328292-0-19271 Hey! I'm all ears.",
                        [4] = "55049764-9-16356 She's really going to make me do this.\n\nMaybe we can follow them using their own ritual. Let's see what we can do.",
                        [5] = "55049764-8-16356 I know what needs to be done. I just don't know if I'll have the strength.\n\nThank you for being here. Let's put an end to this. Once and for all.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-10-16356 I feel like I got hit by a speeding carriage. But it worked. This must be Dusk Keep. I can sense Wisteria, somewhere nearby. Too bad there wasn't enough energy to bring Hyacinth and the Garderner with us.\n\nAre you ready to cut down some Ceythalmor?"] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["149328292-0-19271 Hey! I'm all ears."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["149328292-2-19271 I'm here for whatever you need."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["55049764-9-16356 She's really going to make me do this.\n\nMaybe we can follow them using their own ritual. Let's see what we can do."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["55049764-8-16356 I know what needs to be done. I just don't know if I'll have the strength.\n\nThank you for being here. Let's put an end to this. Once and for all."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
            ["267200725-0-2578 Szklarnia Hiacynta"] = 
                ["8290981-0-120266 Hiacynt"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-5-16117 I have rarely seen Bogcup so animated. Outside of a tavern, anyway. The Gardener and I have had no luck in tracking Wisteria. She went to great lengths to hide her movements. \n\nSpeak with the Gardener. I am eager to hear what has Bogcup so excited.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-5-16117 I have rarely seen Bogcup so animated. Outside of a tavern, anyway. The Gardener and I have had no luck in tracking Wisteria. She went to great lengths to hide her movements. \n\nSpeak with the Gardener. I am eager to hear what has Bogcup so excited."] = 
                ["8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-80586 We'll stop Wisteria. Just listen to Tanlorin."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-80583 We did. Wisteria plans to kill the Proxy Queen."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-80583 What? Impossible. A strike like that would require years of preparation. Protective wards would need to be dispelled …. \n\nBut it does explain some of the actions they've taken. Some irregularities. Gods. We have to warn Alwin … the Proxy Queen."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-80583 Tanlorin has a plan. We need your help."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-80586 I trust Bogcup. And you've proven yourself quite effective. Whatever you intend to do, I'll support it. \n\nWisteria is cunning, and as patient as anyone I've ever met. She would not take this risk if she didn't think it would succeed."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-6-16175 How were you able to find Wisteria? We've exhausted every method at our disposal in our search for her and came up fruitless.\n\nAnd did you discover the truth about her plans?",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-80586 I trust Bogcup. And you've proven yourself quite effective. Whatever you intend to do, I'll support it. \n\nWisteria is cunning, and as patient as anyone I've ever met. She would not take this risk if she didn't think it would succeed."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-80586 We'll stop Wisteria. Just listen to Tanlorin."] = "",
                        ["55049764-6-16175 How were you able to find Wisteria? We've exhausted every method at our disposal in our search for her and came up fruitless.\n\nAnd did you discover the truth about her plans?"] = 
                            ["228103012-0-80583 We did. Wisteria plans to kill the Proxy Queen."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-80583 What? Impossible. A strike like that would require years of preparation. Protective wards would need to be dispelled …. \n\nBut it does explain some of the actions they've taken. Some irregularities. Gods. We have to warn Alwin … the Proxy Queen."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-80583 Tanlorin has a plan. We need your help."] = "",
                ["8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["Menu towarzysza"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-12-16356 I have no idea how taxing this will be. But given that I've never done anything like this before, I'm guessing it won't be easy. I'm going to focus, gather my strength. \n\nYou talk to the Gardener while I get ready.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-12-16356 I have no idea how taxing this will be. But given that I've never done anything like this before, I'm guessing it won't be easy. I'm going to focus, gather my strength. \n\nYou talk to the Gardener while I get ready."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
            ["267200725-0-2574 Szklarnia Ogrodnika"] = 
                ["8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-83505 What's next?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83506 I'm going to work on my brooding. Maybe flirt around. Most of all, I want to keep adventuring with you. See the rest of what Tamriel has to offer. \n\nCheck out all those Daedric realms. Maybe even an Aedric one, if you're up to it. Just say the word."] = "",
                        ["Menu towarzysza"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-80673 No thank you to what?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-80673 The Garland Ring saved my life. The Gardener, Hyacinth. Wisteria. They accepted me when no one else would.\n\nBut if the group is changing, I think it's time I change, too. Bogcup needed the Garland Ring. Tanlorin doesn't."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-83505 Will you miss being part of the Garland Ring?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83505 Maybe. Probably. I've made incredible memories with the Ring. And drowned away an equal number of sorrows drinking with them. \n\nTraitorous lovers and assassinations aside, I think we did some good."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-80675 Well all right then."] = 
                            ["116521668-0-16704 Wisteria did everything she could to defeat us. She killed agents, tortured friends. She broke my heart. But thanks to you, I had the strength to face her. To stop the Ceythalmor plot.\n\nAs long as we're together, I'm ready for whatever comes next."] = "",
                        ["232026500-0-16704 All right then."] = 
                            ["116521668-0-16704 Wisteria did everything she could to defeat us. She killed agents, tortured friends. She broke my heart. But thanks to you, I had the strength to face her. To stop the Ceythalmor plot.\n\nAs long as we're together, I'm ready for whatever comes next."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-80673 What will you do now?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-80675 Well, that's the thing? I have this friend. And they're quite the adventurer. \n\nThere are Daedric realms we haven't seen. Dungeons to pilfer. There's so much of the world left to explore. Whole continents, even. And I'd love to see them. With you."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-3-16356 Everyone else got such nice code names. Hyacinth, Oleander, Snapdragon? Come on, Bogcup? It never felt like me. \n\nBut, I guess, I am kind of a flower that blossoms in harsh environments. Heh. What a strange old man.",
                        [2] = "55049764-2-16356 Oleander. Snapdragon. Gladiolus. Even you, Wisteria. I'll never forget you. Any of you.",
                        [3] = "55049764-1-16356 I heard. The Ring becomes a part of the Proxy Queen's court, huh?\n\nThe Proxy Queen is no Ceythalmor, but royalty have their own particular ideas of what constitutes justice. I think … I think I say, no thank you.",
                        [4] = "55049764-0-16356 I was so lost after being oustered. The Garland Ring saved my life. And I'll be forever grateful.\n\nBut now, friend, it's time to travel. There's so much of the world still to see! And I want to see it with you!",
                        [5] = "55049764-0-16357 Look at us. Just two part-time do-gooders. Hunting spies, saving queens. We could make a decent living of this.\n\nHey, I know I've called you a friend from the moment we met. But I mean it. You might even be my best friend. Just don't tell Hyacinth.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-3-16356 Everyone else got such nice code names. Hyacinth, Oleander, Snapdragon? Come on, Bogcup? It never felt like me. \n\nBut, I guess, I am kind of a flower that blossoms in harsh environments. Heh. What a strange old man."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["55049764-1-16356 I heard. The Ring becomes a part of the Proxy Queen's court, huh?\n\nThe Proxy Queen is no Ceythalmor, but royalty have their own particular ideas of what constitutes justice. I think … I think I say, no thank you."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-80673 No thank you to what?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-80675 Well, that's the thing? I have this friend. And they're quite the adventurer. \n\nThere are Daedric realms we haven't seen. Dungeons to pilfer. There's so much of the world left to explore. Whole continents, even. And I'd love to see them. With you."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-80675 Well all right then."] = "",
                        ["55049764-2-16356 Oleander. Snapdragon. Gladiolus. Even you, Wisteria. I'll never forget you. Any of you."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-16356 I was so lost after being oustered. The Garland Ring saved my life. And I'll be forever grateful.\n\nBut now, friend, it's time to travel. There's so much of the world still to see! And I want to see it with you!"] = 
                            ["232026500-0-16704 All right then."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83506 I'm going to work on my brooding. Maybe flirt around. Most of all, I want to keep adventuring with you. See the rest of what Tamriel has to offer. \n\nCheck out all those Daedric realms. Maybe even an Aedric one, if you're up to it. Just say the word."] = 
                        ["55049764-0-16357 Look at us. Just two part-time do-gooders. Hunting spies, saving queens. We could make a decent living of this.\n\nHey, I know I've called you a friend from the moment we met. But I mean it. You might even be my best friend. Just don't tell Hyacinth."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-83505 Will you miss being part of the Garland Ring?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83505 Maybe. Probably. I've made incredible memories with the Ring. And drowned away an equal number of sorrows drinking with them. \n\nTraitorous lovers and assassinations aside, I think we did some good."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83505 What's next?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-80673 The Garland Ring saved my life. The Gardener, Hyacinth. Wisteria. They accepted me when no one else would.\n\nBut if the group is changing, I think it's time I change, too. Bogcup needed the Garland Ring. Tanlorin doesn't."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-80673 What will you do now?"] = "",
                ["8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-80661 I suppose. What will you do now?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-80661 It is time for the Garland Ring to take a new form. Just as flowers grow back, vibrant and strong, from the ashes of a fire, we shall rise again, strengthened by the challenges that faced us. \n\nThough it may change the very heart of what we were."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-83735 That's a big change."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-80670 A change we should mark with some ceremony. We each have something to mourn. The end of the Garland Ring as we know it. The loss of dear friends. Lost love.\n\nI prepared a bouquet, to say goodbye to them all. Grab it and bring it to the brazier."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-80670 All right."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-83501 You think they'll strike again?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83502 If not the Ceythalmor, then another banner will rise some day. The people of Summerset struggle with an idea, you understand. The corrupting belief that High Elves are destined to rule.\n\nFighting that idea is the singular challenge of my people."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-83501 What will you do next?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83501 I promised my niece I'd return to Alinor, to debrief her and the court. Make no mistake. Elements of the Ceythalmor still threaten the heart and soul of the Dominion. \n\nI'm under no illusion that we defeated them completely. More's the pity."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-80661 What do you mean?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83735 We lost so much to the Ceythalmor. Only a handful of us remain. When I return to Alinor, I shall propose to my niece that we fold the Ring into the Proxy Queen's court. \n\nWe will continue the fight for the Dominion's soul from within."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-3-16175 Without you and Tanlorin, my niece would be dead right now. I, ahem. I hope you believe me when I say how much your efforts mean to me. Thank you.\n\nAs for my relationship with the Proxy Queen, well. I hope I can rely on your discretion.",
                        [2] = "55049764-2-16175 Please, the flowers. It's time we bring an end to this chapter of the Garland Ring.",
                        [3] = "55049764-1-16175 Bog … erm. Tanlorin is a rare and exceptional individual. And, from what I've seen, you both have that in common. \n\nI can't imagine the toll this has taken on them. But I take solace in knowing they have you by their side. Thank you.",
                        [4] = "55049764-0-16175 The Garland Ring is no more, but it will live on in spirit. I spent years developing connections and resources. Far too much work to give up after one assassination plot.\n\nThe Ring will change, like the seasons. A cycle of renewal.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-2-16175 Please, the flowers. It's time we bring an end to this chapter of the Garland Ring."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-83735 We lost so much to the Ceythalmor. Only a handful of us remain. When I return to Alinor, I shall propose to my niece that we fold the Ring into the Proxy Queen's court. \n\nWe will continue the fight for the Dominion's soul from within."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83735 That's a big change."] = "",
                        ["55049764-3-16175 Without you and Tanlorin, my niece would be dead right now. I, ahem. I hope you believe me when I say how much your efforts mean to me. Thank you.\n\nAs for my relationship with the Proxy Queen, well. I hope I can rely on your discretion."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-80661 I suppose. What will you do now?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83502 If not the Ceythalmor, then another banner will rise some day. The people of Summerset struggle with an idea, you understand. The corrupting belief that High Elves are destined to rule.\n\nFighting that idea is the singular challenge of my people."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-80661 It is time for the Garland Ring to take a new form. Just as flowers grow back, vibrant and strong, from the ashes of a fire, we shall rise again, strengthened by the challenges that faced us. \n\nThough it may change the very heart of what we were."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-80661 What do you mean?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-1-16175 Bog … erm. Tanlorin is a rare and exceptional individual. And, from what I've seen, you both have that in common. \n\nI can't imagine the toll this has taken on them. But I take solace in knowing they have you by their side. Thank you."] = 
                        ["55049764-0-16175 The Garland Ring is no more, but it will live on in spirit. I spent years developing connections and resources. Far too much work to give up after one assassination plot.\n\nThe Ring will change, like the seasons. A cycle of renewal."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-83501 What will you do next?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-80670 A change we should mark with some ceremony. We each have something to mourn. The end of the Garland Ring as we know it. The loss of dear friends. Lost love.\n\nI prepared a bouquet, to say goodbye to them all. Grab it and bring it to the brazier."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-80670 All right."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83501 I promised my niece I'd return to Alinor, to debrief her and the court. Make no mistake. Elements of the Ceythalmor still threaten the heart and soul of the Dominion. \n\nI'm under no illusion that we defeated them completely. More's the pity."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83501 You think they'll strike again?"] = "",
                ["8290981-0-120266 Hiacynt"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-83503 What will you do next?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83503 It appears I have some spare time. No doubt the Gardener will call me back to my workshop soon enough. But not today.\n\nPerhaps I will do some traveling. You and Tanlorin seem to enjoy that lifestyle. Perhaps it would suit me, as well."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-83503 Where would you go?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83504 It has been some time since I did a thorough scavenging run into a Dwemer construct. Or perhaps I will once again try to find the entrance to the fabled Clockwork City. \n\nI have learned so much from the scraps. Imagine what I could learn firsthand."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-3-16117 To say I am impressed would be an understatement. Since the beginning, you have proven yourself time and time again.\n\nEnough pleasantries. The Gardener would like a word.",
                        [2] = "55049764-2-16117 Interesting fact. These flowers bloom across the Dominion. From Summerset to the deserts of Elsweyr. In a way, they represent the great beauty this part of the world shares in common. United.\n\nAh, well. Into the fire with them.",
                        [3] = "55049764-1-16117 Your time with us was brief, but impactful. For whatever it is worth, I think fondly of our time together. Well done.\n\nIf Tanlorin continues to travel at your side, I wish you the best. Just. Please ensure they stay well. They are … unique.",
                        [4] = "55049764-0-16117 I briefly imagined you would join our ranks. I even started a design on your armor. Alas, it was not meant to be. Perhaps our paths will cross again.\n\nUntil then, enjoy your adventures with Tanlorin. The Gardener and I will see to the rest.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-83503 It appears I have some spare time. No doubt the Gardener will call me back to my workshop soon enough. But not today.\n\nPerhaps I will do some traveling. You and Tanlorin seem to enjoy that lifestyle. Perhaps it would suit me, as well."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83503 Where would you go?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-16117 I briefly imagined you would join our ranks. I even started a design on your armor. Alas, it was not meant to be. Perhaps our paths will cross again.\n\nUntil then, enjoy your adventures with Tanlorin. The Gardener and I will see to the rest."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-83503 What will you do next?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-2-16117 Interesting fact. These flowers bloom across the Dominion. From Summerset to the deserts of Elsweyr. In a way, they represent the great beauty this part of the world shares in common. United.\n\nAh, well. Into the fire with them."] = 
                        ["55049764-3-16117 To say I am impressed would be an understatement. Since the beginning, you have proven yourself time and time again.\n\nEnough pleasantries. The Gardener would like a word."] = 
                        ["55049764-1-16117 Your time with us was brief, but impactful. For whatever it is worth, I think fondly of our time together. Well done.\n\nIf Tanlorin continues to travel at your side, I wish you the best. Just. Please ensure they stay well. They are … unique."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-83504 It has been some time since I did a thorough scavenging run into a Dwemer construct. Or perhaps I will once again try to find the entrance to the fabled Clockwork City. \n\nI have learned so much from the scraps. Imagine what I could learn firsthand."] = 
            ["267200725-0-387 Marbruk"] = 
                ["8290981-0-123202 Lahathril"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-83206 That's us. Where's the vault?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83208 Here is the key. The vault is on the table behind me. She only purchased a small one. The contents now belong to you and your friend.\n\nIf Tanlorin wishes to retain the vault afterward, they'll need to sign a new contract. At a reasonable rate."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-83208 Thank you."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-83206 That's right. My friend received your letter."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83206 Excellent. Lady Lirinisse was very specific. I have the document right here. A vault to be held in trust. To be accessed only in the event of her demise. Very pragmatic.\n\nIn this case, to be made available to one Tanlorin of Rellenthil. And friend."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-2-16484 Let me guess. You and your sweaty, tattooed friend are here regarding a locked coffer in our care?\n\nIt's not often our clients include detailed descriptions of their beneficiaries. And I must admit, she was spot on.",
                        [2] = "55049764-1-16484 So much intrigue over a small coffer. Lady Lirinisse spent a small fortune to ensure there was no record. And of course, there's the matter of her death, so soon after this account was established. \n\nVery curious.",
                        [3] = "55049764-0-16484 If our business is concluded, I would appreciate you moving along. There's a certain … musk you adventurer types exude.\n\nI'd prefer it not sink into the woodwork.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-83206 Excellent. Lady Lirinisse was very specific. I have the document right here. A vault to be held in trust. To be accessed only in the event of her demise. Very pragmatic.\n\nIn this case, to be made available to one Tanlorin of Rellenthil. And friend."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83206 That's us. Where's the vault?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-2-16484 Let me guess. You and your sweaty, tattooed friend are here regarding a locked coffer in our care?\n\nIt's not often our clients include detailed descriptions of their beneficiaries. And I must admit, she was spot on."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-83206 That's right. My friend received your letter."] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-16484 If our business is concluded, I would appreciate you moving along. There's a certain … musk you adventurer types exude.\n\nI'd prefer it not sink into the woodwork."] = 
                        ["200879108-0-83208 Here is the key. The vault is on the table behind me. She only purchased a small one. The contents now belong to you and your friend.\n\nIf Tanlorin wishes to retain the vault afterward, they'll need to sign a new contract. At a reasonable rate."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83208 Thank you."] = "",
                        ["55049764-1-16484 So much intrigue over a small coffer. Lady Lirinisse spent a small fortune to ensure there was no record. And of course, there's the matter of her death, so soon after this account was established. \n\nVery curious."] = 
                ["8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-83306 What if we need help?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83307 When have we ever needed assistance? We've been fine on our own, right? If anyone's going to stop Wisteria, it's going to be us. It has to be us. Hyacinth will just try to talk me out of it. Take things slow. Play it safe.\n\nNot today. Today we act."] = "",
                        ["Menu towarzysza"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-82561 The journal has a section about Wisteria."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-82561 Yeah. Snap has her all over Greenshade. Along the coast, near the ruins of Labyrinth, and somewhere called Echo Pond. What were you up to, Wisteria?\n\nHow do you feel about taking another little trip, friend?"] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-83209 All right. Where do you want to start?"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-83306 Should we contact Hyacinth and the Gardener and tell them what we found?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83306 You want us to waste time getting approval? No. I don't think so. I'm tired of waiting to be told what to do and when to do it.\n\nWe can handle this without them."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-82561 What do you have in mind?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83209 Snapdragon didn't have a chance to follow up. These could be mustering outposts, with all kinds of notes about what the Ceythalmor are really up to.\n\nBest case, we figure out Wisteria's plan. Worst case, we cause the Ceythalmor some trouble."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-80277 Let's talk about a few things before we head out."] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-25-16356 I'm trying not to get my hopes up. But Snapdragon is—was—meticulous. If anyone could have uncovered Wisteria's plan, it's her.\n\nLet's head to Marbruk. We need to ask for a clerk named Lahathril. Hopefully, this will get us back on track.",
                        [2] = "55049764-24-16356 That's Lahathril, the clerk that wrote to me. I'll keep an eye out for any Ceythalmor on the off chance this is a trap.\n\nHeh. If things go sideways, grab as much gold as you can and run.",
                        [3] = "55049764-23-16356 Let's find out what Snapdragon left us. Fingers crossed this gets us closer to figuring out Wisteria's plan.\n\nOr I guess, failing that, we're eating and drinking very well tonight.",
                        [4] = "55049764-22-16356 This is it, friend. I can hardly believe it! These are the notes the Ceythalmor burned back at Firsthold. Snap made a copy!\n\nLook at this, a suspect list and all of our recent movements. I'm impressed, a little scared, and kind of hot and bothered.",
                        [5] = "55049764-21-16356 Let's work down the list, starting with the area southwest of Seaside Sanctuary. I marked your map. Greenshade's coast is all coves and inlets. Plenty of spaces to hide. \n\nNow let's go. This authoritarian plot isn't going to unravel itself.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-82561 Yeah. Snap has her all over Greenshade. Along the coast, near the ruins of Labyrinth, and somewhere called Echo Pond. What were you up to, Wisteria?\n\nHow do you feel about taking another little trip, friend?"] = 
                            ["204987124-0-82561 What do you have in mind?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-22-16356 This is it, friend. I can hardly believe it! These are the notes the Ceythalmor burned back at Firsthold. Snap made a copy!\n\nLook at this, a suspect list and all of our recent movements. I'm impressed, a little scared, and kind of hot and bothered."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82561 The journal has a section about Wisteria."] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["55049764-24-16356 That's Lahathril, the clerk that wrote to me. I'll keep an eye out for any Ceythalmor on the off chance this is a trap.\n\nHeh. If things go sideways, grab as much gold as you can and run."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83306 You want us to waste time getting approval? No. I don't think so. I'm tired of waiting to be told what to do and when to do it.\n\nWe can handle this without them."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83306 What if we need help?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83307 When have we ever needed assistance? We've been fine on our own, right? If anyone's going to stop Wisteria, it's going to be us. It has to be us. Hyacinth will just try to talk me out of it. Take things slow. Play it safe.\n\nNot today. Today we act."] = 
                        ["55049764-25-16356 I'm trying not to get my hopes up. But Snapdragon is—was—meticulous. If anyone could have uncovered Wisteria's plan, it's her.\n\nLet's head to Marbruk. We need to ask for a clerk named Lahathril. Hopefully, this will get us back on track."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-80277 Let's talk about a few things before we head out."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83209 Snapdragon didn't have a chance to follow up. These could be mustering outposts, with all kinds of notes about what the Ceythalmor are really up to.\n\nBest case, we figure out Wisteria's plan. Worst case, we cause the Ceythalmor some trouble."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83209 All right. Where do you want to start?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-21-16356 Let's work down the list, starting with the area southwest of Seaside Sanctuary. I marked your map. Greenshade's coast is all coves and inlets. Plenty of spaces to hide. \n\nNow let's go. This authoritarian plot isn't going to unravel itself."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-83306 Should we contact Hyacinth and the Gardener and tell them what we found?"] = "",
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["55049764-23-16356 Let's find out what Snapdragon left us. Fingers crossed this gets us closer to figuring out Wisteria's plan.\n\nOr I guess, failing that, we're eating and drinking very well tonight."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
            ["267200725-0-2683 Królewski pałac w Alinorze"] = 
                ["8290981-0-121389 Alwinarwe Królowa-Pośredniczka"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-80639 The Garland Ring tries to do what's best for the people of Summerset."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-80641 A lovely sentiment. And one that we share. We will have to make a formal inquiry. Most likely alert our cousin, Queen Ayrenn. But it is not every day an attempt is made on our life. Even rarer that we are so … unsettled.\n\nThank you. Both of you."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-80641 You're welcome, your majesty."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-80639 We're with the Garland Ring. Your attackers call themselves the Ceythalmor."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-80639 The Garland Ring? How curious. And we have heard of this Ceythalmor organization before. It is clear we underestimated the threat they posed.\n\nIt seems we owe our lives to you, adventurer. To you and this Garland Ring."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-0-16240 We suspected our uncle had a role to play in all this. Very clever, that one. This Garland Ring is a solution we never would have conjured, even in our wildest imaginings.\n\nHmm. One supposes there may be further use for such a group.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-80639 The Garland Ring? How curious. And we have heard of this Ceythalmor organization before. It is clear we underestimated the threat they posed.\n\nIt seems we owe our lives to you, adventurer. To you and this Garland Ring."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-80639 The Garland Ring tries to do what's best for the people of Summerset."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-80641 A lovely sentiment. And one that we share. We will have to make a formal inquiry. Most likely alert our cousin, Queen Ayrenn. But it is not every day an attempt is made on our life. Even rarer that we are so … unsettled.\n\nThank you. Both of you."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-80641 You're welcome, your majesty."] = "",
                        ["55049764-0-16240 We suspected our uncle had a role to play in all this. Very clever, that one. This Garland Ring is a solution we never would have conjured, even in our wildest imaginings.\n\nHmm. One supposes there may be further use for such a group."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-80639 We're with the Garland Ring. Your attackers call themselves the Ceythalmor."] = "",
                ["8290981-0-120791 Ogrodnik"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-4-16175 Best not to overstay our welcome. Run along now before my niece decides to make us clean up this mess.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-4-16175 Best not to overstay our welcome. Run along now before my niece decides to make us clean up this mess."] = 
                ["8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["Menu towarzysza"] = 
                        ["204987124-0-83254 I'm sorry, Tanlorin."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83257 I'm not going to waste time wondering what might have been. If this is how she wanted to change the world, we never had a future to begin with.\n\nFriend, hey, look. We won. The Proxy Queen is alive. Let's try to take joy in that."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-83257 You're right."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-83254 Are you all right?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83254 I can still feel her. The connection is fading, but still there. When we first arrived, she was like a storm beating against the inside of my skull. Anger. Frustration. Fear. Now, she's a breeze. A whisper in my ear.\n\nAnd now, she's gone."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-7-16356 Don't hold back. Not for me. We have to stop Wisteria.",
                        [2] = "55049764-6-16356 Wisteria is dead. Despite everything she did. All the pain she caused. It still hurts.\n\nOleander. Snapdragon. Gladiolus. Was it worth it? All those lives. I wish I could ask her.",
                        [3] = "55049764-4-16356 The Gardener is the Proxy Queen's uncle? That certainly clarifies some things. But it also raises even more questions!",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["55049764-6-16356 Wisteria is dead. Despite everything she did. All the pain she caused. It still hurts.\n\nOleander. Snapdragon. Gladiolus. Was it worth it? All those lives. I wish I could ask her."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-83254 Are you all right?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["55049764-7-16356 Don't hold back. Not for me. We have to stop Wisteria."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83257 I'm not going to waste time wondering what might have been. If this is how she wanted to change the world, we never had a future to begin with.\n\nFriend, hey, look. We won. The Proxy Queen is alive. Let's try to take joy in that."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83257 You're right."] = "",
                        ["55049764-4-16356 The Gardener is the Proxy Queen's uncle? That certainly clarifies some things. But it also raises even more questions!"] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83254 I can still feel her. The connection is fading, but still there. When we first arrived, she was like a storm beating against the inside of my skull. Anger. Frustration. Fear. Now, she's a breeze. A whisper in my ear.\n\nAnd now, she's gone."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83254 I'm sorry, Tanlorin."] = "",
            ["267200725-0-1773 Samotnia"] = 
                ["8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["Menu towarzysza"] = 
                        ["20958740-1-8877 All right. Let's head to Marbruk."] = 
                        ["20958740-0-8877 Any idea what's in the coffer?"] = 
                            ["3952276-1-8877 I'd guess it has something to do with all the research she did into the Ceythalmor, but there's only one way to be certain.\n\nI say we head to the Foundation of Trust bank in Marbruk and see what she locked in the coffer for me. Well, for us."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = 
                        ["249936564-0-8877 A letter from a ghost?"] = 
                            ["3952276-0-8877 The letter's from Snapdragon, by way of a banker in Marbruk. She left behind instructions that in the event of her death, I was to inherit a locked coffer.\n\nA coffer that the banker says she gave to the bank for safekeeping a week before her death."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-80277 Let's talk about a few things before we head out."] = 
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [2] = "55049764-25-16356 I'm trying not to get my hopes up. But Snapdragon is—was—meticulous. If anyone could have uncovered Wisteria's plan, it's her.\n\nLet's head to Marbruk. We need to ask for a clerk named Lahathril. Hopefully, this will get us back on track.",
                        [1] = "55049764-3-16357 Wisteria betrayed us and for what? A Ceythalmor plan we know nothing about? I've been struggling to think of something, anything that could help us end this threat. Give us a direction.\n\nSo, imagine my surprise when I got a letter from a ghost.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["3952276-0-8877 The letter's from Snapdragon, by way of a banker in Marbruk. She left behind instructions that in the event of her death, I was to inherit a locked coffer.\n\nA coffer that the banker says she gave to the bank for safekeeping a week before her death."] = 
                            ["20958740-0-8877 Any idea what's in the coffer?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-25-16356 I'm trying not to get my hopes up. But Snapdragon is—was—meticulous. If anyone could have uncovered Wisteria's plan, it's her.\n\nLet's head to Marbruk. We need to ask for a clerk named Lahathril. Hopefully, this will get us back on track."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-80277 Let's talk about a few things before we head out."] = "",
                        ["3952276-1-8877 I'd guess it has something to do with all the research she did into the Ceythalmor, but there's only one way to be certain.\n\nI say we head to the Foundation of Trust bank in Marbruk and see what she locked in the coffer for me. Well, for us."] = 
                            ["20958740-1-8877 All right. Let's head to Marbruk."] = "",
                        ["55049764-3-16357 Wisteria betrayed us and for what? A Ceythalmor plan we know nothing about? I've been struggling to think of something, anything that could help us end this threat. Give us a direction.\n\nSo, imagine my surprise when I got a letter from a ghost."] = 
                            ["249936564-0-8877 A letter from a ghost?"] = "",
            ["267200725-0-300 Zielona Polana"] = 
                ["8290981-0-120245 Tanlorin"] = 
                    ["topics"] = 
                        ["Menu towarzysza"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-83328 Can I ask you a few questions?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83328 All right, as long as we're quick. The Proxy Queen! I still can't believe Wisteria plans to kill her."] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-82701 Co myślisz o naszej przyjaźni?"] = 
                        ["228103012-0-82616 We still don't know where Dusk Keep is."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-82616 We don't know where it is, but we do know Wisteria will be there. Gods help me, I have an idea. I pulled on our connection to see memories of her past, right? \n\nWhat if I try to push on that connection and use it to open a portal straight to her?"] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-82613 Let's go."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-83497 Do you want a look at that journal entry I found near Echo Pond?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83494 Let me see … oh. Heh. I remember that night. I wanted to warm my hands by the fire, but I didn't want Wisteria to see me shaking. I really wanted her to like me. I was so nervous.\n\nShe's usually so perceptive, but she completely misread me."] = "",
                        ["204987124-3-82701 Powiedz mi coś o sobie."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-83328 Do you want a look at that journal entry I found near Echo Pond?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83494 Let me see … oh. Heh. I remember that night. I wanted to warm my hands by the fire, but I didn't want Wisteria to see me shaking. I really wanted her to like me. I was so nervous.\n\nShe's usually so perceptive, but she completely misread me."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-83330 She was honest by calling your dream childish?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83329 She was trying, in her own Wisteria way, to say that I had to fight for what I wanted. That I was oustered for not being strong enough. That I still needed to grow up.\n\nI spent every day after that trying to keep up with her. Until I met you."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-83702 Why do you think Wisteria brought this out of you?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83309 When I joined the Garland Ring, she accepted me, faults and all. Taught me how to use magic despite the dampening my tattoos projected. How to fight. Be confident. \n\nHow could I not fall in love? And now, that love might be just what we need."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-83495 You think their goal is to replace the Proxy Queen with one of their own?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83497 If the Ceythalmor truly want to change the world, an Aldmeri Dominion civil war would be a great place to start. \n\nThe Eyes of the Queen fighting Ceythalmor in the streets of Alinor. Cyrodiil forces under the eagle banner struck from behind?"] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-83329 I'm glad we talked about this."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-82645 Did you make it to the mission?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-82648 Not even a little. Hyacinth was so mad.\n\nFriend, I think she's scared. I mean, I clearly don't know everything about her. But if she's drinking this, she's worried. Worried that our—that her fight might cost her everything."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-82638 You've never done anything like that before?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-82638 Manifested a memory? No. Never. My deep magic, it's not something I really like to use. But that time? It felt natural. Like breathing.\n\nI focused on how badly I wanted to see Wisteria. And it's like I just pulled part of her right to me."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-83329 Why do you think the Ceythalmor are targeting the Proxy Queen?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83495 Queen Ayrenn leads the Dominion, of course. And personally, I think she's amazing. \n\nBut understand, for Summerset, the Proxy Queen is a far more public royal face. If she's killed, and the Ceythalmor have someone lined up to take her place …."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-82605 Was that like the memory from Hyacinth's disk?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-82605 Sort of. But this was all me. Me and my magic. I think it was Wisteria's memory. I reached out through the connection we share and manifested a moment that happened, right there in that tent. \n\nWait. Do you think I could do it again?"] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-82607 All right, to the Labyrinth."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-83701 You want to go to the other locations in Snapdragon's journal."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-82607 Exactly! Where were those other two places Snap wrote down? I think the next one was over near the Labyrinth? We head over, find another object connected to Wisteria. And this time I really focus.\n\nWho knows what we might see?"] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-83497 I'm glad we talked about this."] = 
                        ["204987124-0-82605 What are you thinking Tanlorin?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83701 Hah! Sorry. This is so exhilarating! Like the smell after it rains. Have I been able to do this all along? Not important right now. \n\nWhat if we go to other places she's been? I can manifest her image again. And maybe use this to learn their plan!"] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-82609 So how do we find it?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-82613 We have one more location to check. Echo Pond. I say we head there and see what other memories I can manifest. We might learn more about their big plan or the location of Dusk Keep. It's obviously the staging ground."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-83703 Right. Let's go find Hyacinth and the Gardener."] = 
                        ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = 
                            ["149328292-0-19281 Yes! I love talking to you!"] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-82638 Why do you think it happened?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83308 When I was younger, before my tattoos, my magic would flare up when things got too emotional. And not just me, people around me. Their anger, or fear, or joy. I could feel it, physically feel it.\n\nI used to hate it, but this was kind of beautiful."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-83308 Before your tattoos?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83702 Yeah. My parents brought in a Sapiarch to examine me. Said it was undisciplined soul magic. And when I couldn't hide the flares? Tattoos. \n\nAfter that, the flares were much easier to control. But that feeling of connection never quite went away."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-82616 You can do that?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-82618 That's a reasonable question. Won't know until I try! But first, let's go to the greenhouse. Hyacinth and the Gardener have connections to Wisteria, too. \n\nIf I can tangle us all together and really push, maybe I can get us directly into Dusk Keep."] = "",
                        ["204987124-1-83328 Why do you think the Ceythalmor are targeting the Proxy Queen?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83495 Queen Ayrenn leads the Dominion, of course. And personally, I think she's amazing. \n\nBut understand, for Summerset, the Proxy Queen is a far more public royal face. If she's killed, and the Ceythalmor have someone lined up to take her place …."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-82645 What's with all the bottles of Shimmerene Rose?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-82645 I think, I think I may be on her mind. I once found her drinking a bottle before a mission. She was embarrassed. Told me that it reminded her of home.\n\nI said it was a bad habit that would be a little less bad if we shared it."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-82618 Tell me more about the Proxy Queen."] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83703 Proxy Queen Alwinarwe? She stands in for Queen Ayrenn at the Summerset court in Alinor. It's an open secret the Queen hates politics, so she recruited her cousin to do her dirty work.\n\nSo, a person we absolutely cannot let get assassinated."] = "",
                        ["204987124-0-83494 What do you mean?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-83330 When I was oustered, my friends tried to be supportive. They said that I was strong. That I'd survive without my family. Find joy despite them.\n\nBut not Wisteria. She called my dream of changing the world childish. She was nothing if not honest."] = "",
                        ["228103012-0-82609 Do you know where Dusk Keep is located?"] = 
                            ["200879108-0-82609 Never heard of the place. We tried to find the Ceythalmor's primary base for ages. But you can't throw a rock in Summerset without hitting a ruin. Any one of them could be a secret lair."] = "",
                    ["greetings"] = 
                        [1] = "55049764-20-16356 Would you look at that. A Ceythalmor encampment. Let's see if we can turn up anything interesting.",
                        [2] = "55049764-19-16356 It's like Wisteria was right there. I just thought of her, focused on her, and there she was. \n\nI could feel the connection between us, stronger than it's ever been. All I had to do was reach out.",
                        [3] = "55049764-18-16356 I think Snapdragon's journal said the next site was near the Labyrinth, not in it. Friend, if we can find something else Wisteria left behind …. \n\nThis is amazing! Wait until I tell Hyacinth about this.",
                        [4] = "55049764-17-16356 Did you see that? I'm amazing!\n\nBut this is so strange. Seeing Wisteria like this. She's stressed, I can tell. She's mustering the Ceythalmor at this Dusk Keep. Whatever they're planning, it must be big and it must be soon.",
                        [5] = "55049764-16-16356 Echo Pond is north of Marbruk, just beyond Driladan Pass. Hopefully we can find something I can work with there. It's the last place Snapdragon lists in her journal. \n\nThe last place Wisteria went before … well. Yeah.",
                        [6] = "55049764-15-16356 This place feels so familiar. I'm not sure why. Like it's on the tip of my tongue. Maybe Wisteria mentioned it once?\n\nShe certainly had her secrets. I mean, we all did. But now I look back on our time together and wonder what else I missed.",
                        [7] = "55049764-14-16356 The Proxy Queen! Wisteria you … all right. Focus. To take on the Proxy Queen of Alinor, she'd need an army. That's why the Ceythalmor are gathering at Dusk Keep. \n\nThey're consolidating their forces for one final mission. We have to stop them!",
                        [8] = "55049764-13-16356 I know my idea is strange. But what I felt as I manifested those memories was so strong. Strong, like the bond we share. Like the bond I shared with Wisteria. \n\nWe can use that. I know it. Let's get to the greenhouse and I'll prove it.",
                    ["links"] = 
                        ["200879108-0-83328 All right, as long as we're quick. The Proxy Queen! I still can't believe Wisteria plans to kill her."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83328 Do you want a look at that journal entry I found near Echo Pond?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-83328 Why do you think the Ceythalmor are targeting the Proxy Queen?"] = "",
                        ["149328292-0-19281 Yes! I love talking to you!"] = 
                            ["204987124-3-82701 Powiedz mi coś o sobie."] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-82701 Co myślisz o naszej przyjaźni?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83495 Queen Ayrenn leads the Dominion, of course. And personally, I think she's amazing. \n\nBut understand, for Summerset, the Proxy Queen is a far more public royal face. If she's killed, and the Ceythalmor have someone lined up to take her place …."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83495 You think their goal is to replace the Proxy Queen with one of their own?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83330 When I was oustered, my friends tried to be supportive. They said that I was strong. That I'd survive without my family. Find joy despite them.\n\nBut not Wisteria. She called my dream of changing the world childish. She was nothing if not honest."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83330 She was honest by calling your dream childish?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-16-16356 Echo Pond is north of Marbruk, just beyond Driladan Pass. Hopefully we can find something I can work with there. It's the last place Snapdragon lists in her journal. \n\nThe last place Wisteria went before … well. Yeah."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-82645 What's with all the bottles of Shimmerene Rose?"] = "",
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83497 If the Ceythalmor truly want to change the world, an Aldmeri Dominion civil war would be a great place to start. \n\nThe Eyes of the Queen fighting Ceythalmor in the streets of Alinor. Cyrodiil forces under the eagle banner struck from behind?"] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83497 Do you want a look at that journal entry I found near Echo Pond?"] = "",
                            ["204987124-1-83497 I'm glad we talked about this."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83309 When I joined the Garland Ring, she accepted me, faults and all. Taught me how to use magic despite the dampening my tattoos projected. How to fight. Be confident. \n\nHow could I not fall in love? And now, that love might be just what we need."] = 
                        ["55049764-20-16356 Would you look at that. A Ceythalmor encampment. Let's see if we can turn up anything interesting."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["55049764-17-16356 Did you see that? I'm amazing!\n\nBut this is so strange. Seeing Wisteria like this. She's stressed, I can tell. She's mustering the Ceythalmor at this Dusk Keep. Whatever they're planning, it must be big and it must be soon."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-82609 Do you know where Dusk Keep is located?"] = "",
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-82613 We have one more location to check. Echo Pond. I say we head there and see what other memories I can manifest. We might learn more about their big plan or the location of Dusk Keep. It's obviously the staging ground."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-82613 Let's go."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83329 She was trying, in her own Wisteria way, to say that I had to fight for what I wanted. That I was oustered for not being strong enough. That I still needed to grow up.\n\nI spent every day after that trying to keep up with her. Until I met you."] = 
                            ["204987124-1-83329 I'm glad we talked about this."] = "",
                            ["204987124-0-83329 Why do you think the Ceythalmor are targeting the Proxy Queen?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-82645 I think, I think I may be on her mind. I once found her drinking a bottle before a mission. She was embarrassed. Told me that it reminded her of home.\n\nI said it was a bad habit that would be a little less bad if we shared it."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-82645 Did you make it to the mission?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-15-16356 This place feels so familiar. I'm not sure why. Like it's on the tip of my tongue. Maybe Wisteria mentioned it once?\n\nShe certainly had her secrets. I mean, we all did. But now I look back on our time together and wonder what else I missed."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-82618 That's a reasonable question. Won't know until I try! But first, let's go to the greenhouse. Hyacinth and the Gardener have connections to Wisteria, too. \n\nIf I can tangle us all together and really push, maybe I can get us directly into Dusk Keep."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-82618 Tell me more about the Proxy Queen."] = "",
                        ["55049764-13-16356 I know my idea is strange. But what I felt as I manifested those memories was so strong. Strong, like the bond we share. Like the bond I shared with Wisteria. \n\nWe can use that. I know it. Let's get to the greenhouse and I'll prove it."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-83328 Can I ask you a few questions?"] = "",
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83703 Proxy Queen Alwinarwe? She stands in for Queen Ayrenn at the Summerset court in Alinor. It's an open secret the Queen hates politics, so she recruited her cousin to do her dirty work.\n\nSo, a person we absolutely cannot let get assassinated."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83703 Right. Let's go find Hyacinth and the Gardener."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-82605 Sort of. But this was all me. Me and my magic. I think it was Wisteria's memory. I reached out through the connection we share and manifested a moment that happened, right there in that tent. \n\nWait. Do you think I could do it again?"] = 
                            ["204987124-0-82605 What are you thinking Tanlorin?"] = "",
                        ["55049764-14-16356 The Proxy Queen! Wisteria you … all right. Focus. To take on the Proxy Queen of Alinor, she'd need an army. That's why the Ceythalmor are gathering at Dusk Keep. \n\nThey're consolidating their forces for one final mission. We have to stop them!"] = 
                            ["228103012-0-82616 We still don't know where Dusk Keep is."] = "",
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["55049764-18-16356 I think Snapdragon's journal said the next site was near the Labyrinth, not in it. Friend, if we can find something else Wisteria left behind …. \n\nThis is amazing! Wait until I tell Hyacinth about this."] = 
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82638 You've never done anything like that before?"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-82607 Exactly! Where were those other two places Snap wrote down? I think the next one was over near the Labyrinth? We head over, find another object connected to Wisteria. And this time I really focus.\n\nWho knows what we might see?"] = 
                            ["204987124-0-82607 All right, to the Labyrinth."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83494 Let me see … oh. Heh. I remember that night. I wanted to warm my hands by the fire, but I didn't want Wisteria to see me shaking. I really wanted her to like me. I was so nervous.\n\nShe's usually so perceptive, but she completely misread me."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83494 What do you mean?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-82609 Never heard of the place. We tried to find the Ceythalmor's primary base for ages. But you can't throw a rock in Summerset without hitting a ruin. Any one of them could be a secret lair."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-82609 So how do we find it?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-82638 Manifested a memory? No. Never. My deep magic, it's not something I really like to use. But that time? It felt natural. Like breathing.\n\nI focused on how badly I wanted to see Wisteria. And it's like I just pulled part of her right to me."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-82638 Why do you think it happened?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-82648 Not even a little. Hyacinth was so mad.\n\nFriend, I think she's scared. I mean, I clearly don't know everything about her. But if she's drinking this, she's worried. Worried that our—that her fight might cost her everything."] = 
                        ["55049764-19-16356 It's like Wisteria was right there. I just thought of her, focused on her, and there she was. \n\nI could feel the connection between us, stronger than it's ever been. All I had to do was reach out."] = 
                            ["228103012-0-82605 Was that like the memory from Hyacinth's disk?"] = "",
                            ["Menu towarzysza"] = "",
                            ["228103012-0-82701 Porozmawiajmy o naszej współpracy."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-82616 We don't know where it is, but we do know Wisteria will be there. Gods help me, I have an idea. I pulled on our connection to see memories of her past, right? \n\nWhat if I try to push on that connection and use it to open a portal straight to her?"] = 
                            ["204987124-0-82616 You can do that?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83308 When I was younger, before my tattoos, my magic would flare up when things got too emotional. And not just me, people around me. Their anger, or fear, or joy. I could feel it, physically feel it.\n\nI used to hate it, but this was kind of beautiful."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83308 Before your tattoos?"] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83701 Hah! Sorry. This is so exhilarating! Like the smell after it rains. Have I been able to do this all along? Not important right now. \n\nWhat if we go to other places she's been? I can manifest her image again. And maybe use this to learn their plan!"] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83701 You want to go to the other locations in Snapdragon's journal."] = "",
                        ["200879108-0-83702 Yeah. My parents brought in a Sapiarch to examine me. Said it was undisciplined soul magic. And when I couldn't hide the flares? Tattoos. \n\nAfter that, the flares were much easier to control. But that feeling of connection never quite went away."] = 
                            ["204987124-0-83702 Why do you think Wisteria brought this out of you?"] = "",


2025-01-18 14:53

administrator   ~0001121

Dodano do weblate:
 0002856 Inne - Towarzysz - Zerith-var - The Dark Behind the World
 0002855 Inne - Towarzysz - Tanlorin - Of Crown and Flowers
 0002854 Inne - Towarzysz - Zerith-var - Paths Out Of Darkness
 0002853 Inne - Towarzysz - Zerith-var - Beyond a Veil of Twilight
 0002852 Inne - Towarzysz - Tanlorin - Uprooted
 0002851 Inne - Towarzysz - Tanlorin - Thorns and Blossoms
 0002850 Inne - Towarzysz - Zerith-var - A Moonlit Shadow
 0002849 Inne - Towarzysz - Tanlorin - The Garland Ring
 0002847 Main Quest - Soul Shriven in Coldharbour (Odświeżony)

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Date Modified Username Field Change
2024-11-25 15:53 general New Issue
2024-11-25 15:53 general File Added: Inne - Towarzysz - Tanlorin - Of Crown and Flowers.lua
2025-01-18 14:53 tomkolp Status new => confirmed
2025-01-18 14:53 tomkolp Note Added: 0001121